Partition Resize: Not Shrink

Mar 26, 2008

Tried the built-in partition mgr but it does not shrink the partition much. Can it use partition magic 8 on it?

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Partition Tool: Not Shrink Partition

Mar 13, 2009

My C: drive is 1Tb in size (931.43Gb), with Used Space of 73.8Gb and Free Space of 857.65Gb. I want to shrink the C: partition down to 200Gb, and use this just for my OS and App files - I'm running Vista Ultimate 64 bit. This would then leave me with a new partition of c. 750Gb for my data files and documents etc. However, Vista will only offer to shrink the C: partition by around 260Gb as a maximum. It will not allow me to select a larger size than this. I've tried turning off System Restore / Shadow Copies, but this makes no difference. Any ideas why this should be, and what can I do? p.s. I've tried using Acronis Disk Director as well, but whilst I can select a new C: partition size of 200Gb, when the system reboots, nothing has changed, so ADD won't work either.

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Resize 32-bit XP Partition From 64-bit

Apr 21, 2008

I have a partition on my laptop with Vista 64-bit as my main OS. The second partition is an XP build (32-bit). I want to resize the XP partition but the built in Vista disk management controls keep bringing back an error. I'm thinking about reformatting and putting on a 32-bit Vista. Any pointers or know how I can resize w/o formatting?

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Partition Resize?

Mar 23, 2008

Tried the built-in partition mgr but it does not shrink the partition much. Can it use partition magic 8 on it?

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Resize FAT32 Partition In Windows

Jun 24, 2009

Does anyone know if Windows Vista can resize a FAT32 partition? I have a HD with 2 partitions (the 1st one is a FAT32 and the 2nd is a NTFS), and the expand / shrink options are only available for the NTFS partition (for the FAT32 partition the options appear in the menu but are not available).

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Resize Linux Partition From Windows

Sep 28, 2009

i have tried this post in other forums but with no real reply. I have recently installed Ubuntu and dual boot that and vista. I am haveing problems in ubuntu regarding disk space. can i resize the Ubuntu partition using vista? i have a partition wizard home edition and this is what my disks are currently like.

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Unable To Shrink C Drive For New Partition

Feb 5, 2008

See attached. Cannot shrink the C: drive to create a new partition. using Vista Ultimate 64bit with SP1 refresh 2

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Disk Management - Shrink Partition In Vista

Aug 12, 2009

I refer specifically to this Tutorial;

Disk Management - Shrink Partition

A bit of background first. I have recently had installed a new 320GB Hard-drive to my Laptop [see my Specs]. The allocation of partition [volume] space has been divided evenly between the C:[Acer] - 139GB, and the D:[Data] - 138GB, Drives on the HD.

This is what I have;


Question 1; Is this setup division just the 'norm' for allocating volume space for each drive? In this case it is more or less a 50:50 share of the available space [PQ Service on a hidden partition takes up the rest]....why not 65%[C]:35%[D]? Question 2; Is it necessary for the partition volume of the Data drive to more or less mirror that of the Acer drive? Question 3; If answer to Q2 is 'not necessarily so', am I then able to partition the Data drive to create a new drive partition of about 60GB, or are there any pitfalls in playing around with this particular drive? If possible, I'd like to create a new drive on the HD for personal data storage.

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Partitioning HD: Minimum Shrink Existing Partition Around 176gb?

Mar 29, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium preloaded on a Dell Inspiron 1520 with a 320gb hard drive. I would like to isolate the OS from my data by shrinking the OS partition to 42GB and creating another partition for my data. However, Vista's partitioning utility says the minimum I can shrink the existing partition to is around 176gb. I suspect that even though I have defragged the hard drive, there is some part of the OS that is sitting on the drive out far enough to cause this. I can't verify this because Vista's defrag utility doesn't show you a map of the drive during defrag. Anyone know of a way around this?

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Shrink Volume & Create New Partition Using Disk Management Console

Jun 2, 2009

I downloaded Windows 7 RC1 with the intent of adding a partition to my HDD and dual booting. My understanding is that I would need a 16GB partition. My Disk Management Console tells me I have two existing primary partitions (expected). D (the recovery partition) is 6.62GB. The other (C) makes up the difference (~142GB) and has 47.1GB free space. When I begin the "shrink volume" process, it says that only 3MB is available to shrink C. I checked the page file and it has less than 3GB allocated to it. So, I have two questions. First, why isn't more shrinkage ;>) space available? Two, assuming that with your help I can find more space, if I try to create a 16GB partition from C will I significantly affect computer performance?

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Icons To Resize Properly

Apr 29, 2009

I can't seem to get some of my Desktop Icons to resize properly. As you can see in the pic below, some are just like resizing the area of the icon and not the icon it self. These are shown by the little border around the icons. Im not familiar with icon formating.

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Resize Picture Not Sent Email

Mar 23, 2008

How can I resize a picture, using Windows Photo Gallery, BUT NOT send it as a email? (I just want to save a smaller size on my PC)

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Resize Applications To Cover The Whole Screen

Aug 4, 2009

That devious trick did not work for me. Here is what I did;

1. Create a pps ( many slides included ).
2. Open new ppt > Insert > Object > click Create from file >Browse and locate my pps > OK
3. Resize my pps to cover the whole screen, set Animations as Automatically after 3 seconds.
4. Save it as pps.
When I tried to view, it only show the 1st slide and exited. What step did I missed

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Resize Photographs For Forum Attachments

Jan 16, 2009

I want to attach photographs to a post and the size limit for uploading is 146.5 KB. How do I resize the photograph, while keeping the original in its actual size?

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When Resize A Window And Change The View Style

Apr 10, 2008

When I resize a Window and change the view style, that Vista Home Premium actually keep those settings and does not keep changing the Window position and view every time I reopen the window and after a reboot as well. It is actually starting to drive me mad with frustration.....

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Resize Partitions With Vista Disk Management

Jun 28, 2006

In Windows Vista it is now possible to resize partitions without any data loss in the new Disk Management console.

Resizing Partitions with Windows Vista:

Click on the Start Button and right click on Computer and select Manage.

Expand the Storage section and select Disk Management.

Then just right click on any partition and select either Expand or Shrink to change the size of the partition....

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True Clean Re-install To Resize Drive

Mar 26, 2008

I want to do a true clean re-install of Vista Ultimate, and wipe out all data on my hard drive (not a clean lite re-install). When I select drive D I'm told it's too small to use for the install. I'm unable to resize this drive.

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Partitioning, Can't Shrink Further

Jun 15, 2008

I partitioned my new computer 400 gig HD using Vista. It has put 180 gigs in C:, which I can't shrink further. It has 162 gigs available and I would prefer to reduce that to 90 gigs and use 90 gigs elsewhere.

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How Increase Shrink Space?

May 19, 2009

How to increase the shrink space. I have lenovo Y410. Its hard Drive is partitioned in three parts: 20 GB C Drive - primary drive where i have my OS, one of 117 GB D drive just another partition for data and one more 10 GB for recovery. What i need is to shrink D drive to 107 GB and create a new drive of about 10 GB. but the problem is that disk management says that it can only be shrinked to about 2.6 GB ----So what to do....plz tell me. By the image u can see the disk management system. Its the D drive i need to shrink.

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VISTA Shrink Process.

Apr 18, 2009

I don't know where to start At the beginning I guess which seems like ages ago but it was only a few hours ago Okay, I wanted to shrink my 650gig C drive down to 85 or so. I read a tutorial on the net about how to do it and they said that you could do it by defragging with Perfect Disk, defragging the System Files with it, and then performing a few other steps which would allow you to shrink C to a lot smaller than the 350 gigs it was originally allowing me to do.

The steps were to turn off hibernation and delete the files, turn off system restore and delete files, and turn off the page file.Then perform a defrag and then a system file defrag on boot up, then shrink.

I did this and then repeated the "rinse, lather, repeat" about 3 times to get my C drive down to 85 gigs and leave the biggest part of my 750gig HD for archiving only. Seemed like a good idea at the time So the Shrink process went well. Each time I did a System File defrag with Perfect Disk, figuring that each time the drive shrunk, it could move the MFT file a little closer in thus allowing for more shrinkability. It seemed to work.

After I got C drive down to 85 gigs, I immediately restarted and re-stored my page file settings to "let Vista manage" it, and re-started System Restore and created a new restore point.

But when I re-set the page file I got the message: "Another page file exists, do you want to replace it with this one?" I said, sure, why not? I have a feeling I should have said no. But I moved on NOW I had a 600 gig unallocated section that I needed to format to NTFS. But Vista Disk Mgmt said I could not format it because I already had the limit of 4 partitions:

1. The EISA drive
2. OS C drive
3. Recovery Drive D - came with the Dell
4. Rip Process Download R - I created with Paragon Partition the other day
5. Unallocated - the partition I just created by shrinking C drive with Vista

I knew there was a limit on the number of partitions you could have, which is why I fired up Paragon Disc Manager, which is supposed to do this kind of thing...........

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Looking For Free DVD Shrink/Burn For HP

Aug 5, 2009

I have tried to Google for a free DVD Shrink Program. They all seem to say they are free, but once you download them they suddenly want $40 to $60. Does anyone have an actual link to a truly free program that you can use to shrink and burn decrypted DVD's so I can back up my collection?

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Disk Management - Shrink Volume

Feb 6, 2009

I have a laptop with a 90GB hard disk. There is 60GB free and I'm trying to use the Shrink volume option in Disk Management to make the main partition smaller. After I want to create an additional partition so I can dual boot. The problem lies with Shrink Volume. Even though I have 60GB free it's only offering me the chance to shrink by 14GB.I've turned off system restore and hibernate. I've also used a number of defrag tools including Auslogic and SysInternals.

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Disk Management: Remove The Recovery Partition And Then Extend The C: Partition

Oct 5, 2009

I recently acquired a Dell Studio XPS 435 desktop with Vista Ultimate as the OS. My plan is to upgrade to Windows 7 in the next couple of months or so. Therefore I won't need the Vista recovery partition on the hard drive. I am trying to eliminate it and add to the C: drive partition. Looking at my drive 0 in disk management I have from Right to left a C: partition 683Gb NTFS with the usual Healthy (System, Boot, Page File, Active, Crash Dump, Primary Partition). Directly to the left is the Recovery or D: drive which is 15Gb NTFS marked Healthy (Primary Partition) and finally to the left is the last partition of 71Mb marked Healthy (EISA Configuration). No idea what that is. Right clicking in the Recovery partition gives several options including: format, shrink volume, extend volume, delete volume, mark volume as active, change drive letter and paths, as well as help.

My question is how to remove the recovery partition and then extend the C: partition. My first thought is to format the recovery partition, delete the volume and then right click the C: drive partition and extend it but I really need some advice so I don't screw up the whole disk. For instance I have no idea what if anything hapens to the drive letters.I think maybe what I am calling partitions are really volumes so you can see I am over my head here.

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Extend/Shrink Volume Tools To Decrease The Maximum Capacity Of The NTFS Format

Feb 6, 2010

I have just spent all day, literally, formatting and partitioning my 500gb SeaGate Free Agent. As of now, it is 32gb FAT32, and the rest is NTFS. My question is, can I use the Extend/Shrink Volume tools to decrease the maximum capacity of the NTFS format and therefore increase the maximum capacity of the FAT32 format, as I need more than 32gb. If not, how can I achieve this on Vista?

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EASEUS Partition Master Or Partition Magic?

Mar 16, 2009

i want to extend my system partition on Vista, and my friend Bob told me to use EASEUS Partition Master or Partition Magic, but i dont know which one to choose?

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Extending Partition, Couldnt Make A Partition

Feb 6, 2009

Well for some reason when i wiped my HD clean and tried reinstalling vista home premium i couldnt make a partition until i lowered it to 250 gig. even though when i got it there was 650 gig. So now ive got 400 gig of unallocated space i want to addon to this partition. how would i do that WITHOUT UN installing vista and LOSING my data

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Disk Management & EISA Partition: Delete And Remove To Unlock EISA Hidden Recovery Or Diagnostic Partition In Vista

Jan 14, 2009

I think I messed up my hard drive while trying to erase the EISA partition on it. It's a Gateway P7811-FX laptop with a single 200 GB hard drive. Before, I only had 1 main partition: the C: Drive (176.31 GB), along with the hidden 10 GB EISA partition. After making recovery disks, I followed this tutorial: Delete and Remove to Unlock EISA Hidden Recovery or Diagnostic Partition in Vista » My Digital Life

Following that, I went in Disk Management. The hidden partition showed up, but I couldn't extend the C drive to use the unallocated 10 GB, so I converted it to a simple 10 GB volume. Then I used Acronis Disk Director Suite and merged the two partitions. And now, I can't do anything in Disk Management. There's only one partition now (186.31 GB), but when I right click on it, there's no options to create, shrink, delete, or extend the partition. They were there before, but the only option that shows up is Help.

Under Status, it says Healthy (Active, EISA Configuration). I think I merged the partitions the wrong way, so now there's no "System, Boot, Page File..." partition. Everything is on the EISA partition. When I try to run Acronis, the program doesn't load up. I've tried using Diskpart but I can't create any new partitions either.

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Remove The Partition D Which Is The Recovery Partition

Jul 26, 2009

I've got a Hp computer that has Vista Home Premium 64 bit on it and I want to remove the partition D which is the recovery partition. I have factory backup dvd's, made my own backup dvd's and have a True Image of the drive with both partitions, so I think I'm covered. Anyone know how to go about removing the complete partition?

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Partition Program TO ATLEAST 2 PARTITION

Feb 17, 2009

I don't know if this is the place to post this thread so excuse me if this is the wrong group, I saw none that really applied. I'm running Vista SP1 64bit.

I'm looking for a Free Partition program to partition my external hard drive into at least 2 partitions. Does anyone know of such a program that's straight forward without all the bells and whistles? Also, would I set the partitions as Logical or Primary? Currently the drive is a Primary but if I partition it into 2 partitions what should they be?

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Disk Partioning:can Not "shrink" The OS Portion Below 460 GBytes

Mar 23, 2008

I wanted to partition my 750 GByte disk to give Windows and Programs together about 300 GBytes and I wanted a separate partition for data storage to be about 400 GBytes. However, I can not "shrink" the OS portion below 460 GBytes. I have removed the un-movable Page File. Is there some way to discover who has put an un-movable file at 460 GBytes and is there some way to move it out of the way.

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Shift A Pre-installded, Not "shrink" Operation?

Mar 23, 2008

I have a new Dell laptop with a pre-installed Vista Business,and I would like to shift or "slide" its partition forward toward the start of the hard drive by 10GB to make way for a Linux dual-boot between Vista and Linux. (This is not a "shrink" operation.) Does anyone know of a utility that can do this with Vista? Gparted, BootIt NG, and Acronis Disk Director are the traditional utilities which come to mind, but I've heard of difficulties with Vista partitions where the partition was created by the Vista installer. If you've used any of these or other partitions in their "Vista compatible" versions

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