Extend/Shrink Volume Tools To Decrease The Maximum Capacity Of The NTFS Format

Feb 6, 2010

I have just spent all day, literally, formatting and partitioning my 500gb SeaGate Free Agent. As of now, it is 32gb FAT32, and the rest is NTFS. My question is, can I use the Extend/Shrink Volume tools to decrease the maximum capacity of the NTFS format and therefore increase the maximum capacity of the FAT32 format, as I need more than 32gb. If not, how can I achieve this on Vista?

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Extend C: Partition Drive, NTFS System Boot

May 2, 2010

I am runnig out of space in the C drive, but have plenty of space in D drive. How do I allocate more space from the D drive to the C drive? As you can see I have no memory in C:. What can I do to increase it? Do not want to purchase additional programs, not enough space to install them.

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Cannot Extend Volume

Oct 9, 2009

I am using Vista x64 with a 3ware 9650SE raid controller as a redundant raid5 data drive. I added a 4th 1TB harddrive, and I am trying to extend the volume to merge with the new space currently available. I can't seem to do that though because "Extend Volume" is greyed out, and I can't figure out what is wrong. Can anyone tell me how to fix this? Attached are screenshots that may help.

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Disk Management - Shrink Volume

Feb 6, 2009

I have a laptop with a 90GB hard disk. There is 60GB free and I'm trying to use the Shrink volume option in Disk Management to make the main partition smaller. After I want to create an additional partition so I can dual boot. The problem lies with Shrink Volume. Even though I have 60GB free it's only offering me the chance to shrink by 14GB.I've turned off system restore and hibernate. I've also used a number of defrag tools including Auslogic and SysInternals.

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How To Delete A Partition And Extend The Volume?

Dec 22, 2007

how to delete a partition and extend the volume, and it seems pretty basic. I do have a question though. My C partition is 50GB, and I have a new volume E partition of 100Gb. I also have unallocated space left of 550Gb (750Gb seagate). I think I want to just want to have one big partition. Not sure if it's a good idea, but I was wondering if I need to go ahead and format the unallocated space first, or will I have an option to do it? I did right click on it, and I got an option to make it a simple volume or something similar, but thought I'd wait a bit on that.

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How To Format NTFS

Apr 28, 2008

i'm going to format an external HDD: in the mask that appears in Vista i need to choose the amount i want for the size of the allocation file. what does this mean? How this will influence later my HDD storage capability?

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Shrink Volume & Create New Partition Using Disk Management Console

Jun 2, 2009

I downloaded Windows 7 RC1 with the intent of adding a partition to my HDD and dual booting. My understanding is that I would need a 16GB partition. My Disk Management Console tells me I have two existing primary partitions (expected). D (the recovery partition) is 6.62GB. The other (C) makes up the difference (~142GB) and has 47.1GB free space. When I begin the "shrink volume" process, it says that only 3MB is available to shrink C. I checked the page file and it has less than 3GB allocated to it. So, I have two questions. First, why isn't more shrinkage ;>) space available? Two, assuming that with your help I can find more space, if I try to create a 16GB partition from C will I significantly affect computer performance?

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Make Partition NTFS And Format?

Apr 17, 2009

i have linux ubuntu 8.10 and im changing to vista when i boot from dvd and get to choose partition part i click format drive and it sais error 0x8004005. partition needs to be NTFS. how do i make this partition NTFS and format it so i can have vista?

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Hard Disk Volume NTFS Structure Is Corrupt And Unusable

Feb 11, 2009

In my Event properties I getting a NTFS error that the file system structure is corrupt and unusable.

It tells me this is volume Device Hard disk Volume3

Question is, Which hard drive is that?

In disk manager I have the following

Disk 0 F: drive

Disk 1 D: drive

Disk 2 C: drive

Disk 3 H&P: drive

Disk 4 G: drive

Disk 5 M: drive

I guess that's kinda messed up..huh!

plus other removable cf card / sd card / mmc card drives

I need to Chkdsk the volume3.

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"Extend Volume" Menu On D Drive Greyed Out

Mar 23, 2008

I have just received my Gateway computer. Hard drive (300 GB) is partitioned into C 290 GB and D 10GB. I want to change that. Using Disk Management I used 'Shrink volume' menu reduce C drive to 180 GB and received 110 GB unallocated space. Now I would like to add that unallocated space to D drive, however "Extend volume' menu on D drive is greyed out.

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DVD-RW Capacity Vs. Actual

Feb 16, 2010

I just burned some folders containing mostly JPG files (and a few AVI
files). The DVD has a capacity of 4.7GB - but it only held 2.4GB of
these folders - and the DVD is now full. Why didn't I get the full
4.7GB capacity. I used Nero 9 and chose the Write Data option.

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HD Doesnt Show Capacity

Oct 6, 2008

I just installed windows vista ultimate x64, when i look at my harddrive vista only shows 128 gigs, and 90 gigs used, it doesnt show my full 500 gigs, has anybody else come across this problem? I m pretty sure about my motherboard being 48 LBA, it says its vista ready.

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Change The Volume From The Taskbar, A Window Pops Up Saying "Volume Control Applet Is Not Responding"

Apr 13, 2009

No sound: it's just not working, and whenever I try to change the volume from the taskbar, a window pops up saying "Volume Control Applet is not responding". Also when I right-click on the sound icon and go to 'playback devices' and then go to the recording tab, it freezes (the window) and says "Windows Shell Common dll is not responding. (I don't know if this is related but my iTunes isn't working, I double-click to listen but the little time bar at the top doesn't move at all, but the window does not freeze)

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Experience Performance Decrease

Jan 18, 2009

I've installed Vista recently on my old hdd and after few days I started to notice strange things, during some time whille vista is running (like 20 hours), when I download anything (even at 200 KBs), music starts to stuck every 20 secs or so, when loading video and playing at same time, this happens even more often.

I thought it's my HDD so bought Caviar Black and after installing Vista, few days it was running fine, then again, today I start to experience the same thing.

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Enlarge C & Decrease D Drives?

Jun 25, 2008

I ahve a new notebook that came with Vista Ultimate installed and the HD partitioned into C and D Drives. I want all my documents, Pictures etc to be stored on D drive because C is too small. I want to have one big C drive or a larger one. Can I do this using the Vista Disk management tools of deleting and expanding? There is no data in the D drive.

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Any Software To Analyze Hard Disk Capacity?

Oct 18, 2009

During the past few weeks I have faced the problem of lost some GBs from my Hard Disk! My Hard Disk's Capacity is 500 Gbs! However, when I add together Program Files, Documents and Settings and any other leftovers they don't reach even the amount of 350 Gbs! So, I reckon that I have hidden (lost) some Gbs in my Hard Disk! In the past I used a software that used to analyze my Hard Disk Data i.e. Program Files = 100 Gbs, My Documents = 120 Gbs etc... Does anybody knows any software to do this and to recover the lost data (capacity) if possible!

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Decrease Number Of Restore Points

Mar 5, 2009

I noticed that my 280GB hard disk is seemingly suddenly down to 20GB. I see that my used shadow storage space is 86GB and the allocated shadow space is 88GB and the max shadow space is "unbounded." I have the commands to resize the max space, but I don't know what to resize it to. I know I have about 150GB of programs, files, etc on my c: drive. Can you advise? Is it possible to determine the actual number of restore points that are kept and then simply decrease that number? It would seem that with most problems you wouldn't necessarily want to go back more than 3 or 4 points, would you? I just don't know how the shadow size corresponds to the number of restore points that are kept. 80+ GB just seems completely unreasonable! Incidentally, I also have a recovery drive, presumably created by the computer mfgr (Dell) with 15GB total, and 5GB free.

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Free Space Dramatic Decrease

Nov 14, 2008

over the past 3 months, my free space has decreased dramatically! i had about 14GB of free space and now it's down to 5.5GB. During these months i haven't installed anything, the only thing i do is surf the web, update some old programs and download movies which i transfer to an external hard drive. So i haven't added anything to decrease the free space.

I've noticed that on the user folder, google earth takes some 1.8GB of space. The folder C:Windowswinsxs is growing almost every day and now it has reached 9.57GB So my question is can how can i free some 8GB safely? Is there any folder that keeps temp files that can be safely removed?

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HDD Suffers Daily Space Decrease

Mar 23, 2008

Since I bought this new laptop (toshiba Satellite a215-s7437) I've noticed that every day I check the available space of the hard disk it just keeps getting smaller. I formated the disk about a week ago and obviously it helped, but the problem is starting to reapear...Eg,yesterday it said I had about 147gb, today it has 145gb.... I didn't download nothing, what's worse, i've been deleting stuff to make more room... By the way, its a 200GB HDD, SQ004513V03.

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Hard Drive Space Decrease After Defrag?

Feb 12, 2009

Why does my hard drive space decrease after defrag?

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Free Print Screen Program, Not Decrease Quality?

Sep 3, 2009

When I take print screens and put them on paint to save them the quality is rubbish. Is there a *free *program that you can take print screens with that does not decrease the quality?

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SATA Hard Drive Factory Full Capacity Restore - 64Bit

Oct 3, 2009

Western Digital SATA Hard Drive - 640GB

Vista Home Premium - 64Bit

Gateway desktop.

Would someone know of any utility or method to restore a SATA hard drive's factory full capacity size? During partitioning my drive, it went from 595GB (640GB Drive) to only 32GB. Since it is a 64-Bit system, I can't find a utility to restore the drive's full capacity.

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Unable To Get Vista To Recognize Drivers For My Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 In A Non-RAID Capacity

Apr 30, 2009

I am unable to get Vista to recognize drivers for my Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 in a non-RAID capacity. It's a SATA drive and I am of the understanding that these cause similar problems fairly frequently. In most cases about which I have read, the issue has been solved by choosing the "load driver" option during Vista installation and manually selecting a SATA driver from a driver disk of some form. Unfortunately, this course of action has not turned up any SATA driver on my motherboard's driver disk nor have I been able to find one at the manufacturer's (Gigabyte) website. I am currently waiting for a reply from Gigabyte customer care and am about to look up JMicron's (the SATA controller producer for Gigabyte) website, but I hoped someone here might have some insight into the problem.

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Maximum RAM For X-86?

Mar 23, 2008

When i check the task manager it says i am using ~ 1 GB which is around 30% of ram in the normal settings ( no heavy applications only messenger and IE or Mozilla ). Also the welcome center in vista says i have only 3.00 GB of RAM but
infact i have 4GB physical memory.

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CPU Maximum Frequency Always 100%

Jun 11, 2008

Why is the CPU Maximum Frequency is always 100%?

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Whats HD Maximum Size ?

Aug 21, 2009

What is the maximum size that can be installed on a computer with Vista 32-bit ? I had to partition my 1.0 TB drive before it was recognized by Vista. I will gladly delete that second partition if the whole HDD can be used with a single enlarged partition

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Partitioning, Can't Shrink Further

Jun 15, 2008

I partitioned my new computer 400 gig HD using Vista. It has put 180 gigs in C:, which I can't shrink further. It has 162 gigs available and I would prefer to reduce that to 90 gigs and use 90 gigs elsewhere.

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Maximum Memory That Vista Will Recognize?

Apr 22, 2008

What is the maximum memory that Vista will recognize? I am working on video and am thinking of switching to PC. Need a lot of RAM.

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Which Is The Maximum Length For HDMI Cable?

Dec 14, 2008

Which is the maximum length for using the HDMI cable? Ok what i want to do is. I will like to connect my PC Graphic card Ati Radeon 3870x2 with my HDTV Samsung LE40A656F1 1080p 100Hz LCD 50,000:1 Both are 1080p capable and they have HDMI. But they are in separate rooms,the distance from pc to tv is 50ft long.

1)Is there any problem to use 50ft long HDMI cable?
2)Is there any <<special>> HDMI cable for 1080p?
3)Which is the best brand for the best results?
4)How do i know if my HDMI cable is 1080p capable?

(The main usage for my pc is gaming in 1920x1080 resolution and watching HD movies) I forgot to write that i already have 1 connected tv in my graphic card and i want to connect a SECOND tv in the SECOND hdmi of my card. Is that ok? i will find any problems in picture quality,sound or anything else? The purpose of all this is to play(1920x1080) games in my room,and watch 1080p movies in the living room. How i enable the second tv view in my card? (Btw i found a 15metres HQ hdmi cable) is that a good brand?

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Minimum And Maximum Processor Speed?

Mar 23, 2008

Under the Vista specs, what is the minimum and maximum processor speed?

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Games Setting Maximum Graphics

Jun 1, 2008

just wanted to say what an amazing support forum this is for vista, just a good read over the tutorials section managed to fix/correct everything i wanted.needed after installing vista anyways, found a nice little website to see if you can play a specific game on your system. i know you can check the game website for minimum requirements and all but for the lazy ones like me, just in couple of clicks you can see if your computer is good for the game. another thing that was handy to me was that it shows the minimum requirements of a game and you system specs on a bar from worst to best, gives me an idea if i can push the in-game settings to maximum or not ie. graphics Can You RUN It?

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