System Image Not Finding HDD?

Jan 2, 2012

I just built my first computer on Friday. As the Newegg video I was using as a guide suggested I made a system image shortly after I got it running but before I put much on, like Steam or any games for example. It went fine that time and found my HDD (I use an SSD for my OS, Steam, and games). Now, a couple days and a few programs latter, I wanted to try using the automatic overclocking function that my ASUS P8Z68-V Pro motherboard has. I figured before I do that I'd make a new system image. The problem is that when I go to do so the system image can't find my HDD and only gives me the option to back up to a disc. I haven't tried reformatting yet, but that wouldn't be a big deal as there really isn't anything on there yet.

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System Image On External Hard Drive Is Not Accessible While Restoring PC From Image

Sep 4, 2011

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 32 bit The windows system image backed up on my external hard drive (2TB WD USB3) is not showing while restoring the PC from an image.

The only option available is my hard drive partition on which i also had saved a system image. Though windows recommends External hard drive for backing up image when backing up the system.

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BSOD After Finding Laptop At System Repair?

Jul 13, 2012

Earlier this morning I restarted my laptop to the desktop and left it running. After coming back to my room a couple hours later, I noticed that there was a System Repair window on the screen. And whenever you see this there is always a state of being very concerned.I restarted my laptop only to be directed to the BSOD. I restarted the laptop, only to be presented with the same screen. I immediately took a picture with my cell phone to make sure I could read anything that could give me a clue as to what the error could be. Below are the error codes:

***STOP: 0x000000F4 (0x0000000000000003, 0xFFFFFA800CBABB30, 0xFFFFFA800CBABE10, 0xFFFFF80003B8B510)

I started up the laptop and was prompted with options to either start Windows as it usually would or to try and go through the system repair. I tried system repair again. I was brought to a screen to try and do a system restore to an earlier point. The closest restore point was earlier today and that was due to some critical updates that windows had automatically had downloaded and installed. So, I tried hitting that restore point only to be shown a window that stated that system restore was unsuccessful with the restore. I tried again with a restore point from a week ago and was again shown the same unsuccessful window.

The next thing I did was scour the internet for recent BSOD listings. Everything told me to get into Safe Mode by hitting the F8 button after restarting the computer. The first time I tried it, I hit Safe Mode (without networking or command prompt). I saw the screen fill up with file listings as it usually does, again to be prompted with the BSOD. The next time I tried hitting F8 I was only shown two options: Start Windows normally or the system restore option. I tried again searching the internet on my phone to try and first power down the laptop, take out the battery and hold down the power button for 30 seconds, which I first did. Then I went into the command prompt located in the system restore window. I performed chkdsk /r on the C: drive by typing:C:, then enter and chkdsk /r I was then prompted with something about having to dismount the C; drive in order to check the drive, and pushed Yes for that. After that was completed I was successfully able to find all the boot options in the F8 menu when you restart the computer. This was an arduous journey to get this far. Took quite awhile and there were many unsuccessful other attempts before trying this route.So, I tried the Safe Mode with Networking and booted successfully into Safe Mode. I tried running Norton which stated that I couldn't perform that action. So I tried restarting, FINALLY to boot into Windows. I am currently performing a full system scan with Norton 360 and will post my findings. I am also posting the minidump files that were asked for, in order to post in this forum below.

System Specs: Lenovo Y560
Intel Core i7CPU
1.73 GHz
64 bit Operating System
8.00 GB RAM


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Operating System Not Finding Hard Drive

Jan 12, 2013

when you turn it on it flashes the vaio logo then goes to a black screen that says "operating system not found". i googled the problem and my instincts were correct it was a damaged hard drive there is even a Internet video as the first link when you google it and it shows his laptop go figure.

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System Image On System Restore Disk Not Reading After Crash?

Oct 2, 2012

Using preinstalled Win 7 Home Premium 64bit on an HP 6813w Pavilion. The original hard drive, a Hitachi HDS721010CLA332 1Tb crashed.1) System Recovery discs was made along with a System Recovery with System Image disc.2) A more current System Image was made on an external hard drive.The Hitachi was replaced with the same model. Checked bios to make sure it was installed correctly.Under System Recovery, Image Restore, Select a System Image Backup there is nothing in the table to choose from as far as a source (disc drive or external drive).A) System Recovery (3 discs) has the HP preinstall file folder on the 3rd disc but is not read by the System Recovery program.B) Under System Restore, Image Restore, Advanced, it asks for a network or driver to be installed. That opens up the directory of C: which is the external hard drive. Under WindowsImageBackup the computer name is identified followed by three entries:[CODE]It seems to me the Recovery and System Restore discs are not functional. Am not a technical person but I have taken this as far as I know how at this point.Printed out all the instructions from HP and Microsoft to follow step by step but the failed discs will not allow me to move forward.

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How To Make A System Image For A Dual Boot System

May 8, 2012

I want to make a recovery disc to reset my entire 4 partition dual boot hard drive back to its current state. the recovery would reset both xp and win 7 which i have dual booting. can i make one single image to do this without it screwing up my boot loaders etc? what should i use? 3rd party software?

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Is A System Backup The Same As A System Image

Aug 30, 2012

is a system backup the same as a system image?

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System Image Of Ext HDD?

Nov 30, 2012

Is it possible to make a system image of "only" my external drive without inlcuding my internal drive? Windows 7

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Creating A System Image

May 8, 2011

When i got my 500 gig internal HD, I messed up and the C: partition is too small. I can't move anything else outta the C partition into the much larger D partition. SO now I want to create a system image on my external HD, so I can re-install Win7 Pro, and not use any partitions. WELL, when i try to create a system image on this external, which sez only needs 396 gig,Windows tell me the external doesn't have enuff space for the shadow volume? There is nothing ON this external. Has 434 of 465 gig free. SO why is that NOT enuff space?

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Create System Image?

May 2, 2012

I want to create a system image on my NTFS formatted portable WesternD HDD. Now It has about 250GB of space left(the portable HDD), and the Laptop PC that i want to create the image of, tells me I need about 199GB for the system image.Then first time I created the image, it gave me a failure message saying I should run a CHKDSK /R and ty again. I ran a CHKDSK /R on the external drive and tried making a system image again, where it got about halfway and gave me the same message. What is going wrong every time?

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Recovering System Image?

Sep 11, 2011

I made a system image backup from my ssd,then I bought another ssd to put the system image on,I tried when the 2nd ssd was completely empty; it saysthere is no disk to recover to ( or something like that )then I installed clean version of windows on the 2nd ssdafter that I tried restoring via the system repair disc but it kept telling me the same message

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Create A System Image?

Nov 10, 2011

i am trying to back up and create a system image but evert time i do i get this error THE SYSTEM CANNOT FIND THE FILE SPECIFIED OX87007002, i have window 7 64 bit professional i think the problem is with this system reserved partition

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Using System Image On A New Ssd Drive And More Ram?

Sep 3, 2012

I recently brought a new ssd disk because the old one was running out of space. Since I have created a system image I was of just restoring this to the new ssd disk but I have also brought some new ram as well and will install this too. Will this cause problems with using system image.

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Creating System Image?

Oct 16, 2012

After my problems reported elsewhere, I decided to make a system image after I got things working. This was recommended by inference by one of the gurus who responded to my questions.So I got the system up again and I needed to learn about system images. So I hit F1 and read about creating a system image. Clicked here, clicked there, specified by external hard drive and told it to only include my system drive C:. Whir, whir, whir . . .. system image created.Now, I've cleaned the system of any possible Malware, so I want to create a new image of my system drive. So, I click here, click there and specify my external hard drive but NOW it won't let me include only drive C:, it wants to include my data drive, E:. The check box for E: is greyed out so I can't uncheck it.

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Red X Cannot Perform System Image

Feb 9, 2013

I know how to perform a System Image, but now can't do so. I am using a Seagate Expansion External hard drive. Somewhere along the line there was a glitch and a red X (disconned) appeared on the drive icon in back up. I tried the same drive in an identical Windows 7 computer. Now I have red X's on both computers. The drive is fine, wiped and formatted, and the computer recognizes it. Still the red X on both computers. I can't get it off. The "start back up" tab is grayed out.

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Red X And Non Working System Image?

Feb 16, 2013

I am using 2 identical Dell Studio XPS 8000 desktop computers (wit Microsoft USB Natural Keyboards), 1TB hard drives, Windows 7, 64 bit platform) and I had no problem in the past making System Images. I have 2 separate external hard drives (1 is a 1TB Seagate Expansion External Hard Drive, the other is a 160GB hard drive.)It seems the System Image is approximately 149.GB, so will fit.I thought you had to erase the previous system image to put a new one on the same hard drive, but both computers said the drive was disconnected, and put a big red X on the drive location. Turns out I had to reformat the empty drives. I did, and the computers recognize both dries when they are connected, but the red X remains, and attempts to make a new system image fail. I am offered the "start backup" box, I can click on it, and all seems to be going well until the fill bar (green) stops about 1/6th of the way across, it stops there and j ust spins, not filling anymore, and if left long enough, it turns completely red and says the process failed.

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Oct 30, 2009

Did a fresh install of Windows 7 64-bit and all my apps, deleted Windows.old, defrag'ed and activated. Then created a SYSTEM IMAGE using Win 7 BACKUP and RESTORE, so far so good.

Win 7 and my apps take up 43.9 GB on the hard drive but the SYSTEM IMAGE it created on my external drive is only 23.7 GB. Tried it on my laptop with similar results ISO was about half the HDD. Does that sound right? Just seems the ISO should have matched the HDD GB-wise unless it compresses or something.

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Backup Of System Image

Nov 7, 2009

I perform an incremental back-up every day using the built-in backup program.

How often would you do a whole system image? I was thinking of only doing that every few months or less. Each image would be 80GB.

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System Image Recovery

Apr 16, 2009

How to Do a System Image Recovery in Windows 7 ?

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Creating A System Image?

Nov 19, 2011

I just bought all the parts to build a new computer and I'm putting them together right now. Next step is gonna be installing Windows 7 Professional 64-bit and I'd like to make a backup copy of that fresh install, in case something goes wrong in the future or maybe if I just wanna go back to a clean Windows installation after a while.

Currently I'm thinking of using the "Create a system image" option in the Backup and Restore category from the Control Panel, right after I finish the installing Windows. I've read that this tool creates a .VHD backup of the disk where Windows is installed but I have a couple of questions about using this method:

How big is gonna be the resulting backup? If I installed Windows in a 120GB partition is the backup system image gonna be 120GB in size or is just gonna be ~30GB-ish i.e. the size of Windows system files and folders?

If I restore that system image after using the system for a while is it gonna wipe clean the whole partition and reset it to the state it was when I made the image or is it just gonna bring back the files and folders from the backup and leave alone any other files I had put in the partition?

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System Image For Laptop?

Aug 12, 2012

wish to make a system image for my laptop. I keep getting a message to insert blank dvd even though i have one in. On contacting person who sold me laptop he informed me even though i can pan DVD's i cannot write to them it is only CD's i can write to. Is there a solution for this.

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How Many DVDs It Takes To Set Up A System Image

Apr 12, 2012

Does anyone know how many DVDs it takes to set up a System Image


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System Image Back Up Windows 7

Feb 6, 2013

Good Evening Windows 7 64 bit Internet Explorer 9 Today I done my firstsystem back up I used the image back up because it says it copies everything insystem including program and drivers. My C drive is 500 GB. I am backing up to aninternal hard drive. I had 170 GB to be copied but when it finished it onlyshows to be 43 GB. On the hard drive also when I put the backup DVD disk in therom and go to properties it shows ZERO on the disk. You can look at the backside of the disk and tell something has been copied to it can someone explainto me where I went wrong. I am using an internal 1 TB hard drive to back up to.If the 43GB back up is correct how you can verify that it has copied all 170GB. According to Windows help section you need a hard drive of at least thesize of your original C drive.

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Windows 7 System Image Restore?

Jan 14, 2011

Been awhile since I've been around here. I'm stuck with a new problem. My desktop's OS hard drive crashed/is crashing. After testing several pieces of hardware and reseating numerous items, I got lucky and was able to boot into safe mode, once. My event viewer is full of disk errors. Pages and pages of disk errors. *Side note: Sure would've been nice if Windows would have said something */End Side note* So I have a Windows System Image and Windows Backup on a secondary drive that appears healthy. But I'm just curious what I'm looking at when my new hard drive gets here.Has anyone ever used the Windows 7 Image Backup/Restore utility? Can you use the image on a different hard drive or just when repairing the original? Will my programs be saved or just data? Just curious questions. All of my Google searches are bringing up reviews about the utility from the Win 7 RC days so I'm not real sure what I'm getting myself into here.

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Windows 7 System Image Option?

Feb 9, 2011

After installing Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bits, I used the option "system image" from Windows. It burned some folders and files on a DVD. Then I begun with try/error to install older software and hardware on Windows 7 or on XP mode to have an idea how this works. Now my windows is a mess. I would like to restore that image to my HD and install only the software/hardware that I learned, will work. Does it work like the Partition Images made with Symantec Ghost or Acronis True Image?

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System Image Back Up Crashes At End

Nov 22, 2011

It is a win 7 machine attemping a system image backup. It is being backed up to a HORNETTEK JBOD 3.5 Enclosure with a 1TB western Digital drive in it. I can see and access the drive as normal.When i start the back up it starts just fine and crashes at the lsat possible second before completion.

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Windows 7 System Image Restore?

May 15, 2012

i have recently taken a system image of my entire system,using Windows own.Ä° would like to hear from anybody here,who has done,the same,AND restored the image successfully

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Creating And Using System Image Backups

Aug 31, 2012

I have a few quick questions regarding System Images...but first, let me give you a little background.

My HP Pavilion dm-4 has a bum hinge, so I'm sending it to HP for them to fix it. They told me that they typically test the computer before sending it back, and thus also perform a complete system recovery (to go back to factory settings). Obviously, they want me to backup my data.

So. It's question time:

1) Can I restore a "System Image" to get my computer back to its current state upon receiving my laptop back from HP? (is a system image just a duplicate of the hard drive?)

2) Are all hard drives capable of creating a System Image, or just some?

3a) Are there any Hard drives you guys recommend?

3b) My C: (local disk) capacity is 441GB (303GB Free) and my D: (RECOVERY) is 23.5GB (3.43GB Free). Does that mean I have to buy a Hard drive that is at least 465GB...or could I get one that's just 160-ish GB

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How To Do System Image Recovery In Windows 7

Feb 22, 2013

I have a Dell XPS 17 laptop that has dual drives - c & d.The c drive crashed and was replaced by dell.We are now trying to do a system image recovery from the d drive.We are following How to do a System Image Recovery in Window7 from seven Selecting the System Image from the D Drive (STEP TWO, # 5 and 6), the computer prompts to create a repair disk.The only way to move forward is to create or not create the disk.In either case, it then has you restart the machine, takes you through the process again.. Step 5/6.Never gets to Step 7 to actually DO the System Recover.

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BSOD At The End Of Creating System Image?

Sep 13, 2011

I was creating a system image with Windows built-in utility. It had been running for at least six hours and I think it may have been either finished or very close when my computer shut down due to a BSOD.

Is there any way to find out whether or not the image was finished and created successfully, or if not, is there a way to continue and finish writing the last little bit to salvage the image and have one that would work if I needed it to restore my computer?

The image was writing to an external HDD, and I think it had to erase/write over the previous image due to space considerations.

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System Image Backup Cannot Be Found?

Oct 15, 2011

I have a system image that was saved to a maxtor one touch ext HD via USB. This was created using Windows 7 image making system. I am trying to copy the image to my new HDD (internal) 1TB. The problem is when I go to recovery>advanced options>restore from image and reboot, the PC cannot find the image. I can click advanced options and search for a driver and actually see the drive and the image folder/zips but Windows 7 cannot detect it. I have also copied this image to a internall HDD because I thought it may be the USB. I have not changed any BIOS settings as I am using Windows 7 on the 1TB HDD and trying to restore to that from either the Dnetouch or the F:internal HDD. Neither times will it find the image.uestions. Do I need to use an alternate program like paragon or clonezilla2. When the image is saved, it is the name of my pc. Example: Fesktop64-PC. Does it need to be in a folder or the image be a specific name? Ive seen WindowsImageBackup as a possiblity.

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