Clean The Infection. Ofcouse,we Are Not Stupid

Oct 26, 2009

Not really a virus,its an "anti" virus named antivirus 2010, Keep asking my mum to pay to clean the infection. Ofcouse,we are not stupid..everyone know that this "anti" virus is a fake one and all they want is money.. I tried to use spydoctor,it cannot clean it.. i tried to use AVG,it cleaned it on the first day but then another day the antivirus thing pops up again.. If you delete it,it reinstall itself..

Most annoying thing is that, After a certain time using her computer,the antivirus will pop up and say "your computer is infected with serious virus and it you have to turn your computer off to prevent the damage(something like dat..)" And there is 2 option "Get Protection!"(paying money) "ok" And u cannot move that window,cannot close u have to click ok- Is there any thing that can clean these virus? My mum is getting annoyed by it. My mum is not a safely computer user. Her laptop also got the msn virus,which auto sends message to other and give them a link which contain virus.

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Antivirus With A Virus Infection?

Sep 14, 2008

Can an antivirus software be infected with virus? Why do I often get frequent virus alerts when my antivirus scanners report my system is clean?

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Infection Resolving Team

Nov 12, 2008

I am going to be starting a group of security people. We are not trying to have anyone be above anyone else or try to talk down to less computer educated people. We just want everyone to get the MAXIMUM PROTECTION HELP they can. We will be discussing the latest and best software, the highest risk threats out there, some of the best ways to protect yourself, and how to do a few things to your computer to help protect yourself. I will be making a list at the top of this post on who is offically in the Infection Resolving Team (sounds very korny and childish but it is true so...) so everyone can ask us questions. If you have a little problem, you can just post in the System Security Forum as a normal post. If it is urgent of you have a serious problem you can either send anyone of the approved members a private message or post a comment in the blog here. Again, our only purpose is to help everyone reach there maximum protection against all of the "non-friendly" computer people out there. If you are interested in joining you can send me, Neverhavemoney, a message or post your request in this thread. Remember, A good computer starts with Good protection!!

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Malware Infection The System

Jun 26, 2009

last week i brought a new laptop, it came with the norton antivirus free trial. While visiting a site (i dont remember what) norton detected a virus (again i dont remember what) norton then crashed on me and would not run at all even after following the "fixes" it suggested. Ive always used AVG free on my PC's so i uninstalled Norton and after a few attempts finally managed to find and install AVG.I ran AVG which had a few hits but all were successfully removed. After that i also tried to install Spybot however it will not fully install, i get to the final page for installation, click install and then I get a error which reads " Error Sending Request The server name or address could not be resolved"

I know I have some form of virus/ spyware or somethimg on my PC as my browser frequently directs to Myspace (which i dont use) on the first click on a link, but when i go back to my search and click the same link again it will generally take me to where i need to go- unless it is a virus/spyware/malware removal page (in which case the link is always broken) My browser has also been opening up webpages that generally start with ad. eg At the request of a different forum i down loaded hijack this so i could get a log of my pc however the program wont run. So i have come here wher hopefully all advice will be specially tailored to a vista PC. I am aware that i am supposed to post my system information etc however i am new to Vista and still learning the ropes,

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In Win Explorer, What Are Those Stupid Shortcuts On My Tree, And What Use Are They?

Dec 21, 2009

I first set hands on an IBM PC in 1980: DOS 2.0, Word 1.0 & Lotus 1 (not 1a). I'm organized can find things on a hard drive just fine, thank you very much. I'm used to a tree and a file list, and had them with PCTools long before Peter bought that app and turned it into Norton Utilities or Gates even dreamed of such a thing as part of his OS.

Vista's Explorer tree goes:

I understand and use Computer, and I'm finding Public useful, but in Sarah, there are some shortcuts that don't go anywhere, e.g., application data, local settings, my documents, cookies, etc. When I left-click on them, all I ever get is "location not available" "access denied" with blather in between.

Do they have a name? I tried hunting for info on them, but without a specific name for them, it's impossible. What earthly use are those shortcuts supposed to be if you can't click on them and go anywhere? Is there someplace else that they show up or do they only exist in explorer under the user name? If they do show somewhere else, are they any use there? Can they be safely deleted? I've already tried moving them and you can't.

I'm guessing that "Sarah" is my personal user collection of folders or shell folders. It has already "collected" stuff that I don't want to see there. I'd like to clean it up, but I'll settle for getting rid of these bits of trash first.

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Stupid Box Showing Up Can't Email People

Aug 30, 2009

I will try to be as specific as possible, bu I am not that computer literate, so bear with me. I just got a new computer, my old one was windows XP and this one is windows vista. I know nothing about Vista. I am trying to set up my email account from ymail (Yahoo). I put in my dispaly name, that was easy enough, next, my email address., also easy enough, then comes the part I dont get... There is a drop down box for incoming email server, in it currently is POP3, other options are IMAP and HTTP. I dont know which one to use. The next box says Incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP) sever: I do not know what to put in the box below this. Next is outgoing mail server (SMTP) name: I also do not know what to put in the box under this. Finally there is a box for me to check (or not) for outgoing server requires authentication. I have read a lot of stuff from the computers help pages and HP advisor but I am still lost can anyone help...This is causing me to not beable to email people that I frequently talk to like our mayor, or the news channels because their pages say email me click here and this stupid box keep showing up, without it I cant email these people because they only recieve mail this way.

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Self Created ISO: Packed With Infection Resolving Tools!

Mar 30, 2010

I have just built 2 new ISO's (one for 64-bit and one for 32-bit). It contains a crap loada stuff. It has about 10 programs (installation files) of all the best removal products available these days. The links are:

32-bit: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

64-bit: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

I will be making video tutorials soon, and post them online or wrap them up in the ISO (not sure yet, dont want size to become a factor). Anyways, use them out, and let me know if there are any programs I should add. Remember, this iso is for programs needed for removal of infections, not other computer needs.

Programs included:.............

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Trojan Infection Removed: Don't Recognize The Driver

Oct 4, 2008

First time I have ever I have had an infection notice! I booted up my PC - Acer T180Vista SP-1 - this morning to find an AVG notice: Trojan Horse Small AOQ on file C:Windowssystem32DriversmchInjDrv.sys. I clicked on 'heal' but told file couldn't be found and the notice closed. I opened AVG - AVG Free 8.0 - and removed the 'infection' which I assume means the file is deleted. I then ran an AVG full scan and nothing fou7nd. What now? I don't recognize the driver, not sure whether I need it and in anycase I don't have a Vista installation disc - only a recovery disc that was made when I bought the computer.

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Some Stupid Resaon Vista Doesn't Allow Program

Mar 26, 2008

I have a Sony VAIO that came with Vista Premium installed. I have installed a few programs on it and have had varrying problems. My most recent problem is having a "demo" version of a software which I then purchased and attempted to apply the license to it. It says it has to reboot to make changes, but when it restarts it is still in the demo mode. No changes made. By itself it would seem that it is a problem with the software. But, I have another program (Ikea Kitchen Builder 08) that when installed accesses removed and deleted files from a previous install version of it as well (Ikea kitchen builder 07). Both of these programs install and work perfectly on Windows XP. But for some stupid reason Vista doesn't allow these programs to successfuly install themselves.

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Icon Stupid Window Can't Identify Symbol

May 16, 2009

icons are behind this stupid windows-i can't identify-symbol. Why is that? (see attachment).

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Disk Clean Up: Save To Clean All The Files That Are Checked

Apr 3, 2010

is it save to clean all the files that are checked. i will gain 2.57 gb. let me know please. i will post the picture on my next post. here is what is checked

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Stupid Empowering Technology Framework Errored Hasn't Worked

Dec 28, 2008

I'm completely lost here. I just bought an Acer Aspire 4720z at the beginning of the month and I completely regret it already!! It came with Vista Home Premium, 2GB of memory, 120 GB hard drive and intel dual processor 1.83GHZ. About a week after I got it the stupid empowering technology framework errored out and hasn't worked since. I never even got a chance to make the recovery CD since I didn't know I would have to make one and didn't buy any DVD-r's.

Well I called Acer and they say the only way to fix the errors I'm getting is to restore to factory default and they sent me the set of recovery disks that I need. Well I guess I should of just said screw it and left it alone. It gets all the way through the restore to where it restarts then command prompt comes up sayings "Update device driver, please wait" Then the error "Windows could not update the computer's boot configuration. Installation cannot proceed" comes up. I click OK and it restarts the computer and now all I get is "The computer restarted unexpectedly or encountered an unexpected error. Windows installation cannot proceed. To install windows, click "OK" to restart the computer and then restart installation".

I have tried to reinstall it probably over 7 times now with the same results. I was on the phone with Acer most the day yesterday. They gave me 2 ISOs to downlaod and burn that format and partition the hard drive. They work but when I go to put Vista on it, I get the same error over and over again. I really don't want to resort to sending it in for repair and they said chances are that's the next step. I'm half tempted just to put XP on it but I've only had it a month and I don't want to void the warranty. ? Let me know if you need any more information about my system.

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Clean Install

May 9, 2008

I purchased a new PC and would now like to give my old PC. It had been upgraded from XP to Vista. I did a clean install with Vista and deleted the windows.old folder which was taking up space but the computer isn't as fast as it would be if I had formatted the drive before the install.

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SP2 Clean Up Tool

May 27, 2009

Those of us who installed SP1 may remember that there was a cleanup tool (vsp1cln.exe)There is now a tool for sp2 called compcln.exe See: SP2 Disk Cleanup Tool. Once this tool has been run, SP2 cant be removed

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Pc Registry Clean Up

Nov 9, 2008

What application can I use to clean the registry. The one I had before doesn't work with 64 bit

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Clean Install & SP1?

Mar 23, 2008

Clean install & SP1. If I do a clean install of Vista home premium will SP1 be the only Vista update that is downloaded and installed? I am wondering if all of the old updates are still hanging around somewhere that is listed in the installed history. Are there old files that could be removed after SP1 installation?

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How Often Clean Up Computer?

Sep 4, 2008

I see that my Vista computer has a cleanup program? How often should I do the clean up of my computer? I see that some people have installed CCleaner program on their computer. Is it good to get another cleanup program to scan your computer?

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Clean Format On Internal HDD

Apr 4, 2009

How can I do a clean format on my internal laptop hdd cos the hdd is corrupted.

I tried to reinstall XP but the system scan error.

So I am thinking of doing a clean reformat on the hdd, then boot up my XP installation cd to do a clean installation.

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Extended Disk Clean Up

Sep 6, 2008

I downloaded the extended disk clean up shortcut, right clicked, ran as administrator, had all checked except for setup log files as strongly suggested, clicked ok, it said it was calculating the space I would regain by cleaning, it went straight to cleaning without showing the amounts in each checked section, and finished. I ran the utility to see about the error bug in reporting the size of the amounts as discribed and wanted to see if I had this bug to worry about. Why didnt the disk cleaning utility show me the amounts found in the locations and ask me if I wanted to go ahead and delete all the files? anyone?

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Will Not Boot Following Clean Install

Mar 23, 2008

I apologize if this issue has been dealt with already but I can???t seem to find a solution. I have built a pc with AMDx2 4200, 2gb 800mhz ram, ECS AMD690GM-M2 board, sata 80gb hdisk, and pioneer dual layer drive. I have no add on cards and the motherboard is on failsafe settings. I have installed vista home premium 32 bit and the installation proceeds normally, and after the dialog boxes where the PC name is requested and the background, the system reboots and then does not boot beyond ?loading vista 2.1.2 ? starting ACPI ?. I have re-installed vista and the same problem occurs. I am not able
to access a safe mode.

I wonder if there is a simple solution to this I am not aware of.

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Clean Install Without Dvd Drivw

May 8, 2008

I picked up the Vista Ultimate DVD at the "Heroes" seminar. I'm trying to intstall it on my test machine. The machine has no DVD drive. I tried copying the DVD contents to a secondary partition, but I can't find any .exe files that will run from a dos boot. Is there any way to get Vista install started without a bootable DVD drive? I do have a CD drive on the machine...can I split the DVD into CD's? Anticipating the most likely input...let me say these...

Yes, I have googled my ass off. Yes, I have IDE DVD drives, I have external usb DVD drives. What I DO NOT HAVE is a way to get THIS machine to BOOT from any of them. Buying a new DVD drive won't help me. I can boot from a CD or floppy or hard drive. I want to do a CLEAN build without leftovers from previous OS. Yes, you can order Vista on CD if you want to wait...and they won't even tell you what it costs until you enter personal information...sorry, but that really chaps my...

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Context Menu Clean Up

Nov 21, 2009

There was a way to delete all the items circled in red in the context menu - I just don`t remember it.

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Disc Clean-up Not Working

Sep 27, 2009

I have a Toshiba intel core2 duo windows vista 32bit home premium.

When I select disc clean- up program

It gives me a choice to select -- My Files only -- or --Files from all users ---

The error message below happens no matter which of the two choices I select. The error happens 100% of the time.

Disk Space Cleanup Manager for Windows has stopped working

A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available.

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Not Boot Following Clean Install

Mar 26, 2008

it seem to find a solution. I have built a pc with AMDx2 4200, 2gb 800mhz ram, ECS AMD690GM-M2 board, sata 80gb hdisk, and pioneer dual layer drive. I have no add on cards and the motherboard is on failsafe settings. I have installed vista home premium 32 bit and the installation proceeds normally, and after the dialog boxes where the PC name is requested and the background, the system reboots and then does not boot beyond ???loading vista 2.1.2? starting ACPI?. I have re-installed vista and the same problem occurs. I am not able to access a safe mode. I wonder if there is a simple solution to this I am not aware of.

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Clean Install Work?

Jun 17, 2008

Everything I've read said that doing a clean install would delete all of my files during the process which is what I needed. I wanted everything off of my computer except what came on it. I called myself doing it correctly but when I checked, none of my files were gone and my Recovery D drive has no space left which is why I needed to do a clean install in the first place.

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X64 Lock Up, After Clean Install

Mar 30, 2008

I have tried other hardisks, and all combinations of RAM in all slots, but Vista still locks up after a seemingly random period of time. The lock ups occur with a fresh install (with no other software installed), and sp1 has no effect. The starnge thing is XP (both x64 and x32) work perfectly fine. Where would I be able to get support for this bug (I have Vista x64 Ultimate OEM).

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Need A Clean Registry File

Mar 19, 2010

My registry is corrupt and Windows Installer is not functional. I need the file discussed in this thread: Repair Windows Installer Service in Vista (All Versions) The links in that are posted are no longer valid. Can someone who has a functional Windows Installer (from a virus-free system, obvi) please post their copy of this file up online somewhere?

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Clean Install Or Upgrade

Mar 26, 2008

I have XP Home on my computer, and it works great. Should i do a clean install for best results? The only problem would be reinstalling many programs. I am unsure about the back-up and reinstalling method, and getting the programs to work as they did in XP.

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Installed Rocketdock: Clean Up?

Aug 16, 2008

So I just tried to install rocketdock. and it does not support 64bit. thats lame, is there a program like that, that works on 64bit. I was exited to clean my desktop up, now I can't. No good.

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100% CPU Usage On A Clean Install?

Feb 5, 2008

I have uninstalled Vista, and I just have XP and Ubuntu. When I did a clean install on my semi-new franken computer, I was hitting 100% cpu usage, in both x64 and x 86, at idle. I disabled indexing, all services I could, and to no avail. I had Vista x86 running fine on another mobo with the same proc. and less RAM. But now on my seemingly FASTER computer, Vista is SLOWER than ever

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64 Bit Wipe C Drive Clean

Jul 19, 2009

I can't update Vista 64 bit, went through everything with MS support, nothing worked. Module Installer keeps stopping. Will have to reinstall OS. I have 8GB of memory. Any tips and or advice before I have to wipe my C drive clean? I have 3 hard drives on my computer so the C drive is programs and I'll export my outlook mail stuff and bookmarks, anything else I should consider? Will the Vista 64 just pick up on the 8 GB or do I have to do something for it to find all the RAM?

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