Some Stupid Resaon Vista Doesn't Allow Program

Mar 26, 2008

I have a Sony VAIO that came with Vista Premium installed. I have installed a few programs on it and have had varrying problems. My most recent problem is having a "demo" version of a software which I then purchased and attempted to apply the license to it. It says it has to reboot to make changes, but when it restarts it is still in the demo mode. No changes made. By itself it would seem that it is a problem with the software. But, I have another program (Ikea Kitchen Builder 08) that when installed accesses removed and deleted files from a previous install version of it as well (Ikea kitchen builder 07). Both of these programs install and work perfectly on Windows XP. But for some stupid reason Vista doesn't allow these programs to successfuly install themselves.

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DOS Program Doesn't Appear To Work Properly In Vista

Mar 26, 2008

using an old DOS program that worked under XP, but doesn't appear to work properly in Vista. When I execute the program, it comes up with the error message "This system does not support fullscreen mode. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application." My choices then are "Close" or "Ignore". Whichever option I click on, the program will then run, but in a miniscule window that I can't alter. how to get this to run in fullscreen like it did before? I'm working on getting him to join the 21st century, but in the interim, I'd like to make this least temporarily.

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SI UpdFlash Program But It Doesn't Seem To Recognize

May 1, 2009

I'm having an eSATA problem that seem to be the same issue as described by Alanho in his post on May 27, 2008: I'm starting a new thread because that was almost a year ago and there is no answer given in that thread. I have an add-in, PCI-Express, 2-port, eSATA II card. It is a Heisei Electronics Co., Model BPE-220SI-V1.2, which contains a Silicon Image 3132 chip. My external drives are Western Digital MyBooks and they came with the eSATA cables. My PC is an HP xw6200 Workstation configured dual boot with XP Pro x86 and Vista Ultimate x64 SP1.

The eSATA drives work fine in the XP OS. In the x64 Vista OS, the eSATA connection is lost between the host adapter and the drive whenever the drive is idle for about 15 minutes. If the drive is accessed more often then that, then it never disconnects. For example, it will not disconnect if a torrent is running to the eSATA drive. In the thread I mentioned at the top of this post, someone suggested making a BAT file that would ping the drives every so often to keep the connection alive. Can anyone tell me specifically how to do this for the 2-port adapter? It sounds like this might be a work-around until I can figure out how to solve the problem directly.

I did check the Silicon Image website to see if I could flash the firmware on the adapter. I found the SI UpdFlash program but it doesn't seem to recognize the Heisei adapter as one that is flashable. Can anyone suggest a PCIe eSATA adpater card that is known to work corectly with Vista x64? I'd get a new adapter card if I knew of one that will work. Any other ideas? Someone who responded to Alanho's post said that this was a known problem in Vista. Is that true?

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Task Manager Doesn't Close A Program

Apr 21, 2009

it appears as though my webcam (a Logitech QuickCam Communications Deluxe) is crashing my MSN whenever I try to use it. I'm unsure why, honestly, and it's incredibly annoying.

As a sort of aside: how come the Task Manager doesn't actually close a program / process / task when I tell it to? It seems like it thinks about it for a while then decides it knows more than I do.

Second, my machine hangs on restarts and shutdowns for some reason. I don't know why it does it because it seems to happen at random intervals. Is there some reason why this would be happening? XP was able to shut down without a problem so it stands to reason that Vista would be able to do that, too.

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Start Menu Doesn't Recognize The Program

Feb 16, 2010

Two days ago I deleted a few shortcuts from my desktop, now everytime I even try to go to IE, a windows pops up asking me which program do I want to use to open IE - this is happening everytime I try to open a new window and for exapmple i want to go to Google... Also, one of the shortcuts i deleted is Skype, now if I try to open Skype from the icon I have on the bottom toolbar or form the Start menu, a window pops up saying that it doesn't recognise the program - any ideas of what I've done wrong and if there is a solution??

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In Win Explorer, What Are Those Stupid Shortcuts On My Tree, And What Use Are They?

Dec 21, 2009

I first set hands on an IBM PC in 1980: DOS 2.0, Word 1.0 & Lotus 1 (not 1a). I'm organized can find things on a hard drive just fine, thank you very much. I'm used to a tree and a file list, and had them with PCTools long before Peter bought that app and turned it into Norton Utilities or Gates even dreamed of such a thing as part of his OS.

Vista's Explorer tree goes:

I understand and use Computer, and I'm finding Public useful, but in Sarah, there are some shortcuts that don't go anywhere, e.g., application data, local settings, my documents, cookies, etc. When I left-click on them, all I ever get is "location not available" "access denied" with blather in between.

Do they have a name? I tried hunting for info on them, but without a specific name for them, it's impossible. What earthly use are those shortcuts supposed to be if you can't click on them and go anywhere? Is there someplace else that they show up or do they only exist in explorer under the user name? If they do show somewhere else, are they any use there? Can they be safely deleted? I've already tried moving them and you can't.

I'm guessing that "Sarah" is my personal user collection of folders or shell folders. It has already "collected" stuff that I don't want to see there. I'd like to clean it up, but I'll settle for getting rid of these bits of trash first.

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Clean The Infection. Ofcouse,we Are Not Stupid

Oct 26, 2009

Not really a virus,its an "anti" virus named antivirus 2010, Keep asking my mum to pay to clean the infection. Ofcouse,we are not stupid..everyone know that this "anti" virus is a fake one and all they want is money.. I tried to use spydoctor,it cannot clean it.. i tried to use AVG,it cleaned it on the first day but then another day the antivirus thing pops up again.. If you delete it,it reinstall itself..

Most annoying thing is that, After a certain time using her computer,the antivirus will pop up and say "your computer is infected with serious virus and it you have to turn your computer off to prevent the damage(something like dat..)" And there is 2 option "Get Protection!"(paying money) "ok" And u cannot move that window,cannot close u have to click ok- Is there any thing that can clean these virus? My mum is getting annoyed by it. My mum is not a safely computer user. Her laptop also got the msn virus,which auto sends message to other and give them a link which contain virus.

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Stupid Box Showing Up Can't Email People

Aug 30, 2009

I will try to be as specific as possible, bu I am not that computer literate, so bear with me. I just got a new computer, my old one was windows XP and this one is windows vista. I know nothing about Vista. I am trying to set up my email account from ymail (Yahoo). I put in my dispaly name, that was easy enough, next, my email address., also easy enough, then comes the part I dont get... There is a drop down box for incoming email server, in it currently is POP3, other options are IMAP and HTTP. I dont know which one to use. The next box says Incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP) sever: I do not know what to put in the box below this. Next is outgoing mail server (SMTP) name: I also do not know what to put in the box under this. Finally there is a box for me to check (or not) for outgoing server requires authentication. I have read a lot of stuff from the computers help pages and HP advisor but I am still lost can anyone help...This is causing me to not beable to email people that I frequently talk to like our mayor, or the news channels because their pages say email me click here and this stupid box keep showing up, without it I cant email these people because they only recieve mail this way.

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Icon Stupid Window Can't Identify Symbol

May 16, 2009

icons are behind this stupid windows-i can't identify-symbol. Why is that? (see attachment).

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Stupid Empowering Technology Framework Errored Hasn't Worked

Dec 28, 2008

I'm completely lost here. I just bought an Acer Aspire 4720z at the beginning of the month and I completely regret it already!! It came with Vista Home Premium, 2GB of memory, 120 GB hard drive and intel dual processor 1.83GHZ. About a week after I got it the stupid empowering technology framework errored out and hasn't worked since. I never even got a chance to make the recovery CD since I didn't know I would have to make one and didn't buy any DVD-r's.

Well I called Acer and they say the only way to fix the errors I'm getting is to restore to factory default and they sent me the set of recovery disks that I need. Well I guess I should of just said screw it and left it alone. It gets all the way through the restore to where it restarts then command prompt comes up sayings "Update device driver, please wait" Then the error "Windows could not update the computer's boot configuration. Installation cannot proceed" comes up. I click OK and it restarts the computer and now all I get is "The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install windows, click "OK" to restart the computer and then restart installation".

I have tried to reinstall it probably over 7 times now with the same results. I was on the phone with Acer most the day yesterday. They gave me 2 ISOs to downlaod and burn that format and partition the hard drive. They work but when I go to put Vista on it, I get the same error over and over again. I really don't want to resort to sending it in for repair and they said chances are that's the next step. I'm half tempted just to put XP on it but I've only had it a month and I don't want to void the warranty. ? Let me know if you need any more information about my system.

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Esata On X64 Vista Doesn't See It

Feb 6, 2009

I use an external esata enclosure. When I plug it into my laptop, Vista Ultimate x64 recognises the hotplugging and sees the drive right away, and handles it fine when I switch off. I have a Vista Ultimate x64 desktop using a motherboard without a built esata port. The enclosure came with an esata adapter plate that internally connects to a sata port on the motherboard. This works, but only if I boot the PC up with the external drive switched on first. If I switch it on later, Vista doesn't see it. I understood that sata eand esata were both hot pluggable, so I'm not sure why this is not working. Does the motherboard need a esata port to work with a esata based external hdd enclosure (to allow hotplug capability). I can purchase a PCI express card that provides an esata port, but I don't know if thats going to make a difference.

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Uninstall Vista Doesn't Seem Able

Feb 6, 2009

I've had major problems with the above game. its been so bad that I now want to uninstall it but Vista doesn't seem to be able to do it.

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VB Script For XP Doesn't Work In VISTA

Jun 12, 2008

A kind soul kindly sent me this script which gives an audible alert when a
chat window opens on my PC.

It doesn't work on VISTA any ideas as to what needs to be changed?

set shell=createobject("")
while NOT shell.appactivate("Private Chat")
wscript.sleep 2000
wend "c:/windows/media/tada.wav"

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ToggleKeys Doesn't Work In Vista

Mar 26, 2008

I turned on "Toggle Keys" in Control PanelEase of Access CenterMake the keyboard easier to use. It is supposed to cause a beep when you press the Caps Lock, Num Lock, or Scroll Lock keys. It worked great in XP, but it doesn't work in Vista.

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Installed Vista X64 Ram Of Xp Doesn't Recongnize

Jun 20, 2008

I installed a copy of Vista x64 Ultimate to try out on my machine because i have 4Gb of ram and windows XP doesn't recognize it It installed on my AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ black edition no problem, but after it downloaded 42 updates i went into a BSOD loop. No matter what i did after that, i could not re-install XP on anyone of the 6 Hd's i had in my system. If i tried... BSOD.

I had no choice but to purchase yet another HD (which i didnt really need) just so i can use that as a singular connected drive to install XP on again.Now then, most of my drives are now unreadable in XP and i get messages like this an error occurred reading folder:the volume does not contain a recognized file system. please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted (1005) I have even tried connecting said drives to USB/Firewire external enclosures to see if i can access files that way. If i have lost over 2Tb of data on these drives just for installing vista, i will be looking for someone at MS to assassinate please tell me there is a viable solution to this

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Doesn't Show Vista Log-in Screen

Jun 25, 2008

Yesterday I removed my ATI Radeon X800Pro card because it caused graphics issues. I rebooted the computer and it automatically switched to the nvidia GeForce 6100 GPU onboard graphics. It had a fairly updated Windows driver installed for it. I went to nvidia to download the newest driver. During the installation of that driver, the screen went blank. I waited 5 minutes and nothing happened. I restarted my pc and now it doesn't show the Vista log-in screen anymore. All I get is that little green bar on the bottom and then the screen turns black. All I can see is a tiny little green strip (of the log-in page) on the top of my screen. How can I fix that? I still got XP, which I am using right now. I tried to boot Vista in Safe mode but it got stuck while it was loading the drivers...

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Vista Doesn't Recognize Any Computer

Mar 23, 2008

My new computer (Vista) is wired to a wireless router. While the router sees all other connections to the network, Vista doesn't recognize ANY computer (1 on XP, 1 a MacBook and 1 a wireless game system). How do I get Vista to recognize the other computers on the network? Previous XP computer saw and allowed sharing without issue, so not a hardware problem I'm thinking, as the new computer/Vista is the only change to the system.

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Vista Search Doesn't Locate

May 15, 2010

I have been wanting to address this problem for some time now but I have always felt that it is going to be difficult to understand and solve. Maybe, maybe not. I just looked at some of the previous FAQs on this subject and I don't fully understand their fixes. One fix tells me to go to change the Indexing somehow by disabling it. But when I go there, that box is inactive and cannot be changed apparently. So before I go further and not know what I am doing, I decided to post and ask for help. To illustrate my problem, let's say I am trying to find a file in my Downloads folder. I open my Downloads folder and can see the file I want. Yet when I do a Search for that file, the Search cannot locate it. It is as if the file doesn't exist. But I am looking right at it in Downloads!

I don't yet know how deep this problem goes, i.e. what if my file I wanted was a .dll file or something deep in the computer and I couldn't find it? Is the fix to this problem simply to disable Indexing? Or is there something more sinister going on with Search not being able to find anything?

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Vista 64 And Ipod Doesn't Work

May 12, 2009

For those having issues with itunes and ipod syncing while running vista 64 bit you must get the new itunes 64 bit version. This can be installed over the old Itunes. search itunes 64 on apples website. If this doesnt work then try to find your solution somewhere else

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DVD Decryptor Software: XP Doesn't Work On Vista

Sep 7, 2007

I'm looking for DVD Decryptor software for Vista. Anyone know of any? The Software that I used in XP doesn't work on Vista.

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Can't Print: (Windows XP - Vista Doesn't Exist)

Oct 26, 2008

I connected a HP Deskjet 670C to a laptop (Vista), using a USB to Parallel Converter. I downloaded the driver (Windows XP - Vista doesn't exist) for the printer and installed the driver that came with the cable. I can't print.

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Vista Doesn't Matter Control Processor

Jun 23, 2009

I like the CPU speed control in Power-->Advaanced settings, with precision to 1%. We've always had it in IBm Thinkpads, since IBm sold it to China which rebranded it as Lenovo, I switched to American HP. Regular Windows, not taylored by IBM, was never aware of Thinkpads unique internals. Now with Vista it doesn't matter, i can control processor and I CAN SEE & HEAR RESULTS! Suppose fan is blowing and my hand can feel warm air flowing from vents, I tested it several times when I switch from CPU 100% to 25%, fan slows down stops, air gets cooler, and fan is often stopped which gives me some peace in temrs of reliability. A hot computer is bound to sustain permanent damage, heat is the biggest killer of electronics. So I switch to 100% when running CAD & Graphics/Video apps, 25% when writing articles, 10% when reading/browsign plain text, of course I don't annoy myself by clicking switches and playign with this instead of real work.

But still i appreciate this control, because I my profession is electroncis-related I just like this type of clock frequency control. IBM also provided us with automatic CPU, automatic PCI bus or fixed PCI bus frequency, optical drive turn-off time in addiiton to harddisk timer found for real techies who get deep into hardware, we don't have that in Vista but I don't care. I have a real quiet laptop now despite its gigantic 17inch display and hardware meant for hard-core CAD, Graphics & Gaming, you don't alway sneed processor toiling hard in summer heat, only asking for potential fan damage-->CPU damage, so thsi control is nice....

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Antivirus Program For Vista?

May 1, 2009

Do someone here have any suggestions for a good antivirus program for Vista? Something that does not use soo much system resources and at the same time is good for detections?

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Program Not Loads On Vista

Jun 20, 2008

Has anybody else seen a case where a program (Germin Topo USA) loads fine from a DVD with XP but simply does nothing when you click setup on Vista. Just get the continuous mouse delay cursor. I tried networking from the XP drive, no luck. Tried the Vista "Program Compatibility Wizard" as XP or Win2000, also nothing. I would have chalked it up to the program/DVD if it was not for the fact that yesterday I had another program not install. Is it possible some setting on my Vista has changed. Running as Admin/ Vista Business. No other bugs.

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Batch File Renaming In Vista Doesn't Work!

Mar 23, 2008

To rename a file, you do not need to open the file in a program.

Right-click the file that you want to rename, and then click Rename.

Type the new name, and then press ENTER. If you are prompted for an administrator password or confirmation, type the password or provide confirmation.


You can also rename several files at once. If you give files of the same type the same name, each file will have the same name followed by a different sequential number (such as Renamed File (2), Renamed File (3), and so on). This can be useful for grouping related items. To do this, select all the files you want to rename, and then follow the same steps as you would for renaming an individual file. Each of the files will be saved with the new name, and a different sequential number will be appended automatically to the end of each file name.

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Miss Net Medic, Which Doesn't Work On Windows Vista

Apr 30, 2009

I really miss net medic, which doesn't work on windows vista, I'm lost without it. Net Medic worked on all windows from Win98 through to XP but not vista (sob). Is there any equivalent program that will do the same as net medic and work on windows vista? For those not familiar with net medic it was a data speed monitoring program, it ran in a small window and worked a bit like a speedo in a car and showed live data feed as it was happening.

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PS2 Controller Adapter: Vista Ultimate X64 It Doesn’t Recognize It

Mar 25, 2008

I used to use my SUPER BOX4 (Ps2 controller to PC adapter) for when I had XP and it worked like a charm. Now with installing Vista Ultimate X64 it doesn’t recognize it.
Is there a compatible driver for it (which I doubt) or is there an alternative adapter?

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Search: Vista Doesn't Find And Extremely Slow?

Apr 13, 2008

I just cant' seem to get search to work worth a damn in Vista. Files that I know I have Vista doesn't find and it is extremely slow. I'm not a computer expert by any stretch, but I never had trouble with using search in XP.

I do like much about Vista, just need a search feature that doesn't search for stuff like my kids would. Anyone point me to a program that works with Vista and is safe to use?

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VISTA Program Alteration Not Work

Jun 1, 2008

My wife atempted to install an eGame program disk that apparently did not work with Vista. Since then We have received error messages that the Vista program has been altered, the system is running extremely slowly, and can not print to the local USB Printer and the attempting to open the control panel result in a window flashing up for a second then disapearing. I have attempted several of the recommended remedies and still can not get the Vista program validated again, or print.

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Run Program Isn't Compatible With Vista, Nothing Works

Jan 1, 2008

I installed my Sims 1 game and everything that should be at the bottom of the screen is in the middle. Evidently it isn't compatible with Vista. or is there a way I can make it compatible. I already clicked on properties and picked run as XP and I already click to run as administrator. Nothing works.

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Is There Other Program To Tweak The Icons In Vista?

Dec 20, 2008

Any input on Vista Visual Master? I've been looking online for reviews, and haven't found much. Found a couple of people who said they had some nasty stuff installed along with the program, but I just downloaded it from CNET...just don't want a virus or anything. OR, is there another program to tweak the icons in Vista?

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