Words Freeze On The Screen

Apr 26, 2010

When I open my E-Mail and click on Delete to erase the E-Mail, the word delete stays on the screen until I shut the computer down. The same thing happens when I play games. If I click on the Undo button, undo stays on the screen until I shut down the computer. What could be the problem?

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Screen Freeze Or Blue Screen Needing Reboot

Feb 1, 2009

I've had voltage issues causing my computer to freeze or reboot during games and dvds. Fixed that and the computer was fine after memtest showing no problems. That was late Dec.

A few days ago, the computer would go to a blue screen saying it's dumping physical memory and then automatically reboots. Thinking my harddisk might be collapsing on me (I have a seagate barracuda 7200.11 500Gb HD with the SD15 firmware, the infamous crash friendly HD), I flash the HD with the SD1A firmware from seagate, then it was fine. 2days later, Catalyst started to cause problems by not responding, so I formated the drive and reinstalled vista ultimate, along with Catalyst, drivers from Mobo manufacturer ASUS, plus a couple of other softwares. That was yesterday, and now I'm getting the same blue screen back, or the computer just freezes.

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Graphic Card: Computer Freeze For 2-5 Second, Next Is Black Screen For 2seconds(as Monitor Is Shuted Down) And Next Is Black Screen While I Don't Stop The Game

Mar 15, 2008

I have a problem with this graphic card, when I run a game with better graphic details. My computer freeze for 2-5 second, next is black screen for 2seconds(as monitor is shuted down) and next is black screen while i don't stop the game. Next I see this-> I hope that you solve my problem(and see that image) BTW: if this problem was solved on this forum sorry, but on system instantForum i was never been and i don't know how it control. Or if this post is in bad category please send message for me when you move it.

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Freeze On Boot Screen

Mar 29, 2008

* When I start the system, it gets to the Vista's bootscreen (where you see the progress bar). At that point, the laptop freezes. In fact, it freezes before I can see the colored boxes in the progress-bar.

* If I force a cold shutdown (by holding down the power-button), and then restart the laptop, it might load fine and everything would be running fine (like there was never any problems).

* Assuming, it didn't freeze and loaded Vista successfully, then I would shutdown Vista through the Start button.

* If I try to start the laptop again, it will freeze at the bootscreen again.
* I cannot tell when it will freeze at the bootscreen..............

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FS-X: Dark Screen & Freeze

Mar 23, 2008

MS Flight Simulator X with the FS-X-SP1 patch and the Acceleration pack on top running on Vista Ultimate and a eVGA 8800GT-512MB card with the latest official 169.25 Nvidia drivers installed after about 1 hour the entire machine locked up, dark screen total freeze. Had to Hard reset. There is nothing in any of the Vista Event logs to be found.
How is this possible? Suffice to say this machine is absolutely stable hardware-wise .....

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Blue Screen, Spinning And Freeze

Aug 10, 2009

I am having trouble with my laptop it's a toshiba a100 32 bit with vista home premium. I don't know much about computers and am generally pretty chilled out when it comes to resolving issues with them but this is REALLY making me lose my cool.

About a month ago my computer started crashing regularly and eventually i couldn't even log on after the welcome screen. it just sat there spinning and would eventually freeze. After reading a few forums i found a post which said to do a system recovery but i don't have a disk and then i found something that said i need to make a disk but can't for the life of me fugure out how to do that.

i tried 'last known good configuration' and finally passed the welcome screen to find that i had a fake security centre virus. I installed Norton 360 and it got rid of the virus but the computer still crashes regularly. I also ran a memory diagnostic and that was okay. I checked details in the event viewer and the only critical one was:...

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System Freeze Up And Screen Messed Up

Jul 4, 2009

My problem has been going on for a while but has recently gone over the edge and caused me some big problems. I play Second Life and from time to time, it would freeze up my computer but yesterday, the screen of the laptop just went black and I had to hard reboot my computer, only for it to come up with the Vaio screen looking horrible graphically. Then it would commence to the normal boot up and then to a black screen and it stayed there all night. I've tried removing everything with Second Life off of my computer and it still won't boot up completely.

I tried leaving it on overnight to see if would bypass the black screen but it wouldn't. How should I go about fixing this? I can try getting my hands on the Vista DVD and or the recovery disks from my girlfriend. I would honestly just like to know what caused the problem and how to fix it because you can easily learn from your mistakes by fixing it. Oh, another interesting tidbit is that my brother used the computer beforehand to do some research then left it on and when he came back, the screen was black and when he rebooted it, the screen was messed up and he did a system restore to bring it back to normal but if I tried that now, it would still only boot up in safe mode and not regularly.

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White Screen Constant Freeze

Nov 16, 2008

i have found over the past few weeks my system has been locking up in the first 10 minutes or so. All i get is a whit screen and a constant freeze out that is not resolved by ctrl alt del. I have taken the following actions

1. took side off case and removed any dust which was minimal
2. cleaned down heatsink
3. removed plug in Graphics card as i noticed it was very hot (GF8400GS)
4. reinstalled Vista ultimate from scratch
5. left the system running with the side off

alas it is still crashing in the first few minutes or wehn i try to install anything. The system is currently clean with just the install software given it crashes as soon as i try to do anything. It is 8 months old and in very good condition. I am at an absolute loss as to what could be. As stated before i cannot run for more than a few minutes so am struggling to do anything with the system....

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Blue Screen Kept Shutting Down,Internet Also Freeze.

Apr 24, 2009

I have a Compaq Presario CQ50 that was just purchased in November. About a week after we got it, I started getting the dreaded blue screen and it kept shutting down on me. Internet would also freeze. Went round and round with tech support, nothing they did ever seemed to fix the problem, but all of the sudden one day after an automatic Windows update, it was working fine. Fast forward a few months. Started getting some random issues over the last several weeks. Blue screen and Internet freezing again, then keyboard and touchpad stopped working. Tech support had me change some configuration settings in the BIOS and it started working again. The a couple days later, I turned on the system one day and was getting the "unable to start" error and it couldn't ever be fixed. Tech Support did a system restore that got me started, but lots of things were disabled that shouldn't have been and we couldn't get the Internet to work, so he recommended I back up and do a system recovery since something was obviously wrong. Did that, worked fine for about a day, then went to turn it on the other day and got the same "unable to start" again.

This time, it was able to fix it and start. The only program I've added since the recovery was a webdesign program. Had it before as well. Thought I was in the clear, but now I keep getting the Blue Screen and it keeps restarting on me. Then today I went to reinstall my printer and it won't install. During the installation, I get an error message, something about 1% not found win32. Sorry, I should have written it down. I called Tech Support again and they wanted me to send it in, but I absolutely can't do that as I run a business and can't be without it that long. So they told me to take it to Best Buy, which I will, but I'd love to be able to figure this out of my own so I don't have to be without my computer for an extended period of time.

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Grey Screen Freeze Entering Folder

Jan 12, 2009

does video editing at times for company, so theres a folder with all my videos but after switching to vista and happy with the rendering speed and "stability" compared to XP on video editing purposeon the first run of video editing, done with the video rendered into WMA and HD mpeg-4 upon entering the folder containing video, vista GAY(grey) screen me and hell freeze over and i had to manual push power button to force switch off and boot up...

did the disabling the DEP, and still problem PERSISTED. and had to force me to do a system recovery to reinstated the OS to factory state after it fails to boot up completely... if it hadnt been a pre-installed OS in a Brand laptop, i could have used the Vista installation repair option and i really wish to find out the bloodly problem vista have up in A** that video folder cannot be access could be solved. or else i had to save my videos in a ext HD and preview it in the virtual machines environment. any vista techie guru could enlighten me?

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Frustrating Process System Screen Freeze

Jan 17, 2010

How can you eliminate the os from asking you to authorize -each time you want to do ANYTHING!!---my screen freezes, finally the screen dims and a question block appears==asking me to authorize Vista to continue.

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Vista To Search For Words?

Jul 29, 2009

When I go into the search box in Windows Explorer and type a word, is Vista searching all files that have the word in the file name or is it also searching files that have that word IN the file? If it is the former, how do I get Vista to search for words that are IN the file, and not necessarily in the file name?

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Trying To Block Specific Words

Jan 21, 2010

When I had outlook Express, I could block specific words from coming into my Inbox (and messages containing that word would go straight to Junk). I can't seem to find this option with Windows Mail. I have tried adding domain name etc to block senders list, but still keep getting about 40 e mails per day, staight to my Inbox, and all of them with the same subject heading.

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Can Set Key Words In The Firewall To Flag This Event?

Jan 20, 2010

You receive the message that your computer is infected and you can see the scan running behind the message box with the OK button? Is there a process to follow and a time frame before all the bad things take root? I have received the message a few times and did the following with what appears to be positive results:

Do not click OK!! Try to close the window with the X box. Shut the computer down in normal fashion. If you cannot do a hard shutdown.Reboot into the safe mode with no networking and run your scans.Reboot normally update your antivirus and scan again. I throught perhaps someone with a lot more knowledge could post a process to follow when you get this message. Is there a way to set key words in the firewall to flag this event??

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Booting And PC To Freeze?

Mar 6, 2009

A friend's Vista computer started booting only as far as the round Vista logo then froze. I took the PC home and using my keyboard, mouse and monitor did some maintenance, upped the memory etc and took it back. It still froze at the logo. I replaced the keyboard and mouse and monitor one by one to no avail. Took everything home and it worked as a system, but at his house - still freezes. Is this an electrical problem - if so how could I find out? Their other computer works fine.

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Freeze/Hang Up On Welcome -

Jan 15, 2009

I'm new here and could use some help, if everyone is willing to help me. Also sorry if someone had already did post on this issue, i've tried searching the forums and couldn't find anythign so i thought i would try making a post.

I had recently bought a new computer that had came with Windows Vista Home Premium installed on it. I have the computer for maybe about 1-3 weeks, it was doing just fine for what i was wanting it to do. But the past 2 days i would go turn on the computer enter my Password and it would just Hang/Freeze on the welcome screen. I have no problem at all booting up into SafeMode, and can usualy get into my account after having 30 or so attempts if lucky. Its just really frustrating and could some help if possible.

Heres the computer from what i can remember off the top of my head, if it would help any.

Aspire x3200 a3200-u3600a
4 GB
320 GB Harddrive
Triple Core Proscessor

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Not Booting And Freeze

Mar 25, 2010

i have a Sony Vaoi VGN-NS11J im not sure if its a 32-bit or 62-bit. one day i was browseing facebook when my computer froze after leaving it for like 30 mins it was still frozen so i had to turn it off by the button and i know that is bad. when i tried to turn it on again it just gave me the options safe mode safe mode with networking and the other safe mode and start windows normally so i just started normally it gets past the vaoi screen and then on the microsoft windows screen it just keeps loading for like 10 minutes then it restarts then it gave me new options start windows normally or launch startup repair so i launch startup repair which takes like 40 minutes just to get to the actually repair place then it gives me no operating system to repair its just blank ive tried all the booting options start from last known good boot or something like that safe mode wont work and when i disable restart when startup fails i get the blue screen of death it gives me this message. A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer


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Games Freeze On My PC?

Nov 18, 2008

I’ve been playing on my computer for a while and have noticed that whenever I play my games, my computer will freeze and hang up after about a couple minutes of playing into the game. The screen will freeze and whatever sound was playing will loop in the background. I cannot ctrl alt del out of the game and my computer requires a hard restart whenever this happens. I have been looking on some forums about this problem with games freezing and supposedly the fix was swapping the different RAM modules. I tried doing that but it still keeps freezing after playing for a bit. I then used Riva Tuner to turn up the fan on my graphics card to 100% but that did not help either. I have the latest drivers for Vista x64 too. I also tried playing the games in Windows XP (I am running both Vista and XP on my system) but the same thing happens. I then started to think if the 500W power supply was too low so we got a new 650W PSU, but haven’t put it in yet.

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Freeze On Boot Up

Feb 14, 2009

That's the spec's of my computer, we have the same computer so it should be the same, but I don't know since her's keeps freezing :P So, when she boots up her PC, it works but when you try to do something it freezes.
It's really annoying and I have been trying to fix it for so darn long! (I know how to fix XP's and some Vista problems, but not this! ) So, how can I fix this, I know it's not a display driver or sound driver (uninstalled both, reinstalled).

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IE7 Freeze Up All The Time?

Dec 23, 2008

I am getting tired of having to restart IE7. What is going on with this freezing problem. It started about three or four weeks ago, and hasn't stopped. Seems everytime I access the internet the system freezes up (at least two or three times, each time). I am now running it without any add-ons, and still have the same problem.

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Freeze, How To Troubleshoot

Jun 9, 2008

Once in a while, Vista freeze. I can move the mouse but nothing reply to my clics and there is an hourglass. I don't know how to troubleshoot that.

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Freeze Can't Boot Off Cd

Apr 30, 2009

My computer freezes at Verifying DMI pool data... I can't boot off cd or anything

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Freeze On Startup

Jun 18, 2009

the problem is that it starts ok, goes in windows, and then in maximum 5 minutes it freezes. I have to reset the computer, and then it will go for another 30-40 minutes, when i get a blue screen, telling me something about hardware problems. then it restarts and works fine.

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X64 Alt Tab/program Freeze

Jun 20, 2009

I just installed Vista x64 yesterday on my system that I've been running 32bit on, ever since I have been having about 30 seconds of lag whenever I open a program or try to alt tab out of Warhammer Online. I would have posted this in the gaming section but it happens with most if not all of my programs. I have updated my video driver and directx. I have also disabled user account control, and installed SP2.

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Freeze Minesweeper

Apr 3, 2008

Why does Bill G viciously freezes minesweeper each time I'm almost hitting a new all time record? Is is to prevent my name to be in gold letters on the hall of fame? The SP1 does nothing

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Desktop Freeze

Nov 14, 2009

i have a computer that has worked fine for almost two years. now my computer wont allow me to download any exe files or save them to any location also the desktop is constantly freezing . i tried the msconfig clean boot and it still happens so what next ?????

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Start-up, Freeze-Up

Mar 23, 2008

I recently purchased (around Christmas) a new computer, with Vista pre-installed on it. However, as of today, my computer turns on, starts-up fine, and then won't load any programs, and sub-sequently locks up when I try to click on anything. Nothing has changed since today and yesterday, so I'm looking for some practical solutions.

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PC Pure Game Freeze

Jun 24, 2009

I have been having some late problems with the PC Game called Pure. Everytime when I try to start to play ingame, it freezes and I have to exit it. I am running on a ATI Radeon HD 4650 graphics card. I think that my graphics card isn't the problem here ...

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Attention Freeze Solved

Jun 30, 2008

After several weeks trying to solve this problem, even reformatting,

replacing the power supply, cables, memory sticks, and more,

I believe I found the origin of the problem. And it seems to be related to Vista.

Go to > Settings > Control Panel > Power Options > check the "High

Performance" option and then click the blue line underneath that reads:

"Change Plan Settings" a new windows will appear, click the blue line

that reads: "Change Advanced Power Settings", the "Power Options

Advance Settings" appear and you should click the "+" mark on

"Hard Disk", then click on "Turn off hard disk after", and set to "Never".

My several HD are all SATA, and when Vista shuts them down automatically,

the SATA do not restart immediately, and this is seen as a temporary freeze.

Since I entered these new settings, it's been working fine for a few days now.

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Starts To Freeze After Logging

May 15, 2010

I've been having problems with my laptop for quite some time now. If I start it up normally, it always freezes after some time. It won't matter if I try to do something during that time or not. Also if I just open up a game straight up, it will work just fine, but when I exit it, I can't open anything new. It will just show that loading circle and nothing will happen. It works fine in safe mode. I have been searching everywhere for a fix, so now I'm trying my luck here. I'll try to give you some information here. I don't know what you will need though.

Code: Service Pack 2 6 17 2010 04:04:42.500
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32hal.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32kdcom.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32mcupdate_GenuineIntel.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32PSHED.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32BOOTVID.dll
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32CLFS.SYS............

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Freeze The Online Games

Mar 6, 2009

I got this nice new computer for christmas to replace our old crappy laptop but when i game, periodically it will freeze the game for no particular reason this happens on all the online games i play such as: counter-strike(and source), Starcraft, warrock, soldier front, and others

i know for a fact that it is not my internet is not the problem it is very good comcast high speed and i used the same modem on the laptop, where it worked smoothly plus it is not a memory problem. for not only does it have 4 GB of memory, it still lags even when i close all programs, including windows live and AVG in the bottom bar. i can really only assume it is a problem with vista. its sad though, i knew xp like the back of my hand but with vista im near clueless XD

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