Allow For Automatic Updates Work For Limited Users On Non-Microsoft Prog

Mar 5, 2009

I have some Vista Business users running with Limited accounts so that they can't install programs with the admin password. MS Automatic Update service seems to be running as Administrator so those patches get applied seemlessly and without my user having to call me to apply them. But I would truely love the ability to allow for Firefox and Adobe Reader to update themselves as well? Is this possible? I just can't keep up with all those updates on those two program for everyone here at work. Hey, I wonder if Google Updater can update these apps seemlessly: Ummm... I guess this runs as a System Account. I'll give this a shot and see. Otherwise any other suggestions are welcome. Overall though, I'd like to see how to define a specific program (well understanding the security ramifications) to install it as admin automatically.

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Microsoft Directing Users To Install Microsoft LIVE Mail

Oct 17, 2009

I was using Microsoft Outlook Express as my mail client. Then Microsoft advised users to update to Windows Mail since they no longer supported Outlook I did. Now Microsoft is directing users to install Microsoft LIVE Mail? What is the difference between Microsoft Mail (which I am running) and Microsoft LIVE Mail....and, why would a user run LIVE over MAIL?

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Automatic Updates Is Off

Nov 16, 2008

Anyone know if its possible and if so how to prevent Vista from keeping the message balloon of "Automatic Updates is off" from popping up?, each time I reboot after a few minutes this pops up and its irritating me, I don't have automatic updates on as I choose when to go and check for any, but this message will insist on popping up to remind me, but I'm not daft and would like it to know if its possible to stop it

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SP1 Doesn't Show Up On Automatic Updates

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium. SP1 doesn't show up on automatic updates, and I can't find it to download manually? I read here that it was available yesterday.

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Automatic Updates, Randomly Restarting

Mar 23, 2008

My computer will shutdown improperly during the night. I thought it was the automatic updates, but I checked the update center and it says nothing has been done. Sometimes, when it is sleeping and I try to start it back up, it will also shutdown for no apparent reason.

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Automatic Updates, Compter Go To Sleep

Sep 24, 2008

i'm experimenting an issue since i bought ir i can't put to sleep my commputer! could you believe it? but not ever, sometimes sleeps well, but others when i select sleep, the computers go to sleep but in a second start again, also i don't know if here is something like hibernate, like XP, if it's the option i don't find it yet. my power options sayd that the power botton is the one that active the hibernation, but when i press the power botton, the laptop go to sleep and sometimes wake up again. I have the SP! and the automatic updates, and my problem isn't solved

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Keep Reminded By Automatic Updating, Have Updates

Dec 30, 2009

I keep getting reminded by the automatic updating that I have updates. Many of them lately have been for Office which I don't have. How do I get rid of these from the list of updates? They don't go away.

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Setpointupdate.exe: Say Logitech Settings And Disable Automatic Updates

Oct 17, 2009

I used to have Vista Home Basic on my computer. I have a Logitech mouse that came with software, and it displayed a Logitech Mouse and Keyboard icon in the system tray. You could adjust mouse settings, and it told you when your wireless mouse's batteries were dying. So I got a new hard drive and a version of Vista Home Premium. Installed Vista and all of my programs, including the Logitech software. Now when I login I get the message that Windows wants to run setpointupdate.exe and I have to click Allow or Cancel. I never got this message with Vista Home Basic.

I've already Googled setpointupdate.exe and read many posts (including one on this site) saying that you have to go into your Logitech settings and disable automatic updates (tried that, didn't work), or that you had to uninstall your Logitech software all-together. But I want the software - I never change my mouse settings, but I like that the system tray icon warns me when the batteries are dying. Yes, I could uninstall the software and figure out on my own that the batteries are dying (by my mouse stopping working), but why should I have to uninstall this Logitech software? Isn't there a way to tell Windows that setpointupdate.exe is ok to run and that I don't have to click Allow EVERY time I login?

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Automatic Sleep And Hibernation Gone After Updates KB953155 And KB954154

Dec 7, 2008

Both sleep and hibernation worked perfectly according to the power options settings at their preset times before installing updates KB953155 and KB954154. Now, the power options do not work anymore, only the manual command works. I uninstalled those updates and also tried to make a restore from a restore point I made just before installing the updates. Windows makes an automatic restore point, also. I tried this one too, but nothing solves the problem. It is a desktop pc, and I use those functions all along the day when unexpectedly going out and coming in. I don’t know what else to do.

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After Downloading Automatic Updates The System Started Working Very Slow

Nov 15, 2008

I'm using vista 64 for the last 2 months and it worked quite good in general. Yesterday after downloading some automatic updates (and i don't think this was the cause for what i specify next...) the system started working very slow, with sudden freezes, slow reaction to clicks on icons, starting programs etc. Another annoying issue that the system started booting very slow: after the green marker which shows after booting, there's a very long stop before i get the log on window. What's really strange is that i don't see the harddrive working in this seems like freeze, like the one happens when the windows is up and running.

My system is intel quad q6600 cpu, 4gb 800 mhz memory,gigabye dq6 680i motherboard,and new hitachi sata2 hardrives. Does it sounds more like hardware problem? (till yesterday all was good!)or more like windows problem? (i have a backup of the system from 2 months ago,right after i installed the system, but no more backups and restore points....)

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Sneaky Microsoft Plug-in Puts Firefox Users At Risk

Oct 18, 2009

Reminds me of the time that Microshit said that WGA-N was a "critical" update except this time they put computer users at risk. Not very nice, Microshit.

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Restore Point Automatic Does Not Work

May 16, 2008

I have task scheduler set up to create a restore point once a day. The history panel shows that the restore point is created on schedule, yet it does not show up in the system restore panel under system properties/system protection. Nor does the free space on the hard drive shrink by a gig or so, as I'd expect. All the settings in task scheduler seem to be correct, and I can create restore points manually. It's just that the automatic feature does not work. Has anyone experienced a problem like this? I'm using Vista Home Premium. Oodles of space allocated for restore points.

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Microsoft SQL Server Updates

Sep 3, 2009

So this is my first post on here, and its a good one!! I've have this prompt to install Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition Service Pack 3 (KB955706) for quite some time now but it never installs, It keeps saying Some updates failed to install, I have no idea if i need to install this but its really annoying if i go into sleep mode it tries installing and the same when i shut down, is there any way of installing this at all?

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The File Does Not Associate With A Prog

Mar 19, 2009

I could not open the attached pdf files in Window Mail directly from the paper clip icon drop down menu. However I can open it after saving the attachement to other folders like desktop. The error msg (simplified version): The file does not associate with a prog, set it at control panel. But the control panel setting show pdf was associated to Adobe reader 9.1.

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Deleting Optional Microsoft Updates

Oct 16, 2009

My other computer was working perfectly until I installed these 4 optional updates. I am running Vista Basic Home and now cannot connect to my Belkin wireless router and therefore have no internet.

1. Realtek Semiconductor Corp-Network-Realtek 8185 Extensible 802.11 b/g Wireless Device

2. Realtek Semiconductor Corp -Storage-Realtek USB 2.0 Card Reader

3. Update for windows Vista-English (KB937286)

4. Marvell-Network-Marvell Yukon 88e8038PCI-E Fast Eternet Controller

The wireless network connection to the the Belkin is listed under 'connect to a network' with a strong signal, and the computer I am typing on is connected so I know the router is working, but zi get the message that Windows cannot connect to belkin54g. When I go to uninstall these updates, they are no listed that I installed them and therefore cannot remove them...

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Screensaver Doesnt Work Using A Microsoft Wireless Laser Mouse, Also Microsoft Wireless Keyboard, Windows Vista

Mar 28, 2009

I Just want to know why my screensaver doesn't work using a Microsoft wireless laser mouse, also microsoft wireless keyboard, windows vista.

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Blue Screen After Microsoft Auto Updates

Sep 3, 2009

I let Vista do two updates on my Tosh A300-1BZ Laptop - I think 1 was an IE8
compatibility update, the second a windows defender patch and the third (enabled in error) was a "windows live essentials" update which I cancelled half way through (by hitting Cancel and then Yes etc).

The updater reported two updated done one cancelled and requested a reboot.

After re-boot all I get after the initial Microsoft "bar graph" loading icon is a blue screen and "STOP: c0000139 (Entry Point Not Found) The procedure entry point ntoskrnl.Ex1AcquireFastMutex could not be located in the dynamic link library HAL.dll."

I've tried using repair windows using F8 and from a Vista Ultimate DVD (which reports no errors) and using system restore to a previous point which reports success but on re-boot the laptop still blue screens with the same report.

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Microsoft Preparing To Release Pair Of Updates

Nov 8, 2008

Microsoft is preparing to release a pair of updates next Tuesday. The company said in an advance notice that the November edition of the 'Patch Tuesday' release will include one fix labeled 'critical' and a second labeled 'important.' The critical fix addresses a vulnerability in the Microsoft XML Core Services component in Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, 2008 and Windows Vista. While Microsoft did not disclose the exact nature of the vulnerability, the company said that if exploited it could allow an attacker to remotely execute code on a targeted system. While the second flaw could also allow an attacker to remotely execute code, Microsoft rated the issue as an 'important' risk. The vulnerability lies within a component in Windows 2000, XP, Server 2003, Server 2008 and Windows Vista.

Microsoft offered little more on the nature of the vulnerability. The company typically refrains from disclosing specific details on a flaw until a fix can be released.The November update comes just two weeks after the disclosure and patching of another critical vulnerability in a Windows component. Shortly after the company posted the fix, an attack for the flaw was reported. Microsoft is planning to release the update next Tuesday. The update is typically released by early afternoon US Pacific time. Microsoft to deliver a pair of November fixes -

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Microsoft Updates: Failed To Connect To A Windows Service

Mar 23, 2008

I receieved and installed 9 updates today from Microsoft. After rebotting, I am getting the following error: Failed to connect to a windows service. Windows could not connect to the System Event Notification Service service. This problem prevents limited users from logging on to the system. As an administrative user, you can review the System Event Log for details about why the service didn???t respond. I am running Vista Home Premium.

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Internet Not Work After Allowing Updates

Jun 17, 2008

I wonder if anyone could advise whether the following updates would affect my internet connection:? Update for Windows Mail Junk E-mail Filter [June 2008] (KB905866)Definition Update for Windows Defender - KB915597 (Definition 1.35.347.0)Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool - June 2008 (KB890830) Security Update for Windows Vista (KB951376) Security Update for Windows Vista (KB950762) Update for Windows Vista (KB947562) Security Update for Windows Vista (KB951698) Cumulative Update for Media Center for Windows Vista (KB950126)

I downloaded these yesterday and I have had problems with my wired modem and Netgear router today. I keep losing the internet connection. I've spoken to my ISP and Netgear. Netgear says that the modem keeps dropping the connection but my ISP says there are no problems at their end. It just seems odd that everything was working fine before I allowed these updates.

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Microsoft Address Does Not Work

Feb 24, 2009

I successfully added my Comcast accounts to windows mail on Vista, but am puzzled as to this new address; this address doesn't work. I am getting my Comcast emails. I asked friends to send me emails to but I have not received them. Do I have to set up this microsoft account as well? Also I have forgotten my password and it tells me to check my address to reset, but I have not got the message.

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Windows 7 Provides No Real Benefits: Vista / Windows 7 Are Mostly Transparent To Normal Users - Even Monster Power Users

Oct 9, 2009

I calculated that to migrate to Vista or Windows 7 will cost close to =A32000. not including my time - It will take around 100 hours. This is because many of my existing software / tools / utilities does not work on Vista and the vendors expect me to buy a new license because it is a "new product" even though it does exactly what it did before - just on a different OS. Even the products that do work have problems and glitches that have to be worked around. All this takes time MY VALUABLE time. In other words I am suffering because Microsoft want money. In the past some versions of windows were worth migrating to Windows 2000 and Windows XP were great

But most of the improvements to Vista / Windows 7 are mostly transparent to normal users - even monster power users like me. I believe Microsoft have a serious attitude problem. just wait until they take full advantage of TPM to screw even more money out of us. If I am wrong please point out a real tangible benefit that Vista or Windows 7 brings to a large percentage of users or to me. I also I can no longer buy a laptop because they only come with Vista GPU drivers (some come with buggy unsupported XP GPU drivers - great)

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Microsoft Depends On Linux To Get The Work Done

Mar 7, 2009

The idiots in this newsgroup who keep claiming that linux is worthless,dont know much about technology. Its a known fact that Microsoft uses unix based servers for many of its services including hotmail, and when they tried to switch to windows severs it was a TOTAL FLOP! yet you have these computer illiterate microsoft fanboys claiming that vista is the best OS ever!.......

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Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 Wont Work

Oct 29, 2008

As you can see from my profile I have Vista Ultimate x64 but I can't install Virtual PC 2007. Basically I downloaded the installer (making sure it was the x64 version), ran it and it all went fine until suddenly the installation just rolled back and said that no modifications were made to the system. It doesn't give me an error message. I searched on the Internet but I can't seem to find the solution. And yes, I tried both the normal installer and the SP1 version.

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Microsoft Office 2007 Can't Work 64bit

Aug 25, 2009

I just recently purchased a new laptop and it finally arrived today. I have a copy of Microsoft Office 2007 (I still have enough liscenses left for this laptop) which I was trying to install. I try to run setup and it attempts to load and then automatically closes and displays the following message:"Setup could not find any available products to install. Please contact your system administrator."

I am the administrator on this computer. When I try to launch setup on my other laptop that runs 32bit it works just fine. Before I bought the new laptop I checked to see if my software would work on 64bit and the internet said it would. Am I doing anything wrong?

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Microsoft Wireless 7000 Bluetooth Not Work

Apr 28, 2008

I have managed to break the bluetooth dongle that came with this keyboard/mouse and have tried 3 different brands of dongles with no success. My question is does Microsoft replace the dongles with this Mouse/Keyboard

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Screen Saver Does Not Work When You Use A Microsoft Wireless Pointing Device

Feb 23, 2009

keyboard and mouse are microsoft multimedia keyboard and wireless optical mouse 2000.

The screen saver does not work when you use a Microsoft wireless pointing device on a Windows Vista-based computer

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Microsoft Power Toys Image Resizer Work In Vista?

Feb 10, 2009

Anyone know does Microsoft Power Toys Image Resizer work in Vista? If not is there a Vista equivalent?

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Auto Updates Now Nothign Works, Cant Roll Back Uninstaller Wont Work

Apr 17, 2009

friend did auto updates now nothign works, cant roll back uninstaller wont work, installer fails, heres the logs sorry theres loads!!

Code: Level Date and Time Source Event ID Task Category Information 17/04/2009 00:40:00 Windows Error Reporting 1001 None "Fault bucket 41478427, type 5........

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Ms Office Professional 2007: When Open Microsoft Work I Get This> (Image Attached)

Aug 21, 2009

When i always open microsoft work i get this> (Image attached) Is there any thing i can do to stop this?

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Microsoft Wireless Keyboard: Don't Work Until I Go Into Properties And Click On Them And Then Click Ok

Apr 18, 2008

I have a microsoft wireless keyboard and mouse which work really well but when I reboot, the keyboard shortcuts that I have programmed don't work until I go into properties and click on them and then click ok. The keys then work ok until I reboot again.Is there any way that I can programme the changes so they are the default programmes whenever I reboot. The software loaded fine and I clicked on apply and save when I originally set the keys.....I have a HP Pavilion DV6700 Laptop with windows visa home premium which is about one month old.

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