Display Driver Causing PC To Crash?

May 1, 2012

my pc's had a problem where all of a sudden in the middle of whatever you're doing (generally when you're on the internet I think??) the screen suddenly goes black or blue. Sometimes it recovers itself, sometimes it crashes and turns itself off completely. I've also noticed that sometimes it sort of 'hangs' and then comes up with a message saying something along the lines of 'Display driver not working' (I don't even know what a 'driver' is, much less a 'display driver').

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Radeon 6870 Unstable Bios Causing Display To Crash

Oct 8, 2012

I have a problem with my sapphire radeon graphics card. What it is iv been having problems with drivers with being not responding then recovered. So i did some research online and quite a few forums have said flash and update the gpu bios. (stuped mistake of my life) Anyway iv worked out iv put the wrong bios on and i was wondering if its possible to revert the flash, but one problem i didnt back up the bios before hand so im stuffed. I have found one online what apparently it will work but i dont know how to make a bin format file to boot with a usb stick.

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Display Driver Crash When Using Internet?

Sep 22, 2012

alright i got this computer less then a year ago and havent had vary meny probloms with it but now every time i get on google chrome and even internet explorer my screen makes a bunch of colors, i get a blue screen of death and it crashes. if it does let me on the internet i will go on a pag or 2 then my internet freezes up and i have to recover the web page and that doesnt even work half the time. so far it only does it when i am getting online. it hadnt crashed on any video games (yet).he 1st time it crashed it said that it was the display driver had failed known probloms:can't get on anything other then internet explorer (half the time) cant get on google chrome or firefox..internet freezes a lot and the page always crashes even on simple web pages.when crashing the screen if filled with colors then i get the blue screen of death.

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Dead Onboard NIC Causing Crash Of OS Install?

Aug 19, 2011

I re-purposed an old work computer into a media server and am trying to install W7 to it. It previously had XP on it and worked fine, except for the onboard NIC. Whenever I tried to use the NIC, the computer would shut down. Luckily I had an external USB wireless adapter which allowed me to bypass the onboard NIC.Now, when trying to install W7, it gets all the files copied/installed, then upon setting everything up, the computer shuts down. I'm guessing the reason for it is the NIC driver is attempting to install itself, but haven't seen it to be certain.Unfortunately, the board, an Intel DG965WH, is out of warranty and I can't afford a new board. I don't think I can disable the NIC in the bios, or with jumpers on the board (though don't quote me on that 2nd thought).Anyway, trying to install W7 again, and I'm going to try to browse to the Linksys adapter's driver if prompted. Maybe that will bypass the onboard NIC.

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Skype Causing Games To Crash And Forcing Reboot?

Aug 1, 2012

ever since upgrading my gpu from a hd4870 to an 6870 a year ago i've been plagued with problems of skype crashing my games and sometimes my entire pc. its gotten a bit better since i updated everything i possibly could but it's still a major annoyance that i can't seem to fix no matter how much i try to troubleshoot it on my own.skype runs fine all by itself, zero problems there. however, when you start up a game (any game, its has no prejudices towards any particular one) it will eventually crash, causing the game to crash along with it and force a reboot since the entire desktop will be bugged out with graphic glitches. anything open during the crash will also crash and burn, like web browsers, and they can't be opened again until the pc is rebooted.

so far i've had crashes on diablo iii, minecraft (bsod that actually ruined a world since i was running a hamachi server), left4dead 1 and 2, and most recently borderlands.i also used to get hard freezes when watching Internet videos, but that stopped occurring once i disabled all hardware acceleration in adobe flash. i've looked into the event log and saw a bunch of errors but its all along the line of "skype stopped working" and doesn't seem to really give any pertinent info as to why it crashed my system.also, this never happened with my older gpu but i'm reluctant to put it back in due to how much faster the 6870 is. i've gotten to the point where i'm tempted to buy a 7000 series card but am afraid it won't actually fix the problem.

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No Video Display After Random Crash

Nov 5, 2012

i cannot find any information on across the internet.things to know:

-i am using an acer aspire m3802 on a windows 7 os
-750gb storage space
-4gb ram
-i use an nvidia geforce gt 230 graphics card
-both disc drives are nearly full
-i have recently installed two video editing programmes (30 day trials)
-for about half a year my computer has had minor glitches when playing Internet videos or music

so i was on the surfing the internet and my monitor suddenly goes completely black. the fan was still going and the lights were still on, but i couldn't interract with the computer because i had no display whatsoever. about an hour beforehand i had been converting some hd video files, which was probably using up a lot of memory, and i had been skyping too. the computer had been running a lot more slowly over the past couple of days, but had shown no signs of being about to break. so i turned the computer off and then tried to reboot it. the acer logo appeared, but after that nothing else happened, not even the 'start windows normally' screen. the mouse still lit up and the computer seemed to be alive, but it downright refused to display anything at all. when i briefly tilted it, however, the display popped up for another millisecond. i tried rebooting this morning, at which point the 'acer' screen briefly flashed up. i managed to start it up in 'safe mode' and the core features of the computer appear to be working. however, when i tried to access the internet, the error '0x80131018' appeared. (this may be completely irrelevant but every piece of information helps!) so we can basically rule out that the monitor is playing up, which makes me wonder how far inside the computer the problem is hidden.

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BSOD Crash After Display Drivers Fail - BCCode 116

May 30, 2012

It first happened while I was playing Diablo III. The colors on the screen went crazy then Diablo froze and the screen started flashing which eventually lead to a crash and a blue screen. After the reboot windows started and automatically ran the cmd prompt with winSAT trying to diagnose something? It would go through the process and it seemed like it was just looping over and over with no solution. I closed the cmd prompt and it crashed shortly after, with the same errors.

Code: Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 116
BCP1: FFFFFA800A640010
BCP2: FFFFF8800F6649C8
BCP3: 0000000000000000
BCP4: 000000000000000D
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1

On the next reboot I then ran in safe mode and did a system restore hoping it would clear up. It did not. After the restore it did the same thing and eventually crashed again. Here I have both the dump files from the incidents (it only recorded two of them). I have googled and read up a lot on similar errors and it seems to be either a hardware issue or a driver problem. I am downloading drivers right now and will see what happens, but I am doubtful. Also when the blue screen came up, it said something about the "nvlddmkm.sys" file, but I don't recall what it said. It was too fast for me to catch it all.

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Determining Which Driver Is Causing BSOD?

Jan 31, 2011

How do I go about determining which driver is causing my BSOD?

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Realtek Driver Causing Network Instability

Jun 17, 2009

I was having great difficulty in getting a stable LAN connection, but this was due to the driver that was being installed by Windows update.

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ASUS D2/PM Driver Causing Itunes Problem

Oct 28, 2009

all the features work fine in itunes but as soon as I install my Asus D2 drivers itunes won't start unless it's in compatibility mode and then some of the features (like drag and drop) don't work, why would the drivers be causing problems with itunes?

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Wlan Driver Causing BSOD On Sleep/hibernate?

Nov 6, 2011

I am running Win 7 x64 at my notebook Acer 5820TG (i5 430M, ATI Mobility Radeon 5650, 4GB RAM, 640 GB HDD). On a different forum someone checked my crash dumps and figured out that my BSODs are being caused by my Broadcom wireless driver (BCM43225).Basically, I get a BSOD whenever I put the computer to sleep/hibernate. NTB is trying for around 10 minutes go to the sleep/hibernate mode but after this time BSOD appears.I have tried a few different versions of my broadcom driver. Regardless, I still get a BSOD error. I have been using Windows 7 for over a year, and this only started happening on my last update of my notebook (SP1, VGA drivers, ...).

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New NVIDIA Card Causing Freezes And Driver Crashes?

Jul 27, 2012

I recently purchased a new Graphic Card (Nvidia Geforce 670) and ever since I've experienced random freezes and moments where it's drivers stopped working.When the freeze happens It'll remain frozen until I reset the PC and if I've speakers on it'll blow out a nasty BZZZZZZ sound.the freezes appear to occur randomly. It can go days without them and sometimes (like now, I had less then an hour inbetween)In addition to that I quite frequently (daily at least) have my monitors go black and I get the "Nvidia Drivers stopped working" message. If I'm lucky it'll revert back to a previous stage where it worked fine and all I've to do is reboot the programs i'm running. If I'm unlucky, it doesn't stop until i've pushed the reset button.I don't know for sure that it's the new card causing it but considering the circumstances and the issues I'd say it is. Before this card I ran AMD's 6970 without any issues.

I'm running

CPU: Intel Core i7 2600k, Sandy Bridge.
12GB ram
Gigabyte Z68XP-UD3 MoBo
Nvidia Geforce GTX 670

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Razer Diamondback Mouse Driver Causing BSOD?

Jul 2, 2011

I own an older Razer Diamondback mouse back from my 2005 build. It has always behaved a little strangely in that it would sometimes not power on when the computer boots up, forcing me to replug it into its USB slot. This behavior persisted through my May 2010 build. Just the other day, however, I noticed that I got a BSOD after replugging the mouse. The culprit was razerlow.sys, a reference to a Razer Diamondback driver. And just this morning, it happened again. (I am including the full error below.)I have not updated my Diamondback driver before this BSOD occurred. Since the BSOD, I uninstalled the driver/software and installed the latest driver from May of this year, but this BSOD occurred again this morning after this update. The only other times I've experienced BSODs are with ATI drivers 10.5-10.11 (I've been on 10.4 until this year), so maybe my recent update to 11.6 has something to do with this? I have made no changes to my hardware, drivers (except ATI), etc. between the last replugging that did not cause a BSOD and the one that did.This error only happens when replugging the mouse when it doesn't boot up. If the mouse boots up and I replug it, the error does not occur. I also just switched USB slots and for whatever reason a Windows pop-up stated that the device is being installed, when it must have been installed the whole time.

Windows 7 64-bit
Asus P7P-55D-E LX
i5-750 @ 3.8 GHz
XFX Radeon 5870

Microsoft (R) Windows Debugger Version 6.12.0002.633 AMD64
Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Loading Dump File [C:WindowsMinidump�62811-29983-01.dmp]
Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available


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Missing Sound Card Software/driver Causing BSOD On Startup?

Jan 15, 2012

Earlier yesterday I was having an issue where sound was both playing through my laptop's speakers as well as the headphones I had plugged in. Not really knowing an exact way to fix this I went to the device and disabled it hoping that could temporarily solve my problem. Now, I am assuming because of this whenever I boot into Windows 7 I get to the "please wait" screen then instantly get a blue screen every time and I can only boot into safe mode. I found this thread (one or more audio service isnt running) through Google and found that this user had the same issues I was having (I am also getting the audio service error when I run the troubleshooterI believer my speakers are Realtek and when I run dxdiag I get the hardware ID of DAUDIOFUNC_01&VEN_10EC&DEV_0272&SUBSYS_1025028D&REV_1000 (I ran this dxdiag in the copy of the Windows 8 dev preview I have also installed to my hard drive)I do have the results from Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2 attached but when I ran perfmon /report I got: "An error occurred while attempting to generate the report.The system cannot find the path specified."My copy of Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit came pre-installed on my machine which I got either 2 or 3 years ago, don't remember exactly

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BSOD: Video Driver Crash

Sep 4, 2012

i was playing a game in google chrome and also had a Internet video open in another tab. suddenly my screen went black, windows aero effects were off for a few seconds, then they went back up. white bars started to appear randomly on the screen, an error popped up that the video driver had crashed. after a couple of seconds it looked like it was getting back but then the screen went black again and the bsod appeared.

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Could Old Intel Graphics Driver Cause IE9 To Crash

Jan 9, 2012

I've been having problems updating my Intel Graphics Media Accelerator driver, It is the version that prevents Win 7 SP1 from showing up in WU. I read a thread about this very issue from 2011, but the link provided to go to Intel to get the latest driver leads to nowhere. I cannot find a place to go to update the driver. I manually downloaded SP1 and installed it and it is working fine. My question is: do I still need to update the driver, and if so, where do I get it from? Neither HP nor Intel is any help here. And would this driver cause IE9 to crash? The computer came with IE8 on it, but I installed IE9 in Nov. 2011. Shortly after, I was getting a message like "Internet Explorer has stopped working". I uninstalled IE9 and went back to IE8, but I had the same problem there as well. IE8 worked fine until I upgraded to IE9. Then I uninstalled IE8 and changed to IE9, where I still have problems. I have contacted MS Support about this, and one option given was to reformat the hard drive, which I really don't want to do. They were concerned about the fact that SP1 was not offered and hinted that the computer would be more vulnerable to problems without it installed. My firewall and anti-virus have turned up nothing. I use Trend Micro Titanium Internet Security.

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ATI 9.8 Driver Crash On Resolution Change

Sep 4, 2009

I have 2 RTM copies of Windows 7 I'm testing both are 64bit and both normally have ATI cards installed (one is a 4650 the other a 4870). The problem is I get a BSOD doing the following: 1. Change resolution 2. Change Refresh rate 3. Change Primary/secondary monitors 4. Load a game that changes the resolution

The following do not: 1. Setting Over-scan 2. Setting 3d settings 3. Under clocking GPU [Anything else on the system including playing games that do not change the resolution]. I have about 20 hours into setting up this system and have already wasted an activation on it. I need a way to adjust the resolution without a BSOD occurring every time (note changes are lost). I'm looking for some kind of solution to this issue.

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NVidia Driver Crash And BSOD

Mar 3, 2010

Well this time it isn't a hardware problem. Like I said, I've been starting to get random, yes completely random, nvidia driver crashes. My screen will flash a few times and eventually just BSOD. Basically I've tried reinstalling drivers and rolling back drivers but the problem persists. I installed vista on a separate partition thinking there was some kind of weird conflict and whadya know, Vista, of all things!!, works perfectly.

That's how I know it's software. So my question to you guys is, is there anyway for me to fix this without reinstalling 7? I have a lot of data on there and it would be a major hassle for me.

Secondly, is there any way to reinstall 7 but to keep all of my settings and files? Like literally just replacing the OS files.

If there isn't I guess I just have to face the music and copy everything to the other partition and then copy it back ..

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Video Driver Crash On Windows 7

Jul 23, 2012

While the system is running (most of the times while playing, other times doing other thing like video-calls or even being idle on the desktop) the video drivers crash, creating distorsions and artifacts on the screen. Sometimes the pc manages to recover it, sometimes it crashes/bsod forcing me to reboot. Also, when i have to reboot i must shut down the pc and turn off the PSU because with a simple reboot the problem would start as soon as windows finishes its startup. After trying different versions of the video drivers, different hardware configurations and stress-testing the CPU and the RAM of the video card withount encountering any errors, i noticed that the problem affetcs only my video card/drivers under WIN7 (Ultimate 64bit). In fact, under XP i never encountered such errors. I don't know what other things i could do to understand and solve the problem.

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Windows 7 Explorer.exe Crash/restart/crash?

Jan 21, 2013

I read through a few threads with similar topics but the issues were either not quite the same and/or resolved comparatively easily. I am trying to repair a 1.5 year-old HP Pavilion running Windows 7 Home Premium 64. This machine is used as the main office computer in a small doctor's office. In spite of my warnings, anti-virus software was not installed until it was too lateThere was a major issue about seven months ago that required another company to repairThe problem is explorer.exe will not run. Double-clicking a shortcut on the desktop, clicking the text name of a program from the Start menu, and even in the cmd results in the same response, a dialog box pops up stating windows explorer has stopped working.

windows is checking for a solution to the problem. followed by another box stating windows explorer is restarting. But the requested application never starts. I have run the Ultimate Boot CD 4 Win, replaced the hard drive and cloned all data, run numerous registry scans, malware scans and antivirus scans. Initially removing over 1500 virus/malware hits and over 1400 registry errors. But the main problem persists, explorer.exe won't open programs.

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Broadcom Bluetooth Driver Installation Crash

Jan 5, 2012

I am trying to install the Broadcom Bluetooth stack via their software install program SetupBtwDownloadSE.exe. My BT dongle is a Rocketfish RF-mrbtad installed in a USB port. Operating system Win 7 64 bit SP1.The installation application crashes at the "verify bluetooth" stage of installation and the expanded error code is as follows:

Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
Application Name: BtwDownload.exe
Application Version:
Application Timestamp: 4a275189
Fault Module Name: BtwDownload.exe


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System Crash After Printer Driver Installation?

Mar 16, 2012

I installed the Brother Driver for my 8670 printer. I'm running Windows 7. My computer keeps restarting then giving me an error that Google Chrome crashed and all settings are lost. I now get a pertetual Windows Error Recovery screen?

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Display Driver Intel Graphics Accelerator Driver For Windows XP Stop?

Sep 22, 2012

I have an Acer Aspire 7741z-4433 with an Intel(R) Pentium(R) p6200 (2.13 GHz, 3MB 1.3 cache). This only happens to me while I am playing The Sims 3. I have the game set on the lowest quality settings, even though my laptop "claims" to be HD LED, etc. This issue still happens. As you may know I cannot replace the graphics card as it is apart of the motherboard, and to buy a new motherboard with a better graphics card would cost more than a new computer. I have been the my manufacture's website and tried installing an update of the graphics card, and that didn't do the trick either. I am at my wits end, and I just want to play the game without it shutting down and freezing my computer. The reason I know the error is because I do Alt + Tab to get back to the desktop. The way it acts up while I am in game is the screen blacks out but I can still see the software's mouse, and then it blinks a couple times and then freezes completely?

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Display Driver AMD Driver Stopped Responding And Has Successfully Recovered

Nov 11, 2012

I have a brand new Dell XPS8500 running Windows 7 Ultimate x64. When trying to play online games, I keep getting this message:Display driver AMD driver stopped responding and has successfully recovered.The browser (Chrome) freezes up, the screen goes black, the error message pops up, the browser goes completely white and I have to go into task manager and kill it.I tried getting a screen shot but could not.

Intel Core i7-3770 CPU @3.40GHz

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[BSOD] Driver Power State Failure Crash?

May 21, 2012

the last couple times I've sent my laptop to hibernate I have had driver power state failure BSODs. I usually have some programs like Chrome and Spotify open. I rarely shut down so I'm unsure if the problem is specifically related to hibernation.I have attached minidumps and updated my profile info with hardware specs.

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Crash When Audio Plays While Wireless Driver Enabled

Jun 17, 2012

I have been having a few strange little problems lately. But there is only one thing that is reproducible: When both my audio driver and my network driver are enabled, and a sound is played, the sound infinitely stutters and windows totally freezes. (There is no BSOD, the screen and cursor just remain frozen). If either device/driver is enabled independently, the computer seems to work.


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System Could Not Successfully Load Crash Dump Driver

Jan 15, 2011

I get this all the time in my event viewer. The system could not successfully load the crash dump driver. I'm using Windows 7Pro 64 bit.

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Display Driver AMD Driver Stopped Responding And Has Recovered?

Jun 23, 2011

I bought a new computer wth window 7 & have been having this problem but the company I bought it is unable to fix it.

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Display Driver VIA/S3G Unichrome Pro IGP Driver For Windows 7 32-Bit?

Jan 6, 2013

download Display Driver VIA/S3G Unichrome Pro IGP driver for Windows 7 32 Bit download

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Display Driver Keeps Crashing?

Jun 18, 2012

Periodically my screen will freeze and I will get a message that says display driver stopped working and recovered. However, sometimes my computer will resume being normal...and other times my screen will be totally disconfigured, jumbled...and messed up and I have to force shut down. Also periodically when I do restart my computer, there would be bluish streaks and $ signs all jumbled across the black screen before it says windows is starting up. When I am in safe mode, none of these problems occur. My operating system is windows 7. Because sometimes my display driver recovers when I tilt my computer a certain way when it seems to "crash" and the fact that this problem doesn't even occur in safe mode.

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Display Driver Keeps Crashing?

Jul 8, 2012

Most time when I go onto a game for some reason half way through the playing time the display driver stops working the screen just goes all fuzzy and the sound just glitches...

EventLogError: Display driver nvlddmkm stopped responding and has successfully recovered. I am on the latest drivers for my GTX 470...

More Info:

Display device : GeForce GTX 470 on GF100 GPU
Display driver : 301.42
On-Screen Display server
Active client(s) : On-Screen Display module
Active 3D process : PdaNetPC.exe

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