Does Vista Require Indexing For Search To Work?

Mar 14, 2009

I have always un-ticked Indexing in XP Pro (to speed up overall system performance) and search/find worked by actually searching the hard drive/folder. But in Vista when I turn off Indexing, search does not work at all. It doesn't list any search results at all, it doesn't even attempt to search through the drive/folder. Is that normal?

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Windows Search Service And Indexing Service Do Not Work

Jul 23, 2007

Also my Windows Search service does not start. When I try to start it, I get these errors in the event log:

1. "The Windows Search Service cannot open the Jet property store.

The content index server cannot update or access information because of a database error. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, reset and recrawl the content index. In some cases it may be necessary to delete and recreate the content index. (0x8004117f)"

2. "The Windows Search Service has failed to created the new system catalog. Internal error <4,0x8004117f>."

I'm totally lost as how to solve this problem. I spent hours on the web trying to find a solution, with no luck sofar. Anyone here who has a clue how to solve this one?

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Search Indexing Stopped Working

May 10, 2008

Apparently the Windows Search Indexing thing stopped working sometime this morning and now I can't seem to fix it. Symptoms: systems slows down and takes its sweet time while deleting files/folders and creating files/folders, Windows Search service doesn't want to start and keeps giving me the "Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified". I already tried the Tutorial but that didn't work. I created the Config folder in the proper place and copied the 2 necessary files but still no solution. So short of re-installing windows is there anything I can do to fix this?

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Search Indexing Doesn't Exist

Mar 23, 2008

I've had my Vista-based laptop four months now, and finally getting enough email and files that searches are becoming a problem...My indexing doesn't exist somehow. Does anyone know how to turn it on? I've gone into the Indexing Options in the control panel - everything is greyed out except the CLOSE button. No files are listed, and I cannot click on MODIFY or ADVANCED.

When I'm in MS Outlook and Click on "Indexing Status", I get a pop up error message saying " Cannot find this file. Verify the path and file name are correct. I have several PST files that I use for work and inevitably my searches will exclude half of my emails. Lately I've had to troll file by file through my emails.. not pretty. I've been unable to find anything in online Help relating to this situation. Has anyone seen it before and if so, what am I missing; what do I need to do?

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Windows Search Indexing Will Not Index

May 9, 2008

When I go to indexing options only 17 objects are indexed even though I've been using the computer for hours. I tried to do a rebuild but nothing is happening. For instance, in Outlook the search is not working and it says I have 9850 objects still to index. I had to do a system repair with the repair DVD earlier on.

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Indexing Does Not Work "control Panel

Dec 24, 2008

Indexing does not work and "in Control Panel, the Advanced tab is unavailable. The tab appears dimmed, and you cannot select it. Additionally, the Windows Desktop Search service does not start." I have tried several fixes suggested in the MS KB and in this forum but none helped me - all of the fixes seem to be pre-SP1.

My Vista system is: Factory Installed Vista Home Premium 64 bit SP1 with all updates on Gateway 4 core processor and less than three months in use. When I start Wsearch manually it terminates in about 3 seconds then repeats this in a loop till I disable the service. Tries to remove old catalog and create new one - Fails One error is 0x80040D23 (Event ID 3026)- insufficient system resources. - Hard to believe with 600GB disk and 6GB memory! Also Event IDs 1008, 1015, 1004 1008 and 7024, 7031 and finally 0x80071a91 appear in varous dialog boxes. Event ID 1006: The Windows Search Service has failed to create the SystemIndex search index. Internal error <7, 0x80071a91, Failed to save Crawl Scope Manager changes:

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Can't Activate Vista As It Says Its Already In Use And I Require Another License

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Sony Vaio VGC-LA1. Originally it was running Windows XP Media Centre 2005. I upgraded it to Vista Home Premium using a Vista Express Upgrade Disc sent to me from Sony. this included all the relevant updated drivers and applications. A few weeks ago the HDD died and had to be replaced. I've reinstalled XP from my recovery disc, then upgraded again to Vista using Vista Express Disc. However I can't activate Vista as it says its already in use and I require another license. How can I activate it?

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Search Doesn't Seem To Work

May 3, 2008

Vista search doesn't seem to work at all on my computer. Indexing Options (from the Control Panel) says that 34,894 items are indexed and Indexing Options lists Microsoft Office Outlook, Offline Files, and Start Menu and Users in the Included Locations and the Exclude column shows "Default" Opposite Users in the Included locations. If I go to Advanced in Indexing Options and check various common file types like .doc and .xls they are marked (the box is checked) for index file names and contents. if I go to a folder that has a bunch of .xls file and type in the search box the start of a file name that I can plainly see in the list of files in that folder, the full list of files in that folder collapses to a list of one extraneous file that isn't at all what I'm looking for. I have just re-built
the index and still have the sam problem. Needless to say search for file content doesn't work either - since I can't even search for file names.

if I click on Start > Control Panel -- click on Programs -- under Programs and features -- click on. Turn Windows features on or off" -- the box next to ???Indexing Service??? is unchecked. That doesn't make sense to me because the Indexing Options has indexed things.

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Quick Search Not Work

Dec 14, 2007

Did a quick search and couldn't find anything. Just wondering if anyone knows if the Promise eSATA300 TX2 works out of the box with Vista x64 as I am looking to pick up a external Seagate hard drive which comes bundled with this card.

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Upgrade Current XP With Old CD: Date Version Of XP To A 2+ Year Old Version Of Vista Which Would Require Many Updates To Bring Up To The Current Level

Aug 26, 2009

I purchased a new PC in early 2007 that came with XP. A month or so later I received the Vista upgrade CD which I have never installed. I intend to buy Windows 7 when it becomes available and wish to minimize my system upgrade problems as much as possible. Based on my understanding I would have to do a complete harddrive erase to install Win 7 and then reinstall all my applications. If possible and practical I'd like to upgrade XP to Vista and then Vista to Windows 7. My question am I likely to have problems going from a current up to date version of XP to a 2+ year old version of Vista which would require many updates to bring up to the current level?.

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Windows 7 Beta: Unable To Get Library Search To Work

Feb 19, 2009

I'm gonna post this here because there is no Win7 usenet group (yet). Plain and simple: library search doesn't work for me at all. I've done the steps exactly to the tutorial: add ONE folder with subfolders (and I kept it to one tree for now) Then I tried searching, even for most primitive combinations like c*.* or c* but absolutely no search results. Does library search happen to be still broken in current public beta? (7000)

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Require Software Explorer

May 14, 2008

I have removed the items from my startup that I do not want to auto start, however my question is how do you know which ones shouldn't be removed?

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Several Programs Require Permission

Apr 12, 2008

I have several programs that must be given permission each time I start them. One example, is the utility program called CCleaner. Is there a way to give it permanent permission to avoid granting permission on each invocation?

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Why Does Ubuntu Require An ISP Connection In Order 2 Boot Up?

Apr 9, 2008

Why Does Ubuntu 8.04 Long Term Support Official Beta Refresh Require An Internet Service Provider Connection In Order 2 Boot Up?

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Does Home Premium Require Registry Cleaner?

Nov 26, 2009

I have vista home premium and am experiencing the following problems: a) Internet explorer 8 suddenly disconnecting. this is happening frequently b) Slow PC- poor navigation response times. I have attempted to speed things up by doing a win disk clean and disk defrag. Also downloaded ccclean to clean up my system. All this improved PC speed marginally (say 5-10%) but my internet explorer disconnection issue continues. I am considering purchasing a registry cleaner to resolve my main 2 issues.

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Require Packard Bell Recovery Management

May 15, 2010

Just one problem I have lost my recovery disk and I now need to make one but I don't have a Packard bell recovery mangement program. my Model is a Packard Bell Easy note EN MH45

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WTF Is Wrong With Vista Search?

Apr 12, 2008

How can I get the XP search GUI within Vista Ultimate?

I despise the new Vista search. It assumes too much, takes too long
and even when files exist, it returns no results.
In a nutshell, Vista file search ****!

Is there anything I can do besides downgrade to XP?

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Vista Search Anomalies

Feb 16, 2009

I created three files home exercise 1.jpg, exercise .jpg, exercise 3.jpg in Public/Physical Therapy. When I searched for execise in Public none of them showed up. When I searched for home only home execise 2.jpg showed up. I am using Vista Home premium. The folder is index including both file name and contents.

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Vista To Search For Words?

Jul 29, 2009

When I go into the search box in Windows Explorer and type a word, is Vista searching all files that have the word in the file name or is it also searching files that have that word IN the file? If it is the former, how do I get Vista to search for words that are IN the file, and not necessarily in the file name?

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How Can Find Search In Vista

Jun 1, 2009

involves the search function with vista. i've always been with xp or at least for a long time and search was easy to find. how do i find search in xp.

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Why Does Windows Vista X64 Search So Long?

Apr 28, 2008

Why does Windows Vista x64 search so long, especially when the progress in the bar is at the end and the ring in rolling?

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Vista Search Continues To Confound

Mar 9, 2009

Vista search continues to confound me. I'm sure it works but it has clearly been obfuscated. After going through the tutorial I still can't get how it works. I want to fine a string in a file. A "string" not a word. If I search for

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Vista Search Doesn't Locate

May 15, 2010

I have been wanting to address this problem for some time now but I have always felt that it is going to be difficult to understand and solve. Maybe, maybe not. I just looked at some of the previous FAQs on this subject and I don't fully understand their fixes. One fix tells me to go to change the Indexing somehow by disabling it. But when I go there, that box is inactive and cannot be changed apparently. So before I go further and not know what I am doing, I decided to post and ask for help. To illustrate my problem, let's say I am trying to find a file in my Downloads folder. I open my Downloads folder and can see the file I want. Yet when I do a Search for that file, the Search cannot locate it. It is as if the file doesn't exist. But I am looking right at it in Downloads!

I don't yet know how deep this problem goes, i.e. what if my file I wanted was a .dll file or something deep in the computer and I couldn't find it? Is the fix to this problem simply to disable Indexing? Or is there something more sinister going on with Search not being able to find anything?

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Windows Vista Search Does Not Display Results

Aug 23, 2007

Windows Vista Search is giving me results, just not in the form in which I'd expect. When I search for a particular term, I get, for arguments sake, 1066 results, all of various file types. Around 695 of those results are JPG pictures. If I click on the button to Show Only Pictures, then the details pane shows that there are now only 695 results, but the results don't show. In order for me to see the pictures, I ned to click on All, and then scroll the results until I find the pictures I want. This only happens with when I try to filter a search to show only pictures.

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Lost Indexing Of Old HDD

Feb 6, 2009

How to recovering files (favorites, .pst, photos, My Docs) from an HDD array. Here is the background:- For some time, I have successfully operated a home-built system consisting of an Intel C2D E6600, Asus P5b Deluxe Mobo, and two WD 250 GB Caviars configured in RAID1 (amongst other components).- I recently installed two new WD 300 GB Velociraptors in RAID 0 configuration.I experienced no difficulties in setting up this second array - I attempted to ghost the old array to the new Raptor array using Norton Ghost.In doing this, I was unable to reassign the new drive to C using the Vista Disk Management utility, as one of the two arrays always was the boot drive.I tried to boot off an optical drive, but was also unsuccessful.So, I abandoned the ghosting strategy, and decided to make a clean install on the new raptor array.

I have been successful in completing the clean install in the new Raptor array.- However, I have been unsuccessful in locating my old files (favorites,.pst, photos, My Documents) on the old array.Could this be due to the loss of the indexing on the old drive, when I did the clean OS install on the new drive? What procedures can you recommend to recover the files on my old drive? If needed, is there a recovery software that you can recommend?

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Error KB890830, Security Policy Doesn't Allow For All Actions MSRT May Require

May 12, 2009

I downloaded the Criticdal Updates to my Vista for KB890830 and when I looked in the log I saw a new sentence, which was: "WARNING: Security policy doesn't allow for all actions MSRT may require." What does this mean exactly? Is there something wrong with my computer?

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Search: Vista Doesn't Find And Extremely Slow?

Apr 13, 2008

I just cant' seem to get search to work worth a damn in Vista. Files that I know I have Vista doesn't find and it is extremely slow. I'm not a computer expert by any stretch, but I never had trouble with using search in XP.

I do like much about Vista, just need a search feature that doesn't search for stuff like my kids would. Anyone point me to a program that works with Vista and is safe to use?

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Vista's Desktop Search To Index Thunderbird Emails?

Jun 5, 2008

HP finally after already one ship-back, replaced my motherboard and hard drive. Now that she's not in a defective swamp, Vista is working. Somewhat. I use Thunderbird because Vista mail still limits me to 29 addreses in my address book, always deleting the last one and adding the latest. That is way dumb, even dumber than I for not scaling the learning curve of Outlook. Is there a way, please say yes, to get Vista's desktop search to index my Thunderbird emails?

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Restore Start Menu Search Button In Vista SP1

May 23, 2008

In Windows Vista SP1 Microsoft removed the option for the Search button on the right side of the start panel.  If you used that button frequently it is possible to bring it back by replacing the Help and Support button....

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How To Turn Indexing Service Off?

Apr 21, 2008

I know it is a very stupid question - I simply do not remember how :confused:- but what's the way to turn Indexing Services off? Is it through "gpedit" or "msconfig"? I searched in both but couldn't find it, and I remember shutting it down couple of months before! BTW, I have Vista Ultimate x64 installed.

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Search Failing With Special/technical Searches Rather Than Simple Filename Search, 85% Of This OS Is Now Great

Jun 22, 2009

except for a few grand issues like Search failing with special/technical searches rather than simple filename search, 85% of this OS is now great. I love it now. And can you guess how many processes show up in TaskManager? 26. ONLY TWENTY SIX. My IE8 starts up lightning fast and swings by all sites except videos, for certain sites w/FlashPlayer & Videos I enable CompatibilityView which aligns those older sites to IE8.

Applications startup as if they were already loaded into Memory, faster than in WinXP. Who knew? It feels like quad-core at 4GHz, seriously. Everything is momentary as if it were loaded from RAM This OS is still a failure, however, versus WinXP. Are you shocked to hear "failure" after my praises, do I contradict myself? No. Because most people are far from my tenacity and just by education, hobbies and profession I alway stune up things to perfection. My cheap car leaves far more expensive models wondering what rocket had just passed them on LIE Expressway. I enjoy tinkering with technology.

It took me 2 weeks (?) to tune up Vista beast to be a polished fast, bug-free beast. It's more convoluted than was tuning WindowsXP. I spent several days in Registry, GroupPolicies, SecPolicies, filesystem digging out and blatantly renaming & moving system files no one is supposed to touch.........

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