Is There Other Program To Tweak The Icons In Vista?

Dec 20, 2008

Any input on Vista Visual Master? I've been looking online for reviews, and haven't found much. Found a couple of people who said they had some nasty stuff installed along with the program, but I just downloaded it from CNET...just don't want a virus or anything. OR, is there another program to tweak the icons in Vista?

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Tweak For Desktop Icons

Jul 29, 2009

I've used TweakUI for XP, but I understand that it will
not work or should not be used with Vista. Is there a registry tweak which
will remove the "arrow" from the desktop shortcut icons, as there is in
TweakUI for XP?

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Doesnt Vista Business Replaced Program Icons At The Desktop

Mar 29, 2008

"All of a sudden" (that is, I am not aware of any specific action that caused this - probably after shutting down due to low battery while running winamp and 7zip), Vista business replaced program icons at the desktop and in the taskbar/Systray (the place where you put program icons) with icons of 7zip, a free packer. Klicking on these icons opened their folder with 7zip. After deinstalling 7zip, Vista now asks "which program to use to open this file" when i click on these icons. There are no programs to choose from, but you can search for these programs (lower right button) so that you can repopulate this window by hand one by one with some programs.

This does not work for some programs (eg regedit, which initiates the childproof "continue" dialog but doesn't show up. System recovery doesn't work either, i get access only by booting to F8/repair computer). Some Control center (?, "Systemsteuerung" in German) programs don't react neither. Those programs which kept their proper icon, result in "program not found" while the dialog box shows the correct path to the still existing exe-file.

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Faulty Program Caused Computer To Lose Icons

Mar 23, 2008

i installed a faulty program and now folder icons have been lost. i know i could live with this but it is really getting on my nerves!!!

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Associate .png Icons With A Program Or File The System Refuses

Nov 8, 2009

All the cool icons I find on the internet seem to be in the .png form and supposedly work with/on MS systems. But whenever I try to associate one of these .png icons with a program or file the system refuses to let me. Is there some setting in Vista that I need to set in order to use these icons?

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Task Manager Tweak

Jan 9, 2008

hi im running vista ultimate x64 and was wondering if anyone knows what i do not need on this list...if any just trying to speed up start up

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Hard-drive Tweak

Mar 23, 2008

Regarding the hard-drive tweak mentioned in this forum earlier today, I find that the tweak doesn't"stick." It immediately reverts back to the default.

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Tweak Your Mouse Scroll Wheel

Feb 19, 2007

Every time you use the scroll wheel on your mouse you scroll 4 lines at a time in Windows Vista.  This is adequate for most users but did you know that it is possible to tweak this setting to make your scroll wheel more or less sensitive? It is possible with a quick little reg hack.

Click on the Start Button and key in regedit and hit Enter....

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Do Internet Tweak Programs Work?

Mar 23, 2008

Do "tweak" programs which are supposed to help with Internet connection speeds and overall throughput really help? I'm currently using a cable modem setup in a home office situation. There are a lot of times where the throughput slows considerably and I've often wondered if one of these tweak programs would be helpful.I decided to experiment a little with Tweak VI, but honestly couldn't tell whether or not it was helping. (If so, not much, in my humble opinion.)I'm wondering if other Vista users out there have been able to find various third-party tweak programs helpful?

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Tweak To Disable Bandwidth Limit In

Nov 6, 2007

type GPEDIT.MSC in search box then a Group Policy Object Editor will popup. Under Local Computer Policy click or expand Adminstrative Templates next click or expand Network then click on Qos Packet Scheduler (remember dont click on the expander here just click on Qos Packer Scheduler) Now double click Limit reservable bandwidth (You will see Not configured which is the default settings but in reality Vista has already taken 20% of your bandwidth to reserve for updates and stuff like that.) Now click on Enabled then in the Bandwidth Limit (%) set it to 0 then click apply then reboot. tried it and it does work. no big dramatic gain but it works

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Tweak Your Glass Window Borders

Jun 8, 2006

Is the glass border in Windows Vista too fat your you?  How would you like to put your Windows on a diet? Loose up to 80% of your window weight immediately with ....

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Tweak Indexing Options For More Performance

Feb 21, 2007

The indexing service in Windows Vista is responsible for making those search boxes all over the operating system lightening fast. By default Windows automatically indexes all files in your user profile folders, start menu and any files you have setup for offline access. If you have a lot of files in these locations and the files change often you can be putting a heavy load on the indexing service.  For maximum performance when using Windows Vista I recommend disabling indexing for all other locations other than the Start Menu.  This will lessen the background work that Windows Vista has to do.  It will also slow down your searches of other locations but that is the price you must pay for this performance benefit.

Follow these steps to tweak the indexing locations:....

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Tweak User Account Control (UAC) With Security Policies

Dec 22, 2005

To cut down on malicious software applications and beginner computer users from changing critical computer settings, Microsoft has included a new feature called User Account Control, primarily known as UAC. UAC is a great step in the right direction. It can be used to prevent a beginner computer user from making changes to their computer by restricting them from accessing or even saving any changes to critical areas.  UAC is also helpful against Spyware and other malicious software because it will require the user to consent to the action, before any system changes are made.

UAC is a good feature but sometimes it is necessary to tweak it a little so that it is less annoying for more experienced users. For example, an advanced user may be overwhelmed by the number of pop up authorization they receive. By tweaking the settings they can reduce the number of those they see as well as completely disable UAC.  Although I do not recommend you completely disable UAC, you can fine tune it to be easier to get along with.

1. To get started, open up the Local Security Settings MMC to show the local security policies by running secpol.msc.

2. Navigate through Local Policies and Security Options.

3. Scroll through the list on the right of the various security settings until your reach the User Account Protection settings. Refer to the list below of the various settings, to change them, just right click and select Modify. Items in bold are the default values.

User Account Control: Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in Administrator account ...

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Install Ntune: Loose Abilities To Tweak Video Settings

Jan 21, 2008

I am having issues with ntune. I want to OC my GPU and I cannot. When I install ntune I loose the abilities to tweak the video settings. As a matter of fact it seems like the software gets screwy and nothing shows when the window opens.

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Copy Vista`s Special Glass Icons

Oct 1, 2009

I have a data D: drive, as well as my C: drive. Due to my D: drive being totally empty, I sometimes use it to store long files, such as movie files (music videos, TV programs, etc...). So, this is my question: Could I reproduce or copy in some way those lovely Vista special glass Icons, so I can have a Videos Icon, or a pictures Icon on my Data drive as well? Is there any way this can be done?

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Desktop Icons Position : Xp Doesnot Work Vista

May 16, 2008

I really need some software like this. I used one on XP but it does not work in Vista. The icons are wildely dancing around my desktop every time I do something with the sidebar or switch from the full screen game. Change resolution or such and It is really annoying They often even get under the sidebar so I cannot use them...

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Installed Update Vista Lost Icons And Data

Mar 26, 2008

i was wondering if someone could tell me if there is a way to go back to the old way my computer was before i installed the update for vista...i hate the new way and lost all my icons and data....

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Shortcut Manager: Remove Arrows In Icons In Vista?

Jul 4, 2009

The arrows in the icons in Vista are annoying me. After a bit of googling, I've found out that a utility called 'Vista Shortcut Manager' can be used to remove those arrows without any manual registry editing. Thing is I can find only the x86 version of the software but I'm using the Vista x64.

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Vista: Cut, Copy & Paste Icons Used To Be Visible In Explorer Under Windows XP?

Feb 6, 2009

Is there a way in Vista to see the cut, copy & paste icons that used to be visible in Explorer under Windows XP?

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Antivirus Program For Vista?

May 1, 2009

Do someone here have any suggestions for a good antivirus program for Vista? Something that does not use soo much system resources and at the same time is good for detections?

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Program Not Loads On Vista

Jun 20, 2008

Has anybody else seen a case where a program (Germin Topo USA) loads fine from a DVD with XP but simply does nothing when you click setup on Vista. Just get the continuous mouse delay cursor. I tried networking from the XP drive, no luck. Tried the Vista "Program Compatibility Wizard" as XP or Win2000, also nothing. I would have chalked it up to the program/DVD if it was not for the fact that yesterday I had another program not install. Is it possible some setting on my Vista has changed. Running as Admin/ Vista Business. No other bugs.

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VISTA Program Alteration Not Work

Jun 1, 2008

My wife atempted to install an eGame program disk that apparently did not work with Vista. Since then We have received error messages that the Vista program has been altered, the system is running extremely slowly, and can not print to the local USB Printer and the attempting to open the control panel result in a window flashing up for a second then disapearing. I have attempted several of the recommended remedies and still can not get the Vista program validated again, or print.

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Run Program Isn't Compatible With Vista, Nothing Works

Jan 1, 2008

I installed my Sims 1 game and everything that should be at the bottom of the screen is in the middle. Evidently it isn't compatible with Vista. or is there a way I can make it compatible. I already clicked on properties and picked run as XP and I already click to run as administrator. Nothing works.

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Cannot Make Default Email Program With Vista

Jul 15, 2008

I'm not even sure if this is where I should post this but I'll give it a go. I purchased a new PC last week with Vista Home Premium on it. I have (for years) used MSN Premium software as my email program. Now, it seems I can't make this my default email program with Vista. I am going nuts! I have spoken to MSN support who tell me to do the same things over and over. I have also spoken to Microsoft support who told me I have to use Outlook or Windows Live mail instead.

It's really hard. I have taught my elderly parents how to use the MSN software and now we have to change - or do we? I've tried the email settings in MSN itself, I've tried associations for programs in Vista and also the default programs. Nothing is working. Surely, one Microsoft program should work with another? We pay for this software so that we can also have sub accounts on our email more storage than the usual hotmail space.

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VISTA X64: Shows A Program Files (x86) Folder

May 22, 2008

When I go into the C: Drive.. it shows program files.. and then it also shows a Program Files (x86) folder.. why do I have both, and one is 32 bit. Whats it for, what should I use it for. or do the things you try and install that are 32 bit go in there, and the others go in the normal file?? Please let me kno what the deal is with that.

One last question, I just got a new system built.. and now I wanna take the HD from my old system, add it to my new one.. and move everything over, is it just that simple. plug it in.. let my computer see it. open and drag everything. or is there ways to do it. Like I don't wanna just drag everything or I'd have 2 of everything. and it would take forever to do it all folder at a time. So what should I do. Open my Music and drag it all into My music new system. so the folder stays and stuff inside get transfered. or what?

whats the best way to just get all my programs, and all my files over..Should I transfer over all the install files.. or should I redownload and reinstall all the stuff I need online.. to make sure i get 64 bit ones if available..?? Let me kno please!! I'm going to do it tonight.

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DOS Program Doesn't Appear To Work Properly In Vista

Mar 26, 2008

using an old DOS program that worked under XP, but doesn't appear to work properly in Vista. When I execute the program, it comes up with the error message "This system does not support fullscreen mode. Choose 'Close' to terminate the application." My choices then are "Close" or "Ignore". Whichever option I click on, the program will then run, but in a miniscule window that I can't alter. how to get this to run in fullscreen like it did before? I'm working on getting him to join the 21st century, but in the interim, I'd like to make this least temporarily.

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Suitable Program Is Vista Compatible Image

Mar 23, 2008

We use hundreds of photos a day to cut out, and edit and use on our online ecommerce shopfronts. We have no software now that lets us cut out objects and put them into new backgrounds. I dont care that you took PICTUREIT! away (WELL I DO CARE), if you had replaced it with something else that was equally as functional or better, but to take it away and not replace it with anything comparible is rediculous! You have gone back 7 years in time

People use this software every single day of the week. I use it so much I would be willing to pay a per month price to have access to it ! Could Microsoft PLEASE give us a suitable program that is VISTA compatible. Why dont you just make these obsolete products available by monthly subscription ? you would make HEAPS of money off it and your customers would be a lot happier than they are now ! This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the message pane.

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Program Supported Vista But The Sound Not Working

May 24, 2008

i have a problem with windows vista ultimate 32bit. i install linktivity program supported vista but the sound not working.

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Some Stupid Resaon Vista Doesn't Allow Program

Mar 26, 2008

I have a Sony VAIO that came with Vista Premium installed. I have installed a few programs on it and have had varrying problems. My most recent problem is having a "demo" version of a software which I then purchased and attempted to apply the license to it. It says it has to reboot to make changes, but when it restarts it is still in the demo mode. No changes made. By itself it would seem that it is a problem with the software. But, I have another program (Ikea Kitchen Builder 08) that when installed accesses removed and deleted files from a previous install version of it as well (Ikea kitchen builder 07). Both of these programs install and work perfectly on Windows XP. But for some stupid reason Vista doesn't allow these programs to successfuly install themselves.

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Desktop Icons Got Suddenly Changed To Internet Explorer Icons

May 26, 2009

all my desktop icons got suddenly changed to internet explorer icons,after (i opened some program in the internet,) then i did some personalisation then it changed to my adobe photoshop icon, all the desktop icons now shows the adobe,, all my programs which was earlier like (yahoo msngr, msn mesengr,windows vista programs,almost all other programs) and my internet wireless stopped working. i have a vista home premium 32. and my comp is asus f3t series. i was trying to do the icon cache, but couldnt find. tried restarting but couldnt trying to run my antivirus scan Mcafee. if anybody knows the solution to restore my earlier icons.

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Picture Icons Changed To Standard-generic Icons

Mar 23, 2008

All of my picture icons were changed to standard-generic icons when I had my computer restored to the factory direct setting. Now they don't display anything except a flower, house, ect. My question is: How do I change the picture icon setting back so I can see a tiny preview thingy for each icon, instead of having to click on each one to see what they really are?

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