How Increase Shrink Space?

May 19, 2009

How to increase the shrink space. I have lenovo Y410. Its hard Drive is partitioned in three parts: 20 GB C Drive - primary drive where i have my OS, one of 117 GB D drive just another partition for data and one more 10 GB for recovery. What i need is to shrink D drive to 107 GB and create a new drive of about 10 GB. but the problem is that disk management says that it can only be shrinked to about 2.6 GB ----So what to do....plz tell me. By the image u can see the disk management system. Its the D drive i need to shrink.

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Increase Hard Drive Space

Apr 8, 2008

I want to know the list of applications(freeware on which I can realy) to increase the hard drive space of the Computer.

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Is There A Way To Increase The Amount Of Space Available To System Restore?

Mar 23, 2008

I have a 120gb hard drive with around 20gb free at any one time. I have noticed that most of the time I only have one automatically created restore point. I am aware that the number of restore points is dependant on free hard drive space, however I had many more available restore points under Windows XP with same amount of free hard drive space. Is there a way I can increase the amount of space available to System Restore? I have looked at the settings and can't find anything.

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How To Bring Back The Amount Of Free Space And Used Space On A Hard Drive

Nov 28, 2008

I would like to get vista to use the login style used in Win 2000 ... ctrl+alt+del gives a login box in which to enter the user name and password.

Win XP Pro had this option also, but, it's default was like vista (pictures showing all users).

I have been able to get the ctrl+alt+del part but instead of the login box I still get pictures.

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Partitioning, Can't Shrink Further

Jun 15, 2008

I partitioned my new computer 400 gig HD using Vista. It has put 180 gigs in C:, which I can't shrink further. It has 162 gigs available and I would prefer to reduce that to 90 gigs and use 90 gigs elsewhere.

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VISTA Shrink Process.

Apr 18, 2009

I don't know where to start At the beginning I guess which seems like ages ago but it was only a few hours ago Okay, I wanted to shrink my 650gig C drive down to 85 or so. I read a tutorial on the net about how to do it and they said that you could do it by defragging with Perfect Disk, defragging the System Files with it, and then performing a few other steps which would allow you to shrink C to a lot smaller than the 350 gigs it was originally allowing me to do.

The steps were to turn off hibernation and delete the files, turn off system restore and delete files, and turn off the page file.Then perform a defrag and then a system file defrag on boot up, then shrink.

I did this and then repeated the "rinse, lather, repeat" about 3 times to get my C drive down to 85 gigs and leave the biggest part of my 750gig HD for archiving only. Seemed like a good idea at the time So the Shrink process went well. Each time I did a System File defrag with Perfect Disk, figuring that each time the drive shrunk, it could move the MFT file a little closer in thus allowing for more shrinkability. It seemed to work.

After I got C drive down to 85 gigs, I immediately restarted and re-stored my page file settings to "let Vista manage" it, and re-started System Restore and created a new restore point.

But when I re-set the page file I got the message: "Another page file exists, do you want to replace it with this one?" I said, sure, why not? I have a feeling I should have said no. But I moved on NOW I had a 600 gig unallocated section that I needed to format to NTFS. But Vista Disk Mgmt said I could not format it because I already had the limit of 4 partitions:

1. The EISA drive
2. OS C drive
3. Recovery Drive D - came with the Dell
4. Rip Process Download R - I created with Paragon Partition the other day
5. Unallocated - the partition I just created by shrinking C drive with Vista

I knew there was a limit on the number of partitions you could have, which is why I fired up Paragon Disc Manager, which is supposed to do this kind of thing...........

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Looking For Free DVD Shrink/Burn For HP

Aug 5, 2009

I have tried to Google for a free DVD Shrink Program. They all seem to say they are free, but once you download them they suddenly want $40 to $60. Does anyone have an actual link to a truly free program that you can use to shrink and burn decrypted DVD's so I can back up my collection?

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Partition Resize: Not Shrink

Mar 26, 2008

Tried the built-in partition mgr but it does not shrink the partition much. Can it use partition magic 8 on it?

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HD Space/JkDefrag: How I Lost 100 Gigs Of Available Of Space

Nov 29, 2008

I have a 320 GB HD. When I checked it, I only have 25 gigs of free space. However I can only find about 180 gigs of files/data. Any ideas as to how I lost 100 gigs of available of space? Just a couple of weeks ago I checked and I had plently of space. No recent installs, only recent changes are the removal of Mcaffee monitoring software and running JkDfrag.

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Hard Disk Space: Showing Less Space

Jun 14, 2008

i reformatted my whole c drive and then clean installed vista ultimate onto it and at start i had 268Gb out of 274Gb. now its gone to 243Gb and i've only installed a couple of programs and when i highlight everything in the c drive it says its 7.38GB. I've Defragged it a lot of times and the space keeps on going down.

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Unable To Shrink C Drive For New Partition

Feb 5, 2008

See attached. Cannot shrink the C: drive to create a new partition. using Vista Ultimate 64bit with SP1 refresh 2

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Disk Management - Shrink Volume

Feb 6, 2009

I have a laptop with a 90GB hard disk. There is 60GB free and I'm trying to use the Shrink volume option in Disk Management to make the main partition smaller. After I want to create an additional partition so I can dual boot. The problem lies with Shrink Volume. Even though I have 60GB free it's only offering me the chance to shrink by 14GB.I've turned off system restore and hibernate. I've also used a number of defrag tools including Auslogic and SysInternals.

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Disk Management - Shrink Partition In Vista

Aug 12, 2009

I refer specifically to this Tutorial;

Disk Management - Shrink Partition

A bit of background first. I have recently had installed a new 320GB Hard-drive to my Laptop [see my Specs]. The allocation of partition [volume] space has been divided evenly between the C:[Acer] - 139GB, and the D:[Data] - 138GB, Drives on the HD.

This is what I have;


Question 1; Is this setup division just the 'norm' for allocating volume space for each drive? In this case it is more or less a 50:50 share of the available space [PQ Service on a hidden partition takes up the rest]....why not 65%[C]:35%[D]? Question 2; Is it necessary for the partition volume of the Data drive to more or less mirror that of the Acer drive? Question 3; If answer to Q2 is 'not necessarily so', am I then able to partition the Data drive to create a new drive partition of about 60GB, or are there any pitfalls in playing around with this particular drive? If possible, I'd like to create a new drive on the HD for personal data storage.

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Partitioning HD: Minimum Shrink Existing Partition Around 176gb?

Mar 29, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium preloaded on a Dell Inspiron 1520 with a 320gb hard drive. I would like to isolate the OS from my data by shrinking the OS partition to 42GB and creating another partition for my data. However, Vista's partitioning utility says the minimum I can shrink the existing partition to is around 176gb. I suspect that even though I have defragged the hard drive, there is some part of the OS that is sitting on the drive out far enough to cause this. I can't verify this because Vista's defrag utility doesn't show you a map of the drive during defrag. Anyone know of a way around this?

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Shrink Volume & Create New Partition Using Disk Management Console

Jun 2, 2009

I downloaded Windows 7 RC1 with the intent of adding a partition to my HDD and dual booting. My understanding is that I would need a 16GB partition. My Disk Management Console tells me I have two existing primary partitions (expected). D (the recovery partition) is 6.62GB. The other (C) makes up the difference (~142GB) and has 47.1GB free space. When I begin the "shrink volume" process, it says that only 3MB is available to shrink C. I checked the page file and it has less than 3GB allocated to it. So, I have two questions. First, why isn't more shrinkage ;>) space available? Two, assuming that with your help I can find more space, if I try to create a 16GB partition from C will I significantly affect computer performance?

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Extend/Shrink Volume Tools To Decrease The Maximum Capacity Of The NTFS Format

Feb 6, 2010

I have just spent all day, literally, formatting and partitioning my 500gb SeaGate Free Agent. As of now, it is 32gb FAT32, and the rest is NTFS. My question is, can I use the Extend/Shrink Volume tools to decrease the maximum capacity of the NTFS format and therefore increase the maximum capacity of the FAT32 format, as I need more than 32gb. If not, how can I achieve this on Vista?

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32 Vs 64 Bit Gaming Increase My Fps?

May 5, 2009

That darn 32 vs 64. I currently have a 32 bit computer with the specs of...---4Gb Ram---Nvida 8700 512mb---Core 2 Duo T9300 2.50Ghz--- Would/could i get better fps or even a quicker computer by installing Vista as 64bit? I read somewhere that all 4gb is being used but its just not adressed by windows? or something to that effect

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IncreasE CPU Performance?

Mar 23, 2008

I'm really interested in a possibility of increasing my CPU performance on my Vista Ultimate 32-bit PC. Cooler Master Gemin II processor cooler (non-stock) Note: Windows Experience Index is 3.0 because of Processor, all other ratings are 4.5 and higher! Note 2: I have all newest motherboard (and other) drivers! Question: Should I try overclocking, and if yes, by how much, and how?

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Increase Max IE7 Downloads

Feb 15, 2007

Internet Explorer 7 only allows you to download two files from the same server at a time.  This is not a software limit but rather a limit imposed based on the web standard. Since this is simply a software setting, it can be modified and you can increase the limit to something much high such as 10.  Follow the steps below to increase your max downloads from the same server:...

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Vista SP2 Big Performance Increase?

Mar 11, 2009

Does someone know it the nex version og Windows vista will introduce performance increase?

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Increase Taskbar Transparency

Jan 23, 2009

How can I make my taskbar more transparent.

Attached is a screenshot of my desktop. The windows transparency is great, but I'd like to get rid of some of the "smokey-ness" of the taskbar.

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Increase A Partition Size

Jun 17, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium.I have a 320G hard drive that has four partitions and I am running out of space on the C: drive . Can I combine one of my empty drives with the C:

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Increase The Search Results?

Jun 10, 2009

In vista search I have entered something in the form of "pst OR pdf OR jpg OR doc OR xls" and get over 5000 results, but vista will only show the first 5000. Is there a way to increase the search results?

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Can't Increase Pixel(color)

May 19, 2008

I can't increase my pixel(color) on my gateway I tried to upgrade an error popped up

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How To Increase The Speed Of Internet

May 23, 2009

how to increase the speed of internet?? i download a game.. the kb speed is 50 - 70 ...sometimes 150+... how to increase the speed??? can delete the history increase the speed?? if other way pls reply...

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How Do Increase Gaming Performance

Jun 8, 2009

I have a Dell 710H2C, Quad Core, 4GB RAM (soon to be 6GB), 2 striped 10,000 RPM HDD's, 2 Nvidia 8800 GTX SLI video cards. OS is Vista 64 ultimate. I am an avid World of Warcraft and Counterstrike player. I want to improve the performance of my system. Frame rates stink when the graphics are maxed. This system should be performing a lot better. Sometime frame rates drop to 20FPS. Been reading a lot of stuff on-line about improving performance. First off when I run SLI mode games usually lock-up. Been told by Blizzard tech support that they don't support SLI. Ready to pull my hair out!

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Increase Upload Speed?

Dec 1, 2008

Is there any adjustment,program or trick to increase Upload speed? Vista Ultimate 64bit.

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System Performance Increase

Aug 7, 2009

I would like to know the best way to increase performance on this system. I am already using system mechanic and it is very fast running vista but i would like to squeezze the last bit of performance that i can out of this system.

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How Do I Increase My Virtual Memory Settings

Sep 15, 2009

I am looking to increase my virtual memory and cant seam to find the settings anywhere.

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Possibility For Gaming Performance Increase?

Jan 19, 2009

i have a laptop here that my aunt bought for me..... but it doesn't seem to be able to run most games even at LOW settings properly. It can run some games though. I believe that is because i'm using an integrated graphics card. I'm using the Nvidia Geforce 7150M

I have NO intention of maxing out games... i just want to play a few lower-end games on low-slightly higher than low. I hear that i can install a new graphics card over the integrated one and make the computer ignore the integrated card. My questions are :

1. If i do this is there a possibility for gaming performance increase?
2. Is it even possible?
3. What graphics cards can i get?
4. Can i get an EXTREMELY detailed (stupid-person proof) guide on exactly what to do?

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Increase C Drive In Disk Management

Mar 13, 2010

I want to know that how can i increase my C drive. In the disk management it is showing 23.75 G.B. but in my computers it is showing 12.74 G.B. and apart from this i have F drive which is fully empty can i utilise it?

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