Trojan Infection Removed: Don't Recognize The Driver

Oct 4, 2008

First time I have ever I have had an infection notice! I booted up my PC - Acer T180Vista SP-1 - this morning to find an AVG notice: Trojan Horse Small AOQ on file C:Windowssystem32DriversmchInjDrv.sys. I clicked on 'heal' but told file couldn't be found and the notice closed. I opened AVG - AVG Free 8.0 - and removed the 'infection' which I assume means the file is deleted. I then ran an AVG full scan and nothing fou7nd. What now? I don't recognize the driver, not sure whether I need it and in anycase I don't have a Vista installation disc - only a recovery disc that was made when I bought the computer.

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Defender Removed Trojan Dropper; Win32/Messenger Skinner

Apr 14, 2008

Defender removed this trojan on 12thApril but I am left with an entry in All programs showing "Messenger Skinner2" and I cannot remove it.Does this mean that the trojan has not been removed completely and can anybody tell me what to do about it as I am still getting threat notices from a "Phoney Windows Security" site and full page adverts from all sorts of firms?

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Antivirus With A Virus Infection?

Sep 14, 2008

Can an antivirus software be infected with virus? Why do I often get frequent virus alerts when my antivirus scanners report my system is clean?

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Infection Resolving Team

Nov 12, 2008

I am going to be starting a group of security people. We are not trying to have anyone be above anyone else or try to talk down to less computer educated people. We just want everyone to get the MAXIMUM PROTECTION HELP they can. We will be discussing the latest and best software, the highest risk threats out there, some of the best ways to protect yourself, and how to do a few things to your computer to help protect yourself. I will be making a list at the top of this post on who is offically in the Infection Resolving Team (sounds very korny and childish but it is true so...) so everyone can ask us questions. If you have a little problem, you can just post in the System Security Forum as a normal post. If it is urgent of you have a serious problem you can either send anyone of the approved members a private message or post a comment in the blog here. Again, our only purpose is to help everyone reach there maximum protection against all of the "non-friendly" computer people out there. If you are interested in joining you can send me, Neverhavemoney, a message or post your request in this thread. Remember, A good computer starts with Good protection!!

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Malware Infection The System

Jun 26, 2009

last week i brought a new laptop, it came with the norton antivirus free trial. While visiting a site (i dont remember what) norton detected a virus (again i dont remember what) norton then crashed on me and would not run at all even after following the "fixes" it suggested. Ive always used AVG free on my PC's so i uninstalled Norton and after a few attempts finally managed to find and install AVG.I ran AVG which had a few hits but all were successfully removed. After that i also tried to install Spybot however it will not fully install, i get to the final page for installation, click install and then I get a error which reads " Error Sending Request The server name or address could not be resolved"

I know I have some form of virus/ spyware or somethimg on my PC as my browser frequently directs to Myspace (which i dont use) on the first click on a link, but when i go back to my search and click the same link again it will generally take me to where i need to go- unless it is a virus/spyware/malware removal page (in which case the link is always broken) My browser has also been opening up webpages that generally start with ad. eg At the request of a different forum i down loaded hijack this so i could get a log of my pc however the program wont run. So i have come here wher hopefully all advice will be specially tailored to a vista PC. I am aware that i am supposed to post my system information etc however i am new to Vista and still learning the ropes,

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Clean The Infection. Ofcouse,we Are Not Stupid

Oct 26, 2009

Not really a virus,its an "anti" virus named antivirus 2010, Keep asking my mum to pay to clean the infection. Ofcouse,we are not stupid..everyone know that this "anti" virus is a fake one and all they want is money.. I tried to use spydoctor,it cannot clean it.. i tried to use AVG,it cleaned it on the first day but then another day the antivirus thing pops up again.. If you delete it,it reinstall itself..

Most annoying thing is that, After a certain time using her computer,the antivirus will pop up and say "your computer is infected with serious virus and it you have to turn your computer off to prevent the damage(something like dat..)" And there is 2 option "Get Protection!"(paying money) "ok" And u cannot move that window,cannot close u have to click ok- Is there any thing that can clean these virus? My mum is getting annoyed by it. My mum is not a safely computer user. Her laptop also got the msn virus,which auto sends message to other and give them a link which contain virus.

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Self Created ISO: Packed With Infection Resolving Tools!

Mar 30, 2010

I have just built 2 new ISO's (one for 64-bit and one for 32-bit). It contains a crap loada stuff. It has about 10 programs (installation files) of all the best removal products available these days. The links are:

32-bit: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

64-bit: MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

I will be making video tutorials soon, and post them online or wrap them up in the ISO (not sure yet, dont want size to become a factor). Anyways, use them out, and let me know if there are any programs I should add. Remember, this iso is for programs needed for removal of infections, not other computer needs.

Programs included:.............

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Dec 18, 2008

My System seems to be infected with a Trojan Virtumonde virus . As per Trojan Remover. It states as the file is hidden. I have tried to find the file manually but was unable to find it. I have run scan using Mcafee, Malware Antibytes, Super Antispyware. But still the system is slow & Trojan remover reports the same infection again & again.

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Trojan Can't Take It Off With AVG?

Aug 31, 2009

I have a big Trojan in my temp files its called trjn or something I can't take it off with AVG I deleted my other Trojans but that's the big Trojan I can't fix, I can't see it in the temp files, I can't delete it... I'm putting it in my virus vault when I see it again... It turns on every time a program starts but I don't know which one has the virus...

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Trojan Pop Up

Jun 16, 2008

yesterday i was on the net then all of a sudden i will get 2 or more pop ups every now and again so i did a windows defender check/norton 360 and spybot check anyway i found the trojan it was a .dLL it was removed but the pop up spam keeps coming.

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Getting Shut Down By A Trojan

Mar 10, 2010

Do anyone know what to to to scan for a Torjan on WinVista? This one shut the machine down within 5 minutes of startup.

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Trojan In Autochk.exe

Jul 29, 2009

I ran a virus scan today and it said i had trojan in autochk.exe.

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Trojan Downloader! Can I Get Rid Of It?

May 26, 2009

nod32 doesn't recognise it avg the same my windows defender says that it found a trojan downloader/win32... and asks me what to do with it i say delete but after a while the same message comes up.

i don't really know where to find it so that i can delete it but i have noticed lots of files that the day they were last altered was from 1998 to 2006 and i got my computer in 2007. most of them are exes from things i've never heard of but some are shortcuts for things that i use in this computer. Deleting them is a way of getting rid of the virus. please notice that i don't care if i lose any personal data as long as my computer functions normally

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Can Removed From Welcome Center?

Oct 16, 2009

I would like to remove things like Norton, EarthLink and NetZero from Welcome Center. Is it possible, and if so, how is it done?

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AVG Found Trojan Horse

Apr 5, 2009

It called "Trojan Horse Downloader Agent2 APF". Path to file:


Of course I sent it to the Virus Vault. And I wondered why Real Player was just launching itself randomly.

My question is I cannot find the setup6.exe file. I guess it went to the vault? I am wondering if I should uninstall and re-install RealPlayer again?

What's the best rule of thumb to download with safety? I've heard of "mirror" sites?

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Have A Trojan.Zlob.G On My System

Jan 4, 2009

I have a Trojan.Zlob.G on my system and it will not allow me to connect to the internet. I put a anti virus on the computer and it will not let it connect to the internet there for I cannot update the anti virus so it will work.

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Delete Trojan Detected?

Apr 11, 2008

I just bought this new HP laptop several months and now its infected with malware Trojan. A full scan on Windows defender shows that trojan is detected in some of the .dll files. I deleted 2 files on which it said trojan was detected. But next time I scanned on Windows Defender, some other .dll file showed up. Also scan on Bell Sympatico's Anti virus service, it shows no virus or spywares. My laptop is very slow than before, and also internet explorer browsers keep opening and they take me to some random antivirus sites.

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Huge Trojan Installed

Sep 16, 2008

I am trying to get into my laptop that has vista premium and a huge trojan installed. Everything has been disabled including being able to do a clean install. When I turn it on it asks for a password that I type in.Then it says wrong password and shuts down.Im not allowed to get into my computer for anything. Its an Acer ASPIRE Ive only had since May. Also they didnt provide a disk that would boot up a disabled system. Right now Im on my xp desktop and might as well not have a laptop for all the good its doing me.

Ive called Acer and couldnt get any help from them, even tho the com. is still in warrenty. You know the thing you call the run around, well thats what I got from Acer. They want me to pay $345.00 for a plan to have my computer fixed for up to three months!That to me is unblieveable. So here I sit trying to find a way to fix the poor excuse for a laptop myself. Im not a tech by any means and I have run out of things to try. Also if you could tell me how to get the xp desktop to burn a cd to reinstall vista.

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PC Shuts Down Due To Trojan Virus

May 10, 2010

I know is it seems to be shutting itself down when it has just started up due to it having a virus of some sort, a trojan was mentioned. Can someone recommend what the best course of action is in this particular case? I suggested that if the OS (Vista) is accessible then reformatting the HD may be the best thing to do. But will this get rid of the virus/trojan as well? I am aware that this will involve losing all data. I'm led to believe rather than have the original discs, PC's these days come with a seperate partition which holds the OS, which is used when reformatting is required? How do I reformat the HD from here?

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Jan 25, 2008

I am using Zone Alarm pro for vista and yesterday is told me I had a It will not allow me to quarantine it, remove it but it will let me rename it! I thought sally sounded nice anyway, does anyone know what it is, what is does or how I can get rid of it?

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Mail Removed From Server

Sep 6, 2009

How can you keep the mail in the server after it is sent to windows mail. Express 6 had that option so the mail was avaliable on the server in case you used a different computer to review e-mails at a later time.

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Malware Files That Will Not Be Removed

Feb 20, 2010

I have Avast 5 and it scanned and found two malware files. Here is the picture, They will not be deleted or to be moved to Chest. I can't get the whole information from that folder because it won't allow me to check from Avast. I also used two malware scanners. They found nothing about those two malware files. They also found some files from Spyware.MarketScore. Here is the log from malwarebyte,

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Mouse Acceleration Could Not Be Removed

Dec 3, 2008

I have a Toshiba X505-Q830 and it came with Windows 7-64 bit, I play Counter-Strike competitively and the mouse acceleration could not be removed which completely ruined my ability to play the game. So I popped in my copy of Windows Vista-64 bit and formatted and installed. Now my laptop is without the proper drivers for the internet and I have searched high and low for them but nothing is working.

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Vista Disk Is Removed

Apr 28, 2009

i have windows vista on my laptop but, stupidly i downloaded a mac them and iv lost my vista iv tried everything i can think off the 1 thing left to do is get my hand on the vista disk.

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Recover Removed Folder

Jun 12, 2008

I'm a newbie in this forum and am desperately seeking help for a problem I'm having with my Pictures folder. Please excuse the lack of technical jargon! I know it's sounds really stupid and I'm sure it's a User Based Problem but I seem to have lost my original Pictures folder.I've been going into the Pictures folder that had my pictures in it under my Personal folder, but am now trying to delete another Pictures folder that has cropped up. Everytime I delete the new one (that has heaps of dropdown folders off it) the original one stops working. Now I've tried going into PropertiesLocation of the original folder and restoring the default location (because it's currently showing the location as C:UsersKaiPicturesPicturesPictures). When I try to restore it to the default that comes up when I hit that button (C:UsersKaiPictures) it comes up with the Move Folder warning, I hit Yes, then get a error that says "Can not redirect descendant into parent, the specified path is invalid".

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Can Removed Norton, Added AVG,

Apr 29, 2009

so my Norton Internet Security expired on my Asus laptop and I uninstalled it and Norton LiveUpdate. My internet worked fine. Then I installed AVG 8.5 antivirus and as soon as I rebooted the machine my internet stopped working. It says "the connection keeps resetting" when I try and get on the internet, and I cannot update the AVG now. I did turn on the Windows Firewall right after restarting, but after turning it back off, I'm still without internet. I'm using a NetGear wireless router connected to a broadband modem.

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Linux OS Removed Windows Xp

Apr 14, 2008

Can the linux operating system be removed and Windows XP be used instead?" Once again the users have spoken and they sure as hell don't want Linux. No wonder Linux sits at 0.6 percent of the desktop market and has for many years.

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Desktop Icon Removed

Sep 21, 2009

I have an old icon on my desktop that I think I have done everything possible to remove but I can't seem to get it to go away. It is a "Network Magic" icon left over from some stuff that got installed with an earlier wireless modem. Everything associated with the modem has been removed from the computer. There is nothing associated with this icon is just there on the desktop and annoying.

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Removed The Windows Sticker

Nov 4, 2009

I've been using Linux for a while exclusively lately due to some heavy issues I had with Vista a few months ago. While I was running Linux I decided to make my laptop OS Neutral. I Removed the Windows sticker, sanded down the windows key, and removed the OEM Windows Sticker on the bottom. My questions are:

1. Is it legal to remove this sticker?
2. Without the code that is on the sticker, will I still be able to use the Upgrade Disc to Windows 7 since my Vista will still pass WGA or do I need the codes that were on the sticker? If it was illegal then this whole situation is hypothetical)

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Trojan Moved From General Forum

Dec 22, 2008

I need to get rid of trojan. I tried running the antivirus. But still find trojan. Now my system is hanging everytime.I use WindowsXP. Its very hard for me to even login. Can this problem be fixed in Safemode? These are the messages i get

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Cannot Delete Trojan File Swjghtws.sys

Apr 7, 2010

C:/Windows/System32/drivers/swjghtws.sys. That file is a trojan detected by hitman pro, avira and malwarebytes. They could not delete it so i manually tried to delete the file, however an error came up saying : cannot read from the source file or disk.

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