BSOD Crash After Display Drivers Fail - BCCode 116

May 30, 2012

It first happened while I was playing Diablo III. The colors on the screen went crazy then Diablo froze and the screen started flashing which eventually lead to a crash and a blue screen. After the reboot windows started and automatically ran the cmd prompt with winSAT trying to diagnose something? It would go through the process and it seemed like it was just looping over and over with no solution. I closed the cmd prompt and it crashed shortly after, with the same errors.

Code: Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 116
BCP1: FFFFFA800A640010
BCP2: FFFFF8800F6649C8
BCP3: 0000000000000000
BCP4: 000000000000000D
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1

On the next reboot I then ran in safe mode and did a system restore hoping it would clear up. It did not. After the restore it did the same thing and eventually crashed again. Here I have both the dump files from the incidents (it only recorded two of them). I have googled and read up a lot on similar errors and it seems to be either a hardware issue or a driver problem. I am downloading drivers right now and will see what happens, but I am doubtful. Also when the blue screen came up, it said something about the "nvlddmkm.sys" file, but I don't recall what it said. It was too fast for me to catch it all.

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BSOD When Doing Anything Intensive BCCode 1e

Dec 8, 2011

I'm new to seven forums and need help with a few odd BSOD's. This is my first high performance laptop and I just got it 3 weeks ago. Anyways, it works fine when im not doing anything like now, but when I start up a game, anything GPU intensive actually, after a while the screen will garble up and ill get a BSOD with the sound of what was currently happening recuring in an infinite loop. I have all 3 dump files and will have them attached.

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BSOD Error BCCode D1?

Jan 24, 2012

Well my computer blue screened again. I've attached the dump reports. I don't know why it's still doing this; is it really still my wireless USB adapter? If it still is then I'll invest in a PCI wireless adapter instead.I forgot to copy and paste the error report when Windows started.Here's my specs:i5-2500K Sandy Bridge stock @ 3.3GHz16GB (4GBx4) DDR3 1600MHz Corsair VengeanceNVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 HD 2.5GB [EDIT: the card is an EVGA branded card]GigaByte GA-Z68MA850W Corsair CMPSU-850TXV22TB (2TBx1) SATA-III 6.0Gb/s 64MB Cache 7200RPM HDD

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BSOD Bccode 116 While Playing Skyrim?

Nov 14, 2011

- 64bit system
- windows 7 home premium
- hardware is quite old not sure how old though
- 1-2 years

keeps on happening every time i play skyrim or any other game, i re-installed the hardware drivers for my graphics card but it still seems to happen?

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Random BSOD Error BcCode 124

Aug 25, 2012

I am encountering a random crash during computer use. I can not seem to correlate this with a specific action or process, i.e. it happens at different times doing different things. Below I am including three of the BSOD error messages. I have tried changing out RAM and have made sure that my temperatures are good in the case. I ran memtest for 4 hours with no errors, also prime95 did not produce and crash.

My system:

AMD FX 8120 Eight core 3.1 ghz
Sector 5 DDR3 1333 mhz RAM (4x4gb)
2 Geforce GTX 550 TI SLI
Gigabyte 990fxa-ud3
Windows 7 Home Premium 64x


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BSOD Playing Reckoning BCCode: 1000007e

Mar 20, 2012

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 1033
Additional information about the problem:


My computer is 2 years old and I only use it for gaming. This problem just started after installing Reckoning 2 weeks ago. Sometimes the comp runs for hours without a BSOD other days its every 15 minutes. This same thing happened when I was playing World of Warcraft AFTER i installed Reckoning.

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BSOD When Snap My Laptop Shut BCCode: 1000007e

May 9, 2012

sometimes when i snap my laptop shut i get a blue screen, what can i do?

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BSOD Driver Power State Failure, Error BCcode: 9f?

Jul 4, 2012

I have just bought a new pc and it has already an error!! When I swicht off my pc, a bluescreen appears with "driver power state failure". It's the first time I have seen this error: (a little part is in italian, but errors are international![CODE]

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BSOD / BCCode 124 Error Occurs When Playing Games For More Than Hour Or Two

Jul 9, 2012

Recently, I've been experiencing BSOD. The errors occur when I play games for more than an hour, two or sometimes even three hours.

Additional information about the problem:
OS Version:6_1_7600
Service Pack:0_0

Files that describe the problem:

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No Video Display After Random Crash

Nov 5, 2012

i cannot find any information on across the internet.things to know:

-i am using an acer aspire m3802 on a windows 7 os
-750gb storage space
-4gb ram
-i use an nvidia geforce gt 230 graphics card
-both disc drives are nearly full
-i have recently installed two video editing programmes (30 day trials)
-for about half a year my computer has had minor glitches when playing Internet videos or music

so i was on the surfing the internet and my monitor suddenly goes completely black. the fan was still going and the lights were still on, but i couldn't interract with the computer because i had no display whatsoever. about an hour beforehand i had been converting some hd video files, which was probably using up a lot of memory, and i had been skyping too. the computer had been running a lot more slowly over the past couple of days, but had shown no signs of being about to break. so i turned the computer off and then tried to reboot it. the acer logo appeared, but after that nothing else happened, not even the 'start windows normally' screen. the mouse still lit up and the computer seemed to be alive, but it downright refused to display anything at all. when i briefly tilted it, however, the display popped up for another millisecond. i tried rebooting this morning, at which point the 'acer' screen briefly flashed up. i managed to start it up in 'safe mode' and the core features of the computer appear to be working. however, when i tried to access the internet, the error '0x80131018' appeared. (this may be completely irrelevant but every piece of information helps!) so we can basically rule out that the monitor is playing up, which makes me wonder how far inside the computer the problem is hidden.

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Display Driver Causing PC To Crash?

May 1, 2012

my pc's had a problem where all of a sudden in the middle of whatever you're doing (generally when you're on the internet I think??) the screen suddenly goes black or blue. Sometimes it recovers itself, sometimes it crashes and turns itself off completely. I've also noticed that sometimes it sort of 'hangs' and then comes up with a message saying something along the lines of 'Display driver not working' (I don't even know what a 'driver' is, much less a 'display driver').

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Display Driver Crash When Using Internet?

Sep 22, 2012

alright i got this computer less then a year ago and havent had vary meny probloms with it but now every time i get on google chrome and even internet explorer my screen makes a bunch of colors, i get a blue screen of death and it crashes. if it does let me on the internet i will go on a pag or 2 then my internet freezes up and i have to recover the web page and that doesnt even work half the time. so far it only does it when i am getting online. it hadnt crashed on any video games (yet).he 1st time it crashed it said that it was the display driver had failed known probloms:can't get on anything other then internet explorer (half the time) cant get on google chrome or firefox..internet freezes a lot and the page always crashes even on simple web pages.when crashing the screen if filled with colors then i get the blue screen of death.

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Windows 7 Authentication Fail Then BSOD

Nov 26, 2012

I had 2 computers last week with auto updates on, mcafee vse 8.7i enterprise administered through epo. get a failure to authenticate windows. Ran MS offline scanner, no malware, multiple warnings not a legal windows installation, update fails, system restore fails, then reboot and bsod. No f8 for safe mode. The only 2 win 7 computers with auto updates turned on exhibited this behavior. Complete reinstall of course, anyone else have the same problem?

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Memory Fail / BSOD Watching Videos

Dec 7, 2011

It's been doing this lately, and i get the blue screen telling me memory has failed and is shutting down. It's only up for a second, but right before that, the screen goes nuts with distortion and i hear buzzing (audio malfunction).

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Radeon 6870 Unstable Bios Causing Display To Crash

Oct 8, 2012

I have a problem with my sapphire radeon graphics card. What it is iv been having problems with drivers with being not responding then recovered. So i did some research online and quite a few forums have said flash and update the gpu bios. (stuped mistake of my life) Anyway iv worked out iv put the wrong bios on and i was wondering if its possible to revert the flash, but one problem i didnt back up the bios before hand so im stuffed. I have found one online what apparently it will work but i dont know how to make a bin format file to boot with a usb stick.

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Windows 7 Boot Failure - Repair Fail, Memory Fail?

Oct 25, 2011

I recently built a new rig and I had a problem with one stick of memory. The other stick worked alright, but I've been getting random failures. Can bad memory be inconsistent? Right now, I can't start my OS up at all. It goes straight to the Windows Repair Launcher, which fails. When it gets there, I can either find a restore point or let it 'attempt to fix' for as long as I can endure. The restore point option results in 'instruction xxx failed. memory reference xxx failed.'This leads me to believe there is a problem with the memory. But, could it be the motherboard? I played a video game for hours last night, as well as surfed the web and ran other applications. Everything was fine, until I shut down. This isn't the first time this happened. Last time, I 'fixed' it by switching the 'good' memory stick with the bad. The bad resulted in getting the OS up, but lots of BSOD's

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Drivers Fail At Startup

Jul 12, 2012

My laptop has been working fine for two or three months now, until today when I restarted it and suddenly could no longer use my USB mouse. Then I realized I had no WiFi signal, so I plugged into ethernet, and still had no internet connection. Most of my drivers seem to be broken, with my laptop functioning only as it would after freshly installing Windows, before actually installing any drivers.I managed to eventually find a way to install the WiFi drivers, and then the rest of the missing drivers, and restarted my computer to make sure everything was fine. The exact same thing happened again. Any idea what is wrong and how I can fix it without doing a fresh install? I don't currently have access to my backup drives so I'd lose a lot of stuff if I had to reinstall Windows.

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310.70 Gtx 680 Drivers Fail To Install?

Dec 19, 2012

I tried to update to the new 310.70 whql driver and when i try to install it the installation fails. i tried to use an outdated driver and that failed to install. win 7 64 bit, asus gtx 680 dc2, asus p8z77-v

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Security Updates FAIL, Reattempt At Every Boot But Always FAIL?

Sep 16, 2012

Since early August all my Security updates have been failing. It adds time to each boot up period as it goes through the updates and then at the end will say it's failed and is reverting all the changes. I have already done some research on this issue and ran "sfc/scannow" as well as "chkdsk/f/r." Both seemed to go through with no problems. After that I did a Windows update and 12 updates seemed to go through with no problem until the required reboot where we're back to the same issue of failing and reverting.

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Graphics And Mousepad Drivers Fail To Load On Restart?

Oct 5, 2010

Ok so I recently moved from vista to windows 7 and everything is great except that about 40% of the time when I restart my computer, the mousepad and video card drivers don't load up. The mousepad stops responding and the resolution goes to 800x600. When I look in device manager those two drivers say they failed to initialize and need a restart, I will post the exact error messages soon. Then when I restart everything runs fine. But this consistently happens, I believe it happens everytime I install something new and then restart. I can't figure out how to stop this from happening, anyone know what to do?

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Dec 28, 2011

days ago i had BSOD crash when i was playing online poker. I did not launch any specific apps, only apps and programs that i usually useAlso i checked the error number, it's 0x00000050- Windows 7 x64- not original installed OS- Age of system (hardware) is 2 years- Age of OS installation 2 years- Did not re-install the OS Attaching necesary filesI had BSOD crash only one time but i want to prevent new crashes.

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BSOD All From Same Crash Address

Feb 4, 2012

i keep getting blue error screens different types of errors but all having the same crash address been using bluescreen viewer to see the errors..iv tried as much as i can by updating drivers and checking if windows is up to date looked on other forums but just want a simple answer to what the problem actually is.iv uploaded the health report and the crash files

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Keep Getting BSOD In Crash Dump?

Apr 18, 2012

i keep getting this crash dump file in c:windowsminidump and iam uploading it here for all 2 see

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BSoD Crash While Surfing The Net

May 25, 2010

BSoD Crash while surfing the net

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Numerous BSOD's (all Crash Dumps)?

Jul 30, 2011

Since I bought a new phitronics motherboard, a core i5 processor and 8 gigs DDR3 ram, I've had over nine thousand BSOD's, each with a different error at completely unrelated times.

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[CRASH] BSOD While Loading Windows?

May 9, 2011

While loading windows 7 64 bits ultimate i have several, if not many, crashes. Although loading my other system (XP SP3 32bit) don't have any crash by loading it (sometimes).i'm kinda tired of this problem, it annoys me and keeps me wasting time

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Unexpected BSOD In Crash Dump?

May 11, 2011

i have recently had a BSOD crash.

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Random BSOD & Explorer.exe Crash?

May 23, 2011

I've done a new install of win7 ultimate & im getting random reboots & often explorer.exe crash's which force me to reboot often. I have included a bsod dump file & a screen shot of the cpu-z of the memory & hopefully someone can let me know what the problem might be,

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Reinstalled Windows 7 BSOD Crash

Jul 20, 2011

I just re-installed windows 7 to my pc after a recent update caused it to completely crash. Now, about an hour after i turn on my computer it randomly decided to reboot (but not before flashing the BSOD of course).

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[CRASH] Random Restarts But No BSoD?

Oct 14, 2012

I just installed a new graphics card and a new power supply... Now I get these random restarts. When I come back, I'm notified rhat Windows has recovered from an unexpected shut down.Really frustrated at this point. What could this be?101412-60060-01.dmp 101412-62962-01.dmp 101412-64241-01.dmp

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Individual Crash Dump From BSOD?

Jul 25, 2012

I've had three BSOD's in three days now all while playing either Skyrim and Dead Island. I have the three individual crash dumps attached.The video card I am using is new to the system and has had its drivers updated to Nvidia's latest (not those from the manufacturer's homepage).My guess is that I'm either having some kind of conflict with drivers here or that my PSU is inadequate but without being able to decipher the information in the dumps I can't tell. BSOD's are not my specialty at all but I don't want to simply ignore this.


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