Laptop Can Not Connect To D-Link Even Though Other Computers Can
Apr 11, 2012
My computer was working fine yesterday, it showed about 6 Networks and I was able to connect to my own network, D-Link fine. Now after playing a game via game booster I tried to acces Google Chrome and it says "this webpage is not available" I cant acces Skype or steam or anything that requires internet. I thought I had simply disconnected my self but when I went to check, it shows no networks. I thought this was my connection but then tried other devices "I-Mac, I-Pad, Windows XP Desktop and a DSI" and they all seem to find many networks and connect to D-Link fine.
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Jun 4, 2011
I purchased a new laptop with win 7 but cannot connect to my old router d-link wbr 1310.
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Sep 15, 2011
I am wondering how to connect my laptops together using a domain I think because the OS's are Windows Vista in my school which connect to a domain and share everything, I was wondering how to do this with my 3 laptops, please make sure it is free and nothing to-do with Windows Server etc, 2 Laptops and Win 7 Home Premium other one is Vista Basic and all NTFS and x86.
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Sep 30, 2011
We are using CISCO CATALYST 24 PORT 2960G series switch & no more port available in this switch. We need more ports for few pc connections. I want to connect D-LINK FIBER MEDIA CONVERTER & 6/8 PORT SWITCH to extend more port but Our IT department person saying that D-LINK SWITCH can create problem in network so we should purchase one more CISCO 2960 24port switch which is very costly. Kindly inform us is it right that D-LINK switch can create problem? After your reply we will be able to make order for D-LINK or CISCO.Kindly check our IT department person comments,We are not agree to place the 8 port switch of D-Link, due to the security of the network and to prevent the disturbance of the smooth running network.
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Nov 2, 2012
I have a Lenovo, Windows 7 Home premium 32bit. McAfee controlling my firewall. Unable to connect to internet. Connects to my wireless network. Timewarner has given up since my other HP xp computer works. Router has problems but works OK with my HP and vonage devices.
The router is D-Link WBR-1510. finding if this router is compatible to Win 7?
How do I "blow out the NIC"? How do I identify devices from drivers to uninstall?
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Dec 29, 2009
i cant seem to get second pc connected online over wired network with no router, says low connectivity & unidentified network, i connected just fine when i had window xp pro 32bit on frist pc, but when i install windows 7 on first pc, i could not connected online at all with second pc.
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Dec 26, 2009
I just got a new laptop with an Intel WiFi Link 1000 BGN network card.
When I plug the Ethernet cable in the laptop it works fine but when I try to connect to the router wireless, it says it cannot connect.
I have tried unplugging the router and the signal is strong. I have set "network discovery" in the settings.
I have never used wireless before. I assume it's something simple. What other steps do I need to take?
I have noticed the signal from the router is VERY strong, then a minute later, it's not even listed. Do I need to set up a wireless network on the router? or do they automatically send out the signal?
I also set up WPA (personal) on the router. It asks for the password and says "Windows could not connect"
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Aug 25, 2012
Well yesterday after playing online games and surfing the web, so then i decided to go to bed and my laptop took longer than before so i then clicked cancel and tried refreshing i then shut down my laptop and it seems fine. But now today i turned on my laptop and it seems fine until i login when i log in it shows a black screen with only my cursor in the middle but i can still move my mouse around (this never happened before) then it goes to the desktop screen and my icons and gadgets were starting really slow but they came up in the end but then i look at my wifi conection it says No internet accsess but i looked over to my internet modem the internet was on. So then i opened the other laptop and i can use the internet, so i tried restarting my laptop and it did the black screen thing again and still no internet accsess. So I then switch to Safe mode networking and i can connect to the internet just fine i then went and looked at the Device manager and clicked on System devices and theres a yellow triangle with an exclamation mark on Consumer IR Devices.
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Dec 6, 2012
So everything was fine until today when I woke up. My internet wouldn't work, it was saying that I was connected with internet access but never gave me it. I checked my router settings and it shows all the correct things.
So then, I decided to check my brother's computer which is in the same room and he couldn't connect either. I turned my computer off and somehow, my brother's computer had internet access and could access the internet.
Posting from my brother's PC now. I have attempted everything, restarted the power to everything about 5 times. Our internet has always worked and has until today.
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Feb 10, 2012
My virgin Super Hub wireless option is on - yes I am typing in the correct security key - yes
I disabled the security key making an open connection - yes
It detects my wireless modem , but doesn't connect, - yes
This is simply a windows 7 64 bit problem
The TP-LINK TL-WN722N Wireless Adapter has glowing reviews and works on my XP machine.
There is something in windows 7 stopping this device from working.
I even used a different wireless usb stick and that worked .
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Jun 16, 2012
I have 2 Windows 7 computers one is a Hp Laptop and another is a Compaq Desktop I have been dealing with this problem for quite awhile and each time i go to try and correct the trouble i get unbelievably frustrated as in the end i never seem to make any progress. I have attempted to create a home group from both machines and when i do create a homegroup the other IS able to see the other but when i attempt to join from either one to the one that has created it always yields an error stating that "window cannot setup homegroup on this computer" The desktop is hardwired to my Dlink router and the laptop is connected wirelessly.
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Feb 24, 2011
Here's my setup:
* I am using a Blackberry to USB tether to my desktop (internet works on pc)
*Ethernet to WAN (from PC that has internet to wifi router)
*I get DNS is not responding now from any other computer connected to the network either wired or wifi
* Set up my network as following: Tether has internet sharing turned on and connected to Local Area Connection
* Local Area Connection has IP4 configured as:
IP address:
Default: blank
Preferred DNS Server: (my ethernet connection so the internet connection is sent to wifi router)I have tried everything...I mean days of effort and searching. IP6 is disabled. Microsoft Virtual is disabled.This SAME exact setup was working perfectly a week ago with an older Linksys Wifi router. Then I bought a new Linksys E2000 and because I wanted something new (Bad move). That setup no longer worked on the new it no longer works on the old router.
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Mar 12, 2012
I've been trying to create a homegroup which my laptop (wireless) and my computer (wired) will be part of. They are both connected to the same router. My wireless is called "BuckleyWireless" and my wired computer is connected to something called "VirginMedia478xxx". I'm not sure whether these have to be the same name for it to work so I thought I'd post this anyway.I've checked the subnet mask for both computers and they are the same.I've tried turning off the firewalls on both computers.I've gone into advanced settings so that both computers are "visible" within the network.My laptop is now visible on my wired computer but it can't actually be accessed for some reason.
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Apr 2, 2012
I am on a mission to find out how to properly connect 2 computers to the same Internet "pipeline" (cable Internet - provider: Videotron - Canada) in an independent fashion so that when I shut down one computer, I do not lose the phone lines and my wife's computer still gets an Internet connection to the outside world.We are using Windows 7, the computers are brand new and the Internet connection is strong, but the moment I shut down my computer, within 5 minutes my wife computer will lose her Internet line and the phones will die.I am at a loss as to how to solve this since I have tried all combinations, permutations, you name it and nothing seems to work.Could it be my Internet provider's fault or am I doing something wrong when I connect everything to the router.
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Nov 21, 2012
I have a desktop computer connected to a wireless modem through an ethernet cable. My laptop is connected to the modem using wifi. Is there any way to connect the two computersThis my network map:
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Dec 4, 2012
how I have a computer that has Internet through wairles intrnet card that is located in the housing care now how to send it to laptop via lan card which is integrated on the computer and slobdna the laptop has a LAN card operating system is Windows XP spc 3rd
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May 10, 2012
how to connect 2 compute .1 is laptop and the other is desktop using bsnl broad band modem type 1 which have 4 port plus 1 usb port . so that both the computer has networking and internet connection.
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Apr 15, 2011
All three of my computers at home (all on windows 7 ultimate 64bit) are connecting to the same router with same SSID, but they end up having duplicate names such as NetworkName 1, NetworkName 2, NetworkName 3. This is preventing me from having them share via homegroup. I made sure the computer names are all different and all connect to same workgroup name. Is this a router setting problem? i'm using a cisco-linksys wrt-160n flashed with DD-WRT. i was checking the settings and ran across a new term, vlan. could it be they are all connected to separate virtual networks? i tried to disable vlan, however, that just disconnected all the computers to the internet.
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Nov 15, 2011
i have 4 networked computers (all connected through ethernet cables) They used to talk to each other fine. Now one (Call it KPC) is able to access all of the computers but none can access it. Another computer (RPC) says that it does not have permission to access it, even though i have all my file sharing turned on.
It used to ask me for a password and even though i would enter the correct password (the same on all computers) it said "logon failed: wrong username or bad password".
Also I have added KPC to the RPC homegroup using the password and it just doesnt show up on the RPC homegroup page. I really NEED RPC to be able to access KPC's everything (documents, printers etc) the rest arent a big deal at all. What happened and why did it just stop working??
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Sep 16, 2012
How do i connect 2 computers to the same modem using dlink switch so that i get internet connection in both the PC`s.
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Nov 4, 2012
I'm using a desktop running Windows 7 (soon to be 8) Ultimate. My target computer is a laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium.
If I download a file, is it possible for me to set a download destination directly to the laptop if I initiate the download from the desktop? The computers will be on the same network and part of a Homegroup (if that matters). I'd like to create a folder on the desktop screen of the laptop, and have the files end up there.
Alternatively, I suppose I could have the file download to the desktop computer, and then I could wirelessly transfer it over via the Homegroups, but moving 1-2GB files would probably suck bandwidth and increase system resources on my end.
EDIT: Is this also possible with a second desktop computer as well? (One primary client, and two satellite computers).
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Sep 4, 2011
I have encounter a problem where my "Active directory users and computer" function suddenly unable to connect to my remote server. I have run a nslookup and below are the reply
Default Server: Unknown
I confirm it is not the next work issue because in the same network there is few more PC running windows 7 and XP, they don't have the problem as I mention. I also have a virtual XP running in the notebook that I am using, So I try to install the adminpak and run the Active directory users and computer and what a surprise it work. I have try to reformat the notebook and the problem still occur after I use it...
I tired of reformatting. Update on the troubleshooting of the problem I am encountering, I find out that the windows 7 that I am running is not able to resolve any PC name on my network. I am mentioning this because went I am using the virtual machine install in the notebook (Win XP) to remote desktop to other PC using the desktop name it is working fine.
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Feb 27, 2012
i have two computers, computer A running windows 7 pro and computer B running windows 7 ultimate,both computers are hooked to a switch.The network printers are also connected to the switch..internet cable plugged on the switch.i have assigned the computers and printers with static IP addresses but now that i got internet i don't know what step to take to maintain my Homegroup and be able to share files and connect the two computers to the internet,the last time i tried using the public file sharing i got access denied while opening shared folders and unidentified network
D-Link 8 port switch
Konica minolta Bizhub c220 printer
Hp 2025 dn printers
Two windows 7 machines
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Feb 13, 2011
How do I connect my existing LAN which utilizes a Linksys WRT54G connecting 4 computers, 4 printers and access from several locations in the house to an Actiontec PK5000 DLL Modem/Router? I am currently connected to the Internet via a Comcast Modem, however, I am switching to Qwest which utilizes the Actiontec. I rally do not want to completely reconfigure my LAN. My operating System is Windows 7.
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May 19, 2011
Last week I had a Win XP desktop computer. I use a Netgear WGR614 V6 router. I have fiber to the house and use a Cat5e Ethernet cable to connect the router to the wall jack and Cat5e from the router to the XP computer. I also used Wi-Fi to connect my Windows 7 x64 new laptop and an older XP laptop to the Internet. Everyone was happy and all worked well! I set-up a new Dell Windows 7 x64 desktop computer (it currently connects to the Internet just fine).
During the period I was setting up the new Windows 7 desktop I had both the XP desktop unit AND the new Windows 7 desktop connected to the router via Ethernet cables (at that time both laptops could connect to the Internet). After I had transferred the XP files to the Win 7 computer I just shut down the XP computer and removed the Ethernet cable linking the XP computer and the router - the new Windows 7 computer still connected to the Internet fine (as it still does today).
I made 2 changes to the router:
1) I had the XP desktop connected to Port 3 on the back of the router and had the Windows 7 x64 desktop connected to Port 2 on the router.
2) I used Cat5e cable on the XP desktop and used a Cat 6 cable to connect the new Windows 7 desktop unit to the router.
Both laptops see my router name but neither laptop can connect - even ran the troubleshooting routine. Could simply using Cat6 cable be causing a problem (Windows 7 desktop connects fine via the cable, laptops can not connect via Wi-Fi)? Surely just changing the port I connect the desktop cable to the router with wouldn't cause any problem would it? Do I need to do some sort of set-up or configuration to the new desktop unit to make the router Wi-Fi work for the laptops?
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Jul 19, 2012
i am having mts data card and samsung laptop(R439 has wifi) now i need to connect my Sony ericsson mini pro through wifi to use Internet
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Nov 25, 2011
i have one dwa-110 model d-link , how I can install that on my laptop, i dont have the program cd.
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Dec 1, 2012
I have an Acer Laptop Computer with no HDMI port. Just curious if i can wirelessly connect my PS3 to my Acer Laptop?
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Jan 31, 2013
Redlegs here from Adelaide , Sth Aust. Have had to replace my HP printer ( been given last rites after 5 years )with recommended Epson printer. HP was WiFi connected to laptop which is in another room from the PC and printer and had been working perfectly.I have brought the laptop into the room with the PC and printer. First problem arose as I was told " incorrect " password. Router is a DI- 524 ( no longer supported on D- Link's web page as 5 yrs old ) After several attempts and " hissy fits " , I was able to poke around in a help web page and I think I found the password , tho it was listed as the " Preshare Key ".Have been using the Epson Installation disc and things seem to go along smoothly , then it always bombs out --" Not connected " message appears, I print out a Status Report it's fairly long and a little hard to interpret , but it does say the password " does not match the one set for your router/access point" .I did have some probs when I first linked my previous printer to the laptop , some years ago , but can't recall the many steps I went through back then.Have got W7 , Epson printer model is WF 3520, laptop is a Toshiba.
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Sep 18, 2012
I have a router with a Windows 7 PC and a Linux laptop both plugged into it via ethernet cables.
Neither pc can see each other under 'network'.
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Jan 22, 2012
I have a wireless home network which the tv is connected to but I don't know how to link my laptop to it - so i can view the images and listen to my itunes library on the tv
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