BAD_POOL_HEADER At Ntoskrnl.exe+70040 BSOD, Error Code 0x00000019

Jun 22, 2012

what seems to have caused it? i was just on google chrome on Internet, everything was working fine then bam, blue screen out of nowhere. attached is the dump files etc

- windows 7 x64
- full retail version of windows 7 ultimate
- hardware is only 3 years old
- installed windows 7 ultimate in 2011 (i think)

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Bad_Pool_Header 0x00000019

Oct 14, 2011

i just freshly installed windows 7 Ultimate x64 on my system. this is the third fresh install and still it doesn't fix this, i have already fully updated my windows and drivers. the question is? some people say its the memory, but the memory is perfectly fine when im running on vista x64. i don't know how to read a dump file so just tell me where to upload it, or if you want me to compress it with winrar. also i am about to run a system check and look for some software that can validate my drivers.

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BSOD While Running Antivirus Software Scan, Bug Check Code 0x00000019

Feb 5, 2012

Ran a full scan on my computer with PC Tools Spyware doctor with antivirus

Running an HP G62 Notebook
Processor: AMD Athelon II P320 Dual Core
OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit
MB : ASPI x64-based PC

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Pakard Bell BSOD Error 0x00000019

Aug 14, 2012

It randomly crashes (BSOD) with what seems to be the same cause, but I cannot trace the source of the fault. In an attempt to clear the problem I removed the hard disk, connected it to another PC and re-formatted it. I then re-installed it and loaded Windows 7 anew. Still the fault persisted. Next I downloaded Memtest to check the memory (2x 1Gbt rows) and removed both and only installing 1 at a time in both slots to cover all options. Still the problem persisted. Next up I down loaded a disk checker. Nothing wrong showed up here. I removed the fan from the processors and blew it through with an airline along with the power fan. The PC is now a lot quieter, but the fault is still there. I then removed the TV card, it�s not that. I have had the BIOS checked and that is fully up to date. Now I�m running out of options. I down loaded a Blue screen viewer so I could interpret the minidump data files as the �Windbg� program from Microsoft did not show much at all. All the dumps show the same problem with the same Parameter codes:

Bug check String: BAD_POOL_HEADER
Bug check Code: 0x00000019
Parameter 1: 0x00000022
Parameter 2: 0x00000000
Parameter 3: 0x00000000
Parameter 4: 0x00000000

The results say the cause is either one of the following 3 drivers, but I believe that these are all windows programs and are not related the additional installed hardware: Ntfs.sys, ntkrnlpa.exe, ntoskrnl.exe. I have stored all the minidump data if that is of use to anybody. The PC is around 6 years old and below id the PC data. Operating System System Model Windows XP Home Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601)

Packard Bell BV PB34338801
System Serial Number: 127776790307
Chassis Serial Number: 50424E Processor a Main Circuit Board b 2166 megahertz Intel Pentium III (2 installed)


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BSOD Because Of Tdx.sys And Ntoskrnl.exe, Code 0x000000c5?

Apr 24, 2012

I wasn't really doing anything when it happened. I ran a memory check, checked for updates to my network driver, and did various Malware scans, but none of these seemed to find any problems, so I'm at a loss ATM. Dump files are attached.[CODE]

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Receiving Error Code <window Root>\system32\ntoskrnl.exe Before Windows Boot

Feb 2, 2012

I have a desktop computer and before windows boots i am receiving this error code <window root>\system32\ntoskrnl.exe. it is telling me to overcome this problem I must put in the windows cd which i don't have and cannot get my hands on to run the windows recovery console is there a way around this problem please.

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BSOD - Error IRQL_NOT_LESS_EQUAL Ntoskrnl.exe

Feb 15, 2012

I am getting BSOD with error Error IRQL_NOT_LESS_EQUAL. When checked with Blue Screen view, I am seeing it is caused by ntoskrnl.exe driver. All system specs are listed on my profile.

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BSOD(ntoskrnl.exe+70600 Error 0x0000003b

Jan 10, 2012

I've had 2 BSODs within 20 minutes of eachother so I decided to fix this right away, the error is SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION 0x0000003b ntoskrnl.exe+70600, If there is any additional info i need to post I'll try to get it I've neve rhad one of these, im currently running in safe mode though Windows 7.

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BSOD Frequent Tried Debugging But Ntoskrnl.exe Error

Jul 18, 2012

my computer has been running great. just last week, it started randomly producing the BSOD. I have several dump files. I've tried analyzing them with WinDbg but I get nothing but errors: Unable to load image SystemRootsystem32 .exe, Win32 error 0n2 can some analyze my dump files, and tell me if I have bad memory or bad motherboard?

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BSOD Ntoskrnl.exe + 7flc0, Error 0x0000009f?

Aug 4, 2012

I've been getting DRIVER_POWER_STATE shutdowns on my comp recently when I leave it running for a day or overnight. I have about 5 dmp files showing the same ntoskrnl.exe.

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BSOD While Gaming Ntoskrnl.exe Error 0x000000f4?

Sep 11, 2012

This has been going on for a while now. I replaced my motherboard and a bad hard drive. I run off an SSD (samsung 830) as my boot drive with a 1 TB hard drive for storage. I ran memtest multiple times with no errors. Could this be a failing PSU?The debug info in WhoCrashed said this was not a hardware issue but most likely a driver.I uninstalled all the audio drivers except the one I used just in case. I reverted all my overclocking for the CPU and ram back to default.

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BSOD Random Error 0x00000124, Hal.dll At Address Ntoskrnl.exe+7cc40

Dec 7, 2011

I keep getting a random BSOD, I get it a lot in Lightroom 3 but have gotten the same error doing nothing.

*** STOP: 0x00000124 (0x0000000000000000, 0xfffffa80053d5028, 0x00000000b2000040,
*** hal.dll - Address 0xfffff80002c15a3b base at 0xfffff80002c03000 DateStamp

Minidump is attached

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BSOD , Error 0x1000007e, Caused By Wdf01000.sys, Address Ntoskrnl.exe

Aug 13, 2012

For the past 3 weeks, I have been receiving blue screens serval times. Each time, the caused of the error reports has been "Wdf01000.sys" and address at ntoskrnl.exe+74a90.

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Multiple BSOD, Memory_Management, PFN List Corrupt, BAD_POOL_HEADER?

Feb 27, 2012

I got a windows 7 PC six months ago, and ever since have been getting random BSOD's mostly when web browsing or leaving my computer on while it is not in use. Their are no issues when playing games, strangely enough. So far I have replaced themotherboard, ran a disk check and got no errors, ran a SFC scan and got no errorsand ran the Memory Diagnostic Tool with no errors. I'm completely stumped as to what may be causing this. All of my drivers are up to date and I have service pack 1 installed. I am not overclocking[CODE]

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Win7 7100 Clean Install - BSOD BAD_POOL_HEADER

May 7, 2009

I have installed all betas I could find, all were/are running fine. But the RC is a lot of pain. It fails into BSOD at the last step of the install "Completing installation". The error reads BAD_POOL_HEADER. I tried 64bit only.

I verified the ISO checksums, I have read the recommendations here, tried Safe mode, disabled display, installed from disc or from inside Windows, from HDD, changed BIOS settings to safe defaults... No luck. I even tried to integrate newest video drivers from using vLite.

My PC is Q6600, Gigabyte P35ds3l, 6Gb ram, evga Nvidia 8800gts, old WD Raptor 74Gb, USB mouse and kbd, Dell lcd.

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BSOD - Whilst Gaming / Browsing - Error Codes Vary - Ntoskrnl.exe?

Nov 10, 2011

i am in dire need of some help with my pc. I am experiencing numerous BSOD issues. It started out whilst gaming with Battlefield 3 but is now happening all the time weather it be browsing the internet or just doing nothing. (If it helps firefox is crashing all the time). the computer is 10 months old and ran fine up until recently.I have had page fault, memory management, NTFS fault, bad pool, system exception.I have reviewed the forums and tried all the usual fixes, which goes along these lines:I used memtestx86 on my ram and found i had a dead stick so i purchased new 2 x 2G OZ 1333mhz, tested them for 20hrs and when they tested fine replaced the old sticks. Great i thought sorted, alas no.I removed AVG as one of the dmp files indicated it was that.nope carried out a chkdsk / r which showed no errors I removed all my nvidea drivers as they were being indicated but no its now worse than ever.I have attached the minidump files i have had over the past two days.


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BSOD Error-code 101

Aug 18, 2012

A while ago I had some bluescreens with the error-code F4 which I could fix by updating the SSD firmware (from 1.3.0 to 1.3.3). But since then, I sometimes have a bluescreen with the errorcode 101. The bluescreens only appear while I'm playing Battlefield 3 or sometimes when I currently play nothing; in other situations my pc just freezes and I have to use the power button. With Google I found out, that this bluescreen is caused by an error with the processor, so I ran Prime95 and watched the temperatures with SpeedFan. The temperature of the second core was 98�C so I started logging the temperature. After another bluescreen I looked in the logfile but the temperature was only around 40�C. So it seems that nothing overheats (which is also proved by the fact that the bluescreens appears while nothing runs that stresses the hardware alot).

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Bsod With The Error Code?

Nov 8, 2011

it says memory mismanagement.

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Error Code On The BSOD 0x000000f4

Sep 26, 2012

I have been getting random BSOD for about two days now. I reformatted my computer today thinking it would help but i did not fix the BSOD. Error code on the BSOD 0x000000f4 (0x0000000000000003, 0xfffffa80096bb3e0, 0xfffffa80096bb6c0, 0xfffff80002ddd510)

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BSOD Is Now Constantly Happening. Mainly 3B Error Code?

Jun 12, 2011

For about a month or so I've been getting various BSOD messages. I have ran "chkdsk" and it came back with everything being okay. I've ran "SFC SCANNOW" everything came back fine. I waned to run a few more tests (like the ones testing RAM, but with my computer not really turning on for that long now it seems like it might be too hard to do) From what I've noticed in the dump files I think "USBPORT.sys" and "usbohci.sys" are the main problems, but I could be wrong. I'm not really sure what to do now. It's got to the point where it takes a lot of attempts to just log into my computer and even then it doesn't stay on for long (no more than an hour now). I kind of gave up on everything and decided that installing debian as another OS is the next option. I reset my computer back to factory settings but no luck, I'm still getting the error!For the record I've had this computer for just over a year now, and everything seemed to be fine until recently and now it just seems to keep going downhill. I also can't give you the more recent dump files because my computer would end up BSODing half way though getting them all together, but I do have some recentish ones and it seems to be the same problems happening. However earlier today I got the 3B error which I haven't really got much before.

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BSOD When Running UTorrent, Error Code D1?

Dec 27, 2011

I've been getting a series of BSODs on my laptop recently. It appears they only occur while uTorrent is running - which is rather puzzling seeing how I've used it for months without issues and I have made no changes to it recently (it also takes some time after the start of the program for Windows to crash, so I'm not entirely sure uTorrent is really the culprit.)Incidentally I am running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit on my 1.5 years old laptop. Windows came preinstalled and has been reinstalled by the Sony support less than 5 months ago (together with a new HD and motherboard)[CODE]

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BSOD : 0x7e With Error Code 0xC0000005?

Jan 19, 2012

Attaching here BSOD crash dump file, BTW i am using Windows XP embedded OS, If this is not the right place to ask

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BSOD Stop Error Code 0x0000004e For Unknown Cause

Jan 11, 2012

I've been getting the BSOD sporadically for quite some time now and I am finally fed up. Here is the Stop error information:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7601.
Locale ID:1033
I've attached the dump file referenced above.

Here are some details on my machine:
Gateway DX4300
AMD Phenom(tm) II X4 810 Processor 2.60 GHz
Windows 7 - 64-bit, full-retail
Hardware purchased in 2010, Windows 7 upgrade occurred early 2011. Also, there are a ton of files in my minidump in addition to the one attached, is this normal?

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BSOD : 7a Error Code AND Blue Screen Second Time?

Jul 28, 2012

BSOD : 7a Error code AND Blue screen second time

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Browsing Web BSOD Error Code Unable To Find

Jan 20, 2013

-System -Provider[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4} EventID41Version2Level1Task63Opcode0Keywords0x8000000000000002-TimeCreated[ SystemTime] 2013-01-20T05:40:27.336841800Z EventRecordID241661Correlation-Execution[ ProcessID] 4[ ThreadID] 8 ChannelSystemComputerShelby-HP-Security[ UserID] S-1-5-18


and this is the code from the blue screen itself stop 0x00000116 (0xFFFFFA8009B434EO, 0x000000000000000?, 0x0000000000000002) i took a picture of it with my camera but missed that last digit thus the ? below that on the screen was this

atikmpag.sys - address FFFFF88000E5340C base at FFFFF88000E4C000. DateSt?? 4da507aa

im lost i tried searching these codes and some came up with random stuff (some of it worried me like the remote access stuff) and others dont seem to exist at least in a googleable database?

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BSOD Playing Assassins Creed, Error Code:0x00000116

Mar 12, 2012

Here comes the BSOD problem:


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BSOD While Playing Basically Any Game, Error Code 0x00000A

May 9, 2012

I've had these problems for a few months so I just started using our shared family computer, and recently I haven't been able to get access to it that often. Because I had so many problems with my computer, I tried clean installing it, which helped for around a month. Now it is back to BSODS. The error code I mainly get is the 0x00000A.

System Specs:
Windows 7 Home Premium x32 bit Build 7600
Processor:AMD Athlon(tm) II x4 635 Processor, 2.90 GHz
Graphics: ATI Radeon HD 5570
Memory: 2040MB RAM
Motherboard: M4A78LT-M LE

The OS came in-built with the computer, but since then I've re-installed it around 5 times.

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Win7 Installer Fails With BSOD &amp; Error Code: STOP

Oct 27, 2009

upgrade my system from Windows XP Pro SP3. The setup starts and gets past creating a user account, setting a computer name etc and then restarts and looks like Windows 7 is going to startup and then I get a BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH with:

STOP: C000021a [Fatal System Error}

The intial session process or system process terminated unexpectedly with a status of 0x00000000 (0xC0000001 0x00100400)

It then mentions about dumping the memory out to disk and reboots. If i press F8 and attempt to boot SAFE MODE I get a requester saying that setup cannot be completed in Safe Mode. If try the startup recovery the first time it says it fixed a problem and wants to restart again but it has fixed nothing. Next time the startup recovery just runs and doesn't appear to finish.

I have run the Windows Memeory Diagnostic within the setup and memory checks out fine. I initially thought the onboad audio chipset was the issue and disabled that but it made no difference. I did get one successful installation but it eventually crashed and burned with the same error after approximately 12 hours.

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7100: Fresh Install = BSOD = 0x0000007F Error Code

Apr 25, 2009

ive got a Problem installing build 7100 on my pc. if i boot from dvd, iam going well until the wallpaper and the mouse appears. after 5mins of waiting here iam getting a BSOD with an 0x0000007F Error Code.

If i try to install b7100 into a VM (with the DVD) it works!

And if i try to install/update the pc via the booted windows 2008, it also works!

Only if i boot from the dvd and try to install, it failse.

Iam allready tryed various options (remove USB,remove NIC, burn again(slow), vertify md5/sha1,removed raid) but always the same story.

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Multiple BSOD's, Some Shockwave And Spyware Doctor, Unknown Error Code?

Dec 24, 2011

I really apologize for the vague title, all I can say about these BSOD's are that they've occurred with increasing frequently over the past week, and are seemly random. I have noticed that they happen more often whenever Shockwave crashes in Chrome and does not recover. I've also noticed that I get a BSOD whenever I attempt a full scan using Spyware Doctor. Otherwise, these BSOD's really just happen wherever, whenever.

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[64-bit] BSOD Ntoskrnl.exe?

Jan 5, 2013

Well, I've got a BSOD a couple of times now and it's really starting to annoy me.It comes a couple of times a week so not every day.I've googled abit and what I've found out was that it's a hardware that's faulty or it's driver.I'll attachprobably all the files you will need tMy current "known" Specs are:Asus Crosshair Formula IV MB2 HDD 256gb/1tb1 sdd 60gbAmd radeon 7970 sapphireCorsair vengeance rams 16 gb, dont know the speed but think atleast 1333mhzCreative x-fi Fatality titanium sound card non-integrated.

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