BSOD Using WMP System Restored To 4 Days Prior

Aug 20, 2012

I have a Lenovo B560 with Windows 7 x64. Sequence of events: Played music from a WD external HD with WMP. Music stopped playing and a terrible constant sound is coming out of the speakers (which began a year ago and happens sporadically), no other programs running besides WMP.2. BSOD appeared while the noise kept going, so I held down the power button to turn off the laptop before reading the error message.

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Extending Evaluation Period For 120 Days - Only Extends For 3 Days?

May 2, 2012

i came across this a little while ago:[URL] it says if i run that command Windows7 evaluation period will be extended by 30 days each time it's done. however, when i do it it only extends for 3 days. is there any way to make it last longer or has it changed?

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BSOD Driver_power_state_failure Every 1-2 Days

Apr 8, 2012

I've had a Dell Laptop (l502x) with Windows 7 Premium 64 Bit for almost a year now.It's a great thing, except for one thing: i get about 1 BSOD every 1-2 days.As it happens only once every other day, i almost got used to it, but now it's starting to get on my nerves and I'm wondering what is causing it, as they are totally random.On the Dell support website they told me to try the Windows Debugging Tool, which then showed me it had to do with wwussf64.sys. According to some dubious 'anti-virus' sites on the internet this was linked to some Ericsson software, although i don't have any.Might be interesting to know, when they delivered the laptop in 2011, the backlit keyboard was not working, and they had to replace the keyboard and motherboard twice to get it working.

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BSOD - Randomly Over The Last Few Days. Driver_irql_not_less_or_equal?

Feb 18, 2012

recently i have received 2 bsod. yesterday when i was playing dota 2(with itunes in background), and today when i was just browsing the internet and listening to Internet. i am reasonably sure that this is coming from a driver issue(not video drivers, i have tested several of those and the problem persist) since i have tested my computer several times with prime 95, memtest86 with no errors/issues.i also reformatted my computer less then a month ago because of this very same problem, i couldn't figure out which driver was causing my computer to crash, and was problem free for nearly 2 1/2 weeks, up in till a few days the days before the bsod i installed 3 things. daemon tools lite and fraps and windows updates. i have since uninstalled both programs.last thing as well is i have a separate hard drive where i keep several installed files on and store various videos/music/etc, i don't know if this is relevant or not.

system information:

i7-930 @ 3.6
gtx 470
6gb ram

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Twice BSOD Struck In 3 Days NETIO.sys?

Mar 11, 2012

I am getting these random BSOD crashes mainly when I am on Google Chrome with more than 5-6 tabs in operation. It points to NETIO.sys on the last crash.System is 64 bit Home Premium Windows 7 Dell 14 inspiron purchased in Aug 2011 and BSOD started occuring only recently. I have McAfee installed which seems to work fine.

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Asus G75vw With Only 2 Days : Bluescreen (bsod)?

Jan 12, 2013

I bought Asus G75VW two days ago and i got for four times blue screen of death error!Because if it is something serious i need to change fast the computer.

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BSOD After Several Days Of SSD Boot Drive; Not With Standard HDD

Dec 31, 2011

I am running Windows 7 x64 on an AMD 970. The boot drive is a Corsair CSSD-F120GB3 (Users, ProgramData reside on a separate, standard HDD; this was done correctly at installation).After several hours to 7 days the PC would BlackScreen to a blinking cursor. This happened for months. Eventually, after replacing every other piece of hardware and updating all drivers, swapped out the SSD (copied the image to an older WD 250GB drive).I have run 17 days without a crash.I have run every health check I can on the SSD, but no errors.

Quote: *******************************************************************************
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *
A process or thread crucial to system operation has unexpectedly exited or been


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Multiple BSOD In 10 Days, Minidump File Attached

Apr 19, 2012

This is a windows 7 x64 AMD CPU, Radeon HD5770, eyefinity triple monitor setup. About two years old system.

AMong 2 monitors, I have 2x Acer X193w connected via DVI, another one is a X2gen connected via display port.

The X2gen monitor usually won't turn on when I wake the computer up, it make the "tip tip tip" clicks for minutes before eventually turned on.

It was fine until about 2 weeks ago, crashed 6 times so far.

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Multiple BSOD In Past Few Days (Also Strange Kind Of Crashes)

Apr 8, 2012

In the past few days, I have gotten many BSOD's while browsing the web, playing games, or talking to people on Teamspeak 3. Usually the BSOD/crash hits me usually an hour in while I'm doing those things in a session. Before I did get BSOD's and crashes but they were few and spread out. I never responded to them because they happened very sparsely. Now that they are very constant, I need to do some action. I have went into safe mode right now and am typing this on another computer. As for the dmp files, I didn't have the option for the BSOD crashes to save dmp files but now that that is enabled, I do have one dmp file that I can share.

Also I have noticed that sometimes that when the computer crashes, the sound becomes very distorted, the screen tears/fuzzes into a static-like image and then it just restarts. I either get this kind of crash or just a simple BSOD. It's very strange. Apparently these are considered BSODs as well according to bluescreenview, they just dont have the bluescreen. Interesting..

OS- Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit
GPU- AMD Radeon 6870
RAM- G-Skill Ripjaw series 4 GB
CPU- AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition
PSU- Corsair 650 Watt
Hard Drive- WD 1 TB SATA

Things that I have done but to no avail:
- Deleted MSI Afterburner
-Deleted Daemon Tools
-Completed a Memtest86 on my RAM. No errors even after 10 passes.
-Took out the RAM sticks, cleaned and then put back in their sockets.
-Cleaned the computer for dust
-Used Ccleaner to scan for problems and junk.
-Full scan of Malwarebytes. Caught 7 things but still nothing changes.
-Done an SFC /scannow scan
-Downloaded all the major Windows 7 updates.
-chkdsk scan.

Temperatures vary but they tend to stay normal. CPU average temperature is around 40 C idle. GPU Temperature is about 40C idle, 50C viewing videos, and and may hit to around 60-65 C while gaming. Fan speed on 55%. Temperatures when computer is idle on the desktop. Screenshots included below: The first bluescreen after I enabled the computer to allow dump files. More examples in the Mediafire list. I have some of the txt and DMP files but I cannot find an "include file" option here: I just upload them on Mediafire. Here are those links. [URLs]

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Trying To Rescue Data But Getting System Restored

May 28, 2011

My laptop died but the HDD was okay. I've taken the laptop HDD out, bought an USB/caddy for it and attached it to another laptop as an external drive.The trouble is the new machine sees the external drive, but all its seeing is system reserved and the reserved part of the HDD is tiny. So its not the total drive size and defintley not the data I need to rescue. How would I see the whole drive and access the data?

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[INSTALL] Booting From Restored System Image Fails?

Jan 22, 2011

My Win7 HP x64 PC has two hard drives, each partitioned into two volumes:

My C: and E: drives are each half of a 200GB drive, both NTFS.
My D: and F: drives are each half of a newer, 1TB drive, both NTFS.
My F: drive has around 400GB of 'stuff' that I want to preserve.

I've been trying to migrate the win7 installation from C: to the first partition of the 1TB drive with two different tools (Norton Ghost and the built-in Windows backup utility) and both fail identically.The backup procedure itself appears to work in both cases.Restoring the backup to the first partition of the 1TB drive "works" in so much as I don't get any errors either way.Creating the requisite boot structures also work, as the O/S appears to be bootable.However, when the restored O/S makes it to the login screen, two flaws are evident:

1. The keyboard absolutely does not work.

2. If I log in on an account that doesn't need a keyboard (no password), I see "Loading desktop", then a few seconds "Logging out" and I'm back at the login screen.

If I look at the event viewer logs (booting up with the O/S on the smaller drive), I see numerous events like this:"The AVGIDSAgent service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified.""The Windows Live ID Sign-in Assistant service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified."


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Installed A New Hard Drive But Can't Get System Image Restored?

Nov 10, 2011

I just installed a new hard drive after my previous one failed to start up. I have a backup image stored on an external WD Passport. The install went well. I turn on my tower with the Windows 7 recovery disc in, start up System Image Restore and plug in my Passport. The system restore recognizes my Passport and when I go through the wizard to reformat and partition the disk to match the layout of the recovery image, I get an error message saying "The system image restore failed. No disk that can be used for recovering the system disk can be found. *hyperlink* Details."Details states, "No disck that can be used for recovering the system disk can be found. Try the following: 1) A probable system disk may have been excluded by mistake. a. Review the list of disks that you have excluded from the recovery for a likely disk. b. Type LIST DISK command in the DISKPART command interpreter. The probable system disk is usually the first disk listed. c. If possible,, remove the disk from the exclusion list and then retry the recovery.Tried that, my disk is not listed as an exclusion.2) A USB disk may have been assigned as a system disk. a. Detach all USB disks from the computer. b. Reboot into Windows Recovery Environment then reattach USB disks and retry the recovery.

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Restored Windows 7 HP 64bit System Image - Won't Boot In AHCI Mode

Jun 29, 2011

I created a system image on an AHCI system, then I replaced the hard drives & re-imaged the system. Now Windows won't boot in AHCI mode, it has to be it IDE mode. Why is it not booting in AHCI mode?

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Hang Up On "Please Wait", System Restored, Now Black Screen?

May 31, 2012

So a couple of days ago, my PC started hanging up on a "Please Wait" loading screen in between the "Starting Windows" screen (where the Windows logo forms from coloured orbs) and the user account selection screen. Sometimes I'd leave it half an hour and it still wouldn't load.To start with, I simply gave my PC a hard reboot, and the problem would go away. When this stopped working, I system restored, and then the problem disappeared. This morning however, I performed a system restore from safe mode, and now when I boot my PC, in whatever mode, I get the "Starting Windows" screen, then the PC hangs up on a black screen with only the mouse pointer active.

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Windows 7 OEM Rules Prior?

Jan 8, 2013

I have a win 7 OEM disk for 32/64 bit and have installed the 32 bit to check it out. As I have not activated the 32 bit am I ok to replace the 32 bit with the 64 bit? Prior to activation can I install the 32/64 on other PC's until I decide which one to activate the copy on?

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Restore Prior To Factory Reset

Jan 28, 2012

Once upon a time I set up a Windows PW so I could have a separate acct for guests. Then I spent time couch surfing and had my PC in a box. When I started using it again, I found I couldn't remember the PW anymore, and after a week of trying to recall it, was forced to do a Factory Reset. I lost ALL of my files, installed software other than what came with the system, and of course - because the guest acct had no Admin privs, I couldn't make a back-up before the factory reset... Is there any way to revert the process to a time say... Before I instituted the Windows PW? So not just roll it back prior to my Factory Reset, but ALSO to a further time in the past (reset 1/21/12, but need to revert to 10/01/11)..??

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Partitioning Prior To New Installation - ( Not Upgrade)

Nov 5, 2009

I used to have an external hard drive enclosure, and I stored large video files onto its 1 TB capacity. I built a new machine, sold the enclosure and used the same 1 TB hard drive with the UNbacked up files still therein. Obviously I am new to this otherwise I would not have done this. I realized my mistake when I went to install Windows 7 and it said to back up your files.

I read further and discovered the reason was "They will be deleted". I really don't want to loose these files. Is there any way to install the OS without deleting the files. Can I install another OS like Linux, then partition the hard drive, delete linux then install windows 7 onto a partition? WHAT ARE MY OPTIONS! OTHER THAN BUYING ANOTHER HDD ENCLOSURE!

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Change Partitions Prior To Macrium Restore?

Sep 19, 2011

Created an image of my C drive and System Reserved with Macrium. I want to change my partitions prior to restoring my image. Is the easiest to just use my Windows 7 disk?Have a 500GB hard drive on my laptop and want to change the partition sizes.

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Get Past Windows 7 Screen Just Prior To The Login?

Oct 19, 2011

i would like some info or pointers on what i can do to get this laptop working, i have rebooted it in safe mode and it attempts to start up, it get to the point where the windows 7 blue log on screen shows up but does not have the login or user account part but the theme shows up

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Why Partition Drive Prior To Windows Installation

Feb 8, 2012

I am installing windows on a new computer, and was watching the series of videos newegg has on the matter. I got to the third episode - [URL] and noticed that at about 12:30 into the video, he mentions creating a maximum size partition on the drive before installing windows. What purpose does this serve? Does it merely allocate the full size of the drive strictly to windows, so nothing else can use it?

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A Script To Automate Moving Files Off C: Prior To Backup?

Apr 6, 2012

I back up my files and system image weekly. I move the recorded TV shows (broadcast TV, nothing illegal) before that from my hard drive onto an external drive. Another drive in the same cabinet does the backup. It saves time and I won't want those files after a disc failure anyway.It would be cool to be able to program the computer to move those files (but not subfolders) over at, say 11.05 pm in preparation for the midnight backup. It would be easier to put the recorded TV in a subfolder though I suppose... then no code would have to be written to ignore subfolders, right?

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HP Protect Tools Security Manager Won't Uninstall Prior To Upgrade

Dec 9, 2011

I have an HP Compaq nx7400 laptop running Vista Business. I have run the Windows 7 Upgrade advisor. My system passes all tests except that I have to uninstall the HP ProtectTools Security Manager 2.00E4 security programme. When I try I get an error message: Error (-5004: 0x8007007e) I have already successfully uninstalled HP Credential Manager for ProtectTools.

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Install Microsoft Office 2007 Upgrade Without Prior Installation?

Feb 3, 2012

Best Buy lost my copy of MS Office 2003 professional Edition 2 years ago. They gave me MS Office Professional 2007 Upgrade and installed it for on my computer. My computer's hard drive has failed and I purchased a new one yesterday. I need to know how to install my MS Office Prof 2007 Upgrade without a previous version installed on the new PC. There must be a way since Best Buy did this for me last time.

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What To Do After Windows 7 90 Days Trial

May 3, 2011

I have 2 questions, I have a windows 7 enterprise in 90 days trial that's about to expire in 3 weeks, I'm not really sure what's best to do next as this is my first time to have a trial period with an OS. now my questions are:

1. should I install a new windows 7 version (home, professional, or whatever) and if I do that do will I still have my files, settings etc. on my computer?

2. is there an easy way to just continue with my windows 7 enterprise like I'll just enter a product key or something or do I really need to purchase a new one?

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Getting Random BSODs For A Few Days Now?

Dec 16, 2011

I've been getting random BSODs for a few days now. The last one happened when I was just browsing the internet. The minidump files are uploaded.Windows 7 64bitOriginal installed OSAge of system: 2 years (motherboard just a few weeks)

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Numerous BSODs Over Last 2/3 Days?

Jul 12, 2012

Over the last 3 or so days my computer has begun crashing and giving me a BSOD fairly frequently, ive downloaded and installed alot of largish games recently as i had access to a download speed of 10MB/s so i took full advantage of it.

Some system info.

OS: Windows 7 Professional x64
PSU: i5 2500k
Motherboard: Gigabyte Z68AP-D3
Ram: 8GB 1600MHz 9-9-9-24 (2x4GB sticks)
Graphics Card: Nvidia GTS 450
Hard Drives: 1TB (OS on this one), 160GB (Storage)
PSU: 1Kw

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Windows 7 Extremely Slow After 6 Days Of Not Being Used

Jul 17, 2012

For the past 4 or 5 months I almost never turned my PC off, only restarted the system from time to time if it seemed a bit clogged or slow. Six days ago I went out of the house for the holiday so I had to turn off the computer (shut down). I did that by going to the main orb in win 7 and by selecting "shut down".Today I returned from the holiday and when I turned on the PC, I noticed that it boots EXTREMELY slowly, especially after it asks for my admin password. Also all the programs work extremely slowly (not only the boot sequence). It looks as if there is some resident program that sucks all the resources but I don't see it in the task manager. The current CPU usage is about 5% and there is about 2 MB free physical RAM.If I now start Chrome it will show up only after 5 minutes or so, or it may freeze the system completely. Even Notepad takes about 1 minute to show up after being selected. Several times I couldn't even bring up the task manager (I got the message "Windows can't initialize security tasks..." or something like that).I just did a system restore to a date when I remember that my PC definitely worked well (about 10 days ago), but I am still having the same problems. It also seems as if the program that controls the speed of the fans inside the PC is not working properly and right now I hear almost no noise from the fans. While I did a system restore from the Windows Safe mode the fans worked properly.

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Windows 7 Activated - Some Features Not Available After 30 Days

Jul 28, 2011

I installed win 7 pro on my laptop, it's not the original computer the cd key is assigned to. everthings working, it even let me update it to sp1, but what happens after 30 days, it says some features will not be available? such as? will I be able to use at all?

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Activation Trial Period - Extend Up To 120 Days

Dec 28, 2008

How to Extend the Windows 7 Activation Trial Period Up to 120 Days ?

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Windows 7 Copy Not Genuine Message After Few Days Of Installation

Dec 16, 2012

I know my copy is genuine but after a few days of installing a note appear "this copy of windows is not genuine".

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Random Blue Screen Of Death The Past Days?

Jun 13, 2012

I've been getting 3 bsod the past couple of days and I need help because is starting to bother me and I'm really worry about my computer.


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