Games Setting Maximum Graphics

Jun 1, 2008

just wanted to say what an amazing support forum this is for vista, just a good read over the tutorials section managed to fix/correct everything i wanted.needed after installing vista anyways, found a nice little website to see if you can play a specific game on your system. i know you can check the game website for minimum requirements and all but for the lazy ones like me, just in couple of clicks you can see if your computer is good for the game. another thing that was handy to me was that it shows the minimum requirements of a game and you system specs on a bar from worst to best, gives me an idea if i can push the in-game settings to maximum or not ie. graphics Can You RUN It?

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Minimum And Maximum Processor State "Optimal" Setting

Apr 25, 2010

I have Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit and an AMD X2 Dual-Core QL-60 processor (1.9 GHz).

In Vista Power options, there are 2 settings under Processor Power Management: Minimum and Maximum Processor State.

What are the optimal settings for these options? I fully understand that one might choose to have a lower maximum state when running on battery power to prolong battery life. I can think of no reason to have the maximum state below 100% when running plugged-in (unless, of course, one is trying to save electricity, keep the laptop cooler...)

How does minimum state work and what is the optimal setting? I know the default is 5% (but I've done a lot of Googling and cannot find an educated reason why 5% is the default.) Would it be correct for me to presume that if I set it at (say) 5%, then the processor will never operate below 5% of its capability (or whatever # of MHz is closest to 5% capacity) and will run all the way to the maximum specified state where needed? In other words, am I simply giving the processor the leverage to pick whatever power is required between its minimum and maximum specified states?

If my above assumption is correct and the processor will pick the optimum speed within the min/max range, why would I ever increase the minimum above 5% - and better still, why wouldn't I go right down to 1%? (Having said that, I read in one post that processors don't run in relative percentages - but 500Mhz, 800Mhz or whatever - so if my processor can only go as low as (say) 600MHz and my max is 1,900, then I guess if I set my minimum anywhere between 1 and 32%, it would never go below 600Mhz...)

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Graphics Or Setting

Nov 5, 2008

Ok well let's begin. My father n law has a HP machine with Vista on it. Ever since he purchased it he when viewing webpage's, the headers and stuff like words overlap each other and it is very hard to read. Now it is not on all webpage's but on most, and it is not the main text. For instance when you log onto EBAY, all the links on the left under Shop Your Favorite Categories are messed up. The clickable words are on top of each other yet spread out a little. Please help me out so we can get this resolved. I tried to adjust the display setting for a larger screen but that did not work. His screen settings are maxed out. I think 1440x900 @ 32 bit. I know this really does not make a whole lot of sense but it is hard to explain.

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Graphics Card: Unable To Play Games

Jan 22, 2010

my graphics card which came built into my laptop is giving me trouble. it is an intel 4 express series family chipset model, but according to the website 'can you run it' is unable to play certain games even though the figures are higher than the ones needed. can anyone help me make sense of this?

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Graphics Card Nvidia Can Not Working Play Games

Oct 17, 2009

I have encountered a new problem. My graphics card is a Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 1792 MB. I keep getting a problem with the screen when I play "trackmania" it's like some of the text and texture is blurry. Weird thing is I don't have any problems with other games like Fallout 3 or Call of duty 4-5 and so on. Those games I play with highest settings and no fuzz with the texture there. Here is a screen from trackmania, look at the blurry text and so on: ScreenShot92.jpg

I have been mixing around with the nvidia control panelt lately and tried a lot of stuff but nothing worked. My current setting is "let the program decide 3D settings"I run vista 64 bit and intel i7 950 with 6GB ram.

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Installing Games Setting 16bits

Jun 19, 2008

I have windows xp, After downloading a game it say ( need to change display setting to 600x800 and 16 bit) so I did now it says out of memory, so I added more memory. It's saying the same thing.

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Maximum RAM For X-86?

Mar 23, 2008

When i check the task manager it says i am using ~ 1 GB which is around 30% of ram in the normal settings ( no heavy applications only messenger and IE or Mozilla ). Also the welcome center in vista says i have only 3.00 GB of RAM but
infact i have 4GB physical memory.

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CPU Maximum Frequency Always 100%

Jun 11, 2008

Why is the CPU Maximum Frequency is always 100%?

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Whats HD Maximum Size ?

Aug 21, 2009

What is the maximum size that can be installed on a computer with Vista 32-bit ? I had to partition my 1.0 TB drive before it was recognized by Vista. I will gladly delete that second partition if the whole HDD can be used with a single enlarged partition

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Maximum Memory That Vista Will Recognize?

Apr 22, 2008

What is the maximum memory that Vista will recognize? I am working on video and am thinking of switching to PC. Need a lot of RAM.

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Which Is The Maximum Length For HDMI Cable?

Dec 14, 2008

Which is the maximum length for using the HDMI cable? Ok what i want to do is. I will like to connect my PC Graphic card Ati Radeon 3870x2 with my HDTV Samsung LE40A656F1 1080p 100Hz LCD 50,000:1 Both are 1080p capable and they have HDMI. But they are in separate rooms,the distance from pc to tv is 50ft long.

1)Is there any problem to use 50ft long HDMI cable?
2)Is there any <<special>> HDMI cable for 1080p?
3)Which is the best brand for the best results?
4)How do i know if my HDMI cable is 1080p capable?

(The main usage for my pc is gaming in 1920x1080 resolution and watching HD movies) I forgot to write that i already have 1 connected tv in my graphic card and i want to connect a SECOND tv in the SECOND hdmi of my card. Is that ok? i will find any problems in picture quality,sound or anything else? The purpose of all this is to play(1920x1080) games in my room,and watch 1080p movies in the living room. How i enable the second tv view in my card? (Btw i found a 15metres HQ hdmi cable) is that a good brand?

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Minimum And Maximum Processor Speed?

Mar 23, 2008

Under the Vista specs, what is the minimum and maximum processor speed?

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Install 4GB Into Laptop Whose Manufacturer Claims 2GB As MAXIMUM

Jun 19, 2009

Now as an Electrical Engineer I proved this point and upped my HP to 4GB w/3.25GB usable: If your chipset is Intel945 - as in my HP dv8408us & MANY NEWER HP laptops (Pavilions/MediaCenters), ignore HP claim of maixmum memory = 4GB. You can install 2GB+2GB sticks, you'll get 3.25GB usable by Windows, I know you waste about 1GB but it still makes sense. Intel945 chipset is hardwired for 32-bit adddresses so Windows whether it be 32 or 64bit is not a limitation, it's the chipset which is a limitation, STILL it can address 4GB, not 2GB as HP claimed on my laptop specs. I've done the same with IBM Thinkpads, where they claimed 512MB to be max 5 years ago, but I was running with 1GB. It appears idiots sometimes write these specs because 2GB laptop SDRAM modules were unavailable at that time at reasonable price/pinout?..............

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Internet Explorer - Maximum Download Sessions

Feb 28, 2009

I tried the registry fix to change the download sessions as it is in the tutorials for it but it has gone worse now. It only allows one download at the time when it used to be 2, so I am not getting any maximum of 10 but just got a worse one instead. I installed the reg fix for all user accounts even though I only have one user account. Is that why I am having the problem? Is there a way to fix my registry back to default or improve it as I wanted to a maximum of 10 downloads?

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Maximum Allowd Screen Resolution Drops

Mar 26, 2008

I am having ongoing resolution problems when I install my video card drivers. BEFORE I install them, my screen resolution is 1280x1024 which is what it should be. AFTER I install the nVidia drivers, the maximum allowd resolution drops to 1024x768. Note: I have an SLI configuration. Also, This is the maximum allowed resolution. It is too low for my monitor.

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Play Games Monitor Temps Frame Rate Other Games

Sep 5, 2008

just got some games loaded and I used to have ATITray Tools which would let you keep the frame rate and temps in the corner during game play, anything like that for Nvidia? Just ran Quake4 at full specs and had Nvidia performance control panel turn the fan to 90%... but would like to monitor the temps and frame rates on this and other games. 9800GT 1GB. ( as soon as the new card arrives.... back to ATI tools.

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Chaning Setting Control Pannel, Power Setting : Registry Resets Not

Jun 22, 2008

It has happened occasionally, but with no predictability that I can see. I change settings in control pannel / power settings / balanced to 10 min for monitor and never for computer. I check the "advanced settings" to assure that they are the same. I use balanced because that seems to be the default in the registry. I do not see the actual settings in the registry. Every so often Vista resets the settings back to 20 min for the monitor. I have looked at but it speaks of "System Settings page" - I don't know what that is. In any case, my settings have no effect and I can't get the monitor to dependably go to standby after 10 minutes.

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Maximum Port Speed For Standard Modem, Increase

Mar 23, 2008

I'm using 3g phone to connect to the internet. Using standard modem over Bluetooth link as a driver, the speed is not as expected since the maximum speed that can be setup in driver properties is 115.2 kbs while the speed offered by 3g network is 384 kbs. So, I hope Microsoft can resolve this problem.

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Windows Business Vs Home Games, Upload The Games

Mar 23, 2008

I recently purchased a laptop with Business. It has no games at all. How can I upload the games that come with Home?

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Standard VGA Graphics Adapters:Bad Graphics

Jan 1, 2009

When i upgraded my windows xp to vista about 5 days ago it somehow screwed up my computer. My graphics are so bad that i can't play simple games and i know that my graphics card used to work perfectly. I just need to know if it is vista that has changed my graphics card and if it did how can i fix it. Also for Hardware Acceleration, i can not turn it on because i do not have the troubleshoot option in my display settings. My nero will not burn any dvd disc's due to that.

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Extend/Shrink Volume Tools To Decrease The Maximum Capacity Of The NTFS Format

Feb 6, 2010

I have just spent all day, literally, formatting and partitioning my 500gb SeaGate Free Agent. As of now, it is 32gb FAT32, and the rest is NTFS. My question is, can I use the Extend/Shrink Volume tools to decrease the maximum capacity of the NTFS format and therefore increase the maximum capacity of the FAT32 format, as I need more than 32gb. If not, how can I achieve this on Vista?

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What Card Does Nvidia Make And Maximum Settings Nvidia?

Aug 14, 2008

What Card does Nvidia make(or do they)that will play crysis at all max settings and Max Res at close to 60-100FPS? I have seen a system with an 8800 Ultra SLI and out past the 2000 range res it dropped to around 25fps. What about the new GTX280?

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Jan 19, 2009

I've a annoying problem with me pc crashing, it only happens when i play games like call of duty, halo 2, crysis 2.
i'll be playing the game when the screen will freeze with red dotted lines across it for about 45secs then i get this message.

"To your computer

Attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timeout failed.

If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your pc. If the screen appears again follow steps

Check to make sure any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installtion ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need.

If the problems continue, disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software, disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing, if you need to use safe mode to remove or disable components, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options, and then select safe mode.

Technical information
*** Stop: 0x00000116 ( 0xFFFFFA80065CE4E0, 0xFFFFFA60020268F0, 0x0000000000000000, 0x000000000000000Z)

*** NVLDDMKM.SYS-ADDRESS FFFFFA60020268F0 base AT FFFFFA600200E000, Datestamp 491B7353

Collecting data for crash dump...
Initializing disk for crash dump...
Beginning dump of physical memory.
Dumping physical memory to disk: 100
Physical memory dump complete
Contact yor system admin or technical support group for further assistance."

My graphics is a Geforce 8800Gt OC2 512MB, it has the most upto date drivers, my windows is upto date.
I've tried turning down the resolution and what is said in the error message.

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VGA Graphics Adaptor?

Oct 2, 2008

how to fix this driver. Toshiba Satellite Notepad m300/300. Windows installed driver software that supports the basic features of your Standard VGA Graphics Adapter. Its manufacturer may provide software that enables additional features.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: PnPGenericDriverFound
Architecture: x86
Hardware Id: PCIVEN_1002&DEV_95C4&SUBSYS_FF501179&REV_00
OS Version: 6.0.6001.
Locale ID: 3081
Extra information about the problem
Bucket ID: 96099954

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Graphics Still Shoudn't Look

Feb 19, 2010

I have a problem with every game I try to play. The main menu and opening credits are always fine. When I enter into game play it looks like im playing the Atari or something. Everything is pixelated and blocky, some shapes wont render and game play is very skippy. I dont have the BEST graphics card but it still shouldn't look the way it is. I have an ATI Radeon x1200. My computer is the Toshiba Satellite A215.

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Graphics Card 1GB But Says 4GB

Jul 27, 2009

why does vista say i have 4GB of video ram, when my card is only 1GB? is it using part of my 8GB of ram for video?

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Display / Graphics

May 2, 2009

I have a problem, for some reason when im playing games such as cod4 or gta4 or something. Il be playing fine for quite a long time, certainly a few hours but then randomly the screen will just stop, and the whole computer will freeze.

I noticed that on the frozen screen small parts of it had small purple lines going round them.

Well the only way to get out of this is to do a hard boot and start up my pc again.

Im wondering why this happens as i have all up to date drivers and my pc easily meets the requirements to play the games im playing.

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Can Upgrade The Graphics?

Jan 18, 2009

I receved COD4 for PC from a friend for Christmas. Being completely knew to omputer gaming, I know that my Gateway T-6836 notebook, with integrated Intel graphics, is not suitable for gaming as it is. Can I buy/upgrade to a discrete graphics card and install it in my laptop, or is this not an option?

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Is There Graphics Card Or Not?

Aug 6, 2009

I have dell inspiron 530s desktop. how can i know is there any graphics card installed or not? & if installed what is it's capacity...

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Best Graphics Slot?

Sep 5, 2008

Which graphics slot is best to use? AGP, PCI or PCIe X1, PCIe x16. I also heard of PCIe 2.0 but my computer doesn't have that one listed.

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What Graphics Card Can Use?

Aug 2, 2007

i have a Dell poweredge server with Vista x64 installed. Unfortunately, it doesn't include PCI-e x16. It has 2 x4 slots with x8 connectors. What kind of graphics card can I use with this system?

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