BSOD After Finding Laptop At System Repair?

Jul 13, 2012

Earlier this morning I restarted my laptop to the desktop and left it running. After coming back to my room a couple hours later, I noticed that there was a System Repair window on the screen. And whenever you see this there is always a state of being very concerned.I restarted my laptop only to be directed to the BSOD. I restarted the laptop, only to be presented with the same screen. I immediately took a picture with my cell phone to make sure I could read anything that could give me a clue as to what the error could be. Below are the error codes:

***STOP: 0x000000F4 (0x0000000000000003, 0xFFFFFA800CBABB30, 0xFFFFFA800CBABE10, 0xFFFFF80003B8B510)

I started up the laptop and was prompted with options to either start Windows as it usually would or to try and go through the system repair. I tried system repair again. I was brought to a screen to try and do a system restore to an earlier point. The closest restore point was earlier today and that was due to some critical updates that windows had automatically had downloaded and installed. So, I tried hitting that restore point only to be shown a window that stated that system restore was unsuccessful with the restore. I tried again with a restore point from a week ago and was again shown the same unsuccessful window.

The next thing I did was scour the internet for recent BSOD listings. Everything told me to get into Safe Mode by hitting the F8 button after restarting the computer. The first time I tried it, I hit Safe Mode (without networking or command prompt). I saw the screen fill up with file listings as it usually does, again to be prompted with the BSOD. The next time I tried hitting F8 I was only shown two options: Start Windows normally or the system restore option. I tried again searching the internet on my phone to try and first power down the laptop, take out the battery and hold down the power button for 30 seconds, which I first did. Then I went into the command prompt located in the system restore window. I performed chkdsk /r on the C: drive by typing:C:, then enter and chkdsk /r I was then prompted with something about having to dismount the C; drive in order to check the drive, and pushed Yes for that. After that was completed I was successfully able to find all the boot options in the F8 menu when you restart the computer. This was an arduous journey to get this far. Took quite awhile and there were many unsuccessful other attempts before trying this route.So, I tried the Safe Mode with Networking and booted successfully into Safe Mode. I tried running Norton which stated that I couldn't perform that action. So I tried restarting, FINALLY to boot into Windows. I am currently performing a full system scan with Norton 360 and will post my findings. I am also posting the minidump files that were asked for, in order to post in this forum below.

System Specs: Lenovo Y560
Intel Core i7CPU
1.73 GHz
64 bit Operating System
8.00 GB RAM


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BSOD Crashing On Desktop/playing HL:S And On System Repair

Sep 13, 2012

I recently got my first crash(0x00000050) on my pretty new Asus G74SX-A1 laptop while playing Half-Life: Source and never had any other blue screens before that. After that, I restarted and went to desktop and it eventually crashed again but when it did I opened Steam(not sure if connected). After that second crash, I went and scanned my PC on safe mode and then restarted again and tried to do a system repair but right after it was done I got the second BSOD(0x0000001a).

I have not recently installed any new hardware or anything that could change my system in any way. The last time I updated my PC's hardware was when I updated my graphics card (Nvidia gtx 560m) to a beta client about 3-4 weeks ago and haven't had any problems.

I looked through some of the error dumps my self to see what was causing the problems and it says it was "ntoskrnl.exe+7f1c0" but I'm not too sure what to do.

I provided the dump files in the attachements(2 dump files zipped). Edit: I think I might have fixed it by updating my graphics card, performing hard drive error checking, and chkdsk /f. I am not totally sure if it is resolved yet and if it is not, I will post back with more information informing that it has not worked.

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BSOD + Black Screen White Cursor + Can't Go To System Repair

Nov 11, 2012

first I was facing BSOD. So I tried going in by every type of safe mode, But it doesn't work, I just go to a black screen with moving cursor and I can't Open the Task Manager.So I tried system restore, failed with the CD. Then I tried the Grub4dos thing It failed as well. It just brings me to the black screen with white cursor.Also when I start in safe mode, it stucks at classpnp.sys and after awhile It goes to BSOD and reboots. By the way this all started when I installed a game, Dishonored.

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Laptop Not Starting Normally Without Crashing - Cannot Repair System

Sep 30, 2012

I own a Samsung QX410 and while I was browsing the Internet it crashed and would not start normally without crashing. So I've tried running Repair my system, even Repair my computer from my windows disk. But every time I do that it comes to a blue splash screen (with the bird, leaf, etc.) and it would not do anything. No options would come up and it would just sit there.

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Laptop Won't Boot Up - Startup Repair And System Restore / None Will Finish

Oct 21, 2012

My Sony vaio just turned off last week and wont boot up. It turns on an flashes Sony vaio but that's all. I made a recovery disk and I can get into bios so I tried booting from internal disk and tried startup repair got nothing, tried system restore for every restore point and none will finish. Took each piece of ram out an tried starting it up to see if bad ram was the problem and it starts the same way. I also tried the restore from previous image but I have no image. So I don't know what else to try. Windows 7

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How To Repair Missing Operating System In Asus Laptop Computer

Oct 29, 2012

How to repair missing operating system in asus laptop computer

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64bit Laptop Crashed And Won't Start On Safe Mode, System Repair Failed?

Jul 17, 2012

i just crashed som1 64 bit lennovo laptop while i opperate a 32 bit pc dont have any windows system with me,it wont start on safe mode,and system repair has failed many times.the laptop was running on low battry and it shut itself,when i tryed to reboot it,it automaticly went to system repair which failed

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Couldn't Find Windows 7 Repair Disc / Repair System / Rewrite MBR

Nov 16, 2011

I couldn't find Windows 7 Repair Disc / Repair System / rewrite MBR for x64?

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System Repair Disk Not Booting Into Repair Options

Nov 4, 2009

Created it with no problems, apparently at least. My BIOS is set to boot from CD drive, so why won't my machine boot from the system repair disk? There were no errors when disk was created. My machine just boots to windows.

Anyone else experience this with Win 7 Professional?

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System Image Not Finding HDD?

Jan 2, 2012

I just built my first computer on Friday. As the Newegg video I was using as a guide suggested I made a system image shortly after I got it running but before I put much on, like Steam or any games for example. It went fine that time and found my HDD (I use an SSD for my OS, Steam, and games). Now, a couple days and a few programs latter, I wanted to try using the automatic overclocking function that my ASUS P8Z68-V Pro motherboard has. I figured before I do that I'd make a new system image. The problem is that when I go to do so the system image can't find my HDD and only gives me the option to back up to a disc. I haven't tried reformatting yet, but that wouldn't be a big deal as there really isn't anything on there yet.

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Operating System Not Finding Hard Drive

Jan 12, 2013

when you turn it on it flashes the vaio logo then goes to a black screen that says "operating system not found". i googled the problem and my instincts were correct it was a damaged hard drive there is even a Internet video as the first link when you google it and it shows his laptop go figure.

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BSOD On Laptop Upon Waking From Sleep, Can't Use System Restore?

Jan 11, 2013

I have been getting BSOD on my laptop for over a month now. It only ever happens upon waking up from sleep, never when starting it up. I've tried to used System Restore but I don't have any restore points that go far back enough. I have tried resetting to factory settings but the same problem has happened again, not sure if it's the same incident because I'd have thought a reset would have solved it, so likewise I'm not sure another reset will change anything. I've done scans with multiple anti-viruses (obviously no two at the same time), and I apparently I don't have a virus. I thought it might have something to do with the registry so I scanned for problems in the registry in both CCleaner, but despite what it tells me, nothing has changed. I also did scans with AVG PC Tune-Up which didn't do anything, either. I was considering booting from an OS disk but I only want to do that as a last resort, and if it's going to work.

Aside from BSOD, other problems include the Flash container plugin crashing midway though Flash videos (which can't be down to Flash player, because I have the latest version), playback lagging in Media Player Classic Home Cinema, even though I have the CCCP codec pack installed, and lastly when playing games, sometimes the .exe will crash or the game will jitter, even offline games, even on low graphic settings, even with the latest graphic card drivers installed.

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Laptop Not Finding New (encased) Connected HD

Sep 8, 2012

I bought a new internal hard drive (Seagate Momentus 1 TB) for my Samsung laptop. I put it in my Rocketfish USB shell case, and plugged it in to my laptop. It said "Found new hardware" and said it was ready, but it never showed up as an additional drive in Windows Explorer. I tried it on a different computer and the same thing happened. The light on the case came on, it said "Found new hardware", but it never showed up as an additional drive to put anything one.

I wanted to do a "backup and restore" of my laptop's existing hard drive onto this one, but if it doesn't "see" the new HD, it obviously won't work.

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Finding Security Code For Hooking Up Second Laptop?

Sep 23, 2011

How do I find security code so I can hook up my second laptop

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Dell XPS Crashes .System Repair,system Restore ,safe Mode Don't Work

Mar 8, 2012

I am having the following system configuration

XPS L401X Base
Genuine Windows(R) 7 Home Premium 64bit (English)
Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-740QM Processor
6GB 1333MHz DDR3 SDRAM (1 x 2GB + 1 x 4GB)
640GB 7200RPM Hard Drive

Lately whenever i try to start my computer it pass the Dell Bios and then directly goes to the screen which states
Repair your system or Start windows normally When i chose repair system , it start downloading windows files and then launch the windows , but hung up at the sky blue login window with only movable cusor . When i choose to start windows normally it gives me BSOD momentarly ( hard to see the message) and then restarts again . i tried with the advanced boot up options like
repair my computer , all safe modes , restore to last good configuration but it does the same and hangs at windows loging sky blue window .I Tried to run the Dell PSA+ Diagnostic and it returns with 2000-0146 error . As per the Dell online solutions for this type of error ,I tried to reinstall the Hard disk but the problem still exist.

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Windows 7 Won't Startup, System Repair And System Restore Failed?

Feb 15, 2013

Living is south FL can be a bitch when the rains come as there often is a ton of accompanying lightening that plays havoc with the electrical system, even though I have surge protectors inside and outside the house. We just had some very heavy rains with lightening and my computer shut down several times, but I could restart it each time...except for the last time when Windows wouldn't startup. At that point, Start Up Repair came into play. Although I routinely backup on an external drive, of course I never did it this month-DUH!Results from SUR were error free (error code=0x0) on all the parameters tested, however there were the following error codes reported:"Unspecified change to the system configuration might have caused the problem." Failed: 0x1fRepair Action: System FilesFailed: x490There were more options to select for a recovery task, but I didn't try them as they didn't seem to be as salient as the two above.

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Windows 7 Laptop Stopped Finding Wd External Hard Drive

Jun 14, 2012

I have a Windows 7 Laptop which i bought in January, at the same time i bought a WD 2TB external hard drive to back up all my files onto (last laptop broke and i lost everything so decided to keep everything off the laptop itself).

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System Repair / System Restore Not Working

May 8, 2011

The other day I was trying to figure out what coral paintshop pro meant by security key, so I googled it. Something popped up and asked me if I wanted to download, and I wanted to say no, but my laptop's mouse is too sensitive at times, so I accidentally clicked yes. My computer automatically shut down right after that. Every time I turn it on now, it goes straight into System Repair and it doesn't work, it says it cannot repair. I've tried System Restore, but since that doesn't get rid of the documents that have been downloaded, it isn't helping either. My computer won't even let me enter any form of Safe Mode, it just goes straight back to System Repair.

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BSoD, Unable To Run Repair

Jan 26, 2010

Two weeks ago my computer came down with a blue screen of death. I was running Windows 7 at the time on a fairly new system (little over a year old). Great gaming PC, never had any real issues. I was unable to get past the Windows loading screen, I was unable to load up in safe mode, I was unable to start up from the last known configuration, and I was unable to run a Windows repair. All options failed. I tested the memory to see if my RAM was messed up; RAM was fine.

So I installed a brand new hard drive in today, fresh and clean. I popped in my Windows Vista DVD (I don't have a DVD for my 7) and started installing Windows Vista on the new hard drive. All was going fine. Then it finished installing and immediately I was struck by the BSoD in the same spot as before; couldn't even log in. So apparently it's not a Windows problem, there's a serious issue with my PC itself. What is wrong?

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Startup Repair Or Boot Into BSOD

Dec 26, 2012

Recently my computer has been randomly just giving me the BSOD. Normally this problem was resolved by a simple restart but tonight about an hour before I posted this, the blue screen sent me back to startup but instead of giving me the usual "Security mode" and Regular Startup. It gave me Startup Repair and normal startup. After clicking normal startup just to see if it would correct itself like normal,my pc instantly BSOD'd, bringing me back to my two options. I've been sitting here staring at the startup repair screen for about an hour now.

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Ntoskernl.exe BSOD Before And After Repair Install?

Jan 15, 2012

I have been having some major issues with windows 7 over the last few months. I have been getting BSODs frequently either while doing anything and while away from the computer. They usually occur about 30-60 minutes after I turn on the computer. I have run check disk, system file scanner, memtest 86+, my hard drive manufacturers integrity test, and even did a repair install in order to fix my problem. The problem was there before and after the repair install (which took a couple of tries to get it to finish without a BSOD). I contacted microsoft support and after 2 reps and close to 2 months of back and forth they said they did everything they know how (see above), and that was all they could do for me. I'm really annoyed because I want to upgrade to Windows 7 but I am forced to run xp because of this. I have attached my Dump files from the bsod.

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BSOD Mostly While Gaming (has Been In To Asus Twice For Repair)?

Jun 6, 2012

I have been suffering from sporadic BSOD mostly while gaming for some time. My computer has a terrible gpu so I thought that was the cause and it was getting up to some very high temperatures, but I sent the computer in to Asus and they replaced the fan and some cooling parts and the computer doesnt run hot any more but then I started to get Bad Pool Caller and page fault BSODs. I sent it in again and they replaced the hard drive. I have had it back for less than a week and the BSODs are back.

system specs

Screen:13.3" HD (1366 x768) (LED)
Processor:Intel i5-430M (2.26GHz)
Chipset:Intel HM55


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BSOD At Random Times Even After Repair

Oct 24, 2012

I bought my Ideapad Y580 from Lenovo in August. Around the middle of September, I started getting the BSOD after updating my Nvidia driver (which it prompted me to do) So I did the typical system restore and reset to the old driver. This did not fix the problem. So I called Lenovo, who determined my motherboard may have a problem and I sent the laptop in for repair. I get it back last night and STILL BSOD! This time for multiple things. I call Lenovo back and after it was determined that the pre-installed mcaffee was to blame. (drivers) So, It was uninstalled and windows update ran until completion with the tech on the phone. I thought all was well, but about 10 minutes after i get off the phone I get another BSOD for a completely different problem. I will post my last 3 or 4 bsod reports below.I will say this, there are NO third party programs on this computer right now. Everything install came from Lenovo as is. And yes, Lenovo replaced the motherboard when it was sent for repair.a brand new 1000+ dollar machine shouldn't be giving me these headaches. [code]This appears to be a typical software driver bug and is not likely to be caused by a hardware problem. The crash took place in the Windows kernel. Possibly this problem is caused by another driver that cannot be identified at this time.

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BSOD While Trying To Repair Windows 7 Ultimate?

Nov 17, 2011

I installed xp trying to do a dualboot configuration. Now just xp boots. So I tried using Acronis os selector, windows 7 still does not show. So I tried repairing as I've done in the past with the install disk only getting a BSOD

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System Repair Keeps Running?

May 6, 2011

yesterday it crashed when it restarted it went into system repair and everytime i restarted it went into the system repair not sure if this is relivant but i get a dos windown come up with drvload.exe so i did a hdd factory restore thinking this would clear the problem but it hasnt, now im still getting a system repair everytime i do the mircosoft updates when i restart, plus i cant open hardly any programes like firefox, add and remove programmes.Im now running a harddrive check to see if i have any bad sectors within it, have also run mcfee scan which showed no viruses.

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Cannot Repair Or System Restore

May 9, 2011

Win 7 no boot to windows or safe mode Startup cannot repair or System Restore Drive has changed fron C to D, PC was showing black screen 2 options Start windows normally or Launch Start up repair 1 beepthen launches startup repair.checkingsystem, then cannot repair and send info about this problem.

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Stuck In System Repair?

Apr 12, 2011

yesterday I was enjoying a match of league of legends on my computer and it completely froze up on me. I had no option but to give it the hard shutoff, so I held down the power button. Upon starting my computer back up, I was brought into system repair. It tried to repair and then said it could not be repaired, and so I restarted it. It then said it went into repairing once again and said it may take up to an hour. A minute later it said the errors were fixed, and restarted the system for me. It then continued to do that and has been doing that every time I restart it.I tried logging in to safe mode but it just brought me into system repair.I tried to restore to an earlier point but the restore failed.I tried using a Windows 7 Reinstall disk and had odd results. The first time it said a file was missing during the expanding files. The Second time it got to completing install and then said the disk was missing files to complete and to contact the disk manufacturer. I'm currently running it one more time to see if I can get it to work.All I have plugged in is the mouse, the keyboard, and the monitor.

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Computer Keeps Going To System Repair?

Jun 26, 2011

my computer keeps going to system repair and it wont let me go into safe mode or do system restore. how do i fix this?

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BSOD Even After Many Attempts To Repair Dell Inspiron 17R?

Jan 7, 2013

I have a Dell Inspiron 17R (7010) that I bought brand new and only used for about a year. The system keeps crashing, displaying various error codes that range from memory management to bad pool header.I've tried replacing the hard drive, the RAM cards, testing the video card, reinstalling Windows 7 AND flashing the BIOS.I can say that I will absolutely never purchase a Dell again, simply for the customer service. I was a month inside of my warranty when this started happening, and Dell kept putting me off until the remainder of my warranty expired.

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How To Make System Repair Disk

Feb 9, 2013

I did a search in the Windows 7 forum for system repair disc and got no hits so here I am asking.I have only Windows 7 32-bit installed here so I don't have a 64-bit system with which to create a system repair disk. I do have a Windows 7 Ultimate setup disk. How can I make a Windows 7 64-bit repair disk?

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Windows 7 System Repair Loop?

Jun 14, 2011

Every time I start up my Windows 7 Home Premiuem x64 laptop, I get the startup repair screen. It always says that the problem cannot be fixed; this has been going on since last night and I've tried several methods, none of which seem to work. It won't even let me access the login screen; as soon as I start my laptop it goes straight to startup repair.

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