Antivirus Causing PC Freeze?

Mar 27, 2012

My company has acquired a new client for tech support. I went there to install antivirus on their workstations as we do for all our clients. This new client has Win7 on all workstations and a small business server running in a domain environment. I installed Kaspersky on all 8 pc's in their business. The next day we got a call from one of them saying their computer was acting strange. Once I got there I discovered the pc would freeze when launching Quickbooks or Outlook. I ran a malware scan which turned up nothing. Then after some troublshooting steps I decide to uninstall Kaspersky. I didn't want to leave him with no protection so I installed AVG free. Same outcome. The computer only will operate without antivirus.

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Scvhost Lagging Up Cpu Causing Games To Freeze?

Nov 7, 2011

i have been through what feels like a million options to fix this but none have fixed my problem yet. When in a game specifically world of warcraft sometimes my screen will freeze for 1 to 2 seconds then come back all of a sudden. i have ruled out a graphics card issue and have narrowed it down to this. As many of you may already know the "scvhost.exe" issue lags up my entire computer and i believe is the culprit of the cpu bottleknecking. I have disabled windows update and windows defender two things that have been labeled with this issue and still the problem persists. Scv host is running 11 applications of itself currently and one of them is around 135k at all times. i have a amd 2.4 dual core and 6 gigs of ram my system usually flies. I am running out of ideas and frankly running out of patience.

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Merlin X950D 3G Causing Win7 To Freeze

Nov 17, 2009

When using Merlin X950D 3G on the Rogers network in Ontario Canada with Windows 7 64-bit the computer freezes. It worked with no problems in Vista 64-bit. It does not always freeze right away but eventually it does freeze. When using the laptop without the 3G adapter connected to WiFi instead the computer runs fine and does not freeze after hours of use.

When installing Windows 7 I did a clean full install and not the upgrade option.

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Kernel-Power Error Causing Total PC Freeze

Jul 20, 2011

I recently had BSODs and freezes.I was under the impression these were related. I found that the BSOD was a driver related to a logitech camera, which i ahve unistalled.I have since completed accidently stumbled upon "summary page events" in event viewer and have noticed all these errors were when ive been having these complete system freezes. [code] I ubilt my own PC. It is not overclocked and it runs very coolIm having 0 bsod's at all!

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Windows Audio Service Causing Hard Freeze

Jul 30, 2011

Ever since taking my laptop back to bestbuy for Mobo replacement (I plugged headphones into the USB jack on accident, rendering 3/4 jacks useless), she's been freezing randomly. I've narrowed it down i hope. After saving an Audacity *.aup file, and trying to reopen it, she freezes to where the mouse no longer moves and a CAD is impossible. Found out that Windows Audio Service (or one of it's dependancies) were causing it. Upon stopping WAS, the file was openable, but not playable, for the audio device was shut off. The freeze is only triggered by opening that audacity file. Elsewhere, it's random, sometimes with audio playing, sometimes not. Audacity also sometimes crashes while recording. Tried to repair my drivers, but windows says they're all the freshest bunch of audio drivers there are for my particular device.

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Overclock Setting Unstable Causing Applications To Freeze

Aug 10, 2012

My overclock setting have recently become unstable causing applications to freeze. I have captured pictures of my bios setting and in hope of getting some help regarding readjusting them. [code]

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Adobe Flash Videos Causing Computer To Freeze?

Apr 14, 2012

i'm trying to work out some issues that have been plaguing my computer for a few weeks now. my problem is that my system will freeze and become unresponsive when watching Internet and other video players that use flash. i can't get back to normal even if i use ctrl + alt + delete or escape, forcing me to run a hard reset on my computer. an example of what i'll see is in the picture. so i uninstalled chrome, ran a full system scan and pc tuneup using norton 360, unistalled and reinstalled flash and uninstalled and reinstalled my nvidia gtx 560 ti driver.

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View Computers With No Antivirus On The Antivirus Administrative Console?

Aug 7, 2012

is there a way to view computers with no Antivirus on the Antivirus Administrative Console?

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Weird Screen Freeze / Programs Failing, Just Complete Freeze On Computer

Jul 13, 2011

Im having screen freezes every couple of days. My whole computer just freeze what its doing.Been

-on word
-on a game
-watching movies
-transfering data

So no specifi thing sets it off.Cant alt-cnt-delete.Its like a screen shot of my computer and watching a picture. Cant even move the mouse.My keyboard can change colours via buttons on it (logitech g110). I cant even change the colours coz its like the whole pc is in a time freeze..Due to this i dont get an "windows had an unexpected error" message when i restart the computer...

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Which Is The Best Antivirus

Oct 30, 2012

which is the best antivirus

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Tdx.sys Causing BSOD

Jan 12, 2009

I have Windows 7 installed on two laptops. One is a Dell Latitude D803 and the other a HP Compaq 6710b. Both would BSOD approximately every 5 minutes. 'TDX.SYS' was the culprit. After running WinDBG I noticed that it was a issue with my network adapter driver 'b57nd60a.sys'. Both laptops have the same network adapter (Broadcom NetLink Gigabit Ethernet) and both were crashing (x32 & x64 versions). I finally went to Broadcom's website and found drivers at the following links:

Broadcom Corporation - Download NetLink Drivers


Broadcom Corporation - Download NetLink Drivers

If one doesn't work they other will. Basically when 'TDX.SYS' causes a BSOD it is usually the result of a driver(s) (and some antivirus apps) that aren't fully compatible with Windows 7. You should run WinDBG and find out what driver is causing the error. It's not as hard as you think!

Microsoft's site for using WinDBG:

How to read the small memory dump files that Windows creates for debugging

P.S. Don't worry if you can't get the symbols to install properly. You should still see the file that is probably causing the error listed. If you Google the file(s) you will be on your way to fixing the issue.

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What Antivirus And Firewall Can Be Used With Win 7 ?

Nov 1, 2009

Just wondering what you are using for antivirus and firewall with windows 7.

Currently I am using Avast Home ant-virus, and Win 7 FW. I may give Comodo a try.

What do you think?

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How To Uninstall Antivirus

Jul 21, 2011

i am using avast pro antivirus. when i tried to uninstall it by using control panel, its not there. i also used aswclear.exe,but its not working.

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Best Antivirus For Windows 7?

Aug 11, 2011

what is the best antivirus for windows 7

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Which Antivirus Is Best For Windows 7

Sep 16, 2011

i want a free antivirus for windows 7

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AVG Antivirus Keeps Popping Up?

Nov 19, 2011

Almost everyday when I get on my computer a windows box comes up and says that the antivirus hasn't passed their security or something and it says continue with installation anyways or stop installation. It pops up at least five times after you click on your selection, then eventually the AVG antivirus box will come up and say I need to restart.

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Use 32-bit Antivirus Over 64-bit Windows 7?

May 22, 2012

i installed kaspersky internet security 32 bit on windows 7 64-bit It works fine and fast. But i want to know is it safe Should i shift to 64 bit version.

If it would be safe and virus free, then i dont want 64 bit version because it is heavy and i have only 2 gb of ram with i3 processor

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How To Download Antivirus

Sep 20, 2012

how can download antivirus

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No 1 Antivirus For Windows 7?

Nov 1, 2012

best antivirus in world

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Best Antivirus For Windows 7 64 Bit

Jul 16, 2010

I dont know what is going on my computer whenever i use to see movie use to shut down showing " dumping cash memory " with blue screen

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Can't Work Out Causing BSOD?

Feb 18, 2012

I can't work out what is causing the BSOD. I've overclocked most of my components and they are all appropriately cooled. Not sure if this is a software issue or not.

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Certain Keys Causing Shift To Jam?

May 18, 2012

I'm using a laptop (Lenovo Ideapad y470) with Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit. I'm not sure how I came about this problem but here it is : Whenever I press the keys "x" or "c" on the physical keyboard , the "shift" key will act as if it's jammed . I.E pressing the letters will produce capital letters with the exception of "x" and "c" while pressing the numbers will produce the symbols instead. I've found a way to undo this effecT by pressing "shift" several times on the On-screen keyboard , but it will return every time I press the keys mentioned. I had turned off Sticky keys and filter keys but it doesn't make any difference. [This was typed with the onscreen keyboard.]

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Ntoskrnl.exe Causing BSOD

Jul 16, 2012

I've had 2 bsods and one of them was irql_not_less_or_equal and the second was system service exception. They have this common thing which is ntoskrnl.exe You can see all the info in the rar included.

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Dec 12, 2009

I just upgraded to Windows 7 (64 bit) last weekend by doing a clean install from a purchase. I am currently using a HP Pavilion a6500f computer with a 500GB hard drive. I have been getting BSOD errors over the last several days and it is driving me crazy. I am considering going back to XP or Vista if I can't get this fixed soon.

All of the mindump files mention USBPORT.SYS. I'm assuming that has something to do with my usb ports which only have the following items attached:

HP Deskjet F4280 Printer Linksys USB Network Adapter WD 500GB My Passport (plugged in some of the time) I ran Driver Detective to see if there was an out of date USB driver, but nothing showed. I've included some screenshots of the scan.

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Video Causing 100% CPU, Followed By Freezes

Jun 8, 2011

I can reproduce freezes - 100% CPU usage, which occasionally lead to crashes pretty consistently just by viewing any video, say CPU usage quickly runs up to 100% on Task Manager and the freeze occurs. No issues when running all my other programs, including streaming radio. I can reproduce this on IE9, as well as Chrome and on Firefox. I had assumed this was a Shockwave Flash item only, but I notice it freezes on Skype video. The only changes I can point to recently are a ton of Windows updates in the last 2 months including SP1. At the time, SP1 failed a couple of times, until I applied a hotfix, now it's on, but I still have the video issues.

I have also by the way downloaded the latest video drivers (accelerated media), bios, and chipset drivers, but this has not helped.

I run Windows 7 64-bit SP1. I have application hang errors in the windows event logs, but not crashes, so I don't see any crash id's

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USB Causing Black Screen?

Dec 3, 2011

Recently a friend of mine was installing Window's updates on his computer and the computer crashed. When he tried to boot it up again it would no longer boot. We toyed around with it trying different repairs and such but nothing worked.ventually we just re-installed Windows 7 from the startup disks. Now we're having a different problem that seems to be centered on the usb controllers.If we leave the USB controllers on during bootup the computer will get to the starting windows screen then go black.If we turn them off the computer will boot to windows normally, but obviously the USB ports do not work.It will boot into safe mode with the USB enabled in BIOS but the mouse will not work. (Keyboard is PS/2). We tried getting driver off the disks that came with the system but they don't seem to contain any.Is this even a driver issue or are we missing something completely?The computer was from Cyberpower. It has: -Gigabyte 870A-UD3 motherboard-AMD X6 procressor-8 gigs ram-Radeon HD5780-2 800 watt power supplies (computer came with 2 of the video cards but apparently the MB is not crossfire compatible?

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Cant Install Antivirus Programs?

Sep 29, 2012

I have Norton internet security installed came with the motherboard I want to install kaspersky on hard drive uninstall norton reboot try kaspersky, is say cannt install because i already have kaspersky loaded WHAT?[CODE]

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Windows 7 Antivirus Keep Turning Off?

Oct 22, 2012

my Action Center in windows7 keep telling me about my windows security is turn off seems ok after i turned it on. But when computer restart/reboot it happen again.

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Ran 2 Antivirus Programs Simultaneously?

Feb 7, 2013

I have a Windows 8 laptop. Earlier today I uninstalled AVG free. I declined to restart, deciding I'd restart later. I then installed Avast Antivirus - and when I tried to run Avast, everything froze, and I had to turn the laptop off. When I logged back in to windows, I'm met just the mouse on a black screen. If I log into safe mode, there's the outline of my desktop, and I can run some programs, but most files are inaccessible & I can't get online, the windows taskbar won't open etc, and after a while a blue screen with text appears and the computer restarts.I can't think of any cause other than the antivirus installation. My question is, can you think of any way to undo this without just wiping the computer? I've managed to burn some personal files to a DVD but would still prefer not to go back to square one.

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Comodo Antivirus Firewall

Jan 13, 2009

have successfully installed comodo 3, by setting the installer as vista compatibility.

i ran kapersky for a few days, but was fedup with the mass onslaught of program access queries.

i am having a slight problem with the firewall side of comodo: i know that it works when i can the 'stop activity' button and it shuts everything down, but when running leak test, the firewall does not respond, i have it on safe mode.

the incoming/outgoing monitor also shows no connections, could this be the problem? the program not communicating with windows correctly?

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Windows 7 Compatible Antivirus

Nov 9, 2008

Just getting around to installing the Antivirus on my Windows 7 x64.

What are we all using - Avast?

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