Vista To Search For Words?

Jul 29, 2009

When I go into the search box in Windows Explorer and type a word, is Vista searching all files that have the word in the file name or is it also searching files that have that word IN the file? If it is the former, how do I get Vista to search for words that are IN the file, and not necessarily in the file name?

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Words Freeze On The Screen

Apr 26, 2010

When I open my E-Mail and click on Delete to erase the E-Mail, the word delete stays on the screen until I shut the computer down. The same thing happens when I play games. If I click on the Undo button, undo stays on the screen until I shut down the computer. What could be the problem?

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Trying To Block Specific Words

Jan 21, 2010

When I had outlook Express, I could block specific words from coming into my Inbox (and messages containing that word would go straight to Junk). I can't seem to find this option with Windows Mail. I have tried adding domain name etc to block senders list, but still keep getting about 40 e mails per day, staight to my Inbox, and all of them with the same subject heading.

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Can Set Key Words In The Firewall To Flag This Event?

Jan 20, 2010

You receive the message that your computer is infected and you can see the scan running behind the message box with the OK button? Is there a process to follow and a time frame before all the bad things take root? I have received the message a few times and did the following with what appears to be positive results:

Do not click OK!! Try to close the window with the X box. Shut the computer down in normal fashion. If you cannot do a hard shutdown.Reboot into the safe mode with no networking and run your scans.Reboot normally update your antivirus and scan again. I throught perhaps someone with a lot more knowledge could post a process to follow when you get this message. Is there a way to set key words in the firewall to flag this event??

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WTF Is Wrong With Vista Search?

Apr 12, 2008

How can I get the XP search GUI within Vista Ultimate?

I despise the new Vista search. It assumes too much, takes too long
and even when files exist, it returns no results.
In a nutshell, Vista file search ****!

Is there anything I can do besides downgrade to XP?

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Vista Search Anomalies

Feb 16, 2009

I created three files home exercise 1.jpg, exercise .jpg, exercise 3.jpg in Public/Physical Therapy. When I searched for execise in Public none of them showed up. When I searched for home only home execise 2.jpg showed up. I am using Vista Home premium. The folder is index including both file name and contents.

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How Can Find Search In Vista

Jun 1, 2009

involves the search function with vista. i've always been with xp or at least for a long time and search was easy to find. how do i find search in xp.

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Why Does Windows Vista X64 Search So Long?

Apr 28, 2008

Why does Windows Vista x64 search so long, especially when the progress in the bar is at the end and the ring in rolling?

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Vista Search Continues To Confound

Mar 9, 2009

Vista search continues to confound me. I'm sure it works but it has clearly been obfuscated. After going through the tutorial I still can't get how it works. I want to fine a string in a file. A "string" not a word. If I search for

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Vista Search Doesn't Locate

May 15, 2010

I have been wanting to address this problem for some time now but I have always felt that it is going to be difficult to understand and solve. Maybe, maybe not. I just looked at some of the previous FAQs on this subject and I don't fully understand their fixes. One fix tells me to go to change the Indexing somehow by disabling it. But when I go there, that box is inactive and cannot be changed apparently. So before I go further and not know what I am doing, I decided to post and ask for help. To illustrate my problem, let's say I am trying to find a file in my Downloads folder. I open my Downloads folder and can see the file I want. Yet when I do a Search for that file, the Search cannot locate it. It is as if the file doesn't exist. But I am looking right at it in Downloads!

I don't yet know how deep this problem goes, i.e. what if my file I wanted was a .dll file or something deep in the computer and I couldn't find it? Is the fix to this problem simply to disable Indexing? Or is there something more sinister going on with Search not being able to find anything?

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Windows Vista Search Does Not Display Results

Aug 23, 2007

Windows Vista Search is giving me results, just not in the form in which I'd expect. When I search for a particular term, I get, for arguments sake, 1066 results, all of various file types. Around 695 of those results are JPG pictures. If I click on the button to Show Only Pictures, then the details pane shows that there are now only 695 results, but the results don't show. In order for me to see the pictures, I ned to click on All, and then scroll the results until I find the pictures I want. This only happens with when I try to filter a search to show only pictures.

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Does Vista Require Indexing For Search To Work?

Mar 14, 2009

I have always un-ticked Indexing in XP Pro (to speed up overall system performance) and search/find worked by actually searching the hard drive/folder. But in Vista when I turn off Indexing, search does not work at all. It doesn't list any search results at all, it doesn't even attempt to search through the drive/folder. Is that normal?

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Search: Vista Doesn't Find And Extremely Slow?

Apr 13, 2008

I just cant' seem to get search to work worth a damn in Vista. Files that I know I have Vista doesn't find and it is extremely slow. I'm not a computer expert by any stretch, but I never had trouble with using search in XP.

I do like much about Vista, just need a search feature that doesn't search for stuff like my kids would. Anyone point me to a program that works with Vista and is safe to use?

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Vista's Desktop Search To Index Thunderbird Emails?

Jun 5, 2008

HP finally after already one ship-back, replaced my motherboard and hard drive. Now that she's not in a defective swamp, Vista is working. Somewhat. I use Thunderbird because Vista mail still limits me to 29 addreses in my address book, always deleting the last one and adding the latest. That is way dumb, even dumber than I for not scaling the learning curve of Outlook. Is there a way, please say yes, to get Vista's desktop search to index my Thunderbird emails?

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Restore Start Menu Search Button In Vista SP1

May 23, 2008

In Windows Vista SP1 Microsoft removed the option for the Search button on the right side of the start panel.  If you used that button frequently it is possible to bring it back by replacing the Help and Support button....

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Search Failing With Special/technical Searches Rather Than Simple Filename Search, 85% Of This OS Is Now Great

Jun 22, 2009

except for a few grand issues like Search failing with special/technical searches rather than simple filename search, 85% of this OS is now great. I love it now. And can you guess how many processes show up in TaskManager? 26. ONLY TWENTY SIX. My IE8 starts up lightning fast and swings by all sites except videos, for certain sites w/FlashPlayer & Videos I enable CompatibilityView which aligns those older sites to IE8.

Applications startup as if they were already loaded into Memory, faster than in WinXP. Who knew? It feels like quad-core at 4GHz, seriously. Everything is momentary as if it were loaded from RAM This OS is still a failure, however, versus WinXP. Are you shocked to hear "failure" after my praises, do I contradict myself? No. Because most people are far from my tenacity and just by education, hobbies and profession I alway stune up things to perfection. My cheap car leaves far more expensive models wondering what rocket had just passed them on LIE Expressway. I enjoy tinkering with technology.

It took me 2 weeks (?) to tune up Vista beast to be a polished fast, bug-free beast. It's more convoluted than was tuning WindowsXP. I spent several days in Registry, GroupPolicies, SecPolicies, filesystem digging out and blatantly renaming & moving system files no one is supposed to touch.........

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System Hanging: Search Service Has Failed To Create The SystemIndex Search Index

Jul 29, 2009

Ive ran all the usual virus and malware checks and all is clear. Ive checked Event Viewer I see an error every 2 minutes or so. Error message with red exclamation is: 'The Windows Search Service has failed to create the SystemIndex search index. Internal error 1, 0x800700b7, Failed to add Gather Application: Windows>.'' After this warning icon shows error message: 'The Windows Search Service is attempting to remove the old catalog.' Next another warning icon shows message:..........

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Windows Ultimate X64 Search Engine - Search Fails To Index

Jun 18, 2009

I've got an apparently "broken" search installation. So that I can skip through the normal "click the folder you want to index" type of answers, it's way beyond that. Let me give some background first. This is a new installation of Vista x64 Ultimate on this machine. I just installed it a little over a week ago after I got a blue screen of death that wouldn't allow any type of system restore, etc on the prior install. My prior installation on that machine was a Vista Ultimate x32 bit. The prior installation had the OS on the C: drive and I had moved "My Documents" out of a Windows XP onto the D: drive (D:My DOcuments).

In that prior installation, I left all Music, Videos, documents etc. under the original layout and just pointed the Vista "music", "documents", etc folders to the sub folders. I had no problem indexing on my prior version. I have a Vista 64 bit Ultimate at work as well and IT has no problem indexing even under the default locations..........

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Search The Office 2007 Ribbon With Search Commands

Dec 10, 2009

The new interface in Office 2007 has a great new look but finding your favorite feature can be a little difficult at first. Microsoft Office Labs offers a helpful utility called Search Commands that brings search to the ribbon. Can’t find a specific feature? Just search for it! ....

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Deleting Remnants Of A VISTA Search, Delete Browsing History Completely From A Pc

Apr 7, 2009

I want to delete my browsing history completely from a pc. I had done all the usual, tools, internet options & delete. I have also used the Vista search function and found a couple of folders containing relevant material and deleted those. I have deleted the cookies manually by unhiding the directory and sniping those out. HOWEVER, if I type the name of a site into the VISTA search - a string of references appear above - as if they are still in the browing history - but they are not as I have deleted them. Is there some other reference I need to delete somewhere? perhaps some sort of shadow directory structure? The references appear as http// etc above - but these do not lead anywhere if I click on them. They must be embedded in some some sort of script somewhere.

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Set-up The Search Engine But Lost Live Search

Jun 19, 2009

I just install IE8 on my laptop, and when it came time to set-up the search engine, I told it to use my current set-up, but I just lost the Live Search, and everytime that I try to install it back I get a weird website called BING, which feels like the Live Search site has somehow being hacked.

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Windows Search 4.0 Beta And Why Search Still Sucks Up

Mar 31, 2008

Read the article bellow, My own experience with windows desktop search 4 on XP was that of disgust. It sucked up 70 MB of ram with its 4 processes, Its a pile of crap like all vista inspired software.. after living on 2 of my computers for 2 days I removed it .. (I had tried the previous version too and didnt like that one either.)

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"Search" Entry In Windows Vista Start Menu

Nov 7, 2008

As you can see in this image my "Search" selection (I don't know what can I call it) is GONE. It's not in my "Start Menu". Can anybody please tell me how can I get it back, and where did it go in first place?

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The Recommended Updates Was KB940157: Windows Search 4.0 For Windows Vista For X64-systems (11,8MB).

Aug 19, 2008

I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit edition Dutch Version, updated with SP1 and all the patches/updates until today. However, I have encountered two problems lately, that might be related. During one of the last Windows update sessions, one of the recommended updates was KB940157: Windows Search 4.0 for Windows Vista for x64-systems (11,8MB).

The update downloaded succesfully, created a restore point, but then during installation of Search 4.0, windows update stops and announces an update fail error:

Failed: 1 update
Errorcode: 800F0900

I've been googling this particular error code in combination with KB940157, but it doesn't bring up any entries. Then later on, I discovered that when I go into the Windows Components window (via Control Panel, Add/remove software), the entire windows stays blank (first it says "Wait a few moments..."). This only lasts a few seconds then shows a complete empty window.

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Search File Types In Vista Without Entering Part Of File Name?

Apr 14, 2008

I can't find a way to search for file types in Vista without entering part of a file name. For example, if I want to search my C drive for all PDF files or all photos, the search function won't work without entering text from a file name (which doesn't work, because all files of a particular type don't necessarily share letters or characteristics in their names). Has anyone else experienced this problem, or am I missing something?

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"Search" Vista It Take Ages If You Get Any Result At All

Mar 27, 2008

Why "Search" is so ineffective in Vista (Ult)? When searching in Win XP internally on PC or on news groups results are shown almost immediately. But in Vista it take ages if you get any result at all.

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Outlook Search Does Not Search

Jul 11, 2008

Search does not work in Outlook. What can I do?

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May 3, 2008

I open c: drive and do a search for "temp." I want to find all the temp folders and see if there is junk in them I can delete.

Search finds about 40 folders with the word "temp" in them and takes about 25 seconds to do it.

I click on one of the found folders and it opens and I check out what is in there.

I click the arrow to go back to the search list and the damn thing starts over it does the search again.

So I try the "Save search" thing... but all that does is save the search word that's about as stupid a function as Microsoft has ever thought up. What's the point in saving a search word when it just starts over anyway?

In XP I could do what I wanted in search. Check one of the found folders and go back to the search list. Is there a way to junk vista's search and go back to xp's?

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Windows Search 4.0

Jul 22, 2008

Ive just tried to download but it reports that "this update does not apply to my system". Im sure Ive downloaded the right version and I do have Vista Home premium 64-bit.

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Desktop Search

Dec 13, 2008

I've disabled indexing and tried quite a few desktop search programs. Right now I'm running a trial of Popusoft Instant Filefind. Which desktop search app if any do you use?

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SEARCH For The Document Name

Jun 9, 2009

I have two documents in the same folder - one an odt document created with Open office and one a doc document also created with Open office but saved as a .doc format. Both were edited and saved today. If I go into the folder using Windows Explorer both show a modified date of today, 9th June. If however I do a SEARCH for the document name (both have the same name), then the .doc document shows a Modified date of today, but the ODT document does not. It shows the Modified Date as the date of creation.Now why should that be?

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