Icons To Resize Properly

Apr 29, 2009

I can't seem to get some of my Desktop Icons to resize properly. As you can see in the pic below, some are just like resizing the area of the icon and not the icon it self. These are shown by the little border around the icons. Im not familiar with icon formating.

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Resize 32-bit XP Partition From 64-bit

Apr 21, 2008

I have a partition on my laptop with Vista 64-bit as my main OS. The second partition is an XP build (32-bit). I want to resize the XP partition but the built in Vista disk management controls keep bringing back an error. I'm thinking about reformatting and putting on a 32-bit Vista. Any pointers or know how I can resize w/o formatting?

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Partition Resize?

Mar 23, 2008

Tried the built-in partition mgr but it does not shrink the partition much. Can it use partition magic 8 on it?

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Partition Resize: Not Shrink

Mar 26, 2008

Tried the built-in partition mgr but it does not shrink the partition much. Can it use partition magic 8 on it?

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Resize Picture Not Sent Email

Mar 23, 2008

How can I resize a picture, using Windows Photo Gallery, BUT NOT send it as a email? (I just want to save a smaller size on my PC)

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Resize FAT32 Partition In Windows

Jun 24, 2009

Does anyone know if Windows Vista can resize a FAT32 partition? I have a HD with 2 partitions (the 1st one is a FAT32 and the 2nd is a NTFS), and the expand / shrink options are only available for the NTFS partition (for the FAT32 partition the options appear in the menu but are not available).

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Resize Applications To Cover The Whole Screen

Aug 4, 2009

That devious trick did not work for me. Here is what I did;

1. Create a pps ( many slides included ).
2. Open new ppt > Insert > Object > click Create from file >Browse and locate my pps > OK
3. Resize my pps to cover the whole screen, set Animations as Automatically after 3 seconds.
4. Save it as pps.
When I tried to view, it only show the 1st slide and exited. What step did I missed

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Resize Photographs For Forum Attachments

Jan 16, 2009

I want to attach photographs to a fordforum.com.au post and the size limit for uploading is 146.5 KB. How do I resize the photograph, while keeping the original in its actual size?

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Resize Linux Partition From Windows

Sep 28, 2009

i have tried this post in other forums but with no real reply. I have recently installed Ubuntu and dual boot that and vista. I am haveing problems in ubuntu regarding disk space. can i resize the Ubuntu partition using vista? i have a partition wizard home edition and this is what my disks are currently like.

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When Resize A Window And Change The View Style

Apr 10, 2008

When I resize a Window and change the view style, that Vista Home Premium actually keep those settings and does not keep changing the Window position and view every time I reopen the window and after a reboot as well. It is actually starting to drive me mad with frustration.....

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Resize Partitions With Vista Disk Management

Jun 28, 2006

In Windows Vista it is now possible to resize partitions without any data loss in the new Disk Management console.

Resizing Partitions with Windows Vista:

Click on the Start Button and right click on Computer and select Manage.

Expand the Storage section and select Disk Management.

Then just right click on any partition and select either Expand or Shrink to change the size of the partition....

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True Clean Re-install To Resize Drive

Mar 26, 2008

I want to do a true clean re-install of Vista Ultimate, and wipe out all data on my hard drive (not a clean lite re-install). When I select drive D I'm told it's too small to use for the install. I'm unable to resize this drive.

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ATI 2600XT PCIe Card Installed Properly But Not Working Properly

Dec 13, 2009

I just acquired what seems to be a really old PCIe ATI card that I can't seem to install correctly. I went to the ATI support site and the drivers for the card just don't seem to work. Is there a specific order to follow when installing a GPU -- sorry, its been a while. It doesn't go into a PCI slot but its the bigger one, looks like a big ole' AGP card but it has a sticker right on the card that says PCIe. I can only find the drivers for a Radeon HD2600XT and I'm not sure if those are the correct drivers or not. When I first installed it everything went well and it installed correctly but the XP hardware wizard wasn't satisfied. So it doesn't fully install -- note, I do not have the original discs -- but just need the most up to date drivers.

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Desktop Icons Got Suddenly Changed To Internet Explorer Icons

May 26, 2009

all my desktop icons got suddenly changed to internet explorer icons,after (i opened some program in the internet,) then i did some personalisation then it changed to my adobe photoshop icon, all the desktop icons now shows the adobe,,icons.like all my programs which was earlier like (yahoo msngr, msn mesengr,windows vista programs,almost all other programs) and my internet wireless stopped working. i have a vista home premium 32. and my comp is asus f3t series. i was trying to do the icon cache, but couldnt find. tried restarting but couldnt solve.now trying to run my antivirus scan Mcafee. if anybody knows the solution to restore my earlier icons.

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Picture Icons Changed To Standard-generic Icons

Mar 23, 2008

All of my picture icons were changed to standard-generic icons when I had my computer restored to the factory direct setting. Now they don't display anything except a flower, house, ect. My question is: How do I change the picture icon setting back so I can see a tiny preview thingy for each icon, instead of having to click on each one to see what they really are?

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Desktop Icons Bug (duplicate Icons After Update)

Mar 6, 2009

Desktop icons overwritten. After a recent automatic update it appears my desktop icons have two icons on top of each other. Visible on top is the "default" icon and slightly visible underneath is the original icon. I use Firefox and Vista Ultimate 32.

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Live Icons Covering 9 Dead Icons

May 12, 2009

A Vista SP1 Home Premium problem - 9 live icons covering 9 dead icons: Several days ago I had a desktop with 9 live, working icons at the bottom of the desktop. ie: recycle bin, computer, network, control panel, etc. The 9th icon was a folder called 'powershell'.

Several days ago I deleted the 'powershell' folder, and, underneath that folder, was surprised to find a dead copy of the 'powershell' folder. The deleted 'powershell' folder was in the recycle bin, and an undeleted dead copy on the desktop. This dead copy cannot be accessed with selection, left-click, or right-click operations - so the 'Properties' info cannot be displayed.........

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Desktop Icons: How To Lock Icons In Place?

Aug 8, 2009

Everytime I restart my PC, my desktop icons go where ever they want each time. What is causing this and is their a way to lock the icons in place?

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Restore Icons And Other Icons Disappeared

May 30, 2008

I've been using Windows Vista Premium for over a year now. So far I've no problems with it yet. However, just recently, I noticed that the icons for the computer and recycle bin were gone. Futhermore, the icon for some of the folders on my computer were either blank or a icon of the computer. Some files (ranging from the .dll to .exe) were changed to the computer icon as well. The icons for the floppy drive and my usb also disappeared and are displayed by the icon that represents file that windows does not recognise. How I can restore these icons? I have tried a system restore back a week when they were all still good but that did not make a difference.

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How To Get Rid Of Icons Infront Of The Real Icons

May 21, 2009

There are icons infront of the real icons and i have no clue how to get rif of them i downloaded aliengiuse from alienware to change everything but this was the biggest mistake as you can see .

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Stardock With Mac-like Icons Instead Of Desktop Icons

Mar 24, 2009

So I just traded out my year old Gateway laptop (which stopped working) for a new Dell Inspiron. I've never been particularly impressed with Dell but the Tech Guy at Best Buy assured me the quality of their laptops had improved. Anyway, it came with Windows Vista Home Premium. Since it was a Dell it came loaded with a stardock with mac-like icons instead of desktop icons. I like it so I customized it with the icons for the programs I use most, stared typing up notes for medical school with MS Word, and started downloading music files.

So the other day I notice strangely that the dock had reverted back to the original icons that were present when I first got the computer. Then I noticed all of the files downloaded/saved to the harddrive had disappeared. So I start anew adding files and replacing most of the old ones. Then suddenly yesterday the dock changes again back to how it was...customized and the files that I originally had reappeared but now the files I saved when it changed the first time are gone. So what is going on? Is this some kind of glitch in the OS? Is there something wrong with the actual computer? how get my files back?

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Can Not Properly Installation

Mar 26, 2008

I have a new motherboard (abit nh-m2sv), X2 +3800 processor, 2 gig pc4200 memory ATI graphics, DVD RW, Maxtor SATA drive, all are suppose to be Vista ready, but vista either won't install, or installs with BSOD's then will only run in Safe Mode. I have tried Home Basic and premium, the same issue, I install my old faitful XP and it goes straight in. I have run memtest, all fine, I have removed the gfx card, no change, I have tried an IDE hdd rather than a SATA no change.

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64 Bit Not Shutting Down Properly

Jul 21, 2009

For the last few days or so I have been having problems with Vista Home Premuim 64bit not shutting down properly or looging off. I click on shut down and then the computer will just hang for a about 5mins and then decide to shut off sometimes or if it does not then the only way I can get it to turn off is by holding the power button in, which I dont really like doing. I have closed all programmes down by the clock on the task bar and the problem is still the same. Do you recommend trying a clean boot? I really want to try and find out where this problem lies as I don't really want to go through another reinstall of Vista.

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PC Won't Start Up Properly

Jun 2, 2009

all started after an update for MS office + gfx driver and then all the problems began, mainly my PC won't start up properly, no signal to any of my monitors, my mouse and keyboard don't work, blue and green lights on my tower running constantly and fans on full. The only way I can get it to boot up properly is to do a hard re-boot(I have to leave it unplugged for at least an hour to do this) and has been like this for almost a fortnight now, I have already tried

1). restoring it to before the update.
3). repair with installation disk.
4). changing power options.
5). un-installed Microsoft Office.
6).updated to most recent nvidia graphics card drivers.

Can't think of what else at the moment but have been going through the forum and google to no avail.

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Never Shuts Down Properly

Aug 11, 2009

We recently brought a laptop with Vista Home and have had on going issues with it not shutting down. Everytime we hit shut down it goes to the logging off screen but never actually makes it. We have left it running over night and come down the next morning and its still "logging off"! We have tried the Ctrl Alt Del combination to see whats causing the issues but the task manager doesnt load up. This has been an ongoing issue for about 3 weeks and have probably only had the laptop for a month.

Forceably switching it off, which we have to, causes the safety mode prompt to come on at the next start up. If we do not run the safety mode we arent able to use the internet as it doesnt connect. So, running it in safety mode is the only way to get things back to normal. I should add that when I start up in safety mode it goes to a black screen eventually with "safety mode" written in each corner. Ive no idea how to move away from this so just hit the main off button but we can get back on the net when it reboots.

Having read a few issues with shutting down it doesnt appear that anyone has the ongoing issue we do and as mentioned Ctrl Alt Del does nothing. On the rare occasion we have got it to shut down properly it reverts the next time. We run McAfee anti virus and as a fairly new laptop there isnt much that we have downloaded since purchase. I also have a desktop and never experienced this ongoing issue!

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Does Not Seem To Function Properly.

Nov 1, 2009

* Use Karmic's kernel, not Jaunty's. * Check that slmodemd is not running if you're seeing a dummy/null sink in the volume control applet. * Install linux-backports-modules-alsa-karmic (then reboot) if you have a very new computer. * Use a temporary alternate channel mapping for PulseAudio if you have an ice17xx-based sound card. * Configure PulseAudio to ignore your sound driver's misreported dB information if you experience "overdriven" sound. * Attach a verbose PulseAudio runtime log to your PulseAudio bug report. * Attach an ALSA codec dump to your linux bug report if jack sense (e.g., connecting headphones mutes internal laptop speakers) does not seem to function properly.

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DVD-ROM Can't Working Properly

Feb 6, 2009

Que tal foro, perdon por el [OT] pero me han solicitado una unidad DVD-ROM con esa caracteristica y segun busco con varios fabricantes, pues a 20x escriben pero lo mas que leen es a 16x, alguien sabe algo al respecto?

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Age Of Empires 3 Not Working Properly

Jul 6, 2009

I've recently installed AoE3 on my computer and it works fine, I can start it and all that. Though then I ran into some trouble. I can't make home cities! When I click the "create-button" it freezes for a while and then I come to the menu which is supposed to let you handle your cards and all that. Though there is no city chosen, and when I try to choose one the only option I can click is create new home city. I simply don't get it. One would assume that it's something wrong with the game, and yeah. Of course there is, but I tried reinstalling it and that didn't resolve the issue..! Then I installed AoE: Asian Dynasties thinking that a later update might have a fix, but nope. Problem remains. This is really starting to get to me... I'm at a LAN and I'm the only Vista user you see, though I've had it installed on this computer before so...

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Websites Not Displaying Properly

Jun 21, 2009

at some sites, the pictures don't download, but instead I get little square placeholder frames with a red x on them. I get this at Kohls.com and also Creativelabs.com. But other websites load fine. It only happens rarely. Especially since I'd like to see what I want to buy from Kohls I am using Vista with IE 8.0.

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Mouse Not Working Properly.

Dec 4, 2008

Ive got vista ultimate 64. With a standard computer. My problem is that I cant configure my mouse buttons. After I install the latest 64bit mouse driver, and click on the mouse icon to configure the mouse buttons, an error pops up that says - 'Some mouse settings might not work until you connect a Microsoft mouse to a USB port on your computer or set up a Microsoft mouse that uses Bluetooth technology'.

The problem is that I have a microsoft mouse that is connected to a USB port. The mouse works fine on my spare XP computer so its not the mouse that's faulty. I tried separate microsoft mice - wheel mouse optical and the intellimouse optical, both by microsoft and both have same issue.

I tried different usb ports and same happens. I tried the ps2 port and same happens.
I uninstallled all mouse drivers and reinstalled but no help. Basic left and right click works but cant configure the wheel button. It was working a week ago, but I went for a holiday and when I came back it was faulty. All vista updates are installed, security is the windows firewall, AVG free antivirus, and windows defender, but none of these have been a problem before

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Keyboard Can't Working Properly

Jul 29, 2009

I recently spilled something on my Microsoft intellitype pro natural ergonomic 4000 keyboard and, after letting it dry and all that stuff, it started to mess up the keyboard keys. Now, "f" types both "f" and "space" and vice versa, "o" brings up the "My favorites key assignment screen, "5" or "." brings up both a "5" and "." together and finally, maybe the worst, "comma" brings me to the last page I visited. (luckily, as I was typing this, I also found that the page is always exactly as I left it, so all the words I struggled to type so far are still there when I go forward in my browser history.) Now I play a lot of FPS games on this computer and this is very very irritating to me. Is there any way to fix this without buying a new keyboard all together? And here's what typing looks like for me without any editing: F or fgoodnessf sakes,f If thinkf myf keyboardf isf broken5.5.5. andf rememberf everyf "O"f goesf tof thef f avoritef f keyf listf andf everyf commaf goesf tof thef lastf pagef If wasf on5.

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