Antivirus With A Virus Infection?

Sep 14, 2008

Can an antivirus software be infected with virus? Why do I often get frequent virus alerts when my antivirus scanners report my system is clean?

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AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 9.0 (Not Recommend): AVG Antivirus And Security Software - Download Free Antivirus

Apr 26, 2010

1. AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 9.0 (Not Recommend): AVG Antivirus and Security Software - Download Free Antivirus

2. avast! Free Anti-Virus Edition: avast! Free Antivirus - Download Software for Virus Protection

3. Avira AntiVir Personal: Avira AntiVir Personal - FREE Antivirus

Please post if there are anymore free anti-virus editions. For #5 (Comodo Internet Security Suite), there is a bug. If you click the link, it will go to Comodo Anti-Virus, you can use Anti-Virus. If you want Internet Security, click it on the left side panel.

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Can Get A Virus: Does Antivirus Or Antimalware Remove Bad Stuff?

Apr 22, 2010

I read an article last week that the number one thing to do to protect your computer from malware is to run it in a "user" account. Equal to that is simply good behavior or sites on internet. Also to keep everything updated. I have always done these things. I run the latest Avast for my antivirus protection. I also have windows defender protection on and PC Tools Firewall Plus for firewall. Tonight I looked at drudge report and clicked on a link to a British newspaper. The article wasn't what I thought it was and it looked like a tabloid (Sun? closed so quick don't remember) and tabloid is not news so I quickly closed that window and went on to next links. My computer went slow after that. Just did not seem right. Restarted in safe mode and ran cCleaner computer clean and registry clean in both user and admin. Restarted and all my appearance settings are different. Runs slow or different. I remembered Windows Defender updated yesterday and the update always does a restore point. Tried to run System restore to restore to yesterday settings. After giving admin permission I saw the wait circle just disappear. It was like vista just ignored or canceled the start up of system restore. Every time I retried System restore it did the same thing or crashed my computer.

This smells like a virus. I go to main stream web sites only, run computer with (default limited) user account (use admin only when I need to make certain changes which is rare), Avast updates automatically multiple times a day. With these settings and behavior I thought I was bulletproof. I even read that $10,000 hacking prize winner Dino Dai Zovi and Rich Mogull both said Vista more secure than Apple Mac. I am currently scanning whole computer with a-squared Free. I will then scan with Avast, Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, SUPERAntiSpyware, Windows Defender, and again with Microsoft Malicious Software Removal Tool, in that order. What do I do if all these scans find nothing?

What do I do now? I never had a virus or malware before. Is it like the mumps, you want to get it as a child and not an adult? Does antivirus or antimalware remove bad stuff or does it just tell me I am infected and I need to reformat and rebuild system

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Infection Resolving Team

Nov 12, 2008

I am going to be starting a group of security people. We are not trying to have anyone be above anyone else or try to talk down to less computer educated people. We just want everyone to get the MAXIMUM PROTECTION HELP they can. We will be discussing the latest and best software, the highest risk threats out there, some of the best ways to protect yourself, and how to do a few things to your computer to help protect yourself. I will be making a list at the top of this post on who is offically in the Infection Resolving Team (sounds very korny and childish but it is true so...) so everyone can ask us questions. If you have a little problem, you can just post in the System Security Forum as a normal post. If it is urgent of you have a serious problem you can either send anyone of the approved members a private message or post a comment in the blog here. Again, our only purpose is to help everyone reach there maximum protection against all of the "non-friendly" computer people out there. If you are interested in joining you can send me, Neverhavemoney, a message or post your request in this thread. Remember, A good computer starts with Good protection!!

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Malware Infection The System

Jun 26, 2009

last week i brought a new laptop, it came with the norton antivirus free trial. While visiting a site (i dont remember what) norton detected a virus (again i dont remember what) norton then crashed on me and would not run at all even after following the "fixes" it suggested. Ive always used AVG free on my PC's so i uninstalled Norton and after a few attempts finally managed to find and install AVG.I ran AVG which had a few hits but all were successfully removed. After that i also tried to install Spybot however it will not fully install, i get to the final page for installation, click install and then I get a error which reads " Error Sending Request The server name or address could not be resolved"

I know I have some form of virus/ spyware or somethimg on my PC as my browser frequently directs to Myspace (which i dont use) on the first click on a link, but when i go back to my search and click the same link again it will generally take me to where i need to go- unless it is a virus/spyware/malware removal page (in which case the link is always broken) My browser has also been opening up webpages that generally start with ad. eg At the request of a different forum i down loaded hijack this so i could get a log of my pc however the program wont run. So i have come here wher hopefully all advice will be specially tailored to a vista PC. I am aware that i am supposed to post my system information etc however i am new to Vista and still learning the ropes,

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Clean The Infection. Ofcouse,we Are Not Stupid

Oct 26, 2009

Not really a virus,its an "anti" virus named antivirus 2010, Keep asking my mum to pay to clean the infection. Ofcouse,we are not stupid..everyone know that this "anti" virus is a fake one and all they want is money.. I tried to use spydoctor,it cannot clean it.. i tried to use AVG,it cleaned it on the first day but then another day the antivirus thing pops up again.. If you delete it,it reinstall itself..

Most annoying thing is that, After a certain time using her computer,the antivirus will pop up and say "your computer is infected with serious virus and it you have to turn your computer off to prevent the damage(something like dat..)" And there is 2 option "Get Protection!"(paying money) "ok" And u cannot move that window,cannot close u have to click ok- Is there any thing that can clean these virus? My mum is getting annoyed by it. My mum is not a safely computer user. Her laptop also got the msn virus,which auto sends message to other and give them a link which contain virus.

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Self Created ISO: Packed With Infection Resolving Tools!

Mar 30, 2010

I have just built 2 new ISO's (one for 64-bit and one for 32-bit). It contains a crap loada stuff. It has about 10 programs (installation files) of all the best removal products available these days. The links are:

32-bit: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

64-bit: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

I will be making video tutorials soon, and post them online or wrap them up in the ISO (not sure yet, dont want size to become a factor). Anyways, use them out, and let me know if there are any programs I should add. Remember, this iso is for programs needed for removal of infections, not other computer needs.

Programs included:.............

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Trojan Infection Removed: Don't Recognize The Driver

Oct 4, 2008

First time I have ever I have had an infection notice! I booted up my PC - Acer T180Vista SP-1 - this morning to find an AVG notice: Trojan Horse Small AOQ on file C:Windowssystem32DriversmchInjDrv.sys. I clicked on 'heal' but told file couldn't be found and the notice closed. I opened AVG - AVG Free 8.0 - and removed the 'infection' which I assume means the file is deleted. I then ran an AVG full scan and nothing fou7nd. What now? I don't recognize the driver, not sure whether I need it and in anycase I don't have a Vista installation disc - only a recovery disc that was made when I bought the computer.

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Microsoft Virus Free Scan And Remove Any Known Virus Such As Trojan Win32.murlo.?

Mar 23, 2008

"If your system is a Microsoft product and you have your 20 digit registration number, you can go to the Microsoft web site, and they will do a free scan and most likely remove any known virus such as Trojan win32.murlo." Is this true, and where would I find my 20 digit registration and what is the web site?

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Anti Virus: Filter Mail For Virus

Jun 14, 2008

I have uninstalled MacAfee and Windows Mail now works fine. Do I need to install something else instead? My internet provider, British Telecom, claim to filter my mail for virus and I have the Mailwasher spam

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Anti Virus Can Not Removing: Virus SysWOW64

Apr 14, 2009

Ive been searching everywhere for answers i have vista home premium with windows live care anti virus in perfect condition and it detected something trying to connect to the internet. This monster devil thing icon beside it told me right away...trouble and also the random numbers...By looking in the settings of my anti virus i found that i blocked 4 of them so far ive scanned with my anti virus 2 times and 3 times with spybot search and destroy AND ran a ccleaner.It's still there...I just want to get rid of this once and for all but what in God's name is it!

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Best Antivirus?

Aug 31, 2009

What antivirus works best with Vista Home Premium?

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Antivirus 360

Jan 27, 2009

Antivirus 360 is a rogue anti-spyware program that uses false scan results and aggressive advertising in order to promote itself. This rogue is advertised by the Vundo Trojan and is replacing the Antivirus 2009 rogue program that Vundo has been aggressively advertising. If you are infected with the Vundo Trojan you will see a large amount of pop-ups stating that your computer is infected and that you should install Antivirus 360 in order to protect yourself. If you click on the ad, Antivirus 360 will be downloaded to your computer and you will be prompted to install it.

Once installed, Antivirus 360 will be configured to start automatically when you start Windows. Once started, the program will perform a scan, and when done, will list a variety of legitimate or nonexistent files as infections that cannot be removed unless you first purchase the program. What is so dangerous about these scan results is that the files that Antivirus 360 states are infections are actually legitimate Microsoft files, that if deleted, will cause Windows to become unusable. Therefore, if someone believes the results from this program they may manually delete the files thinking they are infections and cause their computer to no longer function. Some files that it states are infections are:C:WindowsSystem32svchost.exe

While running you will also see a constant barrage of false security alerts stating that your computer has a variety of security risks. These risks range from files being modified to private data being sent to a remote host. These alerts, though, are false and are only being shown to further scare you into thinking your infected, when in fact the Antivirus 360 program is the actual infection. Unfortunately, these alerts coupled with the Vundo Trojan will affect your computer's performance and you will notice that it begins to operate slower.
Full Story: How to remove Antivirus 360 (Uninstall Instructions)

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Which Antivirus Is Best For ?

Dec 7, 2007

guys im a nu user of Vista bought a new Lappy Hp dv6502au and be4 was usin.Windows Xp and Kaspersky Internet security 7 was best wat suld i use for my Vista ?

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XP Police Antivirus

Feb 17, 2009

So did you hear about the new XP Police antivirus?

Its coming out from the same egg as of Antivirus 360 and antivirus 2009.

Has anyone faced with this new XP police antivirus yet?

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Antivirus 2008 And If There Is Does It Look Like This

Aug 16, 2008

I encountered some strange system behavior. I have to ask if there is such a thing as VISTA ANTIVIRUS 2008 and if there is does it look like this: .I haven't installed it and until today I have not seen it.

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Best Antivirus For Beta 2

Jun 27, 2006

Ive been using AVAST and it works great. And Free.

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Free AntiVirus

Mar 23, 2008

I need a free antivirus program that I can leave disabled and one that I don't have to disable everytime I start up the ol laptop. I'm using Vista and I have tried AVG, AntiVir, and Avast!, none of which will let me permanently disable on startup.I need an antivirus program (who doesn't?), but I do not need one running all the time.

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X64 Capable Antivirus

Aug 13, 2006

Although many people have posted about this. I just thought I would put it were it should be. Avast 4.7 works with Vista x64 although no manual updates, so Im told

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Cant Access Antivirus

Nov 29, 2009

its affected the guest account on my desktop and i tried in sites and still fails. desktop hides, cant access my antivirus,cant get to task manager and things like that.

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How To Install Antivirus?

Jan 2, 2009

This is going to sound dumb when installing a new anti virus do you install and update the new then uninstall the old or the other way around? The old is Norton 360 the new will be either AVG 8.0 FREE or Avast 4 HOME any opinions on which one will be helpful.

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Free Antivirus Program?

May 24, 2009

As soon as i got my custom HP laptop, i unstalled Norton anti-virus, it is a total piece of crap that eats up my ram etc, etc... But, i do need an anti-virus program

To stop the little bubble thing to stop coming out from the taskbar at start up, i selected the option thati would monitor my own systesm secruity.. All i really have as a sure way of defense is Windows Defender. it is worling great so-far, worst thing i've gotten was a Trojan Downloader, quickley removed, and i only got it from a fake website that looked like Adobe Flash-Player Updater's site But, i need something that is free, and wont demolish my computer speed, But can get the job done!

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Fake Antivirus Programs

Oct 28, 2008

Fake antivirus programs claim 30 million victims

More than 30 million Internet users have fallen victim to fake antivirus programs that snatch up people's money and personal information, security research firm PandaLabs has announced. The phenomenon may not be a new one, but it's growing more and more popular as the scammers are getting more crafty. There are now over 7,000 variants of this type of adware, says PandaLabs, and the number of infections caused by it is increasing rapidly.

Users can get infected with this fake antivirus scam in the same manner as any other type of virus or malware—by downloading questionable content from P2P networks, opening e-mail attachments from unknown addresses, or visiting malicious web pages. As most of us already know (probably by servicing the computers of our parents and other less-tech-savvy family members), users are often duped by seeing the software pop up windows that claim the machine is infected, fake bluescreens, or cause other annoyances (PandaLabs notes one where cockroaches crawl all over the desktop).

Many users are motivated to fork over money to get rid of this ASAP.

While many Internet users know not to hand over private information or credit card numbers just because of a few pop-ups, PandaLabs estimates that three percent of them have provided personal details to the purveyors of products that claim to disinfect computers. "Extrapolating from an average European price of €49.95, we can calculate that the creators of these programs are receiving more than €10 million per month," writes PandaLabs.

That is, of course, ignoring the greater financial implications of users handing over their credit card numbers to scammers—the firm notes that, if those numbers are being used fraudulently, then the cost to consumers is obviously quite a bit higher.

Of course, the fact that 30 million users may have fallen for such a scam doesn't surprise us too much. A recent study by the Psychology Department of North Carolina State University revealed that most Internet users don't exercise much caution when presented with fake dialog boxes and pop-up windows with obvious warning signs of malware. Additionally, security software maker AVG found earlier this year that men tend to be much more confident about their online security knowledge than women, but they both end up suffering from identity theft in equal amounts. It just goes to show that even when users talk the talk, they don't always walk the walk when it comes to being safe online.

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AVG Antivirus And Windows Firewall

May 24, 2009

I'm currently running McAfee Internet Security. Yesterday I was talking to my computer tech who said he didn't like McAfee and recommended the free version of AVG and windows Firewall.

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McAfee Antivirus Uninstalled

Jun 5, 2008

I am using AVG 8.0 free antivirus on my Vista laptop...When I went to the Vista Security center, it said that McAfee antivirus was on...I uninstalled it when I 1st got my laptop so I could use AVG free(it was version 7.5) can McAfee antivirus be on if it's not installed on my laptop??? I check the add/remove programs, and it didn't show up...just wondering...doesn't seem like a big deal, but just making sure..

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Install XP Antivirus Protection?

Apr 14, 2008

I had something come up on my screen warning me about 2 trojans and I need to install XP antivirus this part of windows? It is trojan MYtob.mailer and Zlob.z. Is this for real? It has the microsoft logo, and looks official, but I'm always a bit skeptical of these things..I was afraid to click on install, not knowing what it was. I thought it would have already been installed. I have Vista.

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Recommend An All In One Antivirus, Firewall, Etc.

Apr 13, 2008

Would anyone happen to be able to recommend an all in one antivirus, firewall, etc. that works with Vista well and doesnt have problems on the OS and also runs without using a lot of memory? I have Norton 360 v2 and System Mechanic 7 Pro, and i'm stuck on which or if either should be used on Vista?

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Best Antivirus / Securtity Suite?

Jun 5, 2009

Lets have a poll so that any member having this question can see what others have opted for... P.S.: No lenghty explanations. Its just a poll to see what people prefer.

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Windows Defender And AVG Antivirus

Aug 30, 2009

In my security section in the control panel it says "Windows Defender and AVG antivirus both report they are turned on.

Note : Running two or more antispyware programs at the same time can cause your computer to run slowly.Which one should I disable? I don't see a way to disable AVG free

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Antivirus Program For Vista?

May 1, 2009

Do someone here have any suggestions for a good antivirus program for Vista? Something that does not use soo much system resources and at the same time is good for detections?

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Avast Antivirus : Desconnect

Apr 19, 2008

my windows isnt vista,is't XP,but i didnt find the right community for it so i decided to post here..if somebody knows,please answer me,it's important for me and my pc...READ IT I IMPLORE! today i was seeing some photos on google images..everyone know that on google the images are little,then we gotta click the photos to enlarge them...well i clicked one and as usual,under the image that appears,there's the site where it came from..when the page loaded,the following message appeared: "welcome to..." (i forgot the name of the site) so i just clicked ok...right after,avast antivirus found a virus...and on the message shown was telling me to desconnect...well i clicked 'desconnect' and then i closed the web page....i ran the antivirus on my pc and avast found no more viruses, but i don't know if the virus is outta my pc..what does the command 'desconnect' mean on the avast message???

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