Extremely Slow Boot/Start

Aug 30, 2008

I bought a PC with Windows Vista Home Premium, 32bit, Norton McAfee AV included.

Specs: Intel Core 2 Quad Q9300 2.5 GHz, 4 GB Ram, Videocard: Nvidia Geforce 9600 GT.

First time I started it up It worked fine. Then I installed some programs (two games, a DVD media player, MSN Messenger).

The first few times I restarted the PC it was fine, but then after Windows Vista installed the Updates it rebooted and now it reboots EXTREMELY slow. And this on the first day!

It takes at least 10 minutes at the Bios-Screen and then when it is done there it slowly (another 5 min at least) to start windows.

After start-up everything works fine.

What should I do? Did I do something wrong during an install?

I neve had such problems with XP, although removing McAfee AV really quickened the start up (not the initial Bios Booting though) whern I had XP.

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Windows Extremely Slow?

Nov 9, 2009

My laptop has gotten so slow and I dont know whats causing it and would like to know how to fix it without having to send it away to get fixed (im too skint). I have LOADS of space left, barely anything installed, and ive no idea on what is causing this problem. Ive tried using CCleaner to search for viruses and to clean the laptop up but it said there were none found.

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Network & Internet... Extremely Slow

Mar 6, 2009

I am very PC-Challenged when it comes to Networking & Internet and I have 2 problems at the office that you may be able to help me with. We have a small business package from AT&T (used to be bellsouth), one of those lines if a dedicated ADSL broadband, each line has a filter and we also have a Netopia ADSL router (motorola 3347-02-1006L) + linksys Gigabit 8 port switch.

There is 1 server (Windows 2000 Server OS w/SP4) and 3 workstations running XP Pro w/SP3 (2GB's of Ram all up to date with drivers and MS updates... I make sure of that). The server sits very close to my workstation as I have a KVM switch to adjust or make changes on it and to utilize only 1 monitor + kb/mouse. This is the first issue we have: (Gibabit Ethernet adapters on workstations)

One of my partners claims that if my computer is off, the software we use to sell our products runs very fast on his computer but, as soon as I turn on my workstation and I load the software, his speeds show significant downtime (slowness?). Again, not being very knowledgeable at networking I find this to be annoying but illogical at the same time

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Extremely SLOW File Copy 64 To XP SP3

Jan 23, 2009

I'm a new Vista user and I've been struggling with extremely slow file copies between my Vista 64 Home Premium SP1 system and my XP SP3 system. I've searched and searched and tried a number of suggestions in posts that I have found. None have worked. I'm running a Wireless G (54mbps) network. My Internet access from both system is very fast (FiOS 20mbps download), so no issues there.

When I say extremely slow I'm talking less than 200 KBps. I get the same slow response using Explorer and Robocopy. I have disabled autotuning and RSS with these commands.

netsh interface tcp set global rss=disabled
netsh interface tcp set global autotuninglevel=disabled

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Extremely Slow Zip File Extraction

Apr 3, 2008

I am using vista without sp1. It takes about 6 minutes to extract a 900kb file. This is consistant with any zip file I try to extract. Another example was a file that was 1.7mb which took almost 30 minutes. I do not use any 3rd party programs currently for dealing with zipped files and this was a clean vista install. I thought maybe there was a coflict with the file being virus scanned as it was extracting. I was using AVG but I have it disabled so that it doesn't launch at startup. Please note that is not the most current version of AVG designed for vista. I recall this being a problem even before I installed AVG antivirus however this may still be some part of the issue. I wanted to check for other suggestions before I completely dumped my virus program

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Startup Speed And Shut Down Are Extremely Slow

May 31, 2009

I've recently "clean install" Vista SP1 Home Premium to replace XP on my Dell Desktop; it's working but start up and shut down are extremely slow. I have a new laptop with same Vista SP1 version but it's much faster on power up and down. By the way, I have CA virus program on the Desktop, but McAfee on the laptop. One major difference between two computers is that I do have MSOffice Bussiness 2007 with Outlook and using the outlook on the desktop but I am using Windows Mail on the Laptop

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Start With Slow Boot And Error

Mar 21, 2010

i recently formatted and reinstalled windows on my computer and for some reason i have had nothing but trouble since. a run down of my problems, i had 4gb of ram now she will only run on 2gb, she used to be really fast at booting up and shuting down and now i can flick her on and have my breakfast before she has even thought about doing anything. I had a nosey in the event logger and amongst the hundred of errors daily, the one mark BOOT ERROR, is this one.

no viruses, hard drives are defragged and check disked. for the record when she is on she is fine, no problems, just booting up and shutting down it starts playing up

Windows has started up:.............

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Search: Vista Doesn't Find And Extremely Slow?

Apr 13, 2008

I just cant' seem to get search to work worth a damn in Vista. Files that I know I have Vista doesn't find and it is extremely slow. I'm not a computer expert by any stretch, but I never had trouble with using search in XP.

I do like much about Vista, just need a search feature that doesn't search for stuff like my kids would. Anyone point me to a program that works with Vista and is safe to use?

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Extremely Slow Internet Browsing... Download Speeds Are Fine

Mar 31, 2009

can I speed up my browsing on the internet? I know some sites are slower than others but, as of late, the internet seems to slow down to a crawl yet, when I do the speed test, I end up scoring higher or just where I am supposed to be at. I only use Avast as my A.V. & Spyware + Windows Firewall, no proxies. I am also using OpenDNS for my dns address and this has help a bit but still, I will like more from it since when I download a file, it does it fairly quick.

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Boot Slow, Check Disk At Boot

Jun 3, 2008

Vista used to boot up very quickly. Now it spends ages on the page with the "loading" bar. Is it performing some sort of CHKDSK during this time? I only have sidebar and rocket dock starting up, and it's fast again when it gets to the desktop, it's just that loading bit takes quite an ages, and it didn't used to. Virus/spyware/malware free. How do i find out if it's doing some sort of chkdsk at boot?

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IE Start Slow

May 31, 2009

i noticed Internet Explorer has started talking forever to start up. When i first open the program the tab says connecting for like, 30 seconds. Ran norton and pctools but didn't show any bugs. Did one of the updates change a setting or is there a work around??

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Slow Start Up

Oct 11, 2009

When I`m starting up my pc the name of the manufacturer is on screen for 5 minutes. How can I resolve this?

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Slow Start Up After Reformat

Jan 26, 2010

Why does my laptop has a slow start up after i reformat my laptop?

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Slow Start Up/booting

Jul 29, 2009

it takes 52 secs for my laptop vista 64 Home Premium to pop the log in screen & 58 after log in to load 8 start up programs. My desktop running on XP Pro does all that in 45-52 secs total. I've defragged hard drive, registry, killed aero, reduced opening window time, readjusted unwanted vista service (SP2- safe) program according to Black Viper and I don't see why I have to wait more than a minute loading to start working. Is Windows 7 going to take that long too? What else is there to be done to reduce loading time?

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Windows Mail Slow To Start

Sep 17, 2009

If I start Windows Mail right after I boot up my computer and the desk top is
first available, it takes 2-3 minutes for Windows Mail to start. I have
Norton 360 security.

If I wait a few minutes to click on Windows Mail it will start right away.

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Windows Explorer Slow Start

Jun 25, 2008

i have such a problem: when i unplug the lan cable windows explorer applications take 40-45 sec to start! i have to wait that time to open any kind of file or folder however other external programs are not affect!

it's very strange but when it's already opened a folder or file and is not closed any other folder or file can be opened without taking these 45 sec, i mean they start normally! and that happens every time the lan cable is unplugged.

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Slow To Boot Up

May 31, 2008

i installed vista home up from XP but it takes a good 5 mins to boot up.

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Was Slow, Now It 15 Min Boot

Mar 18, 2008

installed SP1. Used to take 10 minutes to boot and another 1-2 to log in. Now it's 15 min to boot and at least 8 minutes to log in. Launching any program is coffee trip time, if I brew a new pot sometimes Vista is ready when I get back. Nice. Attta boy M$, way to bork it up again core 2 duo 2ghz, 4GB of ram (top of the line HP notebook) Fresh install of the OS (drive barfed)

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Sound Output Real Bad, Start Slow

Jan 6, 2008

I Was using the Sony Sound Forge 8 in a HP laptop with XP Pro and the program was working really good,but I had a problem with the HP Laptop and I have to run and bought a new computer,as a computer technician,the warehouses make me good prices in computer parts and computers,so I bought an Acer Aspire 4520 with the VISTA OS and now I dont know if it is the computer or the Vista that make the sound output real bad like when you are listening to an old cassette machine,it start slow and after a while you start listening acceptable..I don't know if it is syncronization beetween the data that is in the hard disk and the program or it's that I need a driver,I download the Realtek audio driver just in case,and installed but I still have the problem..But if I play any music in iTunes it sounds real good.

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Slow Boot Up Time

Apr 1, 2009

I used to be able to boot up in no time. The microsoft vista "lightbar" used to scroll left to right about 5 times. Now, it scrolls 43 times.

I did the Visual basic test that I found here and my boot up time is 155 seconds. I do know part of my problem is my antivirus but looking around I found more problems.I have major bootup errors in the event log.

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Boot Up And I Still Have A Slow Startup

Nov 9, 2008

I tried everything in here: Boot Up And I still have a slow startup: 30-40 seconds just on the Windows loading bar. When I first installed Vista it was not like this. I tried to figure out what was causing this so I downloaded xperf and did a xbootmgr trace.

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My Boot Time Is Very Slow.

Nov 21, 2009

I have all the latest windows updates installed, including Service Pack 2. I also have latest BIOS installed. I have already configured msconfig for start up applications and services. But, still my computer boots very slowly. Right now it takes about 1 minute and 20 seconds to boot up.

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Can BIOS Cause Slow Boot Up

Feb 26, 2010

Can a slow boot up of an Acer Aspire 4710 laptop is caused by a not updated BIOS software? The laptop has a Core 2 duo processor and Windows Vista Home Basic.

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64bit: Slow Boot

Jan 24, 2008

A rough timeline:Turn on PC, 18 seconds - bios screen flashes up for a split second (this hasn't always happened), follwed by "checking nv ram" followed by a screen that shows the two CD drives (why?)- black- 34 seconds - vista loading bar. 46 seconds - black 1.53 (!!!!!) - Windows icon appears. 1.56 - login ready

On fresh install (week or so ago) it was fine, then there were 48 updates to install...since then it's been slow. I've ensured HDD is first boot device, i've defragged the HDD, even tried RC1 of SP1, but that just seemed to make it crash so i've since uninstalled it - made no difference to my boot time.

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Slow Down Boot Up Process

Jul 7, 2008

my Vista booted with scrolling the green thingy about 7 times. Yesterday, all of a sudden, it started to boot with scrolling it about 20-25 times. I tried to turn off some programs to load with Windows (Steam, Adobe and iTunes). Also turned some services off/put to Manual (like Printer Spooler, iTunes Helper and so on), but that didn't help. When I installed Windows I found out that disabling service named Server made the boot time that short and it's still disabled. what might slow down the boot up process? I guess something related to network and networking services but I'm not sure.

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Incredible, Ultra Slow, Notebok Start-up Takes 10

Apr 2, 2008

I don't know if the cause is the update from Acrobat from ver. 8 Professional to 8.1.2 but now notebok start-up takes 10 or more minutes and then my user start-up takes other 10-20 minutes! In other words, it's extremely slow from when I turn it on to when I turn if off, you can't use it anymore! What's happen?

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Slow Boot Vista Ultimate

Dec 30, 2008

I've tried all the common fixes posted around the net. I get a two minute boot in safe mode and in reg mode with nothing in the startup. I feel that after looking at the bootlog file that it has something to do with drivers that don't load during the boot. According to the log I have dozens and dozens of drivers that apparently don't load. Here is a sample of the log. I don't enclose the whole log because it is very large. I will if necessary:

Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32DRIVERSsnapman.sys
Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32Driversmup.sys
Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32driversecache.sys
Loaded driver SystemRootSystem32DRIVERSfvevol.sys
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversdisk.sys
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driversCLASSPNP.SYS
Loaded driver SystemRootsystem32driverscrcdisk.sys
Did not load driver @nettun.inf,%isatap.displayname%;Microsoft ISATAP Adapter
Did not load driver @nettun.inf,%isatap.displayname%;Microsoft ISATAP Adapter
Did not load driver @nettun.inf,%isatap.displayname%;Microsoft ISATAP Adapter
Did not load driver @nettun.inf,%tunmp.displayname%;Microsoft Tun Miniport Adapter
Did not load driver @hal.inf,%acpiapic.devicedesc%;ACPI x86-based PC.......................

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Slow Boot:Freezes On Run Application

Sep 29, 2009

It takes about 2 minutes to boot to all my startup programs. However, for the next 10 to 15 minuts the hard drive is running continuously. If I try to run another app., e.g. Outlook, it will freeze and the "Not Responding" notation appears at the top of the screen. I've tried to nail down what might be hogging the hard drive (using reliability and performance monitor) but can't identify any single program. I have 50 gigs free space, 2 GB RAM. I defrag once a week and clean up temp files and cashes once a day. It seems all proposed solutions I've run across lead me to one of the registry cleanup programs. I run Reg. Clean & Wise Registry Cleaner once a week. Real time monitoring by McCafee and Windows Defender. I have run both AD Aware and Spy Bot frequently.

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Slow Boot, Screen Is Going Blank?

Aug 17, 2008

I have a notebook with Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit on it. The problem is that my boot is take a lot of time. First I get the BIOS screen with the Dell logo that is taking about 3 seconds (so that is good). But the loading bar is taking a lot of time. It is going from left to right for 13 times (This is not normal I think). After that, my screen is going blank for about 10 seconds and then I get a black screen with mouse cursor for about 10 seconds and then again a blank screen for 10 seconds (So a total of 30 seconds, which also not normal). After that I get the vista logo with the sound and the welcome screen, which is taking a long time (for about 25 seconds).

After that I get a blank screen for 20 seconds and then the desktop appears and from now on everything is running fine. So my question is: WHAT is causing this slow boot! I have already read the tutorial 'How to Speed Up Vista Boot Time' and did everyting they said. My startup programs are Kaspersky Internet Security and MSN Messenger. I have enabled superfetch and prefetch and set the registry value on 3. What else can I do to decrease the boot time?

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Slow Boot,. Windows Update KB954430?

Apr 23, 2009

For the last few days my 'pc' (http://www.vistax64.com/) takes three and half minutes to load. I did have the windows update KB954430 installed around that time. All malware and virus scans come up clean. Could this update be the problem? It takes 90 sec. to get to the welcome screen, then the screen goes black untill the programs begin to load at 195 seconds. the loading of programs seems to be in a normal time frame.

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Re-installing :computer Started To Boot Up Slow

Jul 27, 2009

My computer has Vista Home Premium installed but about a couple of weeks ago my computer started to boot up slow (taking about 10 minutes). I couldn't figure out the problem and neither could anybody else so I am going to re-install vista.Is it possible to re-install vista without losing any personal or program data?

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