Tweak Your Glass Window Borders

Jun 8, 2006

Is the glass border in Windows Vista too fat your you?  How would you like to put your Windows on a diet? Loose up to 80% of your window weight immediately with ....

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Tweak For Desktop Icons

Jul 29, 2009

I've used TweakUI for XP, but I understand that it will
not work or should not be used with Vista. Is there a registry tweak which
will remove the "arrow" from the desktop shortcut icons, as there is in
TweakUI for XP?

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Task Manager Tweak

Jan 9, 2008

hi im running vista ultimate x64 and was wondering if anyone knows what i do not need on this list...if any just trying to speed up start up

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Hard-drive Tweak

Mar 23, 2008

Regarding the hard-drive tweak mentioned in this forum earlier today, I find that the tweak doesn't"stick." It immediately reverts back to the default.

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Tweak Your Mouse Scroll Wheel

Feb 19, 2007

Every time you use the scroll wheel on your mouse you scroll 4 lines at a time in Windows Vista.  This is adequate for most users but did you know that it is possible to tweak this setting to make your scroll wheel more or less sensitive? It is possible with a quick little reg hack.

Click on the Start Button and key in regedit and hit Enter....

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Is There Other Program To Tweak The Icons In Vista?

Dec 20, 2008

Any input on Vista Visual Master? I've been looking online for reviews, and haven't found much. Found a couple of people who said they had some nasty stuff installed along with the program, but I just downloaded it from CNET...just don't want a virus or anything. OR, is there another program to tweak the icons in Vista?

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Do Internet Tweak Programs Work?

Mar 23, 2008

Do "tweak" programs which are supposed to help with Internet connection speeds and overall throughput really help? I'm currently using a cable modem setup in a home office situation. There are a lot of times where the throughput slows considerably and I've often wondered if one of these tweak programs would be helpful.I decided to experiment a little with Tweak VI, but honestly couldn't tell whether or not it was helping. (If so, not much, in my humble opinion.)I'm wondering if other Vista users out there have been able to find various third-party tweak programs helpful?

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Tweak To Disable Bandwidth Limit In

Nov 6, 2007

type GPEDIT.MSC in search box then a Group Policy Object Editor will popup. Under Local Computer Policy click or expand Adminstrative Templates next click or expand Network then click on Qos Packet Scheduler (remember dont click on the expander here just click on Qos Packer Scheduler) Now double click Limit reservable bandwidth (You will see Not configured which is the default settings but in reality Vista has already taken 20% of your bandwidth to reserve for updates and stuff like that.) Now click on Enabled then in the Bandwidth Limit (%) set it to 0 then click apply then reboot. tried it and it does work. no big dramatic gain but it works

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Tweak Indexing Options For More Performance

Feb 21, 2007

The indexing service in Windows Vista is responsible for making those search boxes all over the operating system lightening fast. By default Windows automatically indexes all files in your user profile folders, start menu and any files you have setup for offline access. If you have a lot of files in these locations and the files change often you can be putting a heavy load on the indexing service.  For maximum performance when using Windows Vista I recommend disabling indexing for all other locations other than the Start Menu.  This will lessen the background work that Windows Vista has to do.  It will also slow down your searches of other locations but that is the price you must pay for this performance benefit.

Follow these steps to tweak the indexing locations:....

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Hour Glass Next To Cursor

May 27, 2009

i have an hour glass next to the the pointer that only appears when the cursor is over the list of incoming mail on yahoo!

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Tweak User Account Control (UAC) With Security Policies

Dec 22, 2005

To cut down on malicious software applications and beginner computer users from changing critical computer settings, Microsoft has included a new feature called User Account Control, primarily known as UAC. UAC is a great step in the right direction. It can be used to prevent a beginner computer user from making changes to their computer by restricting them from accessing or even saving any changes to critical areas.  UAC is also helpful against Spyware and other malicious software because it will require the user to consent to the action, before any system changes are made.

UAC is a good feature but sometimes it is necessary to tweak it a little so that it is less annoying for more experienced users. For example, an advanced user may be overwhelmed by the number of pop up authorization they receive. By tweaking the settings they can reduce the number of those they see as well as completely disable UAC.  Although I do not recommend you completely disable UAC, you can fine tune it to be easier to get along with.

1. To get started, open up the Local Security Settings MMC to show the local security policies by running secpol.msc.

2. Navigate through Local Policies and Security Options.

3. Scroll through the list on the right of the various security settings until your reach the User Account Protection settings. Refer to the list below of the various settings, to change them, just right click and select Modify. Items in bold are the default values.

User Account Control: Admin Approval Mode for the Built-in Administrator account ...

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Install Ntune: Loose Abilities To Tweak Video Settings

Jan 21, 2008

I am having issues with ntune. I want to OC my GPU and I cannot. When I install ntune I loose the abilities to tweak the video settings. As a matter of fact it seems like the software gets screwy and nothing shows when the window opens.

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Unchecking Transparent Glass, Shadows Under Menu

Apr 29, 2008

I have had my computer for a little over a year now and I run Windows Vista Ultimate edition. All of a sudden a couple days ago I noticed that everything now has an annoying shadow on it. Desktop icons, tool bar, web browser text, microsoft word text, every little bit of text and icons. I have tried going to control panel, under the visual
effects tab and unchecking transparent glass, shadows under menu, shadows under mouse pointer, and use drop shadows for desktop icons. I have also tried changing my desktop theme and wallpaper. So far nothing has worked.

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Copy Vista`s Special Glass Icons

Oct 1, 2009

I have a data D: drive, as well as my C: drive. Due to my D: drive being totally empty, I sometimes use it to store long files, such as movie files (music videos, TV programs, etc...). So, this is my question: Could I reproduce or copy in some way those lovely Vista special glass Icons, so I can have a Videos Icon, or a pictures Icon on my Data drive as well? Is there any way this can be done?

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Fix Java Apps That Disable Aero Glass

Aug 19, 2007

Do you need to run a Java application and hate how every time you run it the Aero Glass interface reverts to the non-glass look? This is caused by the way the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) communicates with the display adapter. In short, it does not want to share the 3D surface the desktop is painted on so Windows has to revert to the old method of painting the desktop and turn of Aero Glass.
The only way to fix this is to fix the JRE and Sun has done just that.  Java users need to upgrade their JRE to release 6 update 2....

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Enable Vista Glass On Compatible Hardware

Oct 18, 2006

If you have a video card that is using WDDM drivers and supports DirectX 9c but is not allowing you to use vista glass, there is a cool trick that you can use to force Aero to run. Follow the steps below:

Click on the start button and key in regedit and hit Enter.

Navigate through, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Windows and DWM.

Set Composition to 1 and CompositionPolicy to 2.

Restart the DWM by restarting the Desktop Windows Manager Session Manager service. This can be done in services.msc or by typing net stop uxsms and net start uxsms at command prompt....

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Slow Motion Aero Glass Animations

Jul 24, 2005

For those of you have have the aero glass interface on your computer, it is possible to hold down the shift key while closing, opening, and minimizing a windows to see the animation in slow motion.  If you would like to test this out, just follow the steps below:

Open up Regedit....

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Partial Aero Glass Reserved For OS Related Windows

Sep 11, 2008

For some reason, I have the Aero glass theme enabled on my 64-bit Vista machine, but the theme is only used for a few windows. It seems to be mostly reserved for OS related windows, as opposed to application windows. For instance, even IE7 doesn't show transparency. I find it strange that the Aero glass frame appears to only work partially for me. I would have expected that it would fully work, or not work at all. I'm using Intel's Integrated Graphics Media Accelerator 3100, which came with my system.

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Speed Up Aero (vista Glass) By Disabling Min/max Animations

Jan 30, 2007

The new animations in Windows Vista look great for the first month or so but then they can become an annoyance since they feel like they increase the amount of time it takes to minimize and maximize a window. If you can live without the minimize and maximize animations that you can bring back the super fast feeling of your windows instantly disappearing and appearing by disabling the min/max animations.
Follow the steps below to make your windows faster: ...

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Enable Vista Glass On Intel GMA 950 Graphics Cards

Jun 28, 2006

Currently Windows Vista does not have WDDM support for the Intel GMA950 integrated graphics card.  Even though this card is integrated, it supports all of the requirements for Vista Glass. It is just a matter of getting a driver that is compatible with it and vista.
After doing a ton of research, I found that there is another driver that you can actually use for now. There are some problems with it, such if you have a laptop, the external monitor port does not always work but other than that it works great for me on my Lenovo X60.
This is how I got Vista Glass to run on a GMA950:

First, I had to open up device manager. Click on the start menu and type in devmgmt.msc and Enter to load it up.

Once there, expand the Display Adapters section and right click on each device and select Uninstall.

Reboot the computer.

When it restarts, it should install a generic video driver so your screen will still work.

Go back into Device Manager, expand the Display Adapters section again and then right click on the device and select Update Driver.

This time select Browse My Computer for Driver and then Let me pick it from a list.

Go the the Intel section and select the Intel(R) Lakeport Graphics Controller.

Hit OK and install the new driver. Restart your computer.

Once you have rebooted, right click on your desktop and select Personalize again.

Click on Windows Colors and Appearance.

Click on Open classic appearance properties for more color options.

In the Color Scheme box, select Windows Vista Aero.

Hit OK and glass will now load.

If glass does not work for you, go back to Device Manager and ...

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Change Color Of Glass With Regedit (with Decimal To Hex ARGB Converter)

Dec 12, 2006

Would you like to use the registry to set the color of aero glass on your PC? The registry setting requires an ARGB (Alpha, Red, Green, Blue) hex string for this setting. This is not very easy to create on your own so I wrote a simple decimal to hex converter below that will automatically convert the values and generate the setting value for you. Follow these steps to get started:

Open Registry Editor and navigate through HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Software, Microsoft, Windows and DWM...

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Explorer Window Showing Different Filenames Than The Command Line Window

Mar 25, 2008

Can anyone explain this: 3219. The screenshot shows the folder view (in Windows Explorer), and a directory listing (in a Command Line window). Why is the Explorer window showing different filenames than the command line window? It's not so much of an issue, as I'm currently completing a scheduled backup of this drive using Nero Burning ROM, and will be formatting it soon.

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Start An Application The P.c Froze With The Round "hour-glass"

May 7, 2008

I have two computers using Vista SP1 and both get turned off every night. This morning started up the first pc and everything went fine during boot and log-in. Then when I tried to start an application the p.c froze with the round "hour-glass" timer showing. Didin't think much of it. I re-booted and everything was fine. Started up the 2nd p.c. a while later and exactly the same problem, only this time I went for the "start" menu first and not an application. Now I think this is quite odd. The same problem on different p.c.'s on the same day using the same operating system. Re-booted the 2nd p.c. and again everything is okay.

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Backup Window Mails And Upgrade To Window 7?

Dec 8, 2009

How can I backup my Window Mails and upgrade to Window 7 and use them in Win 7?

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Firefox Tweaks: Get Vista's Glass Effect In Firefox

Jul 17, 2008

For all you people who have been looking for a way to get Vista's glass effect in Firefox, look no further. Here is an extension for Firefox 3 that will do it. (supports 32bit and 64bit FF versions) Information Here: [Ext] Glasser 1.0.16 (BETA) - Add Vista Glass to Firefox • mozillaZine Forums. Menubar Addon: This Addon hides the File/Edit/View/tools menu using the ALT key to show it temporarily.

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Shut Window, "WINDOW Is Not Properly Shut Down"

Apr 3, 2008

About 40% of the time when I either choose HIBERNATE or the standard SHUT DOWN, the computer just keeps on running. Although it seems WINDOW has shut down, the "ON" light is still on and I can hear the fan running. When this happens I am left with no other option but to use the "emergency shut down" method - pressing the ON button for more than 4 seconds (ASUS laptop, using Vista Home Premium). Presumably this method would damage the computer in some ways in the long run?

I assume WINDOW is shut down because the next time when I turn on the computer it doesn't say the "WINDOW is not properly shut down". So can any kind souls please help me with this annoying problem of turning off the computer completely?

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Upgrade To Window 7

Jun 5, 2009

I just read that BestBuy was going to offter at its Website a $49.00 Window 7 Upgrade for Vista Home Prem users. This offer would only be available from 6/26 for 16 days.....

Over the past 6 months I have read several articles about Microsoft offering exisitng Vista Users an upgrade to Windows 7 for a discounted price, and even maybe...for free.

I am posting this to see what others perhaps know about the Upgrade....whether this would be the right time to take advantage of the Upgrade because it may not be offered again. I would hate not to take advantage of the $49.00 Upgrade and find its not offered again, or, take advantage of it now to find its offered later at a cheaper price.

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Edit Still Available On A Cmd Window

Jul 29, 2009

Is edit still available on a cmd window in Vista? I would like to be able to edit batch files with in a cmd window.

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No Disk To Fix Window

Oct 17, 2009

I need some advise on fixing windows Vista Ultimate 32bit on a Toshiba Satellite L305D-S5934 Laptop

The one year warranty expired and did not come with any disks according to my sister-in-law and all my computers still run XP. The problem seems to be that windows does not load, she told me that when the computer was turned on it was giving messages that some system files did not load. Missing or corrupted

It tries to fix the problem when you restart but it can’t, so I downloaded the recovery disk and I tried system restore but it says no previous restore points, the system was never baked up either

Can anything be done or does she have to buy new Vista disk and drivers from Toshiba?

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Window's Update

Jun 23, 2009

1.Windows Update Encountered An Unknown Error.

The Error Code Is "Code 80244019"

I Do Not Know What To Do And My Software Is Getting Out Of Date.

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Window Xp Genuine

May 25, 2008

I just bought a PC from e-bay it appears the windows xp is not genuine can I install windows vista upgrade if my windows xp is not genuine?

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