Getting A BSOD That, According To BlueScreen View?

Feb 14, 2012

Getting a BSOD that, according to BlueScreenView, was caused by the NETIO.SYS driver. The requested documentation has been attached. This BSOD seems to manifest very randomly without regard to any specific activity patterns that I can identity. Additional details are below and Please note that while perfmon says I have no virus scanner, I am running AVG free (freshly installed before the test but for some reason not picked up).Age of hardware: brand new (just put the system together 2 weeks ago) but processor, motherboard, etc. are from late 2010/early 2011 (bought parts new from newegg).

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Multiple BSOD - Bluescreen View Logs Available For All Crashes

Aug 29, 2012

I have had multiple issues with this box from day one, but i was positive i could fix this.After installing Win7Ult SP X64 from my MSDN account I have had numerous BSOD's that come from mainly ntoskrnl.exe Steps i have taken to resolve:MEMtest 86 and 64 for 50 passesRe-seat every card in the machine.set the BIOS to safe defaults (this caused the computers boot manager lose it mind)turned off the page file totally (at the time I had 16 gigs of ram and did not need a page file anyway)Re-installed the OS clean on a clean driveTried installing 2008R2 both core and full install. (Datacenter and enterprise)slamming my head on the keyboard as hard as I humanly can.(this did NOT resolve the issue for the record but wow what a headache) uninstalled the Nvidia drivers and allowed windows to manage the video (helped on another machine i worked on last year)I have recent logs going back months, seems to happen almost every day no regularity.BELOW please find all logs that are current from this install of the OS.


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Sep 3, 2011

i have a problem with getting consistant bsod�sMinidump.rarMinidump.rarMinidump.rar i added a attached a rar file with my dmp files. my computer specs are as following

p67a gd55
i5 2500k 3.3ghz
zotac 470 gf card
ocz 500w modstream pro
ssd 120 gb intel 320 series

I have overclocked my cpu to 4.5 ghz and i know its a likely cause to the bsod, however when i undo the clocking to the default settings my bsod come at the windows welcome text when starting my computer so it kinda forces my to keep the clocked settings until i figured out the cause to this. The frequency of the bsods now is very random from 1 hour to 3 hours, some times i can run fine for like 3 hours playing and everything without problems. Sometimes it lets me even stress the cpu with intel burntest which has confirmed this havent anything to do with overheating. cpu is 35c at idle and 65 full load. I had some issue with my grafikscard a about a week ago where the drivers failled and then got restored on my grafikcard monitoring program. Those problems when away when i tried to use a 550w vx psu from corsair. However my attemp to solve the bsod with trying a diffrent psu presisted so im back on my old one now again.The only cause i can see to this problem would be the psu but i hesitant to buy a new one just yet. Im really confused why it wont let my reduce the clocked settings without hammering me with bsod�s. I�m really desperate for advice on a solution.The Bsod happens mostly when i stress the computer in anyway playing, transfering file�s or simular

example of bsod
1 00000000`00000000
2 fffff880`009f4b70
3 00000000`00000000
4 00000000`00000000

caused by driver hal.dll+12818

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BSOD - Problem Event Name: BlueScreen

Dec 1, 2009

Since I upgraded to Windows 7 my computer crashes. When I reboot I get the following:

Problem signature:

Problem Event Name:BlueScreen

OS Version:6.1.7600.

Locale ID:1033

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Asus G75vw With Only 2 Days : Bluescreen (bsod)?

Jan 12, 2013

I bought Asus G75VW two days ago and i got for four times blue screen of death error!Because if it is something serious i need to change fast the computer.

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BSOD While Playing Games Or View A Video After 6-30 Minutes

Jun 2, 2012

my computer did have BSOD problem since I've tried to add 2 GB of RAM on my Windows XP SP 3 on October 2011. BSOD came out after playing a game for 6-30 minutes (or game application crashed) or viewing a video (random occurence). After getting no results of all to cure BSOD, I decided to change my OS to Windows 7 and I still got this problem. I've tried to bring my CPU to service center with no luck at all.

Here, I attached my recent dump and perfmon report with it. Although a few hours before I post this thread, I cleaned earlier dumps with CCleaner. I'll be sure to attach new dump and report if another BSOD occurs. And let me know if my attached files get corrupted or cannot be read. Attachment 214777 Attachment 214778

Oh yeah, another thing, my antivirus scanner detected BSOD & System File Collection app as a virus, so I ignored it.

So my computer spec is :

Windows 7 x86 Ultimate
Intel Core2Duo CPU E4600 @ 2.40 Ghz

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Random Freezes, And Program Crashes. No BSOD. Over 18 Errors Event-view?

Apr 4, 2012

I can no longer leave my pc on overnight or it freezes. If I run more than 2-3 programs it freezes. I was watching a video once with headphones on and heard a loud noise then freeze.I at first thought it was just one of my hard drives dying because I had similar symptoms before I removed it. But, the fact that the crashes are happening more frequently without accessing the questionable e: has me stumped.Then I figured maybe it was the overclock I did in my bios. But, restoring it to normal has had little effect on the performance of my machine.I have run and run on an almost daily basis the following: All updated daily or when available.

Microsoft security essentials
JV16 power tools 2011


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BSOD At Random Times, Blue-Screen View Said It Was Ntoskrnl.exe And Win32k.sys That Caused It

Nov 24, 2012

BSOD at random times, Blue-Screen View said it was ntoskrnl.exe and win32k.sys that caused it

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Win 7 RC - BlueScreen

May 9, 2009

I ran the Win 7-64 Beta for a few months and it was rock-solid. Never had a problem at all. I was thrilled.

Yesterday, I did a clean install of the RC, and I've got lot's of issues.

I've had 9 random BlueScreen crashes, all while the computer was idle and I was in another room.

Boot times are around 3-4 minutes.

When shutting down, the pretty new blue artwork with the words "shutting down" stays on screen for over 10 minutes. It won't shut down, just hangs on that screen.

Any thoughts? Blow it up and try again? I can post the minidump from the BSOD crashes if any one is interested.

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Bluescreen Every 5 Minutes?

Dec 29, 2012

I keep getting a BSOD that say either Memory Management or Page fault in nonpaged area. Now, I had this problem before, and it was bad ram (16 gb of corsair vengeance) but I replaced it with kingston hyperX and the problem seemed to go away until just recently. Its back and i have no clue what to do, since I replaced my ram and the problem came back. Could it be my motherboard that is somehow ruining my RAM? I have no idea what to do here.


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Can't Click Anything / Get No Bluescreen Or Anything

Jun 20, 2011

Recently I re installed Windows 7 on a new SSD I bought(OCZ Vertex 3 120gb) and the problem I'm having is that sometimes everything freezes except the mouse, I can move it around but I can't click anything. I get no response from keyboard input. I get no bluescreen or anything.What happens next is that after I reboot my computer after the crash it can't boot into Windows since it cant find any of my hard drives so it tries to boot from a CD instead. I turn off my computer, leave it off for about 10 seconds and it successfully boots into Windows again. This has happened 4 times since I installed Windows on the SSD one week ago. [code]

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Several Different Bluescreen At Startup

Mar 1, 2011

i would like to report an issue regarding my acer laptop 3810TZ since several day it started to failed to bluescreen without addind any hardware or software.several differents bluescreen message at the time i enter my login password.i installed bluescreenview app and i can provide all information you need.


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Bluescreen With RAID

May 12, 2009

Currently I'm running the RC1. I just got two additional hard-drives to throw into a raid configuration which I set up properly within the bios (worked in XP).

The trouble is when I boot it makes it out of the BIOS and into the Starting Windows Screen. Windows bluescreens at that point. It only bluescreens when I have the RAID option enabled in my bios. I imagine that there aren't drivers for the controller?

When I go to intel's website to install their matrix controller drivers, I get this error: this computer does not meet the minimum requirements for installing this software.

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BlueScreen Error

Sep 20, 2009

recently I started getting error messages similar to may Previous post.

BCCode: d1

BCP1: 00000000

BCP2: 00000002

BCP3: 00000000

BCP4: 92653456

OS Version: 6_1_7600

Service Pack: 0_0

Product: 256_1

It is important to mention I'm not sure when this happens,Or what exactly I was doing the same hour.Once I watch a movie, another time it happens at night, etc.

All drivers updated, I am attaching files from C:WindowsMinidump.

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Bluescreen: Bad_system_config_info

Aug 31, 2009

I have an akoya Notebook with a INTEL Centrino 2 inside (2 CPU kernel, 64bit, 4 GB Mainmem) and installed Windows 7 64bit version.

First a question: Why does Windows 7 not configure automatically 2 cpu's?

I "forced" the 2 cpu mode in the msconfig menu. However, after the reboot, Windows 7 starts up but terminates with a BLUESCREEN telling me "BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO"

Before, I used win vista home premium 32 bit and run it in 2 cpu mode without any hassles.

Any ideas how to "motivate" Windows 7 to use 2 cpu's and 64bit adress mode?

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Bluescreen In Windows 7 64Bit

Feb 12, 2012

I have encountered 4 BSOD errors, pointing to page fault in nonpaged area and memory management. I have already executed check disk and system restore, the error still occurred. My system is just 1 month old and no overclocking is done.

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Windows 7 X64 Freezes Without Bluescreen?

Mar 31, 2012

My computer has been freezing a few times now and I have no idea why, I even waited for one hour and a blue screen didn't appear. Tought it was the browsers, cause it usually freezes when I'm on the google chrome, but I uninstalled it and it still freezes with IE. I have played some games but it didn't freeze, only with browsers opened, although it froze 2 times without the browser opened, no idea why. I used the SF Diagnostic tool to colect the info, if anymore info is needed just ask.

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Bluescreen Windows 7 Ultimate X64?

Jul 16, 2012

BCCode: 4e
BCP1: 0000000000000099
BCP2: 000000000008751F
BCP3: 0000000000000001
BCP4: 000000000008781F
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0


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Event Name - BlueScreen (BCCode 116)

Aug 9, 2012

Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 7178
BCCode: 116
BCP1: 85F1A008
BCP2: 91E1C9B0
BCP3: 00000000
BCP4: 00000002
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 256_1

Files that describe the problem:
C:WindowsMinidump 80912-16645-01.dmp
Read our privacy statement online: Windows 7 Privacy Statement - Microsoft Windows If the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline: C:Windowssystem32en-USerofflps.txt

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Microsoft - Hotfix For TDX.sys Bluescreen

Mar 2, 2009

Error message when you use applications that are based on legacy Transport Driver Interface (TDI) filter drivers on a computer that is running Windows 7 Beta or Windows Server 2008 R2: "STOP 0x000000D1

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Computer Shuts Down(no Bluescreen)?

Jan 10, 2012

So recently i have been having this problem when my computer shuts down without bluescreen after that trying to boot back up but usualy failing. Light turn on fans turn on for few seconds and shuts again. Stressing the system does not effect this it happens at most random times idle or stressed.

So for me this sounds most likely like a PSU problem but could it be my motherboard and how could i troubleshoot this since i dont have other PSU/MOBO.And somedays this happens very often someday it dosent happen at all.

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Computer Just Crashes With A Bluescreen Or Freeze

Jul 27, 2011

I am trying to uninstall my .Net framework but my computer just crashes with a bluescreen or freeze. I get the same result when I use a .Net framwork cleanup tool. The bluescreen error code is usually Stop 0x0000000A.The reason I am trying to reinstall my .Net framework is because some programs such as Nem's tools fail to launch and instead get an error saying "side by side configuration is incorrect". If I try to repair my .Net framework i get the same bluescreen.

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Bluescreen Error Locale ID:1057

Aug 27, 2011

i had trouble in OS win 7 always show blue screen

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7600.
Locale ID: 1057


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BlueScreen On Sony Vaio VPCCW21FX

Oct 30, 2011

I had a bluescreen on this sony laptop, and I have attached the dump file to the thread. Can any identify what caused the bluescreen (driver... program... etc??) I was watching a flash video as the computer crashed. I am thinking it was perhaps the graphics driver. If you can't identify what caused the BlueScreen thru that file could you tell me where to check to find out?

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Bluescreen Once, Keys Dont Work?

Jul 24, 2012

I was streaming some anime then out of nowhere my computer blue screens,it restarts fine, windows runs fine but a few letters on my keyboard stopped working. Windows 7 is OS dell inspiron n5010 is my laptop. P,o,i,u,w,e,r all do not work on my keyboard there might be a couple more that i have not noticed. no i don't remember the error sorry it was too fast. I scanned using advanced system care 5. It fixed a lot of bugs among other

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Computer Booted Up Ok But Could Reboot Without Bluescreen?

Feb 19, 2010

am completely stuck and not sure what to do. I am a MS employee, got a free (legal) copy of Win7 ultimate under the home usage program and our internal help desk says they donupport. I have loaded many OS onto laptops at work, so know the basic routine. Computer is HP Pavillion Desktop, came with Vista Home edition about two years ago. I checked for compatibility and chose to do a custom install. On first install I forgot to eliminate the second partition that had the original image. Computer booted up ok (incredibly slow, about 15 minutes) but could reboot without bluescreen. Wireless worked, I was able to do some windows updates but knew something was very wrong, so didnattempt to reinstall programs. Printer driver loaded on its own. Re-did the custom install, this time deleting the extra partition.

Now, I can barely boot up, the machine blue screens on the way, wireless does work and it doesn recognize my home network or any other network (usually there are 3 or 4 in my neighborhood that show up). Shutting down will blue screen as well, I tried yesterday. Im leaving it up and running hoping for a miracle cure. On first attempt, I was able to capture this information. Problem signature:Problem Event Name: BlueScreenOS Version:6.1.7600. ID: 1033Additional information about the problem:BCCode: 9fBCP3: 8293EAE0BCP4: 84AB20C8OS Version: 6_1_7600Service Pack:0_0Product: 256_1Files that help describe the problem:C:WindowsMinidum21410-30919-01.dmpC:UsersCherylAppDataLocalTempWER-94536-0.sysdata.xmlRd our privacy statement onlinetp:// the online privacy statement is not available, please read our privacy statement offline:C:Windowsystem32en-USerofflps.txt I tried to look at my current mini dump folder but its empty AND I dont have permissions to view

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Windows 7 Sudden Freeze And/or Bluescreen

Mar 31, 2012

For the past days my computer have had sudden freezes or bluescreens for no reason. I can't think of any updates or installments i have done recently that have affected this.

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Bluescreen On HD Format / Error Check

Jan 20, 2012

I recently copied my HD's content to an SSD. Setup boot from the new drive w/o a hitch. Decided to format my old HD, and boom! Blue screen.After restart, windows wanted to search for solutions to the problem: this caused my computer to freeze up and blue screen again.

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Shutdown Computer AFTER IT WAS RUNNING FOR A WHILE Having A Bluescreen As Well?

Jan 11, 2013

i got myself this new one half a year ago, but im having (different) crashes again... the only components i took from my old computer are 2 1GB-harddrives (windows is on a new ssd)so i dont believe it's got something to do with those 2 computer is having bluescreens randomly while im AFK, or when im working or playing a java game or somethingalso, whenever i try to shutdown my computer AFTER IT WAS RUNNING FOR A WHILE, im having a bluescreen as well. when im restarting the PC right after booting, i dont have the bluescreen.what i have tried so far:- i installed avira and did a virus check: negative- i ran the windows memory diagnosis, which also didn't find any problem with the RAMthe 2 most common errors the bluescreen shows are:"SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION"and"MEMORY MANAGEMENT".i downloaded BlueScreenView, i am adding the screenshot of what it shows:oh the files seem to be too big, i will upload it externally:so, i dont really know what to do.i even suspected an unstable power supply since a test with an oscilloscope showed some irregularities, but im not so sure if thats the reason.edit: the entry from the bluescreen dumps says at "caused by driver:" --> ntoskrnl.exe most of the time

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Bluescreen After Connecting Xbox 360 Controller?

Dec 4, 2010

Whenever I plug my 360 controller into my pc its followed by blue screen of death, can anyone help med out? I didn't have this problem a few weeks ago.I changed usb ports, reinstalled the drivers and its still happening

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Netio.sys Bluescreen Crash While Browsing

Feb 19, 2012

I encountered this weird bluescreen error crash in sunday morning 19.2 around 8am if i remember & i had only utorrent on and OutpostPro Security Suite 7.1. Utorrent had been on for about 6hrs at least & was uploading most of the time. I have 24mb Adsl connection with crappy 1mb upload. I bought OutpostPro Security Suite about 1,5years ago if i recall and now after crash i finally updated on my laptop from 7.1 to 7.5 and made a clean sweep for machine before plugging Web cable back.I think i added most of the system spec info into my user profile so not sure if i need to put them again in this crash message. Strange that win security center doesn't recognize my Agnitum's OutpostPro Security software as a antivir as it has firewall and antivir. At 1st i got scared that bluescreen crash would be cause of my about 1month old Psu or cause of processor since i guess it's quite dusty and been noisy & been meaning to get it cleaned for a while now. Then after the crash i was browsing ur site using my crappy laptop & found out that it may be cause of malware had something to do with netio.sys crash.Or then just network adapter had too many connections and couldn't handle the packages. I have no idea how to fix that network adapter if it's cause of that & i tried to update it & says that update not necessary. I have Win 7 x64 Home Premium Sp1 & bought it about year ago from Amazon Uk if i recall. Hdd check with Advanced Systemcare 5 showed couple errors after crash,but not anymore today so that was weird. Bluescreen included these for example and i couldn't take a picture from whole screen with my crappy phone so i took many,but all quite blurry and not wide enough.Stop: 0x000000D1 (0x0000000000000014118 2D) "Not sure if this was complete list as didn't get all to pic from right side..possibly.Netio.sys - Address FFFFF880014ce79381 "there could have been some other numbers between 001 & 4c3 but couldn't take a wide enough picture :/

Wishing u have a nice monday & start of new week and that u could help me with this case as i'm all the time thinking what if it happens again at any minute since it came by a surprise while i was browsing and had like 4-6 tabs open and utorrent was uploading "not sure if it was uploading at that moment" & had Outpost running in background so that kind of crash is weird. Sending 2x rar files which r Bsod & perfmon report.

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