Asus G75vw With Only 2 Days : Bluescreen (bsod)?

Jan 12, 2013

I bought Asus G75VW two days ago and i got for four times blue screen of death error!Because if it is something serious i need to change fast the computer.

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Extending Evaluation Period For 120 Days - Only Extends For 3 Days?

May 2, 2012

i came across this a little while ago:[URL] it says if i run that command Windows7 evaluation period will be extended by 30 days each time it's done. however, when i do it it only extends for 3 days. is there any way to make it last longer or has it changed?

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BSOD Driver_power_state_failure Every 1-2 Days

Apr 8, 2012

I've had a Dell Laptop (l502x) with Windows 7 Premium 64 Bit for almost a year now.It's a great thing, except for one thing: i get about 1 BSOD every 1-2 days.As it happens only once every other day, i almost got used to it, but now it's starting to get on my nerves and I'm wondering what is causing it, as they are totally random.On the Dell support website they told me to try the Windows Debugging Tool, which then showed me it had to do with wwussf64.sys. According to some dubious 'anti-virus' sites on the internet this was linked to some Ericsson software, although i don't have any.Might be interesting to know, when they delivered the laptop in 2011, the backlit keyboard was not working, and they had to replace the keyboard and motherboard twice to get it working.

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BSOD - Randomly Over The Last Few Days. Driver_irql_not_less_or_equal?

Feb 18, 2012

recently i have received 2 bsod. yesterday when i was playing dota 2(with itunes in background), and today when i was just browsing the internet and listening to Internet. i am reasonably sure that this is coming from a driver issue(not video drivers, i have tested several of those and the problem persist) since i have tested my computer several times with prime 95, memtest86 with no errors/issues.i also reformatted my computer less then a month ago because of this very same problem, i couldn't figure out which driver was causing my computer to crash, and was problem free for nearly 2 1/2 weeks, up in till a few days the days before the bsod i installed 3 things. daemon tools lite and fraps and windows updates. i have since uninstalled both programs.last thing as well is i have a separate hard drive where i keep several installed files on and store various videos/music/etc, i don't know if this is relevant or not.

system information:

i7-930 @ 3.6
gtx 470
6gb ram

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Twice BSOD Struck In 3 Days NETIO.sys?

Mar 11, 2012

I am getting these random BSOD crashes mainly when I am on Google Chrome with more than 5-6 tabs in operation. It points to NETIO.sys on the last crash.System is 64 bit Home Premium Windows 7 Dell 14 inspiron purchased in Aug 2011 and BSOD started occuring only recently. I have McAfee installed which seems to work fine.

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BSOD Using WMP System Restored To 4 Days Prior

Aug 20, 2012

I have a Lenovo B560 with Windows 7 x64. Sequence of events: Played music from a WD external HD with WMP. Music stopped playing and a terrible constant sound is coming out of the speakers (which began a year ago and happens sporadically), no other programs running besides WMP.2. BSOD appeared while the noise kept going, so I held down the power button to turn off the laptop before reading the error message.

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BSOD After Several Days Of SSD Boot Drive; Not With Standard HDD

Dec 31, 2011

I am running Windows 7 x64 on an AMD 970. The boot drive is a Corsair CSSD-F120GB3 (Users, ProgramData reside on a separate, standard HDD; this was done correctly at installation).After several hours to 7 days the PC would BlackScreen to a blinking cursor. This happened for months. Eventually, after replacing every other piece of hardware and updating all drivers, swapped out the SSD (copied the image to an older WD 250GB drive).I have run 17 days without a crash.I have run every health check I can on the SSD, but no errors.

Quote: *******************************************************************************
* *
* Bugcheck Analysis *
* *
A process or thread crucial to system operation has unexpectedly exited or been


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Multiple BSOD In 10 Days, Minidump File Attached

Apr 19, 2012

This is a windows 7 x64 AMD CPU, Radeon HD5770, eyefinity triple monitor setup. About two years old system.

AMong 2 monitors, I have 2x Acer X193w connected via DVI, another one is a X2gen connected via display port.

The X2gen monitor usually won't turn on when I wake the computer up, it make the "tip tip tip" clicks for minutes before eventually turned on.

It was fine until about 2 weeks ago, crashed 6 times so far.

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Multiple BSOD In Past Few Days (Also Strange Kind Of Crashes)

Apr 8, 2012

In the past few days, I have gotten many BSOD's while browsing the web, playing games, or talking to people on Teamspeak 3. Usually the BSOD/crash hits me usually an hour in while I'm doing those things in a session. Before I did get BSOD's and crashes but they were few and spread out. I never responded to them because they happened very sparsely. Now that they are very constant, I need to do some action. I have went into safe mode right now and am typing this on another computer. As for the dmp files, I didn't have the option for the BSOD crashes to save dmp files but now that that is enabled, I do have one dmp file that I can share.

Also I have noticed that sometimes that when the computer crashes, the sound becomes very distorted, the screen tears/fuzzes into a static-like image and then it just restarts. I either get this kind of crash or just a simple BSOD. It's very strange. Apparently these are considered BSODs as well according to bluescreenview, they just dont have the bluescreen. Interesting..

OS- Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit
GPU- AMD Radeon 6870
RAM- G-Skill Ripjaw series 4 GB
CPU- AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black Edition
PSU- Corsair 650 Watt
Hard Drive- WD 1 TB SATA

Things that I have done but to no avail:
- Deleted MSI Afterburner
-Deleted Daemon Tools
-Completed a Memtest86 on my RAM. No errors even after 10 passes.
-Took out the RAM sticks, cleaned and then put back in their sockets.
-Cleaned the computer for dust
-Used Ccleaner to scan for problems and junk.
-Full scan of Malwarebytes. Caught 7 things but still nothing changes.
-Done an SFC /scannow scan
-Downloaded all the major Windows 7 updates.
-chkdsk scan.

Temperatures vary but they tend to stay normal. CPU average temperature is around 40 C idle. GPU Temperature is about 40C idle, 50C viewing videos, and and may hit to around 60-65 C while gaming. Fan speed on 55%. Temperatures when computer is idle on the desktop. Screenshots included below: The first bluescreen after I enabled the computer to allow dump files. More examples in the Mediafire list. I have some of the txt and DMP files but I cannot find an "include file" option here: I just upload them on Mediafire. Here are those links. [URLs]

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Sep 3, 2011

i have a problem with getting consistant bsod�sMinidump.rarMinidump.rarMinidump.rar i added a attached a rar file with my dmp files. my computer specs are as following

p67a gd55
i5 2500k 3.3ghz
zotac 470 gf card
ocz 500w modstream pro
ssd 120 gb intel 320 series

I have overclocked my cpu to 4.5 ghz and i know its a likely cause to the bsod, however when i undo the clocking to the default settings my bsod come at the windows welcome text when starting my computer so it kinda forces my to keep the clocked settings until i figured out the cause to this. The frequency of the bsods now is very random from 1 hour to 3 hours, some times i can run fine for like 3 hours playing and everything without problems. Sometimes it lets me even stress the cpu with intel burntest which has confirmed this havent anything to do with overheating. cpu is 35c at idle and 65 full load. I had some issue with my grafikscard a about a week ago where the drivers failled and then got restored on my grafikcard monitoring program. Those problems when away when i tried to use a 550w vx psu from corsair. However my attemp to solve the bsod with trying a diffrent psu presisted so im back on my old one now again.The only cause i can see to this problem would be the psu but i hesitant to buy a new one just yet. Im really confused why it wont let my reduce the clocked settings without hammering me with bsod�s. I�m really desperate for advice on a solution.The Bsod happens mostly when i stress the computer in anyway playing, transfering file�s or simular

example of bsod
1 00000000`00000000
2 fffff880`009f4b70
3 00000000`00000000
4 00000000`00000000

caused by driver hal.dll+12818

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Getting A BSOD That, According To BlueScreen View?

Feb 14, 2012

Getting a BSOD that, according to BlueScreenView, was caused by the NETIO.SYS driver. The requested documentation has been attached. This BSOD seems to manifest very randomly without regard to any specific activity patterns that I can identity. Additional details are below and Please note that while perfmon says I have no virus scanner, I am running AVG free (freshly installed before the test but for some reason not picked up).Age of hardware: brand new (just put the system together 2 weeks ago) but processor, motherboard, etc. are from late 2010/early 2011 (bought parts new from newegg).

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BSOD - Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

Dec 1, 2009

Since I upgraded to Windows 7 my computer crashes. When I reboot I get the following:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name:BlueScreen

OS Version:6.1.7600.

Locale ID:1033

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Multiple BSOD - Bluescreen View Logs Available For All Crashes

Aug 29, 2012

I have had multiple issues with this box from day one, but i was positive i could fix this.After installing Win7Ult SP X64 from my MSDN account I have had numerous BSOD's that come from mainly ntoskrnl.exe Steps i have taken to resolve:MEMtest 86 and 64 for 50 passesRe-seat every card in the machine.set the BIOS to safe defaults (this caused the computers boot manager lose it mind)turned off the page file totally (at the time I had 16 gigs of ram and did not need a page file anyway)Re-installed the OS clean on a clean driveTried installing 2008R2 both core and full install. (Datacenter and enterprise)slamming my head on the keyboard as hard as I humanly can.(this did NOT resolve the issue for the record but wow what a headache) uninstalled the Nvidia drivers and allowed windows to manage the video (helped on another machine i worked on last year)I have recent logs going back months, seems to happen almost every day no regularity.BELOW please find all logs that are current from this install of the OS.


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Random BSOD On ASUS F3T?

Mar 8, 2011

Seems totally random, i cant link it with any of my programs or activites. The notebook doesnt boot up every time after the BSODs. I have an ASUS F3T-AP026 notebook, with 2x1G Kingsmax RAM. This time i can only upload 1 minidumb file, since i tried to install another Windows 7 last night. This time a "memory_management" happened, but before i encountered "bad_pool_header" "irql_not_less_or_equal" "driver_irql_not_less_or_equal" "reference_by_pointer" and i think there were some others that i dont remember. I even sent my notebook to the country ASUS service, but they said in 3 days they didnt encounter the problem.

Memory Summary For SC-PC
Number of Memory Devices: 2 Total Physical Memory: 2047 MB (2048 MB) Total Available Physical Memory: 785 MB Memory Load: 61%


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Jan 17, 2010

Okay last week i got my brand new Asus G72GX, its been working perfectly until today when i tried to download a PDF file and it wouldnt let me, then froze firefox, i ended process and then Adobe wanted to update so i let it, then i got a BSOD. I ignored it and let it restart, once it started i opened firefox and got a BSOD 0x00000024, then i tried to figure out what was wrong, and found out i should do a disk check. So i started safe mode went into cmd and started it, it told me to restart and it would take effect.

After letting it run for a while it randomly BSOD again with error 0x00000109. Then i tried it again, it got farther then BSOD, then i tried starting my computer uninstalling the virus software (avg free) and i got another BSOD 0x00000001E and then it tried restarting and every time i get another BSOD. Is my computer dead? Can i do something to fix this?

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Frequent Bsod On Asus Laptop

Feb 21, 2013

I own an Asus Laptop that runs on Windows 7 and I've been getting random BSOD for months (around 6) and they've become more frequent. I've downloaded Malwarebytes Anti-Malware scanned my computer and thought the problem was fixed but then it would come back. It's happened 11 times this month and 3 times today alone.I really don't know what to do anymore. I've considered reinstalling windows but I don't have the disc.

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BSOD Mostly While Gaming (has Been In To Asus Twice For Repair)?

Jun 6, 2012

I have been suffering from sporadic BSOD mostly while gaming for some time. My computer has a terrible gpu so I thought that was the cause and it was getting up to some very high temperatures, but I sent the computer in to Asus and they replaced the fan and some cooling parts and the computer doesnt run hot any more but then I started to get Bad Pool Caller and page fault BSODs. I sent it in again and they replaced the hard drive. I have had it back for less than a week and the BSODs are back.

system specs

Screen:13.3" HD (1366 x768) (LED)
Processor:Intel i5-430M (2.26GHz)
Chipset:Intel HM55


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BSOD Installing 64-bit: Asus M3N78-EM

Apr 14, 2009

I'm building a new pc with a Asus M3N78-EM mb and AMD Phenom 9600. I tried installing Windows 7 Ultimate (Bld 7000) 64 bit and was getting the BSOD around the point of expanding files during the install. I tried a couple times, same results. I then updated to the latest bios for the mb and tried installing again. The install goes much further, during the part of "completing install" i get the BSOD.

I tried 3 more times, everytime BSOD around the same part of the install. Can someone tell me if this is a mb bios issue, a bad cpu issue or a windows 7 64-bit issue? I tried installing Windows 7 beta 32-bit, and this installed successfully on the first try. This is nothing fancy with my new system, 4 gb (1066) GSkill memory, all default bios settings, sata hd's (non raid).

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ASUS K53E Laptop BSOD On Hibernate

Sep 4, 2011

I purchased my laptop about 3 weeks ago and have been using it to stream online classes I'm taking. I'm using an ASUS K53E notebook which was purchased at a local Best Buy. It is running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and I have Kaspersky PURE installed on my computer.

For the first 2-2.5 weeks of usage, the laptop has been as smooth as can be. However, as of last Friday (9/2), I noticed that the laptop would crash every time I shut it. The screen would go black, like it's going to hibernate, but the hard disk would never shut down (green lights on the front of the laptop stayed on) and I would either have to manually power down the laptop or wait for it to get BSOD and then shut itself down. I have since stopped hibernating it and shutting it down completely each night, but it's getting extremely frustrating and worrisome that at some point, the laptop will become completely useless.

I've looked through the forums already and seen that others have been having this problem. If this has been resolved, can I ask what others have done to get rid of the BSOD? I have not attached my BSOD crash report, as I have not copied it yet nor do I really want to cause another BSOD just for the report.

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Random BSOD After Changing SSD And Asus Mobo

May 21, 2012

I am experiencing very random BSOD. I keep my HTPC on 24/7 and this happens usually when I am not on a computer or have a huge copying job running. I have run memory test and there are no errors. Just changed my SSD and Mobo. I was previously having BSODs as well but I think I nailed that one by updating the firmware on my OCZ Vertex 3 SSD. This is a very new install. Just installed about 7 days ago and left it to run to see stability, but it doesn't seem to be stable.

My system specs:
Asus P8z77-V Pro mobo (new)
Intel Sandy Bridge i7 3.4 Ghz 2600k
Corsair Vengeance 16GB DDR3 1600 MHz
Samsung 830 256GB 830
1GB Sapphire HD 5750 Vapor X Radeon Graphics Card
Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi Titanium Fatal1ty Pro Series 7.1 Sound Card
Cooler Master Silent Pro M 600w PSU
I have just upgraded my SSD to a Samsung 830 256GB 830 and mobo to an Asus P8Z77-V PRO.

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What To Do After Windows 7 90 Days Trial

May 3, 2011

I have 2 questions, I have a windows 7 enterprise in 90 days trial that's about to expire in 3 weeks, I'm not really sure what's best to do next as this is my first time to have a trial period with an OS. now my questions are:

1. should I install a new windows 7 version (home, professional, or whatever) and if I do that do will I still have my files, settings etc. on my computer?

2. is there an easy way to just continue with my windows 7 enterprise like I'll just enter a product key or something or do I really need to purchase a new one?

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Getting Random BSODs For A Few Days Now?

Dec 16, 2011

I've been getting random BSODs for a few days now. The last one happened when I was just browsing the internet. The minidump files are uploaded.Windows 7 64bitOriginal installed OSAge of system: 2 years (motherboard just a few weeks)

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Numerous BSODs Over Last 2/3 Days?

Jul 12, 2012

Over the last 3 or so days my computer has begun crashing and giving me a BSOD fairly frequently, ive downloaded and installed alot of largish games recently as i had access to a download speed of 10MB/s so i took full advantage of it.

Some system info.

OS: Windows 7 Professional x64
PSU: i5 2500k
Motherboard: Gigabyte Z68AP-D3
Ram: 8GB 1600MHz 9-9-9-24 (2x4GB sticks)
Graphics Card: Nvidia GTS 450
Hard Drives: 1TB (OS on this one), 160GB (Storage)
PSU: 1Kw

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BSOD/sudden Lag When Working/gaming (random Times) (Oc Asus P8P67 Pro)

Jan 8, 2012

i have a system which i got 1 month ago and it was stable and good till recently i started getting BSOD at random times , i tried to update my bios as most were saying but i couldnt because whenever i click on bios update utilite i get black screen! with no respond (i tried the updating from bios not windows Asus dont offer bios update from inside windows ) however . i noticed i get this bluescreen often when playing shogun 2 but in general i still get BSOD when doing other stuff at random times (ex: other games/work on office package) also sometimes when i play other games i either get BSOD or a sudden system lag where everything stops with a noisy sound coming from my speaker.

btw : in my BSOD i get the famous physical memory dump 100% line at the bottom
and i also updated my graphics drivers and rolled back to the old stable one but with no use

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BSOD On New ASUS U47A Laptop Running Windows 7 Home Premium?

Jul 29, 2012

I bought a new ASUS laptop a few weeks ago and keep getting periodic BSOD crashed. Tried updating Bios and drivers but no luck.

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Windows 7 Extremely Slow After 6 Days Of Not Being Used

Jul 17, 2012

For the past 4 or 5 months I almost never turned my PC off, only restarted the system from time to time if it seemed a bit clogged or slow. Six days ago I went out of the house for the holiday so I had to turn off the computer (shut down). I did that by going to the main orb in win 7 and by selecting "shut down".Today I returned from the holiday and when I turned on the PC, I noticed that it boots EXTREMELY slowly, especially after it asks for my admin password. Also all the programs work extremely slowly (not only the boot sequence). It looks as if there is some resident program that sucks all the resources but I don't see it in the task manager. The current CPU usage is about 5% and there is about 2 MB free physical RAM.If I now start Chrome it will show up only after 5 minutes or so, or it may freeze the system completely. Even Notepad takes about 1 minute to show up after being selected. Several times I couldn't even bring up the task manager (I got the message "Windows can't initialize security tasks..." or something like that).I just did a system restore to a date when I remember that my PC definitely worked well (about 10 days ago), but I am still having the same problems. It also seems as if the program that controls the speed of the fans inside the PC is not working properly and right now I hear almost no noise from the fans. While I did a system restore from the Windows Safe mode the fans worked properly.

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Windows 7 Activated - Some Features Not Available After 30 Days

Jul 28, 2011

I installed win 7 pro on my laptop, it's not the original computer the cd key is assigned to. everthings working, it even let me update it to sp1, but what happens after 30 days, it says some features will not be available? such as? will I be able to use at all?

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Activation Trial Period - Extend Up To 120 Days

Dec 28, 2008

How to Extend the Windows 7 Activation Trial Period Up to 120 Days ?

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Windows 7 Copy Not Genuine Message After Few Days Of Installation

Dec 16, 2012

I know my copy is genuine but after a few days of installing a note appear "this copy of windows is not genuine".

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Random Blue Screen Of Death The Past Days?

Jun 13, 2012

I've been getting 3 bsod the past couple of days and I need help because is starting to bother me and I'm really worry about my computer.


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4 Blue-screens In The Past 2 Days, 4 Different Error Codes?

Jul 22, 2012

I used to get intermittent BSODs, maybe once every 2-3 weeks. Now I've gotten 4 in the past 24 hours, all with different errors. I can't think of any changes I've made to cause this, and 3/4 times it's happened while playing a game, watching something on VLC, and with ~15 tabs open on Chrome. The game is different every time too. The other blue screen was just after restarting after a blue screen.

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