Bitlocker Windows 7 Ultimate - Unable To Boot Laptop?

Jun 19, 2010

I have windows 7 ultimate and for what ever reason when starting my laptop (HP DV62114tx) Im being requested to enter in the bitlocker key. Now here is the issue, the bitlocker key is on the desktop. (silly me)

Im wanting to know if there is any way to either retrieve the key or is there an over ride code for bitlocker so I can log in to my laptop.

I think moving forward, I will not use Bitlocker or look for an alternate solution, that is once I get the Laptop running again.

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Can't Boot Into Windows 7 Ultimate With Bitlocker

Apr 12, 2012

Can't boot into Windows 7 Ultimate with bitlocker anymore....I know the boot sector is messed up more than likely...I have done all the tricks with bootsec.exe and the commands ..I even tried startup repair it repairs but still doesn't boot ....The bitlocker key is on a usb hard drive and is connected but still the error.

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Windows 7 Ultimate Unable To Boot From Dynamic Hard Disk?

Apr 16, 2012

somehow my hard disk partition became dynamic. i formatted system and insttaled windows 7 ultimate in the dynamic disk partition. from then onwards system is not booting. only black screen with cursor on the upper left corner of the black screen.

if i am not wrong windows 7 cannot boot with dynamic disk. i will have to go to the disk management and after conversion of dynamic disk to basic disk with deleting all the volumes (data). it is possible to boot with windows 7.

but system is not booting...not i cannot go to disk management.

hrad disk is showing some partitions with system reserved. except system reserved all the partitions are shwoing dynamic. and in only one partition formatting option and installing OS option is coming while i booting system with OS DVD.

reinstalltion through OS DVD is possble by booting through OS DVD. but in advanced option repartition option is not coming. the one partition in which i installed OS previously, only in that formatting option is coming. in other partition neither formating option is coming nor extend.

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Windows 7 Bitlocker Key And Unable To Launch Operating System?

Apr 22, 2012

i actually lost my windows 7 bitlocker key and after that time my operating system is not starting

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BitLocker Drive Encryption Without Ultimate

Aug 27, 2009

I like to get my OS to be genuine. But, I only qualify for a Home Upgrade.

Anyone know of a way to still use this feature?

Without having Ultimate?

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Slow Boot Up Of Windows (64 Bit Ultimate) On Laptop

Jan 27, 2012

My laptop takes lot of time for boot up.

Config :
Name : Asus K53SV - SX520D
Ram : 4GB DDR3
Processor : i5 2430 2nd gen


I've updated all drivers to latest version. I'm using CCleaner , daily clean files and registry , defragment drives, disabled everything from bootup using ccleaner (in msconfig all options are untick) .

Still laptop takes lot of time before the "Welcome" screen appears and when the "welcome" screen (in between the bg changes to black ). I tried creating boot trace but then I got a BSOD, I used system restore to fix it .

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Unable To Boot Laptop Using PenDrive (Windows 7 ISO File)

Sep 13, 2011

I have a dell studio 1535. My cd rom doesn't work, hence I tried formatting my laptop through a pendrive. I downloaded windows 7 iso file, extracted to 4GB pendrive. After that when I try to boot my laptop my using my pendrive all that I get is a cursor blinking on my screen. [URL]

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Dual Boot - Installing XP On Windows 7 Laptop / Unable To Connect

Apr 18, 2011

I have a Win 7 Laptop and I wanted to put XP in as a dual boot. All is ok but XP will not connect to the Internet / Are all the drivers I need on my xp cd? When I start I press F12 to select , win & goes online but XP will not and even the wizard says it is unable to connect?

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BitLocker Drive Encryption - BitLocker To Go - Turn On Or Off

Apr 28, 2009

How to Turn Windows 7 BitLocker To Go On or Off for Removable Drives ?

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Unable To Boot From Laptop Hard Drive Connected Through USB SATA Cable

Mar 4, 2012

I have a Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop. I recently developed hard drive trouble and have had to order a replacement.Instead of installing Windows 7 all over again, with all the drivers, etc., I want to clone my existing hard drive to the new one.I intend to connect one of the hard drives to my system via a USB SATA cable with the other drive connected inside my system.

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Unable To Start Windows 7 Ultimate?

Mar 20, 2011

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate and yesterday I did my first image backup using Acronis True Image 2011 (I'd previously been using an earlier version with no problems.)

When the backup completed I told the computer to shut down and it went to a screen that said the following:

"Operations in progress. Please wait. The machine will be turned off automatically after the operations are complete."

The screen had a blue background with the blue ring with the white bit going round and round to the left of the text and the Windows 7 Ultimate logo at the bottom.

I left the computer and came back over an hour later and the computer had gone into standby. When I pressed the start button the same screen was still displaying so I left it for a couple more hours and came back to it and the same thing happened. I turned the computer off at the back and switched it on again this morning. I got the "Starting Windows" screen and then it went straight back to the "Operations in progress..." message.

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Unable To Install Windows 7 Ultimate?

Nov 16, 2010

Could not install windows 7 ultimate.Had first formatted hard disk. Started window on disk and has gone through all the steps except the last. Fail at one of the reboot during installation.

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Unable To Start Windows 7 Ultimate

Mar 20, 2011

I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate and yesterday I did my first image backup using Acronis True Image 2011 (I'd previously been using an earlier version with no problems.)

When the backup completed I told the computer to shut down and it went to a screen that said the following: "Operations in progress. Please wait. The machine will be turned off automatically after the operations are complete."

The screen had a blue background with the blue ring with the white bit going round and round to the left of the text and the Windows 7 Ultimate logo at the bottom.

I left the computer and came back over an hour later and the computer had gone into standby. When I pressed the start button the same screen was still displaying so I left it for a couple more hours and came back to it and the same thing happened. I turned the computer off at the back and switched it on again this morning. I got the "Starting Windows" screen and then it went straight back to the "Operations in progress..." message.

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Unable To Install Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

Mar 29, 2011

I'm trying to install Windows 7 Ultimate, 64-bit on my desktop. I reformatted the harddisk and booted to the DVD. I've already checked the compatibility and was previously running Windows 7 Ultimate, 32-bit. In the computer properties, it did say that the processor (AMD Athlon 64x2) is capable of running 64-bit. When I boot to the DVD, it goes through the process and seems like it is working, but after a few automatic reboots, it just black-screens. At that point, if I reboot, it just black-screens again it.I am able to put 32-bit back on it, and it installs without problems, but am trying to get it setup to run SharePoint dev tools. Is there something additional I need to do to install 64-bit that was running 32-bit?

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Unable To Install Net Framework 1 1 In Windows 7 Ultimate

Apr 22, 2011

im not able to install .net framework in windows7, im trying it frm past 2 weeks but im unsuccessful

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Unable To Install Programs On Windows 7 Ultimate?

Oct 26, 2012

I am unable to install programmes on my windows 7 ultimate.

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Windows 7 Ultimate - Unable To Access PC Via Remote Desktop?

Dec 30, 2011

Today is the first time I have had to access my work pc remotely so went out and bought Windows 7 Home. I accessed my works VPN network via the browser (have an icon in my taskbar called "network Connect" which tell me how long I have been connected for), I was able to ping my work PC but when I tried connect via Remote Desktop I was getting an error: Remote Desktop can't connect to the remote computer for one of these reasons: 1)Remote Access to the server is not enabled 2) The remote computer is turned off 3) The remote computer is not available on the network Make sure the remote computer is turned on and connected to the network, and that remote access is enabled."

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Windows 7 X64 Ultimate & Gtx460 Unable To Go Past 1024x768?

Sep 8, 2012

couple days ago, I boot my system up and I'm shocked to find my resolution @ 1024x768 when it's supposed to be 1440x900, as that's the max for my monitor.Well, I tried rebooting, tried uninstalling/reinstalling the drivers, downloaded the most recent drivers from Nvidia and uninstalled/reinstalled again...still same issue.I finally got fed up and decided to reload windows fresh. Formatted my partition and went through the setup process. After all was said and done, reinstalled Nvidia drivers for my card and the same damn issue was still there.So, am I correct in assuming that, for what ever reason, my video card has crapped the bed on m

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Can OS Partition Access A Dual Boot Partition If Encrypted With Bitlocker

Aug 29, 2012

I'm a long-time reader but new poster. I am currently running Windows 7. I want to install Windows XP onto another disc and have a dual-boot setup. I keep Windows 7 up to date and secure, but for the XP partition, I would rather not have antivirus running or even installed, in order to limit background processes. I will not be logging into any place or making any credit card purchases when booted into Windows XP. It will just be used for surfing, games, etc. Further, if and when XP becomes compromised or buggy, I will simply overwrite the partition with a backup image.

If I use Bitlocker to lock down the Windows 7 partition (with the encryption key on a thumb drive) and boot into Windows XP, am I correct in thinking the XP installation see or can't access the Windows 7 partition? If XP gets compromised, can a virus access or write to the Windows 7 partition?

Is there any other reason why this would not be secure? Can a virus write to the BIOS?

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Windows 7 Ultimate Won't Now Boot

Mar 24, 2011

Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit on desktop PC has been running fine for several months (legit dvd and serial number). It had a pretty old NVidia 6600 graphics card so I decided to replace it with a newer card as the latest 64 bit drivers didn't seem to work and so I reverted to the old drivers some weeks ago and all has been fine since.

On installation of the new graphics card the PC wouldn't boot. It goes to the black screen with the coloured widows logo and wouldn't go any further ( I know the card is OK it came from my sons PC). I tried a repair boot without the cd and that didn't do anything either. I reverted to the old graphics card. Still wouldn't boot past the black screen as above BUT if I leave it I can hear the chime as Skype starts so it would appear as though Windows is actually booting but not displaying the desktop.

I have tried a repair from the boot menu and from the original dvd and they just hang on the blue graphics screen with the birds and the white squiggle. I therefore decided that I would do a reinstall and a new install now hangs at the same screen. If I try a boot to safe mode the boot hangs at classpnp.sys.

Ideally I don't want to do a reinstall but I will if I have to and if I can get it to reinstall.

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Windows 7 Ultimate Won't Boot

Jun 11, 2012

I bought an Acer Aspire 4530 from an acquaintance that when I got it had an unverified version of Windows 7 Ultimate on it. He found a keygen and it worked to verify it. The next day it was running super slow so I restarted it but it came back with status: 0xc000000f which I googled and its a boot issue. I do not have a disk for it and all the repairs I have came across require a disk to fix the issue. My boyfriend has a disk but its for Windows 7 home premium. Will that work? Both the laptop and my boyfriend's desktop are 64 bit.

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Windows 7 Ultimate Won't Boot Up

Sep 25, 2012

I tried to completely uninstall an expired deep freeze in my Computer, I went to registry and deleted the Folders named deepfrz after I rebooted my Computer it won't get past the Starting windows message it stops and flashes and I can see a blue screen then it tries to boot up again, the process repeats over and over, I tried doing a system restore by pressing F8 and the Startup recovery can't fix the issue either, is my Hard disk corrupted?

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Windows 7 Ultimate X64 Refusal To Boot?

Mar 1, 2012

I have tried to boot into normal mode and it starts but then freezes on the Windows logo, I have also tried last good configuration with the same effect, after this I tried all the versions of safe mode and every single one hangs when loading the drivers; as a result, I decided to try a system repair from disk, I boot from the CD and it loads files and also hangs on the Windows logo.

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Windows 7 Ultimate Disk Won't Boot

Apr 1, 2011

i've been checking everywhere for some info and my problem doesn't seem like anyone elses. i just recently repartitioned my hdd usuing gnome partitioner and reformated to unformated to install windows 7. I've set my boot menu to boot off the disk drive, but when i put the windows 7 disk in it says to insert a bootable disk.

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How To Dual-Boot Windows 7 Ultimate And XP

Dec 11, 2012

never partioned, dual-booted or anything like that. Hard Drive is... 282 size, 236 free.

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Really Slow Boot With Windows 7 Ultimate X64

Apr 29, 2012

I found this site through a google search of "long boot times". Recently and all of a sudden, my boot time has went from about 30 seconds to about 3 minutes, with a long delay between windows logo and welcome screen. I found cluberi's tutorial on obtaining a boot log and I've done so.

I've posted the zipped file here: Boot_Trace.zipx

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Clean Install Windows 7 X64 Ultimate Won't Boot

Apr 1, 2011

I built 2 PCs with the following spec:

CPU: Core i5 2500
MB: Asrock H61M/U3S3 (revised esata issue fixed)
RAM: 4GB GSkill Ripjaw X (2 x 2GB)
PSU: 450W Thermaltake PSU
HDD: 1TB Seagate 7200 HDD
ODD: Samsung DVD Drive

On both PCs after a successful clean Windows 7 x64 Ultimate, starts windows for the first time etc etc ask me to select windows update setting, goes into windows desktop then does a auto restart (proper logging off restart etc). At this point, after bios screen when it attempts to boot from hdd the PC just resets inself and goes back to POST, over and over again. I've tried using only one stick of ram, tried using VGA to do a clean install again instead of DVI, tried changing my RAM to a lower clock speed, every other bios setting is default. I also tried updating to the latest bios and again did a clean install (delete and create partition) even tried installing x86 instead of x64.

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Possible To Use Vista Ultimate Disk To Boot Into Windows 7

Apr 28, 2012

i have a question: Can you use a Vista Ultimate disk to boot into a Windows 7 recovery partition. What i am attempting is to fix MBR in windows 7 but i don't have a Windows 7 disk and no one i know has one. My 7 wont boot at all but it should with a recovery disk. So can i use the Vista disk to boot to 7's recovery options ?

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Hardware Upgrade Now Windows 7 Ultimate Won't Boot

Aug 1, 2012

I have upgraded a machine from an Intel motherboard to an ASUS P8H61-M LX. New CPU and RAM. Before installing the new hardware I changed all drivers to standard drivers, did a system image to an external HDD. After installing the new hardware Windows hangs with 4 little colored dots on the screen (start of win banner?). A safe mode boot stops at classpnp.sys. The same thing happens if I try to boot from the WIN CD. I went back to the old hardware setup and tried to do a sysprep, but that failed with fatal error, but no more info. The HDD is set to IDE, using a PS2 mouse and keyboard. I cannot do a clean install as there is some very old software on the machine.

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Changed BIOS Now Will Not Boot Windows 7 Ultimate?

Dec 19, 2012

Yesterday I was attempting to wipe my hard drive as I was putting my laptop for sale. Whilst it was wiping my laptop crashed and would not re boot properly but I was able to access the BIOS . I stupidly changed some settings following some advice on a forum I now cannot find and when I tried to re boot it stays on the philips page for around 10 minutes. None of the keys work, like F12, F2 ect. After ten minutes it give me a screen thats says 1.Insert your Windows installation disc and restart the computer.2.Choose your language settings, and then click "Next".3.Click "Repair your computer."If you do not have this disc, contact your system administrator or computer manufacturer for assistance.Status: 0xc000000fThis is how I understand it as my system is in Polish and Polish is not my first language and with technical language I am not fluent and I beleive thats how I made the mistake in the first place in the BIOS.

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Windows 7 Ultimate And Osx Dual Boot On Single HD?

Sep 11, 2012

I have been trying for a while to install mac os x on my windows 7 pc i have followed hundreds of different tutorials and hit a wall at every one.

what is the best way to install mac os x on a single hdd? i no my pc is compatible with it i dont no where im going wrong.

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