Rebuild Search Index Does Not Find Files

May 10, 2010

I am thinking of rebuilding the search index. I have noticed that the search
function does not find files I know are there. I think I know how to do it, and I gather it will take a long time.

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Rebuild Index To Restore Original Defults

Mar 18, 2009

I have been reading the posts on this site for some time and I am impressed with the depth of knowledge displayed by some of the experts. I hope that you will be able to help me with my problem. I am using a Dell 1720 Inspiron laptop with Vista Home Premium 32 bit. In use for more then one year with no problems until now. A problem has arisen with the Index and Search feature which has defied my attempts to correct. I describe the problem as follows: For example, I wish to locate a file titled 'catalog.xls'. I enter the Start menu and in the Search box at bottom of menu, I write 'c'. The return should be a selection of files grouped as 'PROGRAMS', 'FILES' and 'FAVORITES&HISTORY'. The avorites and the Programs are there but not the Files. I am certain that the 'catalog.xls' file does exist and it is in the hard drive but my searcher (index) system is failing to locate it or any other files.In my attempts at correcting this, I went to CP>Index Options. States that zero files have been indexed. I then tried to rebuild the index and/or to restore original defaults.

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System Hanging: Search Service Has Failed To Create The SystemIndex Search Index

Jul 29, 2009

Ive ran all the usual virus and malware checks and all is clear. Ive checked Event Viewer I see an error every 2 minutes or so. Error message with red exclamation is: 'The Windows Search Service has failed to create the SystemIndex search index. Internal error 1, 0x800700b7, Failed to add Gather Application: Windows>.'' After this warning icon shows error message: 'The Windows Search Service is attempting to remove the old catalog.' Next another warning icon shows message:..........

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Windows Ultimate X64 Search Engine - Search Fails To Index

Jun 18, 2009

I've got an apparently "broken" search installation. So that I can skip through the normal "click the folder you want to index" type of answers, it's way beyond that. Let me give some background first. This is a new installation of Vista x64 Ultimate on this machine. I just installed it a little over a week ago after I got a blue screen of death that wouldn't allow any type of system restore, etc on the prior install. My prior installation on that machine was a Vista Ultimate x32 bit. The prior installation had the OS on the C: drive and I had moved "My Documents" out of a Windows XP onto the D: drive (D:My DOcuments).

In that prior installation, I left all Music, Videos, documents etc. under the original layout and just pointed the Vista "music", "documents", etc folders to the sub folders. I had no problem indexing on my prior version. I have a Vista 64 bit Ultimate at work as well and IT has no problem indexing even under the default locations..........

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Search Index Always Erases Itself

Feb 28, 2009

I constantly am finding that i have to go in to control panel> Indexing options to re-submit the locations that i want Vista to index for searches. Why does it keep clearing itself and anyone know of a solution?

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Search Index Not Running

Mar 23, 2008

my vista Home Premium has yet again got the index/search not working. Start/Control panel/ Index Options, gives me a dialogue box that says the index is not running and all the other functions are greyed out. I have had this before and found that I had to reinstall Vista (a fix was expected early 08) I believe it is being caused by my external hard drive being removed and the drive no longer is available to the Index?.
I have tried the "0 in SetupCompletedSuccessfully" fix, and copying the
gathrprm.txt and schema.txt files to the configure Folder.I have a Sony VGN-FZ11z fully updated with Vista Home Premium. I really dont want to reinstall again.

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Search Index SEND ERROR

Jul 10, 2008

I am having a problem with my search index, Every time I turn on my computer and log into my account, about 7 windows pop up every 5 seconds saying Windows search index has encountered an error.

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Index And Search Weird Behavior

Apr 27, 2009

I have a folder under my user profile folder, let's name it folder1. It's the same level as documents, pictures, etc. It is indexed. Index has been complete.

This is the weird behavior:

when i go to folder1 and search nothing appears. It's blatantly a bug because I search a text in the first filename i see yet it still turns out nothing!

But when I search from my user profile folder, it finds something from folder1.

I have rebuilt the index many times over.

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Windows Search Indexing Will Not Index

May 9, 2008

When I go to indexing options only 17 objects are indexed even though I've been using the computer for hours. I tried to do a rebuild but nothing is happening. For instance, in Outlook the search is not working and it says I have 9850 objects still to index. I had to do a system repair with the repair DVD earlier on.

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Vista's Desktop Search To Index Thunderbird Emails?

Jun 5, 2008

HP finally after already one ship-back, replaced my motherboard and hard drive. Now that she's not in a defective swamp, Vista is working. Somewhat. I use Thunderbird because Vista mail still limits me to 29 addreses in my address book, always deleting the last one and adding the latest. That is way dumb, even dumber than I for not scaling the learning curve of Outlook. Is there a way, please say yes, to get Vista's desktop search to index my Thunderbird emails?

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Search Results: "Index This Folder For Faster Searching"

Oct 11, 2009

If I use "start search" and look for something that might be in program files/email/web history/etc then I can type in a couple of chars and it's up there in the results. I have a folder of MP3 music and if I search for something (in the title) I get no results. The folder is marked as "Index this folder for faster searching" so why does it not get included in the search?

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Files Missing From Index Options

Jan 12, 2009

I have added D:Music to the index locations in Indexing Options. It is displaying the message Indexing Complete however when i search for files that I know exist in this folder it doesn't find them. Most of the files are MP3s and I have checked that they are included in the types of files to be indexed.

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How Do DOS FIND With W/E Search?

Apr 5, 2008

I may not understand how Windows Explorer's Search (W/E Search) is supposed to work. I know how the Find in the DOS Window works, so let me start with an example using FIND. My expectation that both have similar capabilities is perhaps misplaced. In the "search for content" thread below I describe the steps I took to make sure the .DAT extension is in the index control panel, and re-indexed several times to insure that .DAT files are in the index.

I have a folder named TPL which I think has been indexed. It has about 5000 text files in it most of which happen to have the extension .DAT, and several other text files, some of which have the extensions .INC and .TXT. I know some of the files have the phrase GRID in them, some multiple times. I go to the folder I want in DOS, and get to the point where the cursor is:............

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Search Can't Find A File?

Jun 9, 2009

I have a file in my appdata folder that I'd like to check and see if duplicates exist in other (sub) folders. I copy the filename exactly and then paste it in the search box on the start button. Vista says there are no such files. Meanwhile I'm looking at at least one copy of the file in another window?

How can I search my entire harddrive for a file since the old XP search seems to have been removed?

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How Can Find Search In Vista

Jun 1, 2009

involves the search function with vista. i've always been with xp or at least for a long time and search was easy to find. how do i find search in xp.

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Search Cannot Find SNIPPING TOOL?

Apr 5, 2009

Search cannot find SNIPPING TOOL, why?, How do I get it back?

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Search Function: How Find Video Clips

Mar 23, 2008

Vista search has presets for pictures, e-mail, documents, music and other. How can I set it to find all video clips regardless of extension without doing a separate search for each extension?

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Can't Search And Find All Locations Of Specific File Extension

Sep 28, 2009

Why can't I search and find all locations of a specific file extension? I used to be able to do that! When I try it now it only allows the search in one directory!
I'm not new to windows or computers.

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Search: Vista Doesn't Find And Extremely Slow?

Apr 13, 2008

I just cant' seem to get search to work worth a damn in Vista. Files that I know I have Vista doesn't find and it is extremely slow. I'm not a computer expert by any stretch, but I never had trouble with using search in XP.

I do like much about Vista, just need a search feature that doesn't search for stuff like my kids would. Anyone point me to a program that works with Vista and is safe to use?

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Windows Desktop Search 4.0: How To Find Music By Duration

Apr 23, 2009

I read this tutorial many months ago to learn the secrets of this very powerful tool that Windows Desktop Search is compared to the old plain search in XP: Many people still ignore how sophisticated Window Desktop Search can be or worse they simply blame it and regret old search engine... go learn how to use it first! Today I discovered that it can actually be used to find also MP3s by duration (finally)! Let's say you want to search for all music >6 mins long... First enable natural language search, it's much easier: ...after this passage, you can type in this in the Start menu: music duration >3600000000 and you'll find all MP3s greater than 360 seconds (6 mins)! Isn't that simple? Don't ask my you have to add 7 zeroes after the seconds, but it works! Obviously you can do much more with the Advanced Query Syntax and this is just an example Hope this hint can be useful for others as it was for me... Tested on Vista SP1, x86, Italian, Windows Desktop Search 4.x installed

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Volatile Exp Index: Memory Index Drops To 5.3

Apr 19, 2008

My memory exp index was 5.9 previously. For some reason, i reinstalled my Vista includeing all necessary drivers (EXACTLY the same as before). But... so weird... the memory index drops to 5.3, WTH? I don't wanna have a severe performance degradation.

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Rebuilt Index After Removing All Folder Index

Jan 1, 2009

Im new to vista and have looked over this forum but cant seem to find an answer to my issue...which is: I open "Computer" then press on "Searches" (on the left) and then open "Everywhere" which returns 5,000 results...PLEASE how do i clear this list. I have rebuilt the index after removing ALL folders etc to displays ZERO indexed items.

I have then turned indexing off completely on all drives (right click/properties/untick indexing option and select ALL files and subfolders)...and via admin tools/services/windows search (disabled after stopping service) I have rebooted and still thousands of results come up under: Searches/Everywhere Its driving me nuts

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XP Style Slow Search, Unable To Find This Primitive Operation?

Mar 23, 2008

I must be missing something obvious... How do I do an XP style search? You remember, right-click a folder, click "Search", and have Vista search the selected folder? I've been unable to find this primitive operation. I'm willing to give up search control to Vista for local drives, but indexing our entire network, and each and every USB stick/USB Hard drive seems, well, silly for the once or twice a month I need to search in those locations. I'm willing to wait the thirty seconds it takes to search, because I can normally limit the size of the search ("Let me look through the code tree for December", for example).

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Search Program, Non-indexed Files

Feb 3, 2010

I have now found out about the search you can do with Windows key + F, but I was wondering where that program is that the shortcut starts. Is it possible to make another shortcut that would just be on the desktop to the same search program, so you would only need to click on the shortcut on the desktop?

Also, is it possible to set a default so the search program would also search the non-indexed files, instead of going to the advanced screen and having to check the box? Or does Vista want to require you to have indexing on for every drive?

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Search Doesn't Scan Pdf Files

Mar 23, 2008

The built in search version for Vista (I have Vista Business 64 bit)doesn't search pdfs. I have Acrobat version 8.1.2. I read about aproblem on this but the solution was to update.

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Bulk Search: Consolidate The Files

Nov 1, 2008

I have Vista Ultimate. I need to find about 60 files on my PC, the file names are listed on a word document, and the actual files are stored in many different folders on my PC.

I need to consolidate the files into one folder. Is there some way I can do a bulk search using "search" where I load the file names and Vista finds them and shows where they are located.

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Does Windows Search Within Files Contents

Jun 29, 2008

Does Windows Vista new search engine search within files contents. I have many Word files .doc on an external hard drive that is indexed for search. I would like to find files containing certain words. Don't understand "contents" search option.

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Search Doesnt Transfer Files To A Dongle

May 21, 2009

Is there any known fix for vista search yet? I'm currently transfering files to a dongle, and plugging it into an old windows 98 machine to do searches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Burn Files To Dvd, 'search Active Caption'

Oct 26, 2009

I have vista home premium on my laptop and have just tried burning backup rar files to dvd but when I hit the burn files to dvd button it comes up with a box that says 'search active caption' and wont let me burn anything to dvd. I have no idea where this app/programme came from but when i did a search it showed it was linked to Bebo. How on earth do I get rid of it? When I right click any folder on the desktop 'search active captions' is also listed as an option

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Hide Hidden FILES And FOLDERS During SEARCH?

Jan 19, 2009

Basically i keep my thoughts personally secret as well as my files in PC, so i want to know how to hide hidden files and folders during search in Vista,when other person try or accidently saw those files and locations in my PC. I am using Vista 32 bit Ultimate version. I tried some options in index that didn't understand much about it to hide hidden folders and files during search. I don't want to show the search results that i made those folders and files hidden to be visible in search.

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Folders/Files Deleted Show Up In Search

Mar 23, 2008

Vista Home Prem 32bit..... I used the "search" feature to look for something and the results displayed several Folders & Files I had deleted some time back. When I right clicked on these items that had been deleled...I got the message, The item cannot be found.....make sure the Folder exists....check that the path is correct.....Or similar words. I would expect to see the message appear appear because the items don't exist.....but why did the search display them? Is there a way to clean emove them so they don't show up on future Searches?

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