No Indexing Options In Contol Panel

Feb 17, 2009

I am using Windows Home Premium. There is no indexing options tab in my control panel under System and Maintenance. The Windows Search service is started, and there are no Administrative logs on the problem. The checkbox on each drive property windows is checked for indexing the applicable drives. My search results are totally incomplete--it misses lots of obvious file name searches.

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Tweak Indexing Options For More Performance

Feb 21, 2007

The indexing service in Windows Vista is responsible for making those search boxes all over the operating system lightening fast. By default Windows automatically indexes all files in your user profile folders, start menu and any files you have setup for offline access. If you have a lot of files in these locations and the files change often you can be putting a heavy load on the indexing service.  For maximum performance when using Windows Vista I recommend disabling indexing for all other locations other than the Start Menu.  This will lessen the background work that Windows Vista has to do.  It will also slow down your searches of other locations but that is the price you must pay for this performance benefit.

Follow these steps to tweak the indexing locations:....

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Indexing Does Not Work "control Panel

Dec 24, 2008

Indexing does not work and "in Control Panel, the Advanced tab is unavailable. The tab appears dimmed, and you cannot select it. Additionally, the Windows Desktop Search service does not start." I have tried several fixes suggested in the MS KB and in this forum but none helped me - all of the fixes seem to be pre-SP1.

My Vista system is: Factory Installed Vista Home Premium 64 bit SP1 with all updates on Gateway 4 core processor and less than three months in use. When I start Wsearch manually it terminates in about 3 seconds then repeats this in a loop till I disable the service. Tries to remove old catalog and create new one - Fails One error is 0x80040D23 (Event ID 3026)- insufficient system resources. - Hard to believe with 600GB disk and 6GB memory! Also Event IDs 1008, 1015, 1004 1008 and 7024, 7031 and finally 0x80071a91 appear in varous dialog boxes. Event ID 1006: The Windows Search Service has failed to create the SystemIndex search index. Internal error <7, 0x80071a91, Failed to save Crawl Scope Manager changes:

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Uninstall Ultimate: Control Panel Have Not Give Me The Options

Mar 23, 2008

I installed the upgrade to windows vista ultimate, because I thought I had to when I bought my computer. Now that I know it is unneccessary, I want to use just the vista Retail. How do I uninstall Vista Ultimate? I have already gone into control panel and it does not give me the options. Am I going to need to do a system restore? And if I do, is that going to wipe off everything else that i have installed.

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Nov 18, 2008

i bought this system on 2nd november. just imagine, i spend ~1800$ to buy this pc AND after 17 days, 17 days i still cant get sound out of my onboard sound card!

the problem is that the ANALOG BACK PANEL and FRONT PANEL does not work

Here are gigabyte tech support's answers to my problem:
"We are really sorry for the inconvenience you have with our product and According to your description, a further testing or examination to your system might be required."

today, my supplier tested the motherboard in front of my eyes, and it worked fine THERE.
they said maybe it is your graphics card's driver (HD 4870) that makes this problem. so i came home, uninstalled the VGA driver and ATI HD Audio driver and STILL NO SOUND my speakers are fine (i tested them with another pc and with my mp3 player) and i installed the latest drivers for everything.

i also e-mailed Realtek technical support last week, and they didnt answer!
i asked in 3 or 4 other forums (tomshardware, anandtech, guru3d....) no one could help me
if u need to know anything, please let me know and here are some pictures, maybe they can help u to figure out what is wrong with my pc
as u can see in the last picture, the ANALOG BACK PANEL is inactive in Realtek HD Audio Manager.

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Lost Indexing Of Old HDD

Feb 6, 2009

How to recovering files (favorites, .pst, photos, My Docs) from an HDD array. Here is the background:- For some time, I have successfully operated a home-built system consisting of an Intel C2D E6600, Asus P5b Deluxe Mobo, and two WD 250 GB Caviars configured in RAID1 (amongst other components).- I recently installed two new WD 300 GB Velociraptors in RAID 0 configuration.I experienced no difficulties in setting up this second array - I attempted to ghost the old array to the new Raptor array using Norton Ghost.In doing this, I was unable to reassign the new drive to C using the Vista Disk Management utility, as one of the two arrays always was the boot drive.I tried to boot off an optical drive, but was also unsuccessful.So, I abandoned the ghosting strategy, and decided to make a clean install on the new raptor array.

I have been successful in completing the clean install in the new Raptor array.- However, I have been unsuccessful in locating my old files (favorites,.pst, photos, My Documents) on the old array.Could this be due to the loss of the indexing on the old drive, when I did the clean OS install on the new drive? What procedures can you recommend to recover the files on my old drive? If needed, is there a recovery software that you can recommend?

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How To Turn Indexing Service Off?

Apr 21, 2008

I know it is a very stupid question - I simply do not remember how :confused:- but what's the way to turn Indexing Services off? Is it through "gpedit" or "msconfig"? I searched in both but couldn't find it, and I remember shutting it down couple of months before! BTW, I have Vista Ultimate x64 installed.

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Outlook 2007 Not Indexing Files

Mar 23, 2008

I have a problem within Outlook 2007 when ever I try and search through my emails. Whenever I perform a search of any of my mail folders, I get no results and a message saying 'Search results may be incomplete because items are still being indexed. Click here for more details'. When I click for more details, I receive a message saying 'Outlook is currently indexing your items'. And telling me that 7695 items are reminaing in personal folders, and 17987 items are remaining across all open mailboxes. The problem is that this number never goes down, and has been like this ever since I started using the program. Could it be that the indexing is stuck

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Search Indexing Stopped Working

May 10, 2008

Apparently the Windows Search Indexing thing stopped working sometime this morning and now I can't seem to fix it. Symptoms: systems slows down and takes its sweet time while deleting files/folders and creating files/folders, Windows Search service doesn't want to start and keeps giving me the "Error 3: The system cannot find the path specified". I already tried the Tutorial but that didn't work. I created the Config folder in the proper place and copied the 2 necessary files but still no solution. So short of re-installing windows is there anything I can do to fix this?

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Search Indexing Doesn't Exist

Mar 23, 2008

I've had my Vista-based laptop four months now, and finally getting enough email and files that searches are becoming a problem...My indexing doesn't exist somehow. Does anyone know how to turn it on? I've gone into the Indexing Options in the control panel - everything is greyed out except the CLOSE button. No files are listed, and I cannot click on MODIFY or ADVANCED.

When I'm in MS Outlook and Click on "Indexing Status", I get a pop up error message saying " Cannot find this file. Verify the path and file name are correct. I have several PST files that I use for work and inevitably my searches will exclude half of my emails. Lately I've had to troll file by file through my emails.. not pretty. I've been unable to find anything in online Help relating to this situation. Has anyone seen it before and if so, what am I missing; what do I need to do?

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Index Service Not Indexing Outlook

Jun 7, 2008

I'm running Vista x64 and Outlook (Office) 2007. I've used Outlook's "Data File Management" menu to re-locate my .pst files to a separate drive (a raid array) so they wouldn't be on my boot drive. However, since that move, the Indexing function doesn't seem to be working. I have tried using the Index Service "advanced" options to "rebuild" the index, and it finishes in under a minute, clearly not having processed my .pst files. Is there a "more advanced" function hidden somewhere that will enable me to tell the Index service that my pst files aren't in the standard location?

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Email In Microsoft Outlook Indexing

Feb 22, 2010

Facing problems regarding searching email in Microsoft Outlook. I think this is due to Indexing. I have tried to rebuild the Indexing but it shows 0 item indexed all the time. Now my questions are as below:

1) How much time it takes to rebuild the Indexing ? My approx. MS Outlook .pst file size is around 2.8 GB.
2) i had a virus called warm.silly.nisan in SeachProtocolHost.exe. Does this effect indexing or searching email in MS Outlook ?
3) I was stressed due to this problem and tryied to "rebuild" Indexing but it was taking more than 24 hrs and so i went to Indexing options in Control panel and then in advance options i did "Restore Defaults". Which also took to much time and all the times it shows "o items indexed". Can anyone tell me what is the acually problem in indexing ?
4) Do this indexing has any relation with "regedit". If yes then what are the files in regedit i have to check and for what parameters.?

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Indexing And Gaming Temporarily Slows

Aug 9, 2008

I recently turn on indexing for certain areas like users and start menu but it temporarily slows the games down when its indexing. Is there any tuning I could do to alleviate this? I would like to keep indexing but maybe make it not index when gaming.

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Windows Search Indexing Will Not Index

May 9, 2008

When I go to indexing options only 17 objects are indexed even though I've been using the computer for hours. I tried to do a rebuild but nothing is happening. For instance, in Outlook the search is not working and it says I have 9850 objects still to index. I had to do a system repair with the repair DVD earlier on.

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Does Vista Require Indexing For Search To Work?

Mar 14, 2009

I have always un-ticked Indexing in XP Pro (to speed up overall system performance) and search/find worked by actually searching the hard drive/folder. But in Vista when I turn off Indexing, search does not work at all. It doesn't list any search results at all, it doesn't even attempt to search through the drive/folder. Is that normal?

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Windows Search Service And Indexing Service Do Not Work

Jul 23, 2007

Also my Windows Search service does not start. When I try to start it, I get these errors in the event log:

1. "The Windows Search Service cannot open the Jet property store.

The content index server cannot update or access information because of a database error. Stop and restart the search service. If the problem persists, reset and recrawl the content index. In some cases it may be necessary to delete and recreate the content index. (0x8004117f)"

2. "The Windows Search Service has failed to created the new system catalog. Internal error <4,0x8004117f>."

I'm totally lost as how to solve this problem. I spent hours on the web trying to find a solution, with no luck sofar. Anyone here who has a clue how to solve this one?

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Power Options

May 8, 2009

I have set up a power plan in Vista Home Premuim 64Bit on my laptop. Is there anyway to have the laptop change to that plan when its plugged into the mains and stay on another one when its on battery? Or do I have to keep changing it?

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No Options To Install 64-bit

Feb 7, 2009

I want to install the 64-bit version of vista, but I'm not seeing the option to do so anywhere...I should easily meet the system requirements, I have dual quad core amd opteron barcelona chips, 8 gigs ram. I installed xp, then did the upgrade from the vista disk, but it never asks me if I want the 64 bit option bp

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Best Backup Options

Mar 23, 2008

I'm in the process of transferring my Hi8 video tapes to my PC for safe keeping. The one drawback I see with the Hi8 tapes is that if the camcorder dies, so does my playback mechanism. To get the highest quality I'm creating AVI files, and each tape is approximately 13 GB of data. I'm capturing in segments around 3.3 GB each. Needless to say, I've filled most my PC drive space, including my 300 GB external USB drive. I'd like to back these files up to DVD as 'raw files' for future editing (as opposed to actually creating a DVD that can be viewed on a DVD player). I have Vista Home Premium, and XP Pro as OS options. I started just dragging the files to the DVD drive on my Vista and had some success, but for some reason it doesn't always work. how best to back these files up? I've looked at a couple backup packages but haven't seen anything that strikes me as what I'm looking for..

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UserPreferenceMask Options

May 18, 2008

Can anyone provide a table like this one, but for Windows Vista instead of NT? No luck with web searches so far. Guess I haven't found the magic key-words.

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System Restore Options

May 4, 2009

First off, when I go to Create a Restore Point, it always takes the system about 20-40 seconds before it gives me what I want which is C drive checked in the list to create a restore point on. It shows me all my USB hard drives and other partitions, none of which I ever want to choose to create a restore point on. Is there a way to choose to have only the C drive come up on this list of possible drives for restore points? (I assume this would be quicker, since it would not have to find all those other drives/partitions before showing me the C drive.)

Secondly, since I only have an 83gig partition for C drive with Vista (64-bit Home Premium) and programs using 43 gigs of that; so how much space do I really need for System Restore points? I know there is a page here on this forum somewhere for going into the system via Command and changing the amount of space allotted for System Restore. Should I leave the Default allotted space or should I change it to a smaller amount? (My computer came shipped with a 700+ gig C drive but I shrank it to 83gigs and the rest is for just archiving, with a special partition for ripping and burning and decoding files.) Third: Where are the System Restore point files or whatever they are stored?

Fourth: Aside from manually creating a Restore Point via System Protection, is there a way I can make it create a Restore Point once a day at a particular time? I think it creates one at startup every day (I'm not sure, but I seem to recall that it does this), but is there a way to tell it, say, to create one every day at 5pm, or something like that in addition to creating one at start up? Or would that require too much disk space alloted to it? (I have a big hard drive, but I'd just as soon not junk it up with an excessive amount of System Restore space.)

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Junk E-Mail Options

May 11, 2008

On occasions I receive email that when I right click on and select Junk

the menu's items are disabled.

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Three Options For Upgrading From To Windows 7

Dec 26, 2008

Back in November, I explored the number of editions of Windows 7 that Microsoft was working on. While the company has not officially given a list yet, it was clear that Windows 7 Enterprise Edition and Windows 7 Ultimate Edition were definitely coming. Furthermore, there was an obvious avoidance of naming a Windows 7 Business Edition, though there was a mention of a Windows 7 Small Business Edition. While doing a little more digging, I stumbled on the following upgrade paths for Windows Vista to Windows 7. These are not confirmed, but I am told they are what Microsoft is currently considering: Windows Vista Home Premium Edition => Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Windows Vista Business Edition => Windows 7 Professional Edition Windows Vista Ultimate Edition => Windows 7 Ultimate Edition Full Story: Rumor: three options for upgrading from Vista to Windows 7

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Adding Win DVD 9 To Autoplay Options?

Apr 9, 2009

Is there an easy way to add WinDVD9 to my autoplay choices for Blu-Ray and regular DVD's in Vista x64? For some reason its not listed as an option and I can't figure out how to add it on my own. I know I can always cancel autoplay and launch the App and then open the DVD that way but would be nice to figure out how to set it up so it shows as an option in my Autoplay list.

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Unable To View Options

Mar 12, 2009

I have tried to have files open in a uniform way, I have not been able to do this with the Windows Vista Control Panel. Under "view" I would prefer a "List" rather than large or medium sized Icons. I have tried checking various boxes under Folder Options but have not been able to standardize a list view.

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Options Windows Cannot APPLY Ok

Mar 23, 2008

I have Windows Vista with Windows Mail. When I click on Tools, a windows comes up and shows several tabs. I have gone to the Send tab to uncheck a couple of things I do not want operating. I notice that the window is quite large and I cannot see APPLY and OKAY. Consequently, I cannot have any of the options that I chose unchecked. Once I move out of the Options window, everything goes back the way it was. I thought I could minimize the size of the Options window, but no go on that. how I can get to Apply and Okay on this window?

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DVD/DATA Burner, Options?

Sep 20, 2009

I wanted to create a data cd with some files/programs on it that i got off the net and it wont let me. Is there any good free software to allow me to do this?

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Power Options Resetting

Apr 24, 2008

My sisters PCz keeps going to sleep. I changed power options to never but each time she restarts the PC the settings go back to previous settings. i have looked around here for answers but nothing applies to her pc. all was fine before SP1 but i dont think that is the problem.

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Need Online Backup Options

May 19, 2009

I am a budding photographer, and I have Windows Vista Home Basic on my pc. What would be the best way for me to secure my files, and make sure I dont lose everything if my computer crashes? I have about 50 gb of data, and few video clippings also. My data mainly consists of my precious photographs that I clicked all thoroughout. I was thinking about online backup. Will that be reliable?

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Cannot Enter Advanced Options On BT

May 3, 2010

I've been using a BT Home Hub for some time. I want to enable UPNP on my router so I can host a server for a game called Blockland. I type bthomehub.home in my address bar and hit enter. Then I click Advanced Options. Then there is a button saying "Continue to Advanced Options..." so I click that button, and then And I don't know my username or password. Some say that both username and password are "admin" but it isn't. So how on earth do I fix this problem?

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Performance Options Disapeared

Mar 14, 2009

I have an issue with Vista Ultimate x64 running on an AMD Athlon Duel core 4200+ system This is a brand new fresh install (2nd time). When I install and start the windows experience index calculates as per normal, but as none of the graphics drivers are loaded the score is very low. So I install all the correct drivers and try and update the score - nothing the option to refresh the score has gone. I get a screen that says "Rate and improve your computer's performance" but nothing else. I have flushed the stats folder and reset everything.

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