Index And Search Weird Behavior

Apr 27, 2009

I have a folder under my user profile folder, let's name it folder1. It's the same level as documents, pictures, etc. It is indexed. Index has been complete.

This is the weird behavior:

when i go to folder1 and search nothing appears. It's blatantly a bug because I search a text in the first filename i see yet it still turns out nothing!

But when I search from my user profile folder, it finds something from folder1.

I have rebuilt the index many times over.

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Weird Windows Sidebar Behavior

May 15, 2010

I have no ideal what caused my windows sidebar has this weird looks. I attached a screenshot so you guys have a better image as whats going wrong.

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System Hanging: Search Service Has Failed To Create The SystemIndex Search Index

Jul 29, 2009

Ive ran all the usual virus and malware checks and all is clear. Ive checked Event Viewer I see an error every 2 minutes or so. Error message with red exclamation is: 'The Windows Search Service has failed to create the SystemIndex search index. Internal error 1, 0x800700b7, Failed to add Gather Application: Windows>.'' After this warning icon shows error message: 'The Windows Search Service is attempting to remove the old catalog.' Next another warning icon shows message:..........

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Windows Ultimate X64 Search Engine - Search Fails To Index

Jun 18, 2009

I've got an apparently "broken" search installation. So that I can skip through the normal "click the folder you want to index" type of answers, it's way beyond that. Let me give some background first. This is a new installation of Vista x64 Ultimate on this machine. I just installed it a little over a week ago after I got a blue screen of death that wouldn't allow any type of system restore, etc on the prior install. My prior installation on that machine was a Vista Ultimate x32 bit. The prior installation had the OS on the C: drive and I had moved "My Documents" out of a Windows XP onto the D: drive (D:My DOcuments).

In that prior installation, I left all Music, Videos, documents etc. under the original layout and just pointed the Vista "music", "documents", etc folders to the sub folders. I had no problem indexing on my prior version. I have a Vista 64 bit Ultimate at work as well and IT has no problem indexing even under the default locations..........

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Search Index Always Erases Itself

Feb 28, 2009

I constantly am finding that i have to go in to control panel> Indexing options to re-submit the locations that i want Vista to index for searches. Why does it keep clearing itself and anyone know of a solution?

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Search Index Not Running

Mar 23, 2008

my vista Home Premium has yet again got the index/search not working. Start/Control panel/ Index Options, gives me a dialogue box that says the index is not running and all the other functions are greyed out. I have had this before and found that I had to reinstall Vista (a fix was expected early 08) I believe it is being caused by my external hard drive being removed and the drive no longer is available to the Index?.
I have tried the "0 in SetupCompletedSuccessfully" fix, and copying the
gathrprm.txt and schema.txt files to the configure Folder.I have a Sony VGN-FZ11z fully updated with Vista Home Premium. I really dont want to reinstall again.

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Search Index SEND ERROR

Jul 10, 2008

I am having a problem with my search index, Every time I turn on my computer and log into my account, about 7 windows pop up every 5 seconds saying Windows search index has encountered an error.

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Windows Search Indexing Will Not Index

May 9, 2008

When I go to indexing options only 17 objects are indexed even though I've been using the computer for hours. I tried to do a rebuild but nothing is happening. For instance, in Outlook the search is not working and it says I have 9850 objects still to index. I had to do a system repair with the repair DVD earlier on.

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Rebuild Search Index Does Not Find Files

May 10, 2010

I am thinking of rebuilding the search index. I have noticed that the search
function does not find files I know are there. I think I know how to do it, and I gather it will take a long time.

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Vista's Desktop Search To Index Thunderbird Emails?

Jun 5, 2008

HP finally after already one ship-back, replaced my motherboard and hard drive. Now that she's not in a defective swamp, Vista is working. Somewhat. I use Thunderbird because Vista mail still limits me to 29 addreses in my address book, always deleting the last one and adding the latest. That is way dumb, even dumber than I for not scaling the learning curve of Outlook. Is there a way, please say yes, to get Vista's desktop search to index my Thunderbird emails?

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Search Results: "Index This Folder For Faster Searching"

Oct 11, 2009

If I use "start search" and look for something that might be in program files/email/web history/etc then I can type in a couple of chars and it's up there in the results. I have a folder of MP3 music and if I search for something (in the title) I get no results. The folder is marked as "Index this folder for faster searching" so why does it not get included in the search?

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Volatile Exp Index: Memory Index Drops To 5.3

Apr 19, 2008

My memory exp index was 5.9 previously. For some reason, i reinstalled my Vista includeing all necessary drivers (EXACTLY the same as before). But... so weird... the memory index drops to 5.3, WTH? I don't wanna have a severe performance degradation.

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Rebuilt Index After Removing All Folder Index

Jan 1, 2009

Im new to vista and have looked over this forum but cant seem to find an answer to my issue...which is: I open "Computer" then press on "Searches" (on the left) and then open "Everywhere" which returns 5,000 results...PLEASE how do i clear this list. I have rebuilt the index after removing ALL folders etc to displays ZERO indexed items.

I have then turned indexing off completely on all drives (right click/properties/untick indexing option and select ALL files and subfolders)...and via admin tools/services/windows search (disabled after stopping service) I have rebooted and still thousands of results come up under: Searches/Everywhere Its driving me nuts

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Shutdown Shortcut Behavior When Executed

Aug 18, 2008

I created a desktop (shutdown) shortcut on both my desktop and laptop PC's both running Vista Home Premium.

On my desktop I click the shortcut and get a shutdown will occur in "X" minutes message (I'm paraphrasing) and everyting is shut down in an orderly manner.

On my laptop using a wireless keyboard and mouse (the reason I really wanted the shortcut) I click on the shortcut and get a "open file- security warning" - Do you want to open this file?

I've been checking security settings on both PC's but have been unable to get rid of this Security warning dialog box on my laptop.

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Control Display Behavior On Close Of Lid

Apr 9, 2008

I've recently started using a new (work) laptop that came loaded with Vista. My last laptop, which I had for about three years, was running Windows XP, and at the time I made the switch to the new machine, I was pretty comfortable with the way that the machine operated and with the way that I had the system configured. I'm trying to keep an open mind with regard to Vista;

I try hard not to be an OS bigot, since part of the reason I started working with computers was because I enjoyed learning new things and trying new approaches. I've encountered a few problems, the most troubling of which (from a long-term viability perspective) are VPN-related. A number of my customers use VPNs with client software or connection methods that do not support or play nice with Vista. For now, I have workaround solutions that I can use for those customers.

One of the more irritating problems is something I have not been able to find any information on - how can I control what happens to the displays connected to the laptop when I close the lid? When I'm in the office, I typically have an external monitor, which I've configured to extend my desktop to....................

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Strange Behavior Of A Rule In Windows Mail.

Mar 23, 2010

In Windows mail i've made two accounts.

One of the accounts is an alias of the same emailbox.

They log in with the same accountname and password.

Recently i've made a rule in Windows mail so that all email from one of the accounts is placed is its respective folder.

The rule works partially because now, all email from both accounts is moved to the folder, while only one of the account is mentioned in the rule.

It looks like it has something to do with the fact that one of the accounts is an alias. The use the same emailbox.

Can someone please tell me if this is the case.

Has someone have any experience with the problem mentioned above.

The OS is Vista.

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Puzzled By Windows Mail Startup Behavior

Jul 29, 2009

With my installations of Vista (3 desktops and one laptop) I have observed that the Windows Mail (WM) program takes between 5 and 10 seconds to load after booting up. After that the program gets cached and opens very quickly. Shortly after I installed SP2 on one of the computers I noticed that WM would open very quickly without the delay even right after bootup. I originally thought that SP2 improved the performance of WM to open very quickly just like Outlook Express always did. But after installing SP2 on the other machines I did not notice any difference - WM still took the usual 5-10 seconds to load after booting up.

Any ideas as to why WM would load so quickly after booting up on one machine and not the others? All hardware platforms are equal. I cannot see winmail.exe anywhere in any of the typical startup locations. All registry settings look similar. I know it's not because of the number of contacts or messages, ruled that out... I thought I had an opportunity to discover a new tweak but I've given up.

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Behavior, An Operating System Quirk, Bad Handshakes With Comcast

Sep 20, 2009

Two nights ago, my Vista system started to behave in a bizarre fashion. Clicking on an desktop icon would bring up not just one window, but a dozen or more windows. That window would lock up making it difficult to close. Task manager invocation from the command bar would only appear momentarily. The start icon also just flashed for a second, then off. I finally was able to invoke task manager with cntrl-alt-delete and kill the open windows. This behavior persisted even after rebooting the machine.

I ran my up to date AVG and no viruses were found. Strangely, after one day, this weird behavior went away as quickly as it came on. I called Comcast thinking it may be something in the network causing the problem. They re provisioned my modem, but the problem was still there. My question is what brought on this behavior, an operating system quirk, bad handshakes with Comcast, or whatever. Unfortunately, I did not have my error logs turned on. I have done so now and if the problem re-appears, I might get some info from them.

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Search Failing With Special/technical Searches Rather Than Simple Filename Search, 85% Of This OS Is Now Great

Jun 22, 2009

except for a few grand issues like Search failing with special/technical searches rather than simple filename search, 85% of this OS is now great. I love it now. And can you guess how many processes show up in TaskManager? 26. ONLY TWENTY SIX. My IE8 starts up lightning fast and swings by all sites except videos, for certain sites w/FlashPlayer & Videos I enable CompatibilityView which aligns those older sites to IE8.

Applications startup as if they were already loaded into Memory, faster than in WinXP. Who knew? It feels like quad-core at 4GHz, seriously. Everything is momentary as if it were loaded from RAM This OS is still a failure, however, versus WinXP. Are you shocked to hear "failure" after my praises, do I contradict myself? No. Because most people are far from my tenacity and just by education, hobbies and profession I alway stune up things to perfection. My cheap car leaves far more expensive models wondering what rocket had just passed them on LIE Expressway. I enjoy tinkering with technology.

It took me 2 weeks (?) to tune up Vista beast to be a polished fast, bug-free beast. It's more convoluted than was tuning WindowsXP. I spent several days in Registry, GroupPolicies, SecPolicies, filesystem digging out and blatantly renaming & moving system files no one is supposed to touch.........

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Search The Office 2007 Ribbon With Search Commands

Dec 10, 2009

The new interface in Office 2007 has a great new look but finding your favorite feature can be a little difficult at first. Microsoft Office Labs offers a helpful utility called Search Commands that brings search to the ribbon. Can’t find a specific feature? Just search for it! ....

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Weird Little But Annoying Problem

May 15, 2010

specs first: Acer Aspire 5315 (-2326) with Intel Celeron CPU processor and Vista Home Basic (32 bit).

Why would my desktop items suddenly move around whenever I reboot? I'm not talking about program/file icons but rather the clock and calender on the right hand side of my desktop. It's a section I never touch--just a clock, calender, and image of the month (photo for calender). Now, suddenly, when I start up the computer, these things appear on top of one another or rearranged. It's odd, but irritating to me now. I can find no mention of this anywhere online. Some people have issues with rearranged icons, etc., such as in vertical vs. horizontal rows, etc. etc. But not random movements of utilities, etc. Anyway. Any suggestion would help.

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Icons Have This Weird Overlay

May 19, 2009

It's like this with all program icons that I place on the desktop as well. Any ideas?

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Very Weird Sound From HP Laptop, 32

Dec 15, 2009

I had this problem a long time ago, I don't know why my laptop has it, it was some sound like a sigh, appearing about 6, 7 times and then off, and then it appears again. I attached an external HDD 1TB from SeaGate, is this one make my laptop runs over limited?
I use Vista 32 bit, service pack 2, Memory 3Gb, Hard drive 250 GB, Firefox, IE8, Opera 10. My laptop is HP Pavilion dv2910us .

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Weird Assessment Tool

Nov 25, 2007

this just started happening wont complete the assessment..

check out the images below

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Weird Problem With Graphic Speed.

Aug 2, 2009

Hello, I just installed Vista X64 on a computer and any kind of graphics or timer is running at a very accelerated pace. from the loading bar graphics vista shows when booting up, to flash ads on websites, to video games. Anyone have an idea what may be causing this and what are the fixes?

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Terrible Weird Lag While Playing Games

Sep 10, 2008

I've had a terrible problem with my computer. I have no idea what the specific problem is (despite hours of troubleshooting), so I'm goign to explain everything as much as I can.I used Vista Ultimate 32-bit for months on my machine and had no problems at all, everything worked great. Then, about 2 months ago, I switched to Vista Ultimate 64-bit because i figured I might as well get all I can out of my CPU. Everything worked fine at first, no major problems. My games and everything else worked just fine. But then, one day (about a month after installing x64), I got this terribly weird lag while playing one of my games. Here's how it always works: The game starts up just like normal and will play normally for a decent amount of time.

Then, all of a sudden, it starts lagging TERRIBLY. My frame-rate drops to almost nothing and my CPU goes up to 80-100%. After a while, the lagging goes away and everything's perfectly smooth, but the the same lagging and CPU rise happens again for a while and then goes away again. It's like a pattern. The sessions of lag generally last a full 1-2 minutes. After this problem first occurred, it never went away. I soon noticed that it didn't just apply to video games either. The rise in CPU usage and the video lag on my screen seemed to happen in a constant pattern no matter what I was doing.....

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Weird Sleep Mode Automatic

Sep 30, 2009

for the longest time I wasn't able to get any of my computers to go into sleep mode. Now that I've found the answer sifting through these forums/posts and it is functioning now, I've developed another problem that I cannot see anywhere in the forums. Although the computers will sleep now, I HAVE to set "Automatic" sleep mode for around 5 mins, otherwise it WILL NOT WORK. I cannot get them to sleep using the sleep buttons or any other way that the system has been set up for sleep. Only the "Automatic" timing way, and it has to be set for 5 mins or less. Can someone explain to me what may be happening here?

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Weird Folders Created Every Reboot

Jan 6, 2010

every time my computer reboots, a weird folder is created on the c drive. this folder has a random alpha-numeric name and contains a bunch of windows update stuff. when i reboot, another folder is created with the exact same contents but with a different folder i have ~15 of these weird folders. i think it's related to updates because the folders contains files such as:

i'm having trouble deleting the folders due to permissions and "folder is being used"...but i'm not concerned about deleting them right now. what i'm really concerned with is stopping their creation! another odd thing is that if i connect an external usb drive, the new folders will be created on the external drive instead of the c drive. i'm runnning vista ultimate x64 with SP2 on an HP machine with RAID 1 mirroring my hard drive.

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Weird Connections Via IP 6 Media Connected

Jul 22, 2008

In a few days in takes away the admin, I get some weird connections via IP 6 media connected. when I try to release the state it say requires elevation and I don't have admin rights. I always see a protected storage running S-1-5-21-4158074477-3187036503-3076259393-1000. There is many other files as well. No matter if I load windows today, when I look in the directories they will all have todays date. In a few days It has new directories dated 11-02-06. and funny names like WIFEMAN.dll BIGKID.dll savedgames.dll.

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Set-up The Search Engine But Lost Live Search

Jun 19, 2009

I just install IE8 on my laptop, and when it came time to set-up the search engine, I told it to use my current set-up, but I just lost the Live Search, and everytime that I try to install it back I get a weird website called BING, which feels like the Live Search site has somehow being hacked.

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Windows Search 4.0 Beta And Why Search Still Sucks Up

Mar 31, 2008

Read the article bellow, My own experience with windows desktop search 4 on XP was that of disgust. It sucked up 70 MB of ram with its 4 processes, Its a pile of crap like all vista inspired software.. after living on 2 of my computers for 2 days I removed it .. (I had tried the previous version too and didnt like that one either.)

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