Mouse And Key Board Froze

Oct 8, 2009

Yesterday I believe an update came when I stepped away from my pc for about 45 minutes. I had been able to use the pc up until then when the mouse and key board froze. I attempted to reboot and could not. 95 errors posted in the event log. Most these where WMI (source) and the event ID was 24. I cannot find a solution, and I am not that well knowing a lot. I can probably make the corrections if I have a solution given to me.

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Motherboard: Get Welcome Screen And Froze

Jul 17, 2008

First switch on, got to Welcome screen and froze, restarted now all it does is Start Case fan and CPU fan after 2-3 seconds, runs for 10 seconds and switches off, then restarts and keeps going through same procedure, over and over. On motherboard is a row of 6 LED's showing CPU loading, all six lit each time it starts? I've a horrible feeling the CPU is kaput.

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Everything Wiped From Computer Froze Down

Mar 21, 2010

This morning my computer froze so I shut it down to restart. Upon restart, everything was gone (music, documents, pictures). My control panel is also showing empty. Its like it restored itself to factory defaults.

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Game Froze, Playing Crysis

Mar 28, 2009

I was playing Crysis today and all of a sudden the game froze. I have a HP Presario xxx with Vista premium. Can anyone tell me how to fix it?" Example 2: "The Postmaster said my mail box is nearly full! I have a lot of messages in my sent Items folder, but Vista won’t let me delete them!? What do I do now?" This question is so vague that it leads to more questions than answers. This is an easy post to ignore! Example 3:.................

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Counter-Strike 1.6 Connection: 3 Bar And Froze

Mar 14, 2009

new to the forum and dont have much computer experience. But im having this problem for Counter-Strike 1.6. I've downloaded steam and got all the updates. When I try to connect to a server to play, the box would show "Establishing connection to network server.." with 3 bar and froze. The only way out would be Ctrl+Alt+Del and End Task. At first, I thou it was Windows Firewall and the router. After I've disable both, still no luck. A friend is having the same issue and hes also running Vista x64.

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Helix Board 12 USB With X64

Aug 11, 2008

Just got a new pc with Vista x64. I have a Phonic Helix Board 12 USB mixer/audio interface which appears to have installed fine, but I am getting no sound from the pc through it. I have set it as the default audio device. On board sound is fine.

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Key Board Not Working

Jul 5, 2009

I was enjoying a glass of wine the other evening, and I spilled a full glass of wine onto the keyboard of my Toshiba Satellite which had Windows XP. I killed it DEAD. Anyway, I went to town (I live in the bush) and bought a new Toshiba Satellite laptop. When I got home I found it had Vista in it. No matter how much I tried, I cannot get it to perform like any of the other Toshiba sattelites that I have had over the years with XP in them. (this is my own personal observation). "happy days" I found XP software on Ebay for only au$60 so I bought it. I am not really computer "savvy" but I struggle through. I cannot get the computer to download the new XP program, it keeps telling me that I cannot download something old onto something new.

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Install Vista Service Pack But It Froze At 18%

Apr 15, 2008

I tried to install vista service pack it froze at 18% for 4 hours so i used my recovery disc to no avail anyways here s the real problem i bought my pc from PC world i am in the uk by the way it came with xp media centre but when i bought it i got a free up grade to vista home premium after a long wait the discs for vista arrived and i installed the program with no problems but since i tried the service pack it has all gone wrong i ended up having to reinstall xp with my recovery disc then put vista back in when i done this it asked for an activation key but i never ever got one as the first time i installed it.

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HP Pavillion Dv 900 Screen Froze Hard Shut Down

Apr 3, 2009

My step father has a Window Vista Home Premium 32Bit on a HP Pavillion DV 9000 Laptop His screen had froze so he did a hard shut down on it and when he tried to load it back up it would go through the green bar for about 5 to ten minutes then it would freeze at a black screen and the way i know its frozen is that the little light that tells you the computer is thinking is permanently on. HP did not send us any disks with this laptop so recovery through disk isnt possible,

I downloaded an ISO image of a WinRE about a month ago when we had problems with a virus and i had to do a system restore and i tried to boot from disk with that and it did the same thing as when booting normally. Is it possible there is a file in the System32 file that got corrupted or deleted and if so is there a way of finding out which file and is it fixable if i can access the hard drive and hook it up to a working computer? I have a case that can make a laptop hard drive into an external one to access from a desktop.

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Anyone Out There With A Gigabyte New Board With A ATI 2900XT

Sep 28, 2007

Just wondering If anyone happens to have a new gigabyte board and a radeon 2900XT using the new easytune pro version on vistax64

Im getting an error when it starts event log shows Code:

Log Name: System
Source: Application Popup
Date: 9/23/2007 10:53:36 PM
Event ID: 1060
Task Category: None
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: Scott-PC
??C:Program Files (x86)GigabyteET5Proatidgllk.sys has been blocked from loading due to incompatibility with this system. Please contact your software vendor for a compatible version of the driver.
Event Xml:..............

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How Turn The Computer Off Using Only The Key Board

Oct 22, 2009

I can't figure out how to turn the computer off using only the key board. In previous windows, it was Windows/U/S , or maybe Windows/U/U. With Vista, I seem to have to use the mouse, or the infernal laptop touch pad, to get to, then click on, an arrow which displays a list, which requires the use of the touch pad again, because the list has no accelerator keys. 4 steps, each more complicated than one letter, where one keyboard letter used to do.

Also, I don't have them side by side, but it seems that when playing Solitaire, it took longer to turn over each set of 3 cards, than it did for me on WinXP or Win98, and I'm sure the Vista CPU is faster than the others I've used. (It's a Toshiba Satellite laptop, which came with Vista installed, but I don't know the speed.

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Way To Get New Posts In A Category Or Board?

Jul 20, 2009

Is there a way to get new post just from a particular forum? Say, if I wanted to only see the new posts in Tutorials or Software or whatever?

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Cannot Use More Than Two Slots On The Memory Board

May 29, 2008

I an using Vista Ultimate SP1 on a Gigabyte mobo with a Q6600 CPU but cannot use more than two slots on the memory board. I run nicely if I populate two of the slots with 1GB matched memory but the minute I populate the other two slots with the same brand of matched 1GB memory boards, I get a BSOD. Is this a Vista problem? If I use either of the mobo slots to test the memory (provided its not more than 1 GB each) they both work. The mobo is GA-EP35C-DS3R.

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Windows 7 (64 Bit) Could Not Find Board

Dec 31, 2009

I getting a new desktop with Windows 7 and 64-Bit. I am trying to find out if Internet Explorer is a part of Windows 7 (64-Bit) or would I have to download and install IE 8? If this is not right place for this question. I couldn't find board for Win 7.

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Mother Board Terms?

Sep 2, 2009

I was looking at some mother board today and I was so terms on it like cha_fan,cpu_fan. what exactly are you suppose to plug into them? I'm new to this so i was hoping if you could tell me...:huh:. I like to know everything before i go off buying stuff to build a computer

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Updates To Install: Desktop Started To Load And Froze There

Dec 28, 2008

About six weeks ago I had an issue with my computer that seems to be related to an update downloaded at that time. I had Automatic Update set to download and install updates automatically and after one such update, the computer instructed me to restart which I did. All went well until I logged in. The log in screen came up, I logged in and hit enter and the desktop started to load...and froze there. I restarted in safe mode and system restore failed. I called Dell and they walked me through diagnostics until they were fairly sure that it was not a hardware problem. I finally got it to reboot from the Windows disk that came with the computer, but the problem persisted. No error message, no lights, no beeps. Just frozen at the same place at the same time. In addition, each time I had to hold the power button down to reboot, my RAID array would have to 're-verify' the data on both disks which would take about 4 hours before I could even think of doing anything with the box.

Finally Dell had me restore the system from a partition on my hard drive which reset the computer to how it was from the factory... It worked fine till I downloaded the updates again. The last bunch included a Vista security update and a bunch of Office updates. I had to Factory Image reinstall again. I have now shut off my Auto Update. It tells me that there are updates to download, but I have not done any of them in the last month........

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Updates And 'hung / Froze', Displays The BIOS Screen?

Oct 16, 2009

A friend has an Acer Desktop with Vista. It was installing the latest Windows updates, and 'hung / froze' ( her words ) Now, when it starts, it displays the BIOS screen? Obviously some sort of major problem? I was going to try the Recovery Console first?

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CMOS Setup On A Intel Board?

Mar 9, 2010

im trying to set up my CMOS on my motherboard but i cant figure out how to get into it all i can get is bios i wana overclock my CPU

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Vista Board Defragmentation Tool

Feb 6, 2009

I recently installed a beta version (build 7000) of this O.S. The installation went very well and on a previously formatted disc, completed in 20 minutes. All of my Vista software was installed without problems. I realise that this a beta version, and as such may be subject to quite a number of improvements and bug fixes during the next few months. My initial impression though is that this a good system, but not very much better than Vista. There is an on board defragmentation tool, which operates automatically, in addition to spectacular new desktops, but overall it looks more like the result of a Vista service pack. Being quite satisfied with my currentVista ultimate, I am at this stage definitely not prepared to spend money again on this "new" operating system as soon as it appears in the shops.

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Underclocking Athlon64 X2 6000+ (desktop Board)

Aug 3, 2009

I "upgraded" from 32bit XP, to Vista x64. Now, my system is plagued with a mainboard that auto-throttles when its chipset hits 45C temps. As a result, until I can figure out how to get a little more cooling into it, I've temporarily underclocked my CPU to 2600mhz(x2) from 3000mhz. Or, at least, I -was- doing that, before Vista SP1.

Now, no matter what I set, or how I set it, it seems to get reset to 100% If I use Vista's own power scheme settings, I can make it run at 85% max 5% min, and it saves, goes a while, maybe 10 to 15 minutes, then I notice the system is auto-throttling again. I check, and sure enough, it's set back to 100% max, 100%min.

If I use AMD OverDrive, the same thing happens.. I set to 13x multiplier, and drop the voltage a bit. 10-15 minutes later, It shows my "Desired Settings" still, and they have to be re-applied.

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Service Pack: At The End Of The Process The Screen Froze On A Line Showing This Series

Mar 30, 2008

Windows Update downloaded Vista sp1 and appeared to be installing it successfully. However at the end of the process the screen froze on a line showing this series of numbers: !! OXC190036 !! 4089/66075 (RESCINST.DLL)

I had to cut the power to turn the computer off and have been unable to boot up. Every attempt to boot fails and ends with the same line.

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Logitech Mouse :: Double-click With Middle Mouse Button?

May 28, 2009

I have an old Logitech but fully functional mouse (cordless optical).

When I ran Vista x86 Ultimate, I installed a small program that allowed me to double-click with middle mouse button. Now, with Vista x64 Ultimate, it doesn't work anymore.

Do someone know another small program to allow me that?

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Windows Mail - Pasting Into From Clip Board With Original Fonts

Mar 23, 2008

Since I have moved from Outlook Express to VISTA Windows Mail whenever I try to past from the clipboard into an e-mail I am composing it automatically changes any foriegn language fonts characters to all English characters. I would then have to highlight each foriegn language phrase and then select the language font from the font menu. I should not have to do this if Window Mail would retain the original fonts from the clipboard or other document program I am pasting from. How can I
resolve this problem.

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NVidia 8700/8800/9600/9800 Chips Are Failing Across The Board

Aug 17, 2008

Nvidia losing money over defective GPUs. by Justin Mann on August 13, 2008, 12:00 PM Nvidia’s recent struggles with GPU manufacturing are definitely taking its toll on the company. As a result of manufacturing defects and the inevitable fallout from it, it seems that Nvidia has gone from enjoying a few beautiful years on top to actually losing money recently. In particular, Nvidia saw a decrease in revenue for the second quarter of this year, resulting in a financial loss for the company.

In total, they lost over $120 million, and recent cuts in sales haven’t helped them out either. They outright admitted that they underestimated AMD, but nobody can really blame them for that. Yesterday, it was speculated that there were manufacturing defects in the G92 and G94 chipsets, on top of the already known bad parts in the G84 and G86 series. Nvidia may have tried to avoid blame here and there, but ultimately it is coming down on them and they have been stuck with warranty replacements galore. Even if the newer chipsets are fine, it doesn't do anything to remedy the mass amounts of defective ones already sold..........

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Random Freezing: Re-installed, Windows, And It Froze After I Installed The Chipset Driver

Mar 30, 2008

My vista keeps locking up after various amounts of time, no matter whether its just idling, or im making the computer work hard. As ive read on other topics, I think its a driver issue, but I just dont know what to do. I will try another fresh vista install tomorrow and get the vista updates quickly to see whether that helps the situation. I have ensured it isnt overheating like it did initially when I bought the system, and it is now a safe and low temperature in a running state. Also, it only detects 3.5Gb of the 4Gb of RAM I have in my system. PC Spec:

Ive re-installed, windows, and it froze after I installed the chipset driver. I contiuned, and found a sound driver wasnt digitally signed. However it still crashes. I have got the latest drivers for it. For it to crash, all i did was open recycle bin, from idle state.

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Start An Application The P.c Froze With The Round "hour-glass"

May 7, 2008

I have two computers using Vista SP1 and both get turned off every night. This morning started up the first pc and everything went fine during boot and log-in. Then when I tried to start an application the p.c froze with the round "hour-glass" timer showing. Didin't think much of it. I re-booted and everything was fine. Started up the 2nd p.c. a while later and exactly the same problem, only this time I went for the "start" menu first and not an application. Now I think this is quite odd. The same problem on different p.c.'s on the same day using the same operating system. Re-booted the 2nd p.c. and again everything is okay.

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Logitech Webcam, A "Z-board, WoW Eddition" Can Supported Vista

Oct 14, 2007

I am trying to decide whether to get the 64 bit version or 32 bit version of vista, or just go for windows XP.This is the current setup of my going to be ordered computer (ordering it next week) writer/reader: Pioneer DVR-112DBK OEM DVD Burner - 18x DVD±R Burn, 16x DVD±R Read, 8x DVD+RW, 6x DVD-RW, 10x DVD±R DL, 40x32x CD-R/RW, Black, with Software I also have a logitech webcam, a "Z-board, WoW eddition" and a PSP to consider.My question is simple...will Vista 64bit version support these? If not, will the 32bit version support this setup? And finally, if no for both, what should i really change in my build for the comp? (Don't really think that getting windows XP is a good idea,

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Is It The Mouse, Or The OS

Mar 28, 2009

I've been getting increasingly annoyed with my mouse as of late. I've always noticed that while I've been in World of Warcraft, the mouse just doesn't seem precise. You can move the mouse, and sometimes it stops prematurely, sometimes it goes past where you want it to go, you move right and it moves up a bit, it really just isn't seeming that great.

I'm using a Logitech MX400. I've tried both with, and without the Logitech Drivers / Software. I've enabled, and disabled precision on the mouse, and have also tweaked the sensitivity. Something just doesn't seem right. I'm also using a regular mouse pad that has absolutely no reflective capabilites on it... so I'm really at a loss.

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Nov 29, 2008

I start vista up and sometimes i cant select anything on start menu/taskbars altho i can interact with anything on the desktop. A temp fix seems to be if i ctrl+alt+delete then esc but it happens again soon after.

Also when i am in iexplorer/firefox the mouse starts auto scrolling when i move it quickly, when this happens the mouse wont respond to anything outside the main window of explorer. If i then open my Bookmarks or run a mouse over a link they all open in new windows.

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Better Mouse?

Jul 29, 2009

my Trust mouse wheel has just broken, i took a look at it and it seem like it is unfixable. So im looking for a new mouse, as i were looking around i saw a Microsoft mouse which offered 1000 PPI DCS (Doncaster) Ltd. Online Store and a SAITEK mouse which offers 3200 DPI DCS (Doncaster) Ltd. Online Store But i have no idea whether or not 1000 PPI is better then 3200 DPI. I did some Google searching and didnt find anything, so what is ppi? Does it even exist? Is it better? And Which mouse is better?

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No Mouse Or Other Devices

Apr 16, 2008

I am having a problem with Vista. Last time I shut my computer down, my mouse worked fine. Now it is gone. I normally use a regular Dell USB mouse. I tried a PS2 mouse that that isn't recognized at all. So, I plugged the USB mouse back in. The computer recognized that I plugged something but claimed it couldn't find a driver for it. I read that Windows Update KB938371 but I am unable to uninstall it and a system restore doesn't fix the problem.

As an additional note to this problem: for the past couple of days ANY USB or firewire drive that I plug in (even ones that I have used before) will not work. As with the mouse, the computer recognizes that I plugged something in but it can't find a driver for it. Anybody have a solution for this other than reinstalling Vista? Having no mouse and no connection to a external hard drive is quite an inconvenience. Even if I DID want to back my stuff up and reformat my computer, I don't dare do that because I have nothing to back it up on besides a bunch of DVD's.

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