Search: Vista Doesn't Find And Extremely Slow?

Apr 13, 2008

I just cant' seem to get search to work worth a damn in Vista. Files that I know I have Vista doesn't find and it is extremely slow. I'm not a computer expert by any stretch, but I never had trouble with using search in XP.

I do like much about Vista, just need a search feature that doesn't search for stuff like my kids would. Anyone point me to a program that works with Vista and is safe to use?

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XP Style Slow Search, Unable To Find This Primitive Operation?

Mar 23, 2008

I must be missing something obvious... How do I do an XP style search? You remember, right-click a folder, click "Search", and have Vista search the selected folder? I've been unable to find this primitive operation. I'm willing to give up search control to Vista for local drives, but indexing our entire network, and each and every USB stick/USB Hard drive seems, well, silly for the once or twice a month I need to search in those locations. I'm willing to wait the thirty seconds it takes to search, because I can normally limit the size of the search ("Let me look through the code tree for December", for example).

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Full Text Search Extremely Limited?

May 21, 2008

I am going crazy trying in Vista to execute a simple search for a string of text in all files of a particular type, something I used to do very often in earlier versions of Windows! It appears that to do this I have to:

(a) first type in the file type (eg *.doc) and wait for that to deliver results.
(b) then type in the search string and click on "Search in File Contents" to trigger a second search and even then the second search ignores the file type and searches for the string in ALL files types in the given folder........

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Windows Extremely Slow?

Nov 9, 2009

My laptop has gotten so slow and I dont know whats causing it and would like to know how to fix it without having to send it away to get fixed (im too skint). I have LOADS of space left, barely anything installed, and ive no idea on what is causing this problem. Ive tried using CCleaner to search for viruses and to clean the laptop up but it said there were none found.

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Extremely Slow Boot/Start

Aug 30, 2008

I bought a PC with Windows Vista Home Premium, 32bit, Norton McAfee AV included.

Specs: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.5 GHz, 4 GB Ram, Videocard: Nvidia Geforce 9600 GT.

First time I started it up It worked fine. Then I installed some programs (two games, a DVD media player, MSN Messenger).

The first few times I restarted the PC it was fine, but then after Windows Vista installed the Updates it rebooted and now it reboots EXTREMELY slow. And this on the first day!

It takes at least 10 minutes at the Bios-Screen and then when it is done there it slowly (another 5 min at least) to start windows.

After start-up everything works fine.

What should I do? Did I do something wrong during an install?

I neve had such problems with XP, although removing McAfee AV really quickened the start up (not the initial Bios Booting though) whern I had XP.

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Network & Internet... Extremely Slow

Mar 6, 2009

I am very PC-Challenged when it comes to Networking & Internet and I have 2 problems at the office that you may be able to help me with. We have a small business package from AT&T (used to be bellsouth), one of those lines if a dedicated ADSL broadband, each line has a filter and we also have a Netopia ADSL router (motorola 3347-02-1006L) + linksys Gigabit 8 port switch.

There is 1 server (Windows 2000 Server OS w/SP4) and 3 workstations running XP Pro w/SP3 (2GB's of Ram all up to date with drivers and MS updates... I make sure of that). The server sits very close to my workstation as I have a KVM switch to adjust or make changes on it and to utilize only 1 monitor + kb/mouse. This is the first issue we have: (Gibabit Ethernet adapters on workstations)

One of my partners claims that if my computer is off, the software we use to sell our products runs very fast on his computer but, as soon as I turn on my workstation and I load the software, his speeds show significant downtime (slowness?). Again, not being very knowledgeable at networking I find this to be annoying but illogical at the same time

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Extremely SLOW File Copy 64 To XP SP3

Jan 23, 2009

I'm a new Vista user and I've been struggling with extremely slow file copies between my Vista 64 Home Premium SP1 system and my XP SP3 system. I've searched and searched and tried a number of suggestions in posts that I have found. None have worked. I'm running a Wireless G (54mbps) network. My Internet access from both system is very fast (FiOS 20mbps download), so no issues there.

When I say extremely slow I'm talking less than 200 KBps. I get the same slow response using Explorer and Robocopy. I have disabled autotuning and RSS with these commands.

netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

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Extremely Slow Zip File Extraction

Apr 3, 2008

I am using vista without sp1. It takes about 6 minutes to extract a 900kb file. This is consistant with any zip file I try to extract. Another example was a file that was 1.7mb which took almost 30 minutes. I do not use any 3rd party programs currently for dealing with zipped files and this was a clean vista install. I thought maybe there was a coflict with the file being virus scanned as it was extracting. I was using AVG but I have it disabled so that it doesn't launch at startup. Please note that is not the most current version of AVG designed for vista. I recall this being a problem even before I installed AVG antivirus however this may still be some part of the issue. I wanted to check for other suggestions before I completely dumped my virus program

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Startup Speed And Shut Down Are Extremely Slow

May 31, 2009

I've recently "clean install" Vista SP1 Home Premium to replace XP on my Dell Desktop; it's working but start up and shut down are extremely slow. I have a new laptop with same Vista SP1 version but it's much faster on power up and down. By the way, I have CA virus program on the Desktop, but McAfee on the laptop. One major difference between two computers is that I do have MSOffice Bussiness 2007 with Outlook and using the outlook on the desktop but I am using Windows Mail on the Laptop

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How Can Find Search In Vista

Jun 1, 2009

involves the search function with vista. i've always been with xp or at least for a long time and search was easy to find. how do i find search in xp.

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Vista Search Doesn't Locate

May 15, 2010

I have been wanting to address this problem for some time now but I have always felt that it is going to be difficult to understand and solve. Maybe, maybe not. I just looked at some of the previous FAQs on this subject and I don't fully understand their fixes. One fix tells me to go to change the Indexing somehow by disabling it. But when I go there, that box is inactive and cannot be changed apparently. So before I go further and not know what I am doing, I decided to post and ask for help. To illustrate my problem, let's say I am trying to find a file in my Downloads folder. I open my Downloads folder and can see the file I want. Yet when I do a Search for that file, the Search cannot locate it. It is as if the file doesn't exist. But I am looking right at it in Downloads!

I don't yet know how deep this problem goes, i.e. what if my file I wanted was a .dll file or something deep in the computer and I couldn't find it? Is the fix to this problem simply to disable Indexing? Or is there something more sinister going on with Search not being able to find anything?

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Extremely Slow Internet Browsing... Download Speeds Are Fine

Mar 31, 2009

can I speed up my browsing on the internet? I know some sites are slower than others but, as of late, the internet seems to slow down to a crawl yet, when I do the speed test, I end up scoring higher or just where I am supposed to be at. I only use Avast as my A.V. & Spyware + Windows Firewall, no proxies. I am also using OpenDNS for my dns address and this has help a bit but still, I will like more from it since when I download a file, it does it fairly quick.

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Search Doesn't Seem To Work

May 3, 2008

Vista search doesn't seem to work at all on my computer. Indexing Options (from the Control Panel) says that 34,894 items are indexed and Indexing Options lists Microsoft Office Outlook, Offline Files, and Start Menu and Users in the Included Locations and the Exclude column shows "Default" Opposite Users in the Included locations. If I go to Advanced in Indexing Options and check various common file types like .doc and .xls they are marked (the box is checked) for index file names and contents. if I go to a folder that has a bunch of .xls file and type in the search box the start of a file name that I can plainly see in the list of files in that folder, the full list of files in that folder collapses to a list of one extraneous file that isn't at all what I'm looking for. I have just re-built
the index and still have the sam problem. Needless to say search for file content doesn't work either - since I can't even search for file names.

if I click on Start > Control Panel -- click on Programs -- under Programs and features -- click on. Turn Windows features on or off" -- the box next to ???Indexing Service??? is unchecked. That doesn't make sense to me because the Indexing Options has indexed things.

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How Do DOS FIND With W/E Search?

Apr 5, 2008

I may not understand how Windows Explorer's Search (W/E Search) is supposed to work. I know how the Find in the DOS Window works, so let me start with an example using FIND. My expectation that both have similar capabilities is perhaps misplaced. In the "search for content" thread below I describe the steps I took to make sure the .DAT extension is in the index control panel, and re-indexed several times to insure that .DAT files are in the index.

I have a folder named TPL which I think has been indexed. It has about 5000 text files in it most of which happen to have the extension .DAT, and several other text files, some of which have the extensions .INC and .TXT. I know some of the files have the phrase GRID in them, some multiple times. I go to the folder I want in DOS, and get to the point where the cursor is:............

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Search Doesn't Scan Pdf Files

Mar 23, 2008

The built in search version for Vista (I have Vista Business 64 bit)doesn't search pdfs. I have Acrobat version 8.1.2. I read about aproblem on this but the solution was to update.

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Search Indexing Doesn't Exist

Mar 23, 2008

I've had my Vista-based laptop four months now, and finally getting enough email and files that searches are becoming a problem...My indexing doesn't exist somehow. Does anyone know how to turn it on? I've gone into the Indexing Options in the control panel - everything is greyed out except the CLOSE button. No files are listed, and I cannot click on MODIFY or ADVANCED.

When I'm in MS Outlook and Click on "Indexing Status", I get a pop up error message saying " Cannot find this file. Verify the path and file name are correct. I have several PST files that I use for work and inevitably my searches will exclude half of my emails. Lately I've had to troll file by file through my emails.. not pretty. I've been unable to find anything in online Help relating to this situation. Has anyone seen it before and if so, what am I missing; what do I need to do?

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Search Can't Find A File?

Jun 9, 2009

I have a file in my appdata folder that I'd like to check and see if duplicates exist in other (sub) folders. I copy the filename exactly and then paste it in the search box on the start button. Vista says there are no such files. Meanwhile I'm looking at at least one copy of the file in another window?

How can I search my entire harddrive for a file since the old XP search seems to have been removed?

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Search Cannot Find SNIPPING TOOL?

Apr 5, 2009

Search cannot find SNIPPING TOOL, why?, How do I get it back?

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Rebuild Search Index Does Not Find Files

May 10, 2010

I am thinking of rebuilding the search index. I have noticed that the search
function does not find files I know are there. I think I know how to do it, and I gather it will take a long time.

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Search Function: How Find Video Clips

Mar 23, 2008

Vista search has presets for pictures, e-mail, documents, music and other. How can I set it to find all video clips regardless of extension without doing a separate search for each extension?

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Can't Search And Find All Locations Of Specific File Extension

Sep 28, 2009

Why can't I search and find all locations of a specific file extension? I used to be able to do that! When I try it now it only allows the search in one directory!
I'm not new to windows or computers.

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Windows Desktop Search 4.0: How To Find Music By Duration

Apr 23, 2009

I read this tutorial many months ago to learn the secrets of this very powerful tool that Windows Desktop Search is compared to the old plain search in XP: Many people still ignore how sophisticated Window Desktop Search can be or worse they simply blame it and regret old search engine... go learn how to use it first! Today I discovered that it can actually be used to find also MP3s by duration (finally)! Let's say you want to search for all music >6 mins long... First enable natural language search, it's much easier: ...after this passage, you can type in this in the Start menu: music duration >3600000000 and you'll find all MP3s greater than 360 seconds (6 mins)! Isn't that simple? Don't ask my you have to add 7 zeroes after the seconds, but it works! Obviously you can do much more with the Advanced Query Syntax and this is just an example Hope this hint can be useful for others as it was for me... Tested on Vista SP1, x86, Italian, Windows Desktop Search 4.x installed

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Rebooting Has No Effect. AVG Doesn't Find Anything

Feb 28, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium 64 bit. It has recently started going ding from time to time for no apparent reason. There is no dialog that pops up, and I haven't found any activity that alters the frequency of occurence, however the occurances are extremely erratic on one occasion there were several so close together they overlapped, I might get two or more in a five minute period or none for hours. I think they are becoming more frequent, but that could just be that I notice them more. Rebooting has no effect. AVG doesn't find anything.

I have found nothing that tells me why it is doing it - there are no entries in the system events that correspond to the dings. The only thing I have been able to establish is that taskeng.exe does access the file "C:WindowsMediaWindows Ding.wav" at the same time. This instance of taskeng is running under the logged in user credentials. Looking in Task Scheduler the task status doesn't change after a ding - indicating that an existing task, or the engine itself, is responsible.The list of running tasks shows the following MsCtfMonitor(Hidden, runs at user logon) SystemSoundService (runs at user logon)SystemTask (runs at system start)TMM (runs at user logon)UserTask (runs at user logon)

The last entry for these under history is "task started", except for SystemTask, and UserTask, which every 8 hours are rerun so show additional start and stop entries. The only errors are that UserTask fails to stop, and is restarted, when the system is shutting down, and SystemStart fails when the system starts due to a lack of a network connection, but does start shortly

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Find Text File, But Vista Won't Find It

Mar 23, 2008

I have a simple text file with a certain word in it. I try to find this text file, but vista won't find it. Windows 2000, linked by network, finds it within a second.
I have tried all available options.

"include non-indexed"
"always search file names and contents"
"find partial matches"
"include subfolders"

It just doesn't work. Why is there not a simple search function that actually works like in windows2000? I am using Vista Ultimate 64 bit. But not having a working search function doesn't look that "ultimate" to me.

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Crash Or Slow Down Vista It Usually Gets Documented In Vista's Error Logs

Jun 13, 2008

The often heard recurring theme spread by no nothing trolls and fanboys is if Vista isn't working right, it must be something you did rather than owning up to how badly Vista is designed once you start poking around and SEE how badly implemented it is. Much of the frustration with Vista comes from it's applets crashing or acting up for no apparent reason. Since these applets are INTERNAL and built-in as part of Vista's core the often heard excuse it's some third party driver, a hardware problem or other software you installed is proven to be bogus.

When something happens to either crash or slow down Vista it usually gets documented in Vista's Error Logs. However like most everything else Microsoft does, the logs are of little actual value other than pointing to how poorly designed and broken Vista really is.

To illustrate how broken Vista is, here's my experience this morning. As usual I started my day going to Google (my default home page) and clicking on News to see what the headlines were. Microsoft's browser hung. Waiting for it to respond, after 90 seconds I gave up and sure enough was treated to the usual BS asking if you want to wait longer or shut it down. I shut IE7 down. Next I went to Event Viewer......

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WTF Is Wrong With Vista Search?

Apr 12, 2008

How can I get the XP search GUI within Vista Ultimate?

I despise the new Vista search. It assumes too much, takes too long
and even when files exist, it returns no results.
In a nutshell, Vista file search ****!

Is there anything I can do besides downgrade to XP?

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Vista Search Anomalies

Feb 16, 2009

I created three files home exercise 1.jpg, exercise .jpg, exercise 3.jpg in Public/Physical Therapy. When I searched for execise in Public none of them showed up. When I searched for home only home execise 2.jpg showed up. I am using Vista Home premium. The folder is index including both file name and contents.

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Vista To Search For Words?

Jul 29, 2009

When I go into the search box in Windows Explorer and type a word, is Vista searching all files that have the word in the file name or is it also searching files that have that word IN the file? If it is the former, how do I get Vista to search for words that are IN the file, and not necessarily in the file name?

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Why Does Windows Vista X64 Search So Long?

Apr 28, 2008

Why does Windows Vista x64 search so long, especially when the progress in the bar is at the end and the ring in rolling?

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Vista Search Continues To Confound

Mar 9, 2009

Vista search continues to confound me. I'm sure it works but it has clearly been obfuscated. After going through the tutorial I still can't get how it works. I want to fine a string in a file. A "string" not a word. If I search for

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Windows Vista Search Does Not Display Results

Aug 23, 2007

Windows Vista Search is giving me results, just not in the form in which I'd expect. When I search for a particular term, I get, for arguments sake, 1066 results, all of various file types. Around 695 of those results are JPG pictures. If I click on the button to Show Only Pictures, then the details pane shows that there are now only 695 results, but the results don't show. In order for me to see the pictures, I ned to click on All, and then scroll the results until I find the pictures I want. This only happens with when I try to filter a search to show only pictures.

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