Computer Failing Randomly In Different Ways

Sep 26, 2012

it started about a few months ago, when my computer wouldn't let me play games or Internet videos one day suddenly, the screen would turn green and it would say a "graphic driver failed and has now been recovered" i updated the drivers and it fixed it for ages up until yesterday. i moved my computer onto a new desk and suddenly it started going weird again, it was failing to start up, crashing 2/3 times when it was on the windows logo, then crashing and emitting a annoying buzzing noise, which i fixed by updating the system and graphic drivers again, but now it's gone back to doing the "graphic driver failed and has now been recovered" error, stopping the video and or window that i'm using like msn or skype for instance. also sometimes the screen will just go a bright white and it has to be reset because you cannot see anything else on the monitor. tried with different monitor still same issues.


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Windows Explorer Failing Randomly

Dec 26, 2011

explorer.exe process stops and needs to restart at random point. Tried combofix, registry cleaners malware proctetor is activated and computer is generally in good shape. This is what I get


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Computer Failing To Boot

Jun 18, 2011

last night my computer just shut down out seemingly for no reason and when i tried to power it back up it was asking me to insert a boot device

i was planning to reformat in a few hours anyway so it didnt phase me to much so i continued to reformat the computer with no issues then once it had finished installing and i got to the desktop it just powered off again except this time it wouldnt load past bios it just kept restarting. the intersting part with the restarts was that the bios would restart but the power to the computer would not get interrupted. Also its not always the exact some position that it decides to restart some times it will be within 1 second sometimes i get to the desktop only for it to shut down again if i try and do anything

i have tried swapping out parts to identify the faulty part. no luck. ive stripped it down to its basic parts ( cpu Mobo ram n gfx) still same thing happens i dont even have the HDs plugged in so i dont believe it to be a virus on the HD. ive tried flashing the Cmos by taking out the battery for half an hour and this seemed to work but it asked for bootmgr so i reformated the HD again only for it all to start happening again.only this time the power does turn off some times.

i have checked the temperature of the CPU and its sitting on around 47 degrees so nothing out of the ordinary the cpu coolant gell is a bit dry but given that there doesnt seem to be a heat issue i dont know why that would make an immediate difference


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Computer Failing To Start

Jan 13, 2012

i have a acer aspire 5735z and its failing to start, it wont even let me reinstall it, - i have windows 7 ultimate on it

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Desktop Computer USB Ports Failing

Jul 17, 2012

I don't know if my PC is dying a slow natural death or if an outside insult caused it. During a recent thunderstorm, a power flicker turned off my computer. After rebooting, I had no Internet access. That problem seems to have been simply a bad cable between the router and the cable modem, however I did have to fiddle with the tcpip settings. But while checking cables, my wireless Logitech mouse quit working. I plugged the mouse receiver into an empty USB port next to the one it had been plugged into on the rear of the machine, and it worked again. The other port is still dead. Later I found that one of the two USB ports in front of the machine no longer works. I can still use it to charge my phone, but it pops up a "Device not recognized" message if I plug a drive/camera/phone/etc into it. No conflicts are shown in the device manager. I would feel safe in assuming a power surge from lightening had popped something on the MB causing the failure, but there's another possibility. The day before all this happened I purchased a cheap 4-socket USB expansion hub and used it in one of the front sockets to plug in several devices, a scanner and my phone and camera cables. Has anyone ever heard of one of these hubs causing a blown circuit? Strange that the failing sockets are in two different physical locations.

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Computer Won't Run Any Programs And System Restore Keeps Failing?

Dec 24, 2011

I'm writing this from a different computer because I can't even get onto the internet on mine.Pretty much all programs fail to run. When I double-click on the icon, I get the usual spinning "loading" circle and then nothing happens.When I try to open straight from a saved file, I get an error message. For example, whenever I try to open a word doc, I get this error message: "There was a problem sending the command to the program."Symantec Endpoint Protection has been turned off and every time I go to the Action Center to turn it back on, nothing happens. I get the usual message that asks if I want to allow the change and when I click "allow," nothing changes.I've done several system restores, even in Safe Mode, and they have all failed. System repairs have all failed too. Obviously, virus scans are out of the question and Windows Defender (one of the programs that actually will run) keeps telling me that there is no malicious software to be found on my system.

This all started yesterday afternoon. I was running Firefox as usual and had a word document open that I was typing in. I walked away from my laptop and when I came back, there were three pop-ups on the screen from a virus that I had just managed to get rid of several days before. I closed them out and was preparing to run Malwarebytes when my computer shut itself down suddenly. There haven't been any pop-ups or anything that would indicate that this is a virus. However, I tried the same fix that I used to remove the virus the first time (copying the Malwarebyes file 'mbam.exe' to the desktop and naming it as 'mbam.COM' so that it will open) but even that does not work. I've tried the regedit fix that I've found in forums here but that didn't work either.

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Computer Needs To Be Checked For Consistency, Is The Drive Failing

Jul 9, 2012

Here is the log:Checking file system on C:The type of the file system is NTFS.One of your disks needs to be checked for consistency. You may cancel the disk check, but it is strongly recommended that you continue.Windows will now check the disk.

CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 3)...
Attribute record of type 0x80 and instance tag 0x1 is cross linked
starting at 0x440d16 for possibly 0x4 clusters.
Some clusters occupied by attribute of type 0x80 and instance tag 0x1
in file 0x188b2 is already in use.
Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "")
from file record segment 100530.


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Explorer Failing To Read Computer & No Icons?

Feb 24, 2011

I've got a problem that came up recently and I think it might have something to do with one of the latest Windows 7 updates. Most of the time when I open up My Computer, it scans for a really long time and shows nothing( HDDs, Optical Drives or Network Locations) and in certain folders the icons and thumbnails are completely missing. I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit.

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Finished Building Computer - Windows 7 Failing To Boot

Apr 19, 2012

Computer will not boot up. I have to push f12 and do it manually then it works, only way.

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Computer Keeps Failing To Start - Freezes At Starting Windows

Dec 22, 2012

I recently tried to build a computer and failed epically. So I put my hardrive back in my old PC. Upon booting the PC it runs fine until it reaches :starting windows".

Where it freezes, and then restarts.

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Reverting To Old Ways Is Possible?

Nov 26, 2012

I have a 2 yr old HP Laptop that Came with Win 7 Home Premium.I have looked everywhere for bootable ISO disks, but they didn't work.the main problem is that I want to use Delphi 2.0 and other stuff that won't install on Win 7. I have created a partition/extended. The system, even with boot-disks, SEEMS not to allow it!Is there good info. technical or otherwise that will let me.

1. Install my old Win ME on a seperate partition?
2. I have a boot manager, so not a problem.
3. If I install ME, will it overwrite Win7, and can this be avoided?
4. Free is great, but if I MUST PAY, what's the best software for this?

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Ways To Go In Shade Game

Feb 23, 2012

in the railway station level when we enter the room how to go further?i dont know i was stucked up in that house

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Ways To Create Bootable Windows 7 CDs?

Nov 18, 2011

My uncle's windows xp computer have CD drive but not DVD. I have backed up windows 7 files onto my computer. Anyway I can burn the files onto CDs? I want to put the CDs into my uncle's computer and be able to install windows 7.I able to copy all the files onto his windows xp computer and install windows 7 from the desktop?

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Computer Runs Very Slow / Computer Freezes Randomly

Mar 25, 2012

Computer runs very slow. Computer freezes randomly. Does not want to boot past windows startup except for in safe mode(SOMETIMES). IF IT BOOTS takes and an incredibly long time to get to the desktop (20-45min). Does not want to run programs. Runs EXTREMELY slowly (makes a windows 95 pc look like a speed demon.) Random restarts, restart loops, and shutdowns. Sometimes after turning on it will immediately shut off then turn back on. Keeps recommending windows repair on startup. Wants to run chkdsk, then freezes on it.Malware detection programs. Hardware diagnostic programs. registry tools. disk defrags. Driver updates. Windows updates. BIOS update. System restore. Windows repair tool. Repair installation (twice). WINDOWS 7 CLEAN INSTALLATION (twice).Exactly the same as the first day it started happening. So not only did I lose all programs and files, but my pc still runs like crap. Also, this is a higher end pc under a year old. [code]

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Mouse Movement - Cursor Turns Into A 4 Ways?

Jan 18, 2012

I have a new Toshiba with Windows 7....I noticed that when I move my mouse (laptop), that the cursor either turns into a 4 way arrow and any movement changes the size of everything or else there is a small "bar" for horizontal or verticle movement that shows up..I can barely move the mouse...extremely irritating...any way to disable this?

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What Are Recommended Ways To Migrate A System To A New Disk

Apr 6, 2011

I've got a windows 7 x64 machine and I need to migrate it to another hard disk. Currently its running on an old 160GB IDE (i know....) and I want to migrate the install to a pair of 500GB WD SATA2 drives.I know how to mirror the disks, but I need to find a way to migrate without a re-install. It's a long time since I did anything like this on windows (It's so easy on other OSs).I'd like to partition the new disk (say, 40GB) and migrate the current system to that. Then add the second disk and mirror it, create the second partition etc. So...what are the recommended ways to migrate a system to a new disk?

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System 'hanging' When Accessing Files In Certain Ways X64

Jul 17, 2010

So I've been using my Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit install on my Sony AR670 laptop for a couple months straight now with no real issues but this one that started last week with no apparent cause and is getting very annoying.The system 'hangs' or 'freezes' in a way when I do certain things like create a new file/folder or select a file from a 'browse' file box, especially say when I upload a file to a forum, like this one, using the "Manage Attachments" option... I use Chrome but this happens even in Windows so I'm sure it's not Chrome related... it has something to do with file access is my guess.During the 'hang' I can still move the mouse and scroll windows but I can't press buttons, open menus, or issue any 'commands' if I do I get the windows 'alert' sound and nothing happens. The length of time of the 'hang' varies from a couple seconds to maybe 15 seconds or so when really bad.Because it's so hard to describe exactly I haven't had much luck searching for a similar problem.It also happens when renaming or moving files... The file will seem to revert back to its original name for a few seconds during which time I can't really do anything. If I try to rename it or move it again I get a message the file no longer exists then it will change to the name I gave it the first time.

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Ways To Auto-start Programs In Windows 7?

Jul 27, 2011

you can start stsrt programs with start>programs>startup.What are 5 other ways to auto start programs in windows

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Ways Can Reduce Size Of Text As In XP So That Program Fits Screen?

Feb 19, 2011

I have an HP Notebook. On Windows XP, at the bottom right on the Taskbar is an option for the screen size. 100%, 150%, 50% etc.I have a program which is too big for my Notebook screen. Are there any ways I can reduce the size of the text as in XP, so that the program fits my screen?There are a few buttons at the bottom of the program I need to get to but at present, I cant because it is too big for the screen.Any ideas how I reduce it to 50% or 75% as in Windows XP?

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Weird Screen Freeze / Programs Failing, Just Complete Freeze On Computer

Jul 13, 2011

Im having screen freezes every couple of days. My whole computer just freeze what its doing.Been

-on word
-on a game
-watching movies
-transfering data

So no specifi thing sets it off.Cant alt-cnt-delete.Its like a screen shot of my computer and watching a picture. Cant even move the mouse.My keyboard can change colours via buttons on it (logitech g110). I cant even change the colours coz its like the whole pc is in a time freeze..Due to this i dont get an "windows had an unexpected error" message when i restart the computer...

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Ways To Make A Page Of Thumbprint Of Pictures In A Folder On Photo Elements 9?

Aug 9, 2012

Is there a way to make a page of thumbprint of pictures in a folder on Photo Elements 9?

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Why Does Computer Lag Randomly

Nov 3, 2012

So I have this computer which lags. It starts lagging after a while after I switch on my computer. I play Battlefield 3 and Call of Duty 4. The problem is that the framerate gets really choppy and it drives me crazy, especially when I am about to takedown someone. So i rage-quitted and found out that Windows is lagging too. A usual web page takes less than 10 seconds to load, but with the lag it takes about a minute. Closing programs also takes longer and sometimes it freezes for a while. I figured that it might be caused by overheating but I checked the temperature with EVGA Precision X and the temperature is only about 40-50 degrees Celsius. Here are my specs:

Intel i3-530 2.93Ghz
Nvidia GeForce GT 610 2GB DDR3
Gigabyte GA-H55M-S2

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My Computer Keeps Randomly Freezing Up

Nov 20, 2011

My computer keeps randomly freezing up, I know when it happens because my mouse starts to skip, and then like 30 seconds later, my whole computer freezes?

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Computer Randomly Shuts Down

Mar 18, 2012

For the past month or so, my laptop has been randomly shutting down with no warning whatsoever. It doesn't even restart, it just completely turns off. I can be doing anything and it will happen.

At first I thought it was overheating but then I installed SpeedFan and it's still doing it (and I can tell from feeling under the computer that it's no longer overheating).

I've run virus scan after virus scan (Malwarebyetes and Microsoft Security Essentials) but it's not finding anything wrong with my computer.

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My Computer Randomly Crashing

Sep 7, 2012

I've got a relatively new custom PC (around 3 months old) and I have problems with it. It was put together by the same shop that sold the parts. It recently started to crash constantly at seemingly random times. Sometimes it would run fine for 5 days without any issues, at other times it would crash once every day for a few days. Even the cause isn't always the same. It would either give me a BSoD or simply shut down without any message and restart itself.


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Computer Randomly Shutting Down?

Sep 17, 2012

I have a problem with my win 7 computer randomly shutting down. I experienced overheating from graphic card and CPU or a bad HDD where the computer would just freeze and shut down (from my other computers), but this one shuts down as if I clicked on 'shut down' button on my start tab.

It closes my open applications first then shows 'logging off' screen to 'shutting down' screen and than shuts down. This happens pretty randomly. I use this computer mainly for web surfing and watching videos. I never use it for gaming. Sometimes it would shut down within 5 minute of usage and some other times it would not shut down at all for hours.

Its a HP compaq machine with 2.7ghz AMD Sempron, 2GB SDRAM, and Window 7 home premium 64bit. I added a Radeon HD X1300 graphic card and been using it for about 2 years without problem.

I ran all diagnostic programs and ran Malwarebyte AntiMalware and Microsoft Security Essential and found no problem. CPUID HWmonitor showed all components were around 30-45 degrees. My only guess left is the power supply.

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Computer Has Been Freezing Up Randomly?

Dec 8, 2012

Starting just last week my computer has been freezing up randomly. I don't know what is causing this, but it's getting really annoying.

Hard Drive Capacity 320 GB
SuperMulti Dual Layer DVD+/-R/RW
Processor Cores 2
Processor Speed 1.86 GHz
Processor Type Intel Pentium Dual-Core P6000

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Computer Crashing Randomly?

Dec 22, 2012

i've somewhat recently built myself a new gaming rig due to my old system being horribly outdated and unreliable and from day one of using the new computer i've had some problems with crashing.basically, the computer crashes at least once per day and is seemingly undetectable as to when this happens, the only thing intensifying the crashing seems to be streaming videos online, ie. Internet, facebook, dailymotion videos etc.a friend of mine had compiled the list of parts that i would use to build the computer, and also did the majority of assembling (which i cannot notice any problems with by looking at the inside of the tower). this same friend, after hearing about constant crashing problems and unreliability as to when it would crash had suggested a problem with the system's memory, but after swapping out hdd's and even installing an ssd? here is a list of my system specs.

corsair 8gb ram
western digital 2tb internal hdd
ocz agility 60gb ssd (boot disc)
win7 ultimate 32-bit os
lite-on dvd drive
intel core i5 2500k processor
asus geforce gtx 560 directcu ii top 1024mb video card
antec 650w power supply
aerocool vx-e pro case
asrock z77 pro 4-m motherboard

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Computer Is Randomly Restarting

Jun 3, 2011

My computer is randomly restarting and I'm not sure what the problem is. It has happened throughout the year but it stopped for a really long time, about 7 months, and now it is starting to do it again. [code]

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Computer Is Randomly Crashing?

Feb 2, 2011

I reformatted my computer a couple weeks ago in order to install my new 40GB SSD drive and ever since, my computer has been randomly crashing. It has never happened when I was actually using it, but it has happened a couple times when I'm sitting next to it. It seems to just shut off and come back on. When it turns back on, I get this dialog...

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My Computer Randomly Restarting

Jul 13, 2011

so my computer is starting to randomly restart and I'm not sure why. I thought it was my video card and switched to the integrated video card and pulled out my other one and I still get it. I tried a memtest and got no errors heating issues at all. speedfan showed nothing overheating. ( I have 4 fans installed) now the problem I'm wondering is a MB short or the PSU. I tried enabling BSOD but it just reboots. it just started happening today.

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