Windows Explorer Failing Randomly

Dec 26, 2011

explorer.exe process stops and needs to restart at random point. Tried combofix, registry cleaners malware proctetor is activated and computer is generally in good shape. This is what I get


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Computer Failing Randomly In Different Ways

Sep 26, 2012

it started about a few months ago, when my computer wouldn't let me play games or Internet videos one day suddenly, the screen would turn green and it would say a "graphic driver failed and has now been recovered" i updated the drivers and it fixed it for ages up until yesterday. i moved my computer onto a new desk and suddenly it started going weird again, it was failing to start up, crashing 2/3 times when it was on the windows logo, then crashing and emitting a annoying buzzing noise, which i fixed by updating the system and graphic drivers again, but now it's gone back to doing the "graphic driver failed and has now been recovered" error, stopping the video and or window that i'm using like msn or skype for instance. also sometimes the screen will just go a bright white and it has to be reset because you cannot see anything else on the monitor. tried with different monitor still same issues.


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Windows 7 Explorer Crashing And Failing To Preform Updates?

Jan 22, 2013

I'm having some major and frustrating problems with my Windows 7 Device, where explorer constantly crashes or freezes, videos arent being played smoothly but instead they are jumpy and freeze for a great deal of time before playing another few seconds. Not only that but for over a month it has been performing updates when I shut down the computer that simply do not progress, there have been times when I have left my laptop on for over 12 hours and it hasnt budged from the first update. I have ran sfc/scannow but that doesnt get passed 22%, my AVG and Windows Defender are constantly being turned off without my doing?

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System Slowed Down And Explorer Exe Constantly Failing

Jun 1, 2011

The issue is that all system functions, opening start menu, running control panel, opening folders or running internet explorer run extremely slowly, taking around 5-10 minutes to load or failing completely. Explorer.exe constantly fails and tries to restart. Safe mode seems to work like normal, no speed issues, he has since said it has run slow in safemode (he's not exactly happy right now, and so is snapping at me when i ask him about it so this could be a lie). The CPU is running at 1-2% constantly, i checked performance monitor idle time for it and it is consistantly showing high idle time so it's not like its thrashing. I have limited knowledge of his pc specs, i know he's running a 2.8ghz quad with 8gb ram (speed unknown but i doubt it'll have a relevance). I ran a sfc /scannow but came up with no errors, he doesn't have a restore point set (helpfull much?) and we cannot really access his antivirus effectively due to the whole speed of the system (2 hours before i managed to successfully open event viewer for example) Event viewer shows a number of issues which i will be able to provide more detail about tomorrow morning when he has calmed down a bit. We've tried to run the windows 7 disk however theres not a fix option, i'll be doing manufacturer default restore at some point probably if no solution is found (failing that a format and reinstall maybe?) however im hoping someone online can shed some light on the whole situation, something i've missed maybe. The biggest issue is it being so difficult to try to fix with it taking such a long time to open anything. This is a new custom built pc (from a website) and im assuming the components themselves are ok, (cpu or hdd broken and it wouldn't start, same with ram but im assuming a warning would of shown, and unless he's lost 7gb in one go i doubt it would show much performance decrease...) the system seems cool enough from general feeling around it, cold air being sucked in and blown out (obviously while idle but even so).

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Explorer Failing To Read Computer & No Icons?

Feb 24, 2011

I've got a problem that came up recently and I think it might have something to do with one of the latest Windows 7 updates. Most of the time when I open up My Computer, it scans for a really long time and shows nothing( HDDs, Optical Drives or Network Locations) and in certain folders the icons and thumbnails are completely missing. I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit.

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Windows Explorer Crashes Randomly Sometimes More Than Once

May 15, 2012

I looked at some of the solutions including the error check in the c:. I've installed the ccleaner on my computer as well and still didnt work. So the problem is, whenever I am on my computer and explorer crashes it says "the windows explorer has stopped working" and after that it just restarts the explorer but my all the icons in the system icons disappear except for the clock. I tried to go and change it but I can't, the sound, internet and uac icons disappear and I can only see them again if I reboot my computer. I am running windows 7 32-bit. [URL].

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Windows Explorer Crashes Randomly

Dec 15, 2012

I have a problem about my Windows 7 SP1. In every start of Windows, Windows Explorer crashes?

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Windows Explorer Randomly Opens By Istelf

Apr 18, 2012

Windows Explorer recently started opening by itself without prompting or warning. This is really annoying, and if I leave my computer on and unattended, I will come back and find dozens of Explorer instances open on my desktop. They always open in the Library directory. [code]

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Internet Explorer Randomly Disconnects?

Aug 20, 2011

Sometimes my Internet Explorer will randomly disconnect from the internet. Sometimes it will disconnect when I have left the computer for 10 minutes. Sometimes it will disconnect right in the middle of surfing the internet. It is only Internet Explorer because my anti-virus and my stand alone download manager will continue to be connected.

I have Windows 7 Pro and Internet Explorer9. I've had this problem before when I was on Windows XP and it only happens when I have had DSL (didn't happen when I had cable internet).

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Explorer Randomly Crashing And Restarting?

Aug 24, 2010

I'm new here and I've been having some problems with explorer crashing. I've searched all over the net including various forums and while I've found cases similar to mine none of them are quite like it. For instance, explorer will crash and ask for me to restart it randomly. It's not the right-click crash like some have had, I've checked my registry for a machine throttling string that caused some people crashes, but mine will just happen out of the blue, usually (but not always) when I have an explorer window open.The crash itself doesn't effect much. All my programs will continue to run as normal so it's not a huge deal, it's just annoying as it will happen sporadically throughout the day. I've ran various spyware, malware, and virus scans all to no avail and I've even used a registry cleaner. I've also tried running sfc /scannow in the command prompt as an administrator. I've rebooted several times since and it still happens. I can't reproduce it, it just happens out of nowhere, but here's the error.


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Explorer.exe Crashes Randomly And Won't Run Until Restart

Sep 13, 2011

Lately explorer.exe has started to stop responding and crash randomly, when it does then it doesn't restart and I can't start it from the taskmanger/run/cmd and I have to restart or re-log to get it to work again.

Running on Windows 7 Ultimate x64

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Internet Explorer Is Randomly Deleting Bookmarks?

May 12, 2011

This started about 3 days ago, and I'm not sure how. I've run Spybot, AVG and other programs, but nothing seems to stop it.Whenever I click on a link in my bookmarks, it gets deleted in the folder almost automatically afterwards. The bookmarks that get deleted seem to happen at random. When I replaced the bookmarks and clicked them again, sometimes they are fine while others that survived the first round get erased, while some bookmarks remain untouched. This happens to bookmarks in completely different folders, and my history seems to have been left untouched.

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Windows 7 Updates Failing?

Oct 4, 2011

I had a Vista home premium. I updated it to windows 7 premium. It is 32 bit. A lot of my updates have failed. I get code 800 b0100. I have looked it up on the net. I was wondering if I should put my discs in for the windows upgrade and run it thru again over the top of what I have... I also have win 7 64 bit on my network and it was original/ I have no problems with it. Barb aztzu has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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Windows 7 Failing To Start

Feb 14, 2012

It seems some others are having a similar problem but thought I had to start my own post,Yesterday and this morning my pc refuses to boot initially. Sometimes it goes to the POST and stops there, sometimes to the windows 7 screen and stops there. I managed to start in safe mode but the only thing odd in there was 'C: was ok, A: (floppy) ok, D: was renamed 'F' and E: was ok (I have a TSSTcorp DVD drive and a Lite-On lightscribe drive).

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Windows 7 Failing To Startup?

Jul 16, 2012

Got a netbook that's been running Windows 7 for over 6 month no problem, today tried to boot up and no luck - black screen with the yellow bar running along the bottom for hours. Tried the startup repair which then gave me the chance to restore - picked this and same issue was running for hours with nothing happening. Now put Windows 7 on a USB and trying to repair though that but seems to be the same issue?

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Windows 7 Updates Keep Failing?

Jun 22, 2011

My windows 7 updates keep failing to install and takes me to start up repair everytime and is really frustrating - what can I do?

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Windows 7 Updates Failing?

Sep 26, 2012

I've tried numerous times to try and update Windows Updates (trying to update on a new computer: Lenovo Thinkpad T530) but every time I shut it off, it says it's updating and it looks like it's doing fine but when I turn it says it's configuring Windows updates and it always gets stuck at the 15% mark and then says Windows updates failed, reverting changes. The error is: Error code 80071A9 I've tried Microsofts Fixits and the readiness update and all that stuff but it doesn't help at all.It's really bugging me now because this is the second or third time that my computer went to a black screen saying that it needs to check the disk (I can't remember the exact wording right now). It says the disk is fine every time but it still worries me to have this for the second/third time.

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Windows 7 Failing To Startup

Jul 23, 2012

It is a Toshiba Satellite L655-S5150. When powering it up I get the Toshiba start up screen and I can hear the fan working. It seems to proceed normally then a screen comes up that says windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change may be the cause. I am not aware of any changes to either one. I get two choices. Launch start up repair(recommended) and start windows normally. With either choice it attempts to start up but then the screen stays black. I can move the cursor around normally but that is as far as it goes. I can get to the bios using f2. The version is 2.30 which appears to be the latest. I can also get to the advanced options. I have tried the repair your computer, safe mode, safe mode with networking, and safe mode with command prompt but it always ends up with the black screen. I am also able to get the the boot menu. They don't have a boot disk or recovery disk for me to use. I have tried using another monitor with the same results. I have also tried unplugging the computer, removing the battery and pressing the start button for both 30 and 60 seconds with no success. I have done a little research and it sound like he may have the zero access root kit.

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Windows 7 Failing To Start?

May 18, 2012

After dowloading a norton removal tool for a virus, Windows is now failing to start. Startup repair does not fix it, I have tried several system restore points none of which work (error 0X8000ffff), and the last known configuration is not working either. I can get into the safe mode menu but when I try to go into safe mode I get the Windows failed to start.

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Windows 7 Installation Keeps Failing?

Jun 26, 2011

I bought a copy of the Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit version the other day. I have tried to install it twice now, with failed attempts both times. The first time I tried to install it, the installation failed about halfway thru giving me a message saying that the installation stopped due to corrupt or missing data. I then proceeded to boot from the windows disk again and deleted/formatted that failed partition. I tried the installation over again and let it run thru the night. Now what is happening is my computer won't boot up. All that happens is it gets stuck on the "Starting Windows" screen. It stays on that screen for about 5 mins then the computer automatically restarts itself. This cycle then repeats.

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Windows 7 Failing To Boot?

Dec 15, 2012

I work at staples, and 3 days ago a costumer arrived with a toshiba laptop, it was falinf to boot in to normal mode, so I started it in safe mode to do a backup, but then an other technician reboot the machine, now it does not boot even in safe mode, it gets stuck loading a .sys file.I Tried to get access to command prompt with a windows 7 DVD but for some reason the hard drive is not listed, so i have no access to it, I can't even re install windows b/c of that, but still the fact that even it start loading tells me that the machine do have access to it.I extract the hard drive and tried to connect it to an other computer running XP, through a IDE-USB 2.0 adaptapter, the leds turn on indicating that the hard drive is working but the computer doesn't recognize it.

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Windows Failing To Update

Feb 17, 2013

Iv noticed that my windows update gets stuck in the "searching for updates" phase. Iv tried installing updates manually from MS's site but it doesnt work. So I ran the Windows Update Diagnosis Tool and I've pasted the output and log below. I really hope you guys can help or figure somthing out


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Windows 7 Keeps Trying Configure Updates & Failing?

Aug 26, 2011

Since the beginning of August my Win 7 system installs updates at shutdown and then at the beginning of the next bootup, it tries to configure the updates and fails. I'm pretty sure it's the same updates. How can I find out what updates these are and stop this from happening? My Win 7 is 32 bit. jbschwartz--2008 has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.

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Windows 7 Updates Failing To Install?

Feb 15, 2013

I have gone at least 5 months since I last installed windows updates. I had partially disabled the automatic updates (made it so that it downloads automatically but I choose whether to install them) and have recently decided to install the 101 or so updates that had been downloaded automatically.

About 74 of those updates, but I was able to troubleshoot windows update and so was able to successfully install 30 of those important updates.

The problem now is that I have 44 updates that are downloaded and require a shutdown or restart to be installed. However every time I shutdown or restart my computer I have to wait 5-10 mins for windows to configure the updates and in the end they fail and the changes are reverted.

I've tried troubleshooting again but it did not work. I wonder if these updates are older versions of newer ones I have installed and are therefore failing to install.

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Windows 7 Service Pack 1 Keeps Failing

May 6, 2011

Is anyone else having problems getting the new service pack for Windows 7 installed? I keep getting an error towards the end of the installation. I dont rememeber the error code but it happed on both my laptops I tried to intall it on.

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Windows 7 Updates And Certain Software Failing

Jun 28, 2012

Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate, currently 7 updates failing to install and trying to uninstall Something like microsoft security essentials will not uninstall and OTHER software as well.

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Windows 7 Failing To Load & Cannot Reinstall

Nov 30, 2010

Have run out of variations on a general theme of switching stuff off and on again.Windows 7 (64 bit) is refusing to start: instead displaying the following message:"Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause. To fix the problem:1) Insert the Windows installation disc & restart your computer.2) Choose your language settings, and then click 'next'3) Click "repair your computer"I have done attempted step 1 in 2 different ways - and each time ended up back at step 1 (no sign of the mystical step 2): The first method I tried was to first insert the Windows 7 64-bit software disc, then switch the PC off and on again sing the power switch at the front of the base unit. This led me to the same problem message as before and did not offer me the chance to execute options 2 then 3 as expected; My 2nd method was to have the disc inserted again but this time press 'Ctrl'; 'alt; 'Delete' to attempt a restart. Again whilst the PC appeared to attempt a reboot the same 3 step error message appeared.I'm at a loss how to get the installation disc to run.Note*: Prior to the scenario described I had seen error screens with two user options: one to carry out a repair (this failed to do run anything and produced the error already described; there was another option to load Windows 7 normally, which did the same thing.

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Important Update For Windows 7 Keeps Failing

Jan 15, 2012

Yesterday my laptop had an update for me, so I attempted to install it. However, when it was done I was told that the installation failed. I restarted the computer and attempted to install it again, but it still failed. I looked into more detail on what I was installing, which was Microsoft .NET Framework 4 KB2468871, and went to the site it was based on and attempted to install it from there. When the setup came up however, I received this message:

"KB2468871v2 does not apply, or is blocked by another condition on your computer."

I'm not entirely sure what this means, and since this is apparently an important update for my laptop, I ask if there is a way I can solve the problem (also it's getting irritating to have my laptop keep on reminding me to update something that fails to update). My laptop has Norton 360.

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Windows Updates Are Failing To Install

Mar 17, 2012

why the Windows updates are all failing. The problem started around mid October last Fall. The updates are set for automatic. I have also tried doing manual updates and no luck.On shut down each night the computer downloads the updates successfully, then the computer prepares to shut down and it says "configuring updates" and shows a percentage of completion. Every single time, it gets to 16% then says "installation failed - reverting changes". It then shuts down and reboots and everything seems ok, until the next time I shut down the computer and it tries to install more updates. Rinse, lather, repeat.They were working fine until last October. Since then the odd one shows "successful", but 99% "fail".

- Gateway DX4840
- Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz 6GB RAM 1TB HD 64-bit OS
- Windows 7 Professional - Service Pack 1
- WiFi internet connection
- Firefox browser
- Viper Anti-virus
- Windows Defender is turned ON
- Windows Firewall is ON

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Windows 7 Update Continually Failing?

Nov 11, 2012

I have 23 important window updates, and every time I try to update my computer these fail! I have tried the fix it tool thats reccommended but that didn't work either.It says the file or directory is corrupted or unreadable and the error code is

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Start Up Keeps Failing After Installing Windows Updates?

Jun 19, 2011

I'm running Windows XP 7 on a HP EliteBook 8440p laptopI installed three updates, including the latest Windows 7 Service Pack and now my computer will not start up again. The Startup Repair tool is detecting no errors. The system restore tool warns me that my diagnostic power is low and a restore can not be reversed. I ran a chk dsk and no errors were found and fixed there either.

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