VISTA Not To Try To Reconnect To Network Or Mapped Drives?

Jan 29, 2009

This is an issue about VISTA going into "LIMBO" trying to reconnect to my mapped network drives, which I know I don't have access since I'm connected VPN... This issue isn`t isolated to VISTA. I`ve had this issue with all Windows OS, I just never found a solution.

The workstation is part of the network, we log into a DOMAIN (pretty standard...)
Often, when using certain VPNs, the "tunneling security" causes you to loose "Network Connections"... which is fine. I.e. If I have a mapped drive to a share on the network or If my default printer is a Network Printer, I cannot access it. You will get the "Could not reconnect to the network share, etc.etc. or printer is unavailable") Often, same goes for email with Outlook........

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Mapped Drives Become Inaccessible

Apr 2, 2007

I am running a small network. My workstations are running Vista ultimate and my server running Windows 2003 server. Under XP I had no problems accessing mapped drives but under Vista they become inaccessible after a period of time/inactivity.

This is how it is set up. I have a folder shared on my server called applications. I have it mapped as "P:Applications" on my Vista PC. In "stored user names and passwords" I have an entry \Server with the login details barry@home and the password. This is exactly the same as I had in XP. When I launch Vista the drives auto connect and I can access any of the files. However after a while when I click on a mapped drive icon I get the following error dialog box entitled: "Location is not available" The error message then reads: "P: is not accessible. Logon failure: unknown user name or password." If I reboot Vista the mapped drives work again so it doesn't look like it's a Server 2003 problem and this didn't happen under XP.

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Stalling On Boot When Mapped Drives Inaccesable

Apr 13, 2009

I have a few laptops part of our domain. They are connected to a few network printers and mapped to a few shares. When the laptops are connected to the domain network they boot just fine. But when they are unconnected to the network the time from power on to login screen triples. And the time from login to functioning desktop also triples. I am thinking that this is a timeout issue where windows is trying to connect to shared resources that are unavailable. Is there ways to reduce the timeout threshold for these services? If so where?

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Wireless Network Not Reconnect

Apr 20, 2008

The connection is hit and miss. When initially setting up the profile I have to try 5 or 6 times before the connection set up correctly. Although Vista is making a connection, for some reason it keeps thinking that the 'new network' is a public network, and listed it as an 'Unidentified Network (SSID)'. No internet access is permitted. Customising the network to make it private does not let Vista see the internet. You have to totally delete the Wireless Connection, and repeat the setup until an attempt actually works (no obvious reason why an attempt works or doesn't, it seems random).

Now I have got it such that it automatically connects most times on restart. However, if I do anything during the session to alter the router settings, or of the PC goes to standby, on restart I have the same problem with Vista identifying the WiFi as a 'Public Network' and not permitting internet access. I have an XP laptop connected to the same router, which has no problems reconnecting automatically. Anyone have any ideas how to make the Vista machines automatic reconnect more reliable?

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Responded As Possible: What Are The Benefits Of Mapped Drive And Sharing Folders In A Home Network

Oct 8, 2009

Responded as possible?!

1)what are the benefits of mapped drive and sharing folders in a home network?

2)which folder cannot be shared? can you think of reason why an operating system might not allow certain types of folders to be shared ?

3)Amapped drive provides apointer to a network resourse,but mapped drive letters are said to be locally signification only.what do you think is meant by locally significant ?

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Make Mapped Network Connections Work For Privilege Escalated Processes

Mar 5, 2007

Ever wonder why you get network authentication errors when you are trying access a mapped network share from a process that was elevated by UAC? Josh over at WindowsConnected has a great article on how you can fix this annoying issue:

On Windows Vista when you map a drive under your admin account you will find that your mapped drive is not available after you switch to your full token via a RunAs or Consent dialog. This is by design because there are actually two tokens in play here. What happens is the LSA recognized that you are admin at logon and creates two logons. The first with a "filtered" token or non-admin which is used to render your desktop and the other containing your full token to be available after consent dialogs. 

Because there are two separate logons there are separate logon ID's.  When network shares are mapped they are linked to the current logon session for the current process token. Meaning you don't have access to the network drive from the alternate logon. This can come into play with logon scripts and a number of other areas where you may require access to a network share from both tokens....

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Red X On Network Drives - Drive Not Available

Feb 24, 2010

this is really for windows 7 however I didn't see a group for that yet. We have replaced our old XP machines with Windows 7 and are now getting a red "X" on network drives. Some people don't have a problem and can access them and others get drive not available. How to fix? We have a Windows 2003 AD in mixed mode. Our people get their mapped drives from a batch file we created that looks like this: (net use p: \server1sharename /persistent:no) All servers and PC are up to date with all MS patches.

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Home Network: Able To Map The C Drives

Mar 23, 2008

i'm trying to network my laptop with my desktop via my modem. i cant seem to get it right. only thing i did so far was to access the public folder. i want to be able to map the C drives onto both machines.

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VPN Established But Cant See Drives Or Network

Mar 23, 2008

I may be missing something here: like a server but I've read all I could about VPN's and I havent found any answer. I have a home network set up and working well and I established a VPN connection through my wireless router that I access my home machines while at work. Two PC's on the home network: 1 XP and the other Vista home Ultimate 64 bit. The VPN connects to the Vista PC. Once i connect I can't do anything! I can't see the drive even though I have it mapped. I know I cant run Remote Desktop Connection to see the machine b/c it's a Vista PC.

How do I actually take advantage of the VPN I've worked so hard in setting up? I want to see my full network and have all resources available to me from a remote location. Do I have to have a server?

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Searching Network Drives?

Jan 19, 2010

Still trying to figure out Vista as my work computer was recently upgraded from XP. In XP if I wanted to search a network drive for a file or folder with a partial known name, I'd use the search tool and it returned results fairly quickly. In Vista, the network admins have indexing disabled for the network because they don't want hundreds of computers constantly scanning for changes. Which is fine, but now when I want to find a file, I *think* this thing is scanning through every file, *name and contents* for my search term, which makes it far, far slower. In fact, in the time it took me to search this newsgroup, read about 10 posts, and then open this window to type my query, Explorer has still not located the document I want. (I know it exists because I was just looking at it from a coworker's screen.). I *could* just ask him what the path is, but that wouldn't be "teaching a man to fish" as it were.

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Unable To Connect To Any Of The Network Drives

Sep 28, 2006

I am testing Vista RC1 on my work laptop. I have to map several drives on my machine to the company SCO server in order to get some software to run. However, i am able to ping the SCO server but unable to connect to any of the network drives with my username and log on. I am also an administrator on this system, and cannot even map with the admin password.

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Network Drives No Longer Accessible

May 11, 2009

I have a vista machine, 32bit. I had it connected to my home network wirelessly and had a mapped network drive. I took the computer to a school, came home, and the mapped drive is no longer accessible.

1 - I have another Vista computer that has no problem connecting to the network drive.

2 - This computer still connects to the network, and has no problem going through the router and into the magical land of internet

3 - I recently bought an NAS, and again had no problem connecting the other Vista computer to the new drive. But, this computer will not map the drive. It is independent from the XP machine, so I know the XP vs Vista is not the problem.

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Invalid System Disk Error And Network Drives Is Off

Mar 23, 2008

We have the Microsoft corporate program where you get the products to use through the enterprise. I have been trying to setup a test machine with the 64 bit version of Vista so burned the ISO we created for safge keeping off of one of our network drives. Disc seemingly gets created without issue however when I place it in the DVD drive and choose boot from CD/DVD I get the invalid system disk error just after it says this.

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Dual Boot: Vista And Vista On 2 Hard Drives?

Jun 19, 2008

There are many articles on how to dual boot Vista and XP, but I want to dual boot Vista and Vista, with an existing installation, on 2 Hard Drives. Currently I switch these in the BIOS, but I'd much rather chose at a later stage, can this be done? Why? Because I keep one of the drives for random software that I rarely use.

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How To Get Vista To Recognize The Other 2 Drives?

May 27, 2008

I just installed Window's Vista Ultimate 64-bit on my new build. I have 3 arddrives installed (2 150gb and 1 640 gb). My BIOS reads all 3, but when vista is booted, I only have a C: drive available (one of my 150 gb). None of my drives are in a Raid array. how to get vista to recognize the other 2 drives?

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Vista Disk Drives

Mar 3, 2009

who is constantly having trouble with his Vista Laptop. His Vista 64 System details states that his 'D' drive is full, on going to the System properties through the system protection HIS 'D' drive it has been ticked, and it appears that any downloads that are automatic are loading onto the 'D' drive. On viewing my own Vista Basic,the same way my 'C' drive is ticked, and I do not have any problems

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Can Reconnect Vpn Resume Work

Mar 23, 2008

I'm able to connect to the VPN at my company (which I set up - it's a Windows 2003 Server Running VPN services) and am able to Remote Desktop / Ping / Use full Outlook just fine. For a while. After a certain amount of time (usually 60 to 90 minutes) the VPN connection will all of a sudden stop transmitting data. According to an ipconfig I still have an IP on the remote network, but all traffic ceases. Outlook reports that it has lost connection to the Exchange Server, ping tests fail, no more remote desktop, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria.

If I open up my Network Connections folder, the VPN Connection still shows up as "Connected". If I try to disconnect it, I get the "Attempting to Disconnect from VPN" window, at which point it hangs (I've let this try to disconnect for 2 hours at one point, with no results). I can't close out of that window unless I go into Task Manager and kill the explorer.exe process. Usually, I end up rebooting my machine every 60 to 90 minutes just so I can reconnect to the VPN and resume my work. As you can imagine, this is getting annoying.

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Shut Down: Reconnect Before Booting

Dec 28, 2008

I have a dual boot system (Vista Enterprise and XP). I have built the computer myself and newly installed both OS. The computer works perfectly with XP. When I boot into Vista, everything works fine. Then when I shut down, I cannot boot the computer unless I disconnect the power supply and then reconnect the power supply. Then everything operates normally. If I boot into XP, then shut down, this does not happen...I can turn on the system and boot into either OS. All updates for both OS are current (SP1 for Vista and SP3 for XP). The system was a clean install. XP was installed first, then Vista. XP was installed directly to a SATA hard drive. Vista was installed to a separate RAID 1 SATA Hard Drive.

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Couldn't Reconnect Keyboard

Feb 26, 2010

I am helping somebody fix their PC (Vista Home Premium on a Gateway laptop) via Windows Remote Assistance. The first time that we used it (after some success), after a planned restart, I couldn't reconnect and the remote user's keyboard would result in gibberish (e.g. type one letter, get something totally different on the screen). We needed to rebuild the PC anyway, so this just prompted us to finally get around to doing this. After reinstalling the O/S, we used WMA successfully and without incident to install many applications such as anti-virus, Adobe Reader, etc. Then, we had to reconnect after a planned restart. This time, I had the remote user invite me by saving the invitation as a file and sending it to me. We had been previously doing the invitations directly by email (without the file). Instantly after creating this file, the keyboard gibberish reappeared. I have no idea how to fix this. In both failure events, I tried System Restore points to times prior to the error, but this did nothing. I have looked at the keyboard layout and the language options, but they are fine and do not appear to be part of the problem. I have seen a couple of references to this on the web, but no good solutions offered. I am using Windows 7 Home Premium.

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No Drives Were Found. When Install Vista

Feb 18, 2009

I'm building my first computer, and I'm getting very frustrated. When I try to install Vista it stops at a screen saying there is no drive to install on. I have gone through all the forums and google searches I can muster. I don't believe it to be a BIOS problem, because I've gone through each of the settings and did a process of elimination on all of them. It's not a jumper problem. what else can it be? Do I need a driver? If so can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Difference Between Xp And Drives Of Xp Don't Work With Vista

May 12, 2008

What the difference between Win XP and Win Vista? whai the drives of xp don't work with Vista?

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Remove Popup "could Not Connect To All Network Drives"?

Jun 11, 2008

every morning when I turn on my laptop, I get the stupid balloon in the corner, and it wouldn't be a problem if it went away, but I have to click on the "x" to get rid of it. Computer's are supposed to make my life easier, not harder. This stupid useless balloon is not helping me, and I want to get rid of it. I know it has to be a registry entry somewhere. does anyone have an answer?

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XP Mapped Drive, Not Closing The Connection?

Oct 19, 2007

I have a Vista business machine that is used for Quickbooks. I have the data files in a folder (QBData) and it is shared with full permissions. I am mapping a drive from an XP machine so I can run quickbooks. The mapped drive and access to the files works fine until I close quickbooks and try to reconnect/open. It seems like Vista is not closing the connection correctly as I need to reboot Vista for the XP machine to be able to connect again.

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Reconnect Blue Tooth Mouse

May 2, 2008

I only have one blue tooth mouse and using it for both my office laptop (XP)and home pc (Vista). to reconnect the mouse on xp, I just simply need to right click on the blue tooth icon, and select reconnect the blue tooth device again. but on the vista, it seems to me the option is not given. Everytime I have to actually remove the mouse, and reinstall it again to get it work.

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External (USB) Drive No Longer Shared After Reconnect

Mar 23, 2008

Have successfully setup sharing through my router -- internal drives and one USB external drive (Western Digital Passport). The network consists of 2 computers running Vista Home Premium and 1 running W2K-Pro; and a Linksys wireless router. After applying the required 'shares' and 'permissions' to the USB external drive (which is connected to one of the Vista systems), I was able to see and modify all files on the external; which is what I wanted. When done, I disconnected the USB drive (using the "Safely Remove Hardware" utility), since I routinely take that drive to anothe site.

The next day I reconnected the USB external to the same Vista system as before. But although the internal drives could still be seen across the network, the USB drive could not. In fact, when I check Properties / Sharing, it now shows as "Not Shared". For what it's worth, that drive displays as the same drive letter as it did originally. This may not be a Vista issue. It may be due to the drive being USB connected. Just don't know. Haven't been able to find a reference to this issue in the Microsoft Community groups or generally on the internet.

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Hard Drives: Transfer The Data To The Vista Drive

Jun 3, 2008

I have hard drives from both Win 98 SE and XP machines. I currently use a system with Vista 32. Is it possible to hook up these drives to my Vista machine and transfer the data to the Vista drive?

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Cannot Reconnect Wireless After Logoff, Shows Connected But No Internet

Jun 15, 2009

Running Vista64 on HP pavillion. Wireless connects great after gigaset se567 is rebooted. But if I logoff or reboot my computer, I can no longer connect until I reboot the router again. Happens if wireless is lost as well. Is an autoconnection to a non-broadcast SSID. if I manually disconnect and wait a min I can manually reconnect. Have done an ipcongif /all at one point and it showed all proper IP's etc, but I could not connect to any websites. Local access only.

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Vista Network Not Connected And Private Network

May 15, 2010

Just returned from holiday and while we were away I changed my laptop network in vista from private to public as advised and the internet worked fine. Now at home I can’t connect to my router, and I get a message saying that the details held on the computer is not the same as the router. Also there is no “customise” function being shown on the network and sharing centre screen to switch back to private network. I’ve tried everything to set up a connection, even a new one, but the same message appears all the time.

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Wireless Router: Wont Reconnect To The Internet After Going Into Standby Mode

May 12, 2008

I am currently researching into upgrading the telecommunications scene in our house satrting with replacing my current router which is driving me insane. The signal strenght is totally erratic & it often wont reconnect to the internet after going into standby mode.

Belkin : Wireless G+ Modem Router

I am totally noob when it comes to wireless, do all routers produce basically the same strength signal? Are some more long range than others?

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Moved Music Folder To A Mapped Drive, And This Is The Result In Windows Explorer

Jul 23, 2009

I've recently moved my music folder to a mapped drive, and this is the result in Windows Explorer:

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Windows Suggestions: CTRL+C Could Be Mapped, By The User, To A Universal Command Called "Copy."

Jul 29, 2009

I have a suggestion for Windows. It would be nice if there was a concept of "universal" keyboard commands. For example, CTRL+C could be mapped, by the user, to a universal command called "Copy." As it is now, most applications use CTRL+C as copy, but there is no real uniformity to this. Some users prefer to use CTRL+INSERT for copy, and this is less commonly supported.

Applications would have the choice of directly handling either the CTRL+C messages (as they do now) or handling the "universal" message that the "Copy" key was pressed. This would allow the most flexibility, so that existing apps would continue to work normally, but new apps would have the option of switching to the more generic approach. Only the most common commands need representation as "universal" commands. Things like cut, copy, paste, undo, redo, select-all, select- none, etc... And media commands like play, pause, stop, record would be nice, too. Interestingly, "record" could apply to recording audio or video, as well as something like recording a macro in a text editor or spreadsheet.......

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