Strange Behavior Of A Rule In Windows Mail.

Mar 23, 2010

In Windows mail i've made two accounts.

One of the accounts is an alias of the same emailbox.

They log in with the same accountname and password.

Recently i've made a rule in Windows mail so that all email from one of the accounts is placed is its respective folder.

The rule works partially because now, all email from both accounts is moved to the folder, while only one of the account is mentioned in the rule.

It looks like it has something to do with the fact that one of the accounts is an alias. The use the same emailbox.

Can someone please tell me if this is the case.

Has someone have any experience with the problem mentioned above.

The OS is Vista.

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Puzzled By Windows Mail Startup Behavior

Jul 29, 2009

With my installations of Vista (3 desktops and one laptop) I have observed that the Windows Mail (WM) program takes between 5 and 10 seconds to load after booting up. After that the program gets cached and opens very quickly. Shortly after I installed SP2 on one of the computers I noticed that WM would open very quickly without the delay even right after bootup. I originally thought that SP2 improved the performance of WM to open very quickly just like Outlook Express always did. But after installing SP2 on the other machines I did not notice any difference - WM still took the usual 5-10 seconds to load after booting up.

Any ideas as to why WM would load so quickly after booting up on one machine and not the others? All hardware platforms are equal. I cannot see winmail.exe anywhere in any of the typical startup locations. All registry settings look similar. I know it's not because of the number of contacts or messages, ruled that out... I thought I had an opportunity to discover a new tweak but I've given up.

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Windows Mail Rule Can't Find

Sep 4, 2009

I set a rule over a year ago to delete from the server, all mail over 750KBs. Now we have a faster connection and I want to change that, but can't find where. It's not listed in Message/Rule/Mail. Where is it located in Windows Mail? This is a Vista Home Premium computer with serv pack 2.

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Windows Mail Save Attachments Via Rule Or Script Into A Folder

Jan 2, 2010

Do you have any useful links to resources to save attachments with a script or rule in windows mail. What I have seen, there is only an option to move the message to a special folder in the windows mail rules

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Weird Windows Sidebar Behavior

May 15, 2010

I have no ideal what caused my windows sidebar has this weird looks. I attached a screenshot so you guys have a better image as whats going wrong.

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Index And Search Weird Behavior

Apr 27, 2009

I have a folder under my user profile folder, let's name it folder1. It's the same level as documents, pictures, etc. It is indexed. Index has been complete.

This is the weird behavior:

when i go to folder1 and search nothing appears. It's blatantly a bug because I search a text in the first filename i see yet it still turns out nothing!

But when I search from my user profile folder, it finds something from folder1.

I have rebuilt the index many times over.

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Shutdown Shortcut Behavior When Executed

Aug 18, 2008

I created a desktop (shutdown) shortcut on both my desktop and laptop PC's both running Vista Home Premium.

On my desktop I click the shortcut and get a shutdown will occur in "X" minutes message (I'm paraphrasing) and everyting is shut down in an orderly manner.

On my laptop using a wireless keyboard and mouse (the reason I really wanted the shortcut) I click on the shortcut and get a "open file- security warning" - Do you want to open this file?

I've been checking security settings on both PC's but have been unable to get rid of this Security warning dialog box on my laptop.

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Control Display Behavior On Close Of Lid

Apr 9, 2008

I've recently started using a new (work) laptop that came loaded with Vista. My last laptop, which I had for about three years, was running Windows XP, and at the time I made the switch to the new machine, I was pretty comfortable with the way that the machine operated and with the way that I had the system configured. I'm trying to keep an open mind with regard to Vista;

I try hard not to be an OS bigot, since part of the reason I started working with computers was because I enjoyed learning new things and trying new approaches. I've encountered a few problems, the most troubling of which (from a long-term viability perspective) are VPN-related. A number of my customers use VPNs with client software or connection methods that do not support or play nice with Vista. For now, I have workaround solutions that I can use for those customers.

One of the more irritating problems is something I have not been able to find any information on - how can I control what happens to the displays connected to the laptop when I close the lid? When I'm in the office, I typically have an external monitor, which I've configured to extend my desktop to....................

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Behavior, An Operating System Quirk, Bad Handshakes With Comcast

Sep 20, 2009

Two nights ago, my Vista system started to behave in a bizarre fashion. Clicking on an desktop icon would bring up not just one window, but a dozen or more windows. That window would lock up making it difficult to close. Task manager invocation from the command bar would only appear momentarily. The start icon also just flashed for a second, then off. I finally was able to invoke task manager with cntrl-alt-delete and kill the open windows. This behavior persisted even after rebooting the machine.

I ran my up to date AVG and no viruses were found. Strangely, after one day, this weird behavior went away as quickly as it came on. I called Comcast thinking it may be something in the network causing the problem. They re provisioned my modem, but the problem was still there. My question is what brought on this behavior, an operating system quirk, bad handshakes with Comcast, or whatever. Unfortunately, I did not have my error logs turned on. I have done so now and if the problem re-appears, I might get some info from them.

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Ubuntu Will Rule The World!

Oct 27, 2009

I told you, Ubuntu is the future and don't you forget it. Five years I give it! Then it will rule the world. Just look at this wonderful reviews.

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Don't Understand Partitioning Rule

Mar 26, 2008

I will be using 100GB HD for Vista. I have never partitioned a drive before. I do have Partition Magic but have not looked at it yet. I was wondering if it makes sense to divide the HD so Vista is on one part but the other programs install on a different partition. Would that make reformatting Vista easier? If it is a good idea how much should be allocated to the Vista partition. Can Vista do it adequately or should I use PM for making the partitions. As you can guess I don't understand partitioning rules at all!

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Can 't Rule Applied Whole Account

Apr 13, 2009

Why can a rule not be applied to a whole account, but only to a group?

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Modify Winmail Rule?

Mar 17, 2009

I am using rules to move junkmail to a folder, but I would like to automatically forward it to as well. Is there a way to modify the ACTION spec to forward as well as move?

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How To Autoreply Rule To Message

Apr 11, 2008

I have setup a rule to autoreply to messages coming in to a particular email address. however, every time the message goes out, it is an attachment and the body of the message is blank. How can I setup the reply message to be in the body of the email, instead of an attachment. If I'm not mistaken, this worked in Outlook Express, then I upgraded to Vista.

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Create Rule For Every User Of That Domain?

Mar 23, 2008

Is it possible to create one rule to handle this rather than a rule for every user of that domain?

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Emails: Forwarding Via Rule Strips Header?

Mar 20, 2009

When you forward an email to someone in Mail, it includes the Original Message Header. For example:

----- Original Message -----
From: John Doe
Sent: Friday, March 20, 2009 12:25 PM
Subject: RE: Message Subject....................

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Choose Details List: Picture Included To Rule Out/verify Idiocy

Jan 15, 2009

My "size" option appears to have gone missing, and I'm not sure why. I searched with google, as well as these forums, though I could find no answer to my problem. (Though that doesn't mean one hasn't been posted; my searching skills may just be crappy.) Regardless, has anyone had this, or a similar issue, occur? Or does anyone know how to add your own "details" to choose from so I can get it back manually? I saw this: Folder Size for Windows Explorer. I probably need something along those lines, but for the size option instead... Also, if I'm somehow just staring at the list and missing it even after scanning through each item, (Picture included to rule out/verify idiocy on my part.)

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Very Strange Problem

Dec 5, 2009

I gamble on sports, yes, bad like that, and have encountered a bug. I copy data from a place called to look into the future or past if you will. Not as good as a psychic though!

Specifically I copy stats from the NBA and baseball.

Here is my bug. I go to the site,

Then I scroll over to the NBA drop down menu. Then I click team statistics.

Then I click a team, say Boston. I cut and paste normally, the game data. The second box you see with last 20 games.

Like this.

DateOpponentLineOUScoreSUATSOUFG %3PT %FT %REBFG %3PT %FT %REB12-4-09at OKLAHOMA CITY-4190105-87WWOv56.5%52.9%75.0%4647.1%17.6%76.9%3212-3-09at SAN ANTONIOPK18790-83WWUn46.2%22.2%73.7%4242.0%12.5%41.2%6612-1-09at CHARLOTTE-4177.5108-90WWOv54.5%58.8%89.7%4440.5%18.2%68.6%47

On my old machine which runs XP and has Excel 2003 it works fine.

With Vista, it messes up the dates. I have tried everything. Different browsers, compared settings in Excel, even tried or free office or whatever it is called.

Still won't work. It copies half the dates correctly, and some dates it copies like text or worse. I am not really sure, I cannot type data in to fix the error.

I have a new Gateway with Vista. I am waiting for them to mail me Windows 7.

It is so easy to cut and paste on my other PC, and I have loked in every forum I can find for three days and found nothing that fixes this bug with Vista.

So it is not the Browser, I tried three including IE 8, Opera and Google. It is not Excel, or Star Office as both mess up, it is something with Vista.

I made myself a super admin BTW, on my computer, figured that one out. So I can adjust everything.

I have files dating back ten years that are all gving me date issues. Some work, some do not. I need a fix!

Do not ask for sports picks.

I trade sports like stocks, that is how I use the data.

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Strange Memory

Mar 23, 2008

A lot of times, I just can NOT right-click, or do many other things, etc...

I think it's Memory/resource BUG, am I right?

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Strange Folder

Apr 12, 2009

I have a folder under my user in Vista Home Premium. Its name is: {5fa4fc65-86a1-42c8-9cce-0ba76deacf2b} It has a sub-folder named drivers that has a sub-folder named dot4 and that folder is empty.

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Strange Application Switcher

Mar 3, 2009

Just discovered a bizarre application switcher from microsoft, somewhat similar to Apple's Expose.

Here's the screenshot ...

The thing came up when I clicked the mouse wheel. The mouse is Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse 8000. Microsoft software that came with the mouse is installed. Checked the mouse buttons config, and it says that clicking the wheel brings up the Flip 3D.

But, since I use the basic vista theme with Aero disabled (like it more this way), there is no Flip 3D on my machine. When I enable the Aero, clicking the mouse wheel brings up Flip 3D.

Anyone got any idea what is this thing?

Actually i quite like it, because it is fast as hell, way faster and more useful than other third party "expose on windows" third party solutions I tried some time before.

I was wondering how to bring up this thing from my keyboard, but win+tab does nothing. As for now, only clicking the mouse wheel works.

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Strange Sub-window In WinMail

Jun 13, 2008

Contrary to others I love Vista!Meanwhile I have 3 machines running under Vista (my desktop, my TabletPC and my wife's desktop). What bothers me most at present:
For app. 2 weeks - out if a sudden - on my desktop (and only there) I'm having an unseen phenomenon with the screen layout:

Below the normal parts of the WinMail-window (columns for the folders[left side] and the headers preview and the messages preview [right,upper and lower half]) appears a sub-window with a scrollbar which stretches across the whole WinMail window. This sub-windows always is totally empty (no contents at all).

As this description might be unclear, pls see:

I cab drag this sub-window bigger and smaller. But there always remain a minimal height determined by the "Up" and "Down" scroll-button (arrows).

I checked literally *everything* to get rid of this totally useless(empty) sub-window. To no avail An I already asked in the German Vista NGs. To no avail either {siiiigh}

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Strange Bug, Nothign Responds

Mar 26, 2008

following on from the bug i had Ive scanned the drive with the maxtor/seagate tools and no problems. It seems to be something to do with the harddrive as if is start a checkdisk it almost instantly causes problems, you can move the mouse but nothign responds. If you try and go into ctrl-alt-delete you get a message saying a 'logon process has failed to create the security options dialog'.

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Strange Mouse Happenings

Jun 1, 2008

Up until a few days ago, my mouse(s)(both my notebook pad and my wireless Mouse) worked "normally".That is,I could highlight text by holding the control key down;pressing the left button and then could copy/paste that elsewhere.That still happens on my Windows mail items.However,whenever I now go to a"dialog box' in a web site...and try to do the same thing,highlight the text and then copy/paste it.I get a"hand" figure that tries to move the text around, but I cannot find a way to highlight and copy anymore.No doubt some setting has changed (probably by me!!).I went to control panel and looked at the various mouse settings, but none of them seem to help.I tried to do three different System Restores and every time I do I get a message that says that the restore didn't work due to an "unspecified error"?

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Strange Noise From Computer

Oct 11, 2008

my friend has an alienware comp and it keeps crashing he is running the asus p5 and unfortunatly his warranty has expired it's also running xp it will crash from boot or some times after 10min other times it's after a few hours. he is running a 7800gtx 256mb gpu also, if anyone knows of any fauts this has after 2 years of use would be appreciated i am recommending a new card for him too 9800gt or there abouts something usefull but not overly pricey as he doesn't require it for things like crysis and stuff

i'm looking for things to look for to help him resolve it as the alienware call out charge for him is 600quid i told him to just get a new comp but he would like to keep it for a while i'm going to fit new ram that i have lying around as i think it may be a hardware fault as there is a strange noise coming from his computer possibly making it an overheating issue but when i googled his comp i got a ton of hits on the same fault with the same comp so it's not a one off case and nowhere was there a solution so i figured i'd put to the people.

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Strange Sound Playing After Every 5-10 Minutes

Sep 13, 2008

i have the notebook since a month and everything works fine. however, i always have that strange sound playing in vista. it happens every 5-10mins, i dont know what it it. its not caused by the hardware, but its played by vista, so to make it clear it is a soundfile. i have no clue, which software or whatever causes it. anyone, who has an idea? and no, it was already there with the original setup, it is not because of any software i installed additionally. i would really be happy, if someone knows how to stop that.

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Strange Volume Mixer Appearance

Sep 4, 2009

My volume mixer looks like this?? (see attached file)

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USB, Strange: Computer Got A Blue Screen

May 7, 2010

im having a problem with one of my usb ports. when using none of the ports at all, vista will randomly "find" a usb device and tell me that it can perform faster. even though there is nothing plugged in (spooky) so after much confusion, i tried to plug my external hard drive in to all my ports (1tb buffallo if your woundering) and when i plugged it into the last one, my computer got a blue screen, with writing on it ( not the blue screen of death tg) saying that it has a problem with one of the usb drivers, and that it needs to shut down to save the computer it only does this when i use this port though. otherwise i just get the "this device can perform faster" thing popping up ever 10 mins or so

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Hibernation Hangs; Strange Event In Log

Jun 10, 2008

I always use hibernation, never had a problem with it up until today. When I tried to start the computer, the "Windows is resuming" screen just sits there. indefinitely and the green progress bar at the bottom is extremely slow. I tried deleting the hiberfil.sys file and re-enabled hibernation, but the same problem keeps occurring. So I started browsing the event logs and I found that every time I hibernated the system today I got an: The previous system shutdown <at time/date> was unexpected error. Which is strange as it was not unexpected for me, I initiated it. What could be causing this?

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Strange Remote Assistance Can't Sign

Jul 3, 2008

cannot log on to Windows Live messenger at all. We have done disk cleanup, deleted cookies and temp and temp internet files. I can log on to her WLM account from my machine, but all she gets is "Cannot sign you on at this time" messages. So, I though I'd try TeamViewer. Works here on my LAN, works from here to my daughter's machine 150 miles away. When she clicks on the customer exe, she gets a window up saying "No connection to the Internet" and the ID box shows the local IP and no password. I'm stumped as to what might be causing this. She can surf the internet, download files, send emails, etc etc but NOT log onto WLM or use TeamViewer.

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Drive Icon Changed (only 1) - Strange Issue

Aug 11, 2009

I've read the Tutorial on this: Drive Icon Change but not sure where to start.

I multi-boot (Vista Ultimate SP2 on C: & D:, Windows 7 Ultimate on L: ) and the same strange icon appears in Windows Explorer in all the 3 systems I boot. That makes registry editing a question mark....where do I do it, if I do it?

I've run chkdsk and the volume is clean. This is a brand new computer and all was well until I used that drive for the first time yesterday when I backed up my files from my external drive to it.

Any suggestions anyone?

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