Windows Search Indexing Will Not Index

May 9, 2008

When I go to indexing options only 17 objects are indexed even though I've been using the computer for hours. I tried to do a rebuild but nothing is happening. For instance, in Outlook the search is not working and it says I have 9850 objects still to index. I had to do a system repair with the repair DVD earlier on.

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Windows Ultimate X64 Search Engine - Search Fails To Index

Jun 18, 2009

I've got an apparently "broken" search installation. So that I can skip through the normal "click the folder you want to index" type of answers, it's way beyond that. Let me give some background first. This is a new installation of Vista x64 Ultimate on this machine. I just installed it a little over a week ago after I got a blue screen of death that wouldn't allow any type of system restore, etc on the prior install. My prior installation on that machine was a Vista Ultimate x32 bit. The prior installation had the OS on the C: drive and I had moved "My Documents" out of a Windows XP onto the D: drive (D:My DOcuments).

In that prior installation, I left all Music, Videos, documents etc. under the original layout and just pointed the Vista "music", "documents", etc folders to the sub folders. I had no problem indexing on my prior version. I have a Vista 64 bit Ultimate at work as well and IT has no problem indexing even under the default locations..........

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Index Service Not Indexing Outlook

Jun 7, 2008

I'm running Vista x64 and Outlook (Office) 2007. I've used Outlook's "Data File Management" menu to re-locate my .pst files to a separate drive (a raid array) so they wouldn't be on my boot drive. However, since that move, the Indexing function doesn't seem to be working. I have tried using the Index Service "advanced" options to "rebuild" the index, and it finishes in under a minute, clearly not having processed my .pst files. Is there a "more advanced" function hidden somewhere that will enable me to tell the Index service that my pst files aren't in the standard location?

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System Hanging: Search Service Has Failed To Create The SystemIndex Search Index

Jul 29, 2009

Ive ran all the usual virus and malware checks and all is clear. Ive checked Event Viewer I see an error every 2 minutes or so. Error message with red exclamation is: 'The Windows Search Service has failed to create the SystemIndex search index. Internal error 1, 0x800700b7, Failed to add Gather Application: Windows>.'' After this warning icon shows error message: 'The Windows Search Service is attempting to remove the old catalog.' Next another warning icon shows message:..........

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Windows Search Service And Indexing Service Do Not Work

Jul 23, 2007

Also my Windows Search service does not start. When I try to start it, I get these errors in the event log:

1. "The Windows Search Service cannot open the Jet property store.

The content index server cannot update or access information because of a database error. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, reset and recrawl the content index. In some cases it may be necessary to delete and recreate the content index. (0x8004117f)"

2. "The Windows Search Service has failed to created the new system catalog. Internal error <4,0x8004117f>."

I'm totally lost as how to solve this problem. I spent hours on the web trying to find a solution, with no luck sofar. Anyone here who has a clue how to solve this one?

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Search Indexing Stopped Working

May 10, 2008

Apparently the Windows Search Indexing thing stopped working sometime this morning and now I can't seem to fix it. Symptoms: systems slows down and takes its sweet time while deleting files/folders and creating files/folders, Windows Search service doesn't want to start and keeps giving me the "Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified". I already tried the Tutorial but that didn't work. I created the Config folder in the proper place and copied the 2 necessary files but still no solution. So short of re-installing windows is there anything I can do to fix this?

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Search Indexing Doesn't Exist

Mar 23, 2008

I've had my Vista-based laptop four months now, and finally getting enough email and files that searches are becoming a problem...My indexing doesn't exist somehow. Does anyone know how to turn it on? I've gone into the Indexing Options in the control panel - everything is greyed out except the CLOSE button. No files are listed, and I cannot click on MODIFY or ADVANCED.

When I'm in MS Outlook and Click on "Indexing Status", I get a pop up error message saying " Cannot find this file. Verify the path and file name are correct. I have several PST files that I use for work and inevitably my searches will exclude half of my emails. Lately I've had to troll file by file through my emails.. not pretty. I've been unable to find anything in online Help relating to this situation. Has anyone seen it before and if so, what am I missing; what do I need to do?

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Does Vista Require Indexing For Search To Work?

Mar 14, 2009

I have always un-ticked Indexing in XP Pro (to speed up overall system performance) and search/find worked by actually searching the hard drive/folder. But in Vista when I turn off Indexing, search does not work at all. It doesn't list any search results at all, it doesn't even attempt to search through the drive/folder. Is that normal?

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Search Index Always Erases Itself

Feb 28, 2009

I constantly am finding that i have to go in to control panel> Indexing options to re-submit the locations that i want Vista to index for searches. Why does it keep clearing itself and anyone know of a solution?

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Search Index Not Running

Mar 23, 2008

my vista Home Premium has yet again got the index/search not working. Start/Control panel/ Index Options, gives me a dialogue box that says the index is not running and all the other functions are greyed out. I have had this before and found that I had to reinstall Vista (a fix was expected early 08) I believe it is being caused by my external hard drive being removed and the drive no longer is available to the Index?.
I have tried the "0 in SetupCompletedSuccessfully" fix, and copying the
gathrprm.txt and schema.txt files to the configure Folder.I have a Sony VGN-FZ11z fully updated with Vista Home Premium. I really dont want to reinstall again.

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Search Index SEND ERROR

Jul 10, 2008

I am having a problem with my search index, Every time I turn on my computer and log into my account, about 7 windows pop up every 5 seconds saying Windows search index has encountered an error.

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Index And Search Weird Behavior

Apr 27, 2009

I have a folder under my user profile folder, let's name it folder1. It's the same level as documents, pictures, etc. It is indexed. Index has been complete.

This is the weird behavior:

when i go to folder1 and search nothing appears. It's blatantly a bug because I search a text in the first filename i see yet it still turns out nothing!

But when I search from my user profile folder, it finds something from folder1.

I have rebuilt the index many times over.

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Rebuild Search Index Does Not Find Files

May 10, 2010

I am thinking of rebuilding the search index. I have noticed that the search
function does not find files I know are there. I think I know how to do it, and I gather it will take a long time.

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Vista's Desktop Search To Index Thunderbird Emails?

Jun 5, 2008

HP finally after already one ship-back, replaced my motherboard and hard drive. Now that she's not in a defective swamp, Vista is working. Somewhat. I use Thunderbird because Vista mail still limits me to 29 addreses in my address book, always deleting the last one and adding the latest. That is way dumb, even dumber than I for not scaling the learning curve of Outlook. Is there a way, please say yes, to get Vista's desktop search to index my Thunderbird emails?

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Search Results: "Index This Folder For Faster Searching"

Oct 11, 2009

If I use "start search" and look for something that might be in program files/email/web history/etc then I can type in a couple of chars and it's up there in the results. I have a folder of MP3 music and if I search for something (in the title) I get no results. The folder is marked as "Index this folder for faster searching" so why does it not get included in the search?

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Volatile Exp Index: Memory Index Drops To 5.3

Apr 19, 2008

My memory exp index was 5.9 previously. For some reason, i reinstalled my Vista includeing all necessary drivers (EXACTLY the same as before). But... so weird... the memory index drops to 5.3, WTH? I don't wanna have a severe performance degradation.

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Rebuilt Index After Removing All Folder Index

Jan 1, 2009

Im new to vista and have looked over this forum but cant seem to find an answer to my issue...which is: I open "Computer" then press on "Searches" (on the left) and then open "Everywhere" which returns 5,000 results...PLEASE how do i clear this list. I have rebuilt the index after removing ALL folders etc to displays ZERO indexed items.

I have then turned indexing off completely on all drives (right click/properties/untick indexing option and select ALL files and subfolders)...and via admin tools/services/windows search (disabled after stopping service) I have rebooted and still thousands of results come up under: Searches/Everywhere Its driving me nuts

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Windows Search 4.0 Beta And Why Search Still Sucks Up

Mar 31, 2008

Read the article bellow, My own experience with windows desktop search 4 on XP was that of disgust. It sucked up 70 MB of ram with its 4 processes, Its a pile of crap like all vista inspired software.. after living on 2 of my computers for 2 days I removed it .. (I had tried the previous version too and didnt like that one either.)

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Windows Experience Index ..

Apr 9, 2009

This morning my computer started issuing security alerts notifying me that the firewall was off as was the malware. I turn the firewall on but under the malware section it indicates that it is reporting to the security centre in a format that is no longer supported. It also has a little Not Compatible icon to the right of the malware icon on the left. Once the firewall is turned on and the malware turns from red to yellow when we turn it on the shield in the bottom right of the screen goes yellow for a while but eventually it goes red again and I am again notified that the firewall is off and the malware is off as well.

I know my subscription is still in effect and according to the system it expires 10/03/2010.

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Windows Experience Index Page, Gone ..

Dec 2, 2008

I just noticed when I went to the windows experience index page and clicked on it to see the details, all the info is gone and it's just this...

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Windows Experience Index, The Score Went Down For 5.2 To 5

Mar 23, 2008

I have windows Vista which had 2Gb of memory. The index was 5.2, that was the memory score. I have added another 2Gb. As its a 32bit OS only 3.5 GB is detected, but when I updated my windows experience the score went down for 5.2 to 5.

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Windows Performance Index RAM Scores

Mar 23, 2008

I'm just wondering how the 2x 1GB 5-5-5-18 2T DDR2-4200(Scores 5.9) in my mums computer scores more than my 4x1GB 4-3-3-10 1T DDR2-6400(Scores 5.4). The timings have made no difference to the score when I have changed them and I can play modern games perfectly. Could it be due to my processor(Core 2 Duo Quad) or my motherboard(Fatal1ty IN-9 SLI)? An overall rating of 5.4 for my computer seems a tad low since it's all top of the range components.

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Windows Experience Index Rating

Apr 18, 2008

My "Graphics" and "Gaming Graphics" ratings are both 1.0. What do I need to do to increase them? I also get a warning message when trying to play any games that reads: "Hardware acceleration is either disabled or not supported by your video card driver, which could slow game performance. Make sure you have the latest
video card driver installed and that hardware acceleration is turned on." How do I check the video card driver and where do I go to download the latest version?

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Hack Your Windows Experience Index

Aug 19, 2007

The results of the Windows Experience Index are stored in an XML file that you can modify to spoof your score. Who wants to show off a 2.1 system? Let’s make that a 9.9 powerhouse....

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Blank Page For Windows Experience Index

Apr 14, 2009

It has been a long time since I checked my WEI and I decided to check it today. I was greeted with the first attachment ("Capture1"). Then I clicked on the WEI to check how each of my components rated. It was blank!! (see "Capture2"). Has anyone any idea how this happened? Or how to fix it?

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Window Experience Index Scores, Windows Vista Blog

Oct 1, 2007

Just wondering what everbody else is getting and on what hardware. To see what all this means, see: Windows Vista Blog: Windows Experience Index: An In-Depth Look. If your unsure how to capture and post the image, please see the following tutorial: How to use the Snipping Tool in Vista

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Lost Indexing Of Old HDD

Feb 6, 2009

How to recovering files (favorites, .pst, photos, My Docs) from an HDD array. Here is the background:- For some time, I have successfully operated a home-built system consisting of an Intel C2D E6600, Asus P5b Deluxe Mobo, and two WD 250 GB Caviars configured in RAID1 (amongst other components).- I recently installed two new WD 300 GB Velociraptors in RAID 0 configuration.I experienced no difficulties in setting up this second array - I attempted to ghost the old array to the new Raptor array using Norton Ghost.In doing this, I was unable to reassign the new drive to C using the Vista Disk Management utility, as one of the two arrays always was the boot drive.I tried to boot off an optical drive, but was also unsuccessful.So, I abandoned the ghosting strategy, and decided to make a clean install on the new raptor array.

I have been successful in completing the clean install in the new Raptor array.- However, I have been unsuccessful in locating my old files (favorites,.pst, photos, My Documents) on the old array.Could this be due to the loss of the indexing on the old drive, when I did the clean OS install on the new drive? What procedures can you recommend to recover the files on my old drive? If needed, is there a recovery software that you can recommend?

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How To Turn Indexing Service Off?

Apr 21, 2008

I know it is a very stupid question - I simply do not remember how :confused:- but what's the way to turn Indexing Services off? Is it through "gpedit" or "msconfig"? I searched in both but couldn't find it, and I remember shutting it down couple of months before! BTW, I have Vista Ultimate x64 installed.

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Search Failing With Special/technical Searches Rather Than Simple Filename Search, 85% Of This OS Is Now Great

Jun 22, 2009

except for a few grand issues like Search failing with special/technical searches rather than simple filename search, 85% of this OS is now great. I love it now. And can you guess how many processes show up in TaskManager? 26. ONLY TWENTY SIX. My IE8 starts up lightning fast and swings by all sites except videos, for certain sites w/FlashPlayer & Videos I enable CompatibilityView which aligns those older sites to IE8.

Applications startup as if they were already loaded into Memory, faster than in WinXP. Who knew? It feels like quad-core at 4GHz, seriously. Everything is momentary as if it were loaded from RAM This OS is still a failure, however, versus WinXP. Are you shocked to hear "failure" after my praises, do I contradict myself? No. Because most people are far from my tenacity and just by education, hobbies and profession I alway stune up things to perfection. My cheap car leaves far more expensive models wondering what rocket had just passed them on LIE Expressway. I enjoy tinkering with technology.

It took me 2 weeks (?) to tune up Vista beast to be a polished fast, bug-free beast. It's more convoluted than was tuning WindowsXP. I spent several days in Registry, GroupPolicies, SecPolicies, filesystem digging out and blatantly renaming & moving system files no one is supposed to touch.........

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Outlook 2007 Not Indexing Files

Mar 23, 2008

I have a problem within Outlook 2007 when ever I try and search through my emails. Whenever I perform a search of any of my mail folders, I get no results and a message saying 'Search results may be incomplete because items are still being indexed. Click here for more details'. When I click for more details, I receive a message saying 'Outlook is currently indexing your items'. And telling me that 7695 items are reminaing in personal folders, and 17987 items are remaining across all open mailboxes. The problem is that this number never goes down, and has been like this ever since I started using the program. Could it be that the indexing is stuck

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No Indexing Options In Contol Panel

Feb 17, 2009

I am using Windows Home Premium. There is no indexing options tab in my control panel under System and Maintenance. The Windows Search service is started, and there are no Administrative logs on the problem. The checkbox on each drive property windows is checked for indexing the applicable drives. My search results are totally incomplete--it misses lots of obvious file name searches.

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