XP Mapped Drive, Not Closing The Connection?

Oct 19, 2007

I have a Vista business machine that is used for Quickbooks. I have the data files in a folder (QBData) and it is shared with full permissions. I am mapping a drive from an XP machine so I can run quickbooks. The mapped drive and access to the files works fine until I close quickbooks and try to reconnect/open. It seems like Vista is not closing the connection correctly as I need to reboot Vista for the XP machine to be able to connect again.

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Responded As Possible: What Are The Benefits Of Mapped Drive And Sharing Folders In A Home Network

Oct 8, 2009

Responded as possible?!

1)what are the benefits of mapped drive and sharing folders in a home network?

2)which folder cannot be shared? can you think of reason why an operating system might not allow certain types of folders to be shared ?

3)Amapped drive provides apointer to a network resourse,but mapped drive letters are said to be locally signification only.what do you think is meant by locally significant ?

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Moved Music Folder To A Mapped Drive, And This Is The Result In Windows Explorer

Jul 23, 2009

I've recently moved my music folder to a mapped drive, and this is the result in Windows Explorer:

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Mapped Drive "does Not Have A Program Associated With It"

Mar 16, 2009

I have a 64-bit Vista Ultimate SP1 workstation that has mapped drives setup at login by a script coming from SBS 2003 R2. This method of mapping drives has been running quite happily on 32-bit machines for several years until I purchased and setup this new 64-bit machine. Only on this machine, if I double-click one of three mapped drives (S), I get the following error: "This file does not have a program associated with it for performing this action......

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Mapped Drives Become Inaccessible

Apr 2, 2007

I am running a small network. My workstations are running Vista ultimate and my server running Windows 2003 server. Under XP I had no problems accessing mapped drives but under Vista they become inaccessible after a period of time/inactivity.

This is how it is set up. I have a folder shared on my server called applications. I have it mapped as "P:Applications" on my Vista PC. In "stored user names and passwords" I have an entry \Server with the login details barry@home and the password. This is exactly the same as I had in XP. When I launch Vista the drives auto connect and I can access any of the files. However after a while when I click on a mapped drive icon I get the following error dialog box entitled: "Location is not available" The error message then reads: "P: is not accessible. Logon failure: unknown user name or password." If I reboot Vista the mapped drives work again so it doesn't look like it's a Server 2003 problem and this didn't happen under XP.

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VISTA Not To Try To Reconnect To Network Or Mapped Drives?

Jan 29, 2009

This is an issue about VISTA going into "LIMBO" trying to reconnect to my mapped network drives, which I know I don't have access since I'm connected VPN... This issue isn`t isolated to VISTA. I`ve had this issue with all Windows OS, I just never found a solution.

The workstation is part of the network, we log into a DOMAIN (pretty standard...)
Often, when using certain VPNs, the "tunneling security" causes you to loose "Network Connections"... which is fine. I.e. If I have a mapped drive to a share on the network or If my default printer is a Network Printer, I cannot access it. You will get the "Could not reconnect to the network share, etc.etc. or printer is unavailable") Often, same goes for email with Outlook........

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Stalling On Boot When Mapped Drives Inaccesable

Apr 13, 2009

I have a few laptops part of our domain. They are connected to a few network printers and mapped to a few shares. When the laptops are connected to the domain network they boot just fine. But when they are unconnected to the network the time from power on to login screen triples. And the time from login to functioning desktop also triples. I am thinking that this is a timeout issue where windows is trying to connect to shared resources that are unavailable. Is there ways to reduce the timeout threshold for these services? If so where?

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Make Mapped Network Connections Work For Privilege Escalated Processes

Mar 5, 2007

Ever wonder why you get network authentication errors when you are trying access a mapped network share from a process that was elevated by UAC? Josh over at WindowsConnected has a great article on how you can fix this annoying issue:

On Windows Vista when you map a drive under your admin account you will find that your mapped drive is not available after you switch to your full token via a RunAs or Consent dialog. This is by design because there are actually two tokens in play here. What happens is the LSA recognized that you are admin at logon and creates two logons. The first with a "filtered" token or non-admin which is used to render your desktop and the other containing your full token to be available after consent dialogs. 

Because there are two separate logons there are separate logon ID's.  When network shares are mapped they are linked to the current logon session for the current process token. Meaning you don't have access to the network drive from the alternate logon. This can come into play with logon scripts and a number of other areas where you may require access to a network share from both tokens....

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Windows Suggestions: CTRL+C Could Be Mapped, By The User, To A Universal Command Called "Copy."

Jul 29, 2009

I have a suggestion for Windows. It would be nice if there was a concept of "universal" keyboard commands. For example, CTRL+C could be mapped, by the user, to a universal command called "Copy." As it is now, most applications use CTRL+C as copy, but there is no real uniformity to this. Some users prefer to use CTRL+INSERT for copy, and this is less commonly supported.

Applications would have the choice of directly handling either the CTRL+C messages (as they do now) or handling the "universal" message that the "Copy" key was pressed. This would allow the most flexibility, so that existing apps would continue to work normally, but new apps would have the option of switching to the more generic approach. Only the most common commands need representation as "universal" commands. Things like cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, select-all, select- none, etc... And media commands like play, pause, stop, record would be nice, too. Interestingly, "record" could apply to recording audio or video, as well as something like recording a macro in a text editor or spreadsheet.......

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IE8 Is Constantly Closing

Nov 3, 2009

Using Vista Home Premium, IE8 is constantly closing - that is, a message box tells me something happened and IE has to close. Most of the time, I just 'X' out the message box and IE does NOTclose.

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How To Closing Programs

May 11, 2008

With windows xp you only needed to ctrl-alt-del to view running programs and close them, before installing new software. How do you close programs for xp?

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Closing My Laptop

Jun 21, 2009

I have a Dell XPS M1530 and recently it has stopped going into sleep mode. Whenever I try to put my laptop to sleep its pretty much like it "restarts." I hear the 2 clicks from the cd drive and then after login all of my programs are booting up again.I have already checked the power settings in the control panel. Mylaptop is set to go to sleep when the lid is closed on both battery and ac.

Additionally, my laptop goes to sleep whenever I manually use "Fn + F1" and when I press "start - sleep." Has anyone had this problem before? How did you fix it?

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Excel Closing Down

Apr 3, 2009

Since I had my Vista Small Business reinstalled, Excel is closing down and sometimes restarting again. Sometimes just closing down. After it has reopened automatic I can close without problems. The closing down also often happens upon opening a new Excel page when Excel is open. See attachment. I have complained to the company who did the reinstallation but the claim that it is a Microsoft probloem which has nothing to do with the reinstallation. I have reinstalled Office Enterprise 2007 with no effect. When the problem started I received a message from HP that it was due to selecting the Printer HP Photosmart C5180 as default. I have tried to make another printer default but it has no effect. The computer is a Lenovo Think Pad T-61.

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CD Tray Is Now Opening And Closing Every 2 Min

Aug 2, 2009

My CD Tray is now opening and closing every 2 min. If i put in a disk, such as a game disk, and start the game, the tray will stop opening and closing. Once I stop the game, the tray starts opening and closing again.

auto execute does not work when I put a disk in.

I have run Norton 360, it shows no vurus or spyware.

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Game Keep Closing In 10 Mins Under 64 Bit

Mar 24, 2009

I just brought a new laptop with vista home premium 64 bit 4G RAM. However, while i'm playing a online game for about every 10 minutes, it just closed by itself and didn't give me any warnings. It can stay w/ no problem on the game login page but just not in the game. I'm wondering is there problem with the graphic card? I had tried 2 different brand laptop with 64 bit 4G RAM, both have the same problem. But the game worked well with my old laptop with vista home premium 32 bit 3G RAM.

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32 Closing Automatically In 1 User Id....

Aug 25, 2009

I have 4 user identities on my computer. Three of them work no problem. When I go into my user id (which is also the admin ID) it automatically reboots the computer. The computer starts up to the normal screen with the 4 user IDs on it. And as soon as I log into my ID it reboots in about 5 seconds once again. keeps happening. All 3 other IDs work fine. Whats up and can I fix it? I ran a McAfee full scan and nothing came up.

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Windows Mail Closing

Mar 23, 2008

The problem I am having with Windows mail is that when i open it to check mail it starts to check the accounts, then it says "windows has encoutered a problem" "checking for a solution" then the dreaded "there is no fix, im going to close" If I am persistant and keep reopening the program it will eventually check
all the emails, but then will prompt an error in 10 min and ask me to close the program. Is there some problem that no fix has been released for this?

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Web Page Windows Not Closing

Mar 22, 2010

An odd thing as occured in the past week. I am using Vista 64bit OS. As we all know, when we click the (x) in the upper right to close a web page, it should close on one click. Also when going to the task bar and right clicking to close the page. It is taking me three or more clicks to close the page. The back arrow seems un-affected. The open web page seems to hang and then closes.I have no problems in closeing normal windows within the os.I've checked for malware using malwarebytes and nothing comes up. I also have no viruses according to my payed version of AVG. I keep my system clean of junk files etc.

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Movies & Videos Not Closing In VMC

Feb 2, 2009

I have a minor but annoying problem with playing movies or videos in VMC. Once you have watched the Mov/Vid and stop it and say you are done it sits in the main screen menu as now playing - eventually to start again of its own accord. The only way to stop this happening is to close VMC and reopen it.

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Closing Files: Close Whatever Open

Jan 11, 2009

I am having trouble trying to close my folders, my computer, and other folders, when I choose file, close?, it just hangs?, I have to resort to closing by pressing the red X button top right hand corner to close whatever is open?

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Random Programs Closing On Startup

Jun 22, 2008

Everytime i start up vista most of my programs 'dont respond' and vista prompts me to close them. This happens with 7-8 programs, but as soon as this is done. i can re run the programs afterwords without any problems. Any ideas why this happens and how to fix it? ive run a virus scan and spyware scan and nothing has come up.

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Freezing: Opening And Closing Games

Mar 27, 2009

Everytime I open a game the game freezes for about 10-30 seconds, and then begins to load.. This also happens when closing takes about ten to thirty seconds, and then finally closes... This happens with every single game I had.. This didn't happen in the beginning but started about three to four months ago.. I searched for other threads in different forums.

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Personal Folder Not Closing Properly

Feb 28, 2009

I'm running Microsoft Office 2003 Standard Edition under Windows Vista Home Premium SP1. Recently I've been getting the following message when opening Outlook: "The data file 'Personal Folders' was not closed properly. This file is being checked for problems" I then have to wait several minutes while the file is checked before I can start using Outlook. It doesn't happen everytime I start Outlook, but often enough to be irritating. I have tried closing Outlook using the "Exit" option on the "File" menu and also the "X" option, but it doesn't seem to matter which method I use. The "not closed properly" message seems to appear at random. I'm using MS Office Outlook 2003 SP3 and running Windows Vista Home Premium.

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Menus Keep Closing, Windows Refreshing

Feb 16, 2010

For some reason certain programs are malfunctioning. If I try to click on any drop down menu the menu will automatically close and the border of the current window is constantly flashing. The programs I've found this to be happening so far are Outlook, Windows Explorer, and the start menu. I've updated windows as much as I can to see if that'll do it but nope.

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Games Not Working, Closing Automatically.

Aug 18, 2008

so whenever install a game on my laptop (spiderman 3 worms armageddon etc.) whenever it goes to open thos message always pops up "this game is not working and needs to be closed." i meet the requirements for the game and i dont know what.

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Delete Icons Pops Up Not Closing

Jan 31, 2010

when I try and move files between folders, or delete files from trashcan or even within file folders. The delete icons pops up but takes forever to complete and never goes away, yet the files transfer or delete within a few seconds just like they should. The only way I could get rid of them without a restart was to start task manager and remoeve them that way, and even that took a while. Attached is a screenshot of about 10 icons that were not closing. It seemed as if they would stay their forever if you would let them.

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Closing The Lid Does Not Enter Hibernate Or Sleep Mode

Mar 23, 2008

I've bought Dell XPS M 1530 recently. Earlier with bios version A_05 my notebook didnot detect wireless network if it became available while the computer was already On. The computer had to be waking up or restarting in the presence of network and then only it registered it. The Dell technician downloaded the latest bios (version A_07) and the wireless network problem got corrected. But the new problem thats comeup now is that closing the lid doesnt put the computer to sleep. I checked in the power options, thats correctly configured. Even changed it to hibernate when i close lid. That doesnt work either. One more thing i must add - that it's not like my computer doesnt get to know at all that the lid is closed. When i open the lid, everything is ON but the mouse arrow behaves 'drunk' for a while before becoming normal.

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Virus Closing Down Explorer And Other Services Upon Login

Jan 20, 2010

At first it started closing DCOM and rebooting -I had seemed to solve the DCOM problem by instructing it to restart instead of rebooting my PC- By advice I tried Malwarebytes disconnected from my modem and in safe mode. It found a bunch of trojans and a worm and it supposedly removed them. In spite of this, Google search and Yahoo search contined to redirect my queries to advertising sites, but my PC seemed to operate normally otherwise. I then ran AVG disconnected from the web -avg only does command line in safe mode so I used it in regular start up- prior to going to bed on the 3rd night, and upon waking, I noted that AVG had a list of infections it couldn't remove.

My PC was locked up so bad that I couldn't even turn it off by the on off switch, so I had to shut it down using the power source switch. After rebooting Windows issued an error message stating that explorer has stopped working and needs to shut down. When I tried to access the Task Manager, I got a similar warning for that. Now I get errors that search host process and many other processes have shut down..............

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Sound: Opening/closing Windows Or The Sidebar

Feb 6, 2009

I often get this short hissing noise when I either open/close/minimize/maximize a window or pass the cursor over the sidebar. As far as I can tell, this only happens when the sidebar is activated. how I can get rid of this sound without having to
close the sidebar?

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Premier Elements Windows Keeps Closing Program

Sep 25, 2008

I recently purchased a laptop with a 64bit Vista. I bought this laptop to help me edit videos and pictures using both the Premier Elements and Photoshop elements. I have is that when I'm working on Premier Elements windows keeps closing my program. I recently found out the PE 4 is 32bit compatible, not 64. Is it possible to run programs in a 32bit environment without downgrading my whole system to 32.

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Slow Response Times When Opening/closing Apps And Programs

Apr 16, 2009

I need some assistance. I have a Dell Inspiron Laptop that runs Vista Home Edition. Whenver I boot up and try to open a program or application, it takes a really REALLY long time for it to open. For example, whenever I try to open Firefox or Internet Explorer or even my control panel, the window will open and will be blank. Then it will start to load but either take an enormous amount of time or, after I've become tired of waiting, I'll try to exit and it will say (Not Responding). Now eventually this goes away and the window does close, but like I said, it takes a ton of time trying to open and close these things up. If I do wait it out and I do get into my Internet Explorer or Mozilla, any links that I click or addresses that I type, it again, takes forever. I've run a deep system scan with my Anti-Virus software and came up with nothing. I did a system restore to a point where the problem was not happening and, again, nothing.

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