Red X On Network Drives - Drive Not Available

Feb 24, 2010

this is really for windows 7 however I didn't see a group for that yet. We have replaced our old XP machines with Windows 7 and are now getting a red "X" on network drives. Some people don't have a problem and can access them and others get drive not available. How to fix? We have a Windows 2003 AD in mixed mode. Our people get their mapped drives from a batch file we created that looks like this: (net use p: \server1sharename /persistent:no) All servers and PC are up to date with all MS patches.

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Home Network: Able To Map The C Drives

Mar 23, 2008

i'm trying to network my laptop with my desktop via my modem. i cant seem to get it right. only thing i did so far was to access the public folder. i want to be able to map the C drives onto both machines.

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VPN Established But Cant See Drives Or Network

Mar 23, 2008

I may be missing something here: like a server but I've read all I could about VPN's and I havent found any answer. I have a home network set up and working well and I established a VPN connection through my wireless router that I access my home machines while at work. Two PC's on the home network: 1 XP and the other Vista home Ultimate 64 bit. The VPN connects to the Vista PC. Once i connect I can't do anything! I can't see the drive even though I have it mapped. I know I cant run Remote Desktop Connection to see the machine b/c it's a Vista PC.

How do I actually take advantage of the VPN I've worked so hard in setting up? I want to see my full network and have all resources available to me from a remote location. Do I have to have a server?

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Searching Network Drives?

Jan 19, 2010

Still trying to figure out Vista as my work computer was recently upgraded from XP. In XP if I wanted to search a network drive for a file or folder with a partial known name, I'd use the search tool and it returned results fairly quickly. In Vista, the network admins have indexing disabled for the network because they don't want hundreds of computers constantly scanning for changes. Which is fine, but now when I want to find a file, I *think* this thing is scanning through every file, *name and contents* for my search term, which makes it far, far slower. In fact, in the time it took me to search this newsgroup, read about 10 posts, and then open this window to type my query, Explorer has still not located the document I want. (I know it exists because I was just looking at it from a coworker's screen.). I *could* just ask him what the path is, but that wouldn't be "teaching a man to fish" as it were.

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Unable To Connect To Any Of The Network Drives

Sep 28, 2006

I am testing Vista RC1 on my work laptop. I have to map several drives on my machine to the company SCO server in order to get some software to run. However, i am able to ping the SCO server but unable to connect to any of the network drives with my username and log on. I am also an administrator on this system, and cannot even map with the admin password.

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Network Drives No Longer Accessible

May 11, 2009

I have a vista machine, 32bit. I had it connected to my home network wirelessly and had a mapped network drive. I took the computer to a school, came home, and the mapped drive is no longer accessible.

1 - I have another Vista computer that has no problem connecting to the network drive.

2 - This computer still connects to the network, and has no problem going through the router and into the magical land of internet

3 - I recently bought an NAS, and again had no problem connecting the other Vista computer to the new drive. But, this computer will not map the drive. It is independent from the XP machine, so I know the XP vs Vista is not the problem.

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VISTA Not To Try To Reconnect To Network Or Mapped Drives?

Jan 29, 2009

This is an issue about VISTA going into "LIMBO" trying to reconnect to my mapped network drives, which I know I don't have access since I'm connected VPN... This issue isn`t isolated to VISTA. I`ve had this issue with all Windows OS, I just never found a solution.

The workstation is part of the network, we log into a DOMAIN (pretty standard...)
Often, when using certain VPNs, the "tunneling security" causes you to loose "Network Connections"... which is fine. I.e. If I have a mapped drive to a share on the network or If my default printer is a Network Printer, I cannot access it. You will get the "Could not reconnect to the network share, etc.etc. or printer is unavailable") Often, same goes for email with Outlook........

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Invalid System Disk Error And Network Drives Is Off

Mar 23, 2008

We have the Microsoft corporate program where you get the products to use through the enterprise. I have been trying to setup a test machine with the 64 bit version of Vista so burned the ISO we created for safge keeping off of one of our network drives. Disc seemingly gets created without issue however when I place it in the DVD drive and choose boot from CD/DVD I get the invalid system disk error just after it says this.

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Cd, D Drive Is Full, Drives Disappeared?

Dec 4, 2008

for some reason my cd, d drive is full there are no cds in my computer and when ever i put a cd in, my computer doesn't even no theres anything in there, i think the problem started when my mum tried to burn a cd and im guessing took it out before it was completed also i have multiple iso programs and all of a sudden all there drives disappeared? and where replaced with these weird one?

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USB Thumb Drives & Required Drive

Jun 8, 2008

I have noticed that even after being told it is "safe to remove hardware" the light on the thumb drive doesn't go off and the next time I put it into the USB drive of my Vista machine, it always says that the drive needs to be scanned and fixed. If it was just one thumb drive, I would think it was the drive, but I get this with all of them, I have three Dane Elec drives, two Sony, a Memorex and a SanDisk Cruzer. Is this a bug that hasn't been worked out yet, or is there something I am missing?

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Hard Drives: Transfer The Data To The Vista Drive

Jun 3, 2008

I have hard drives from both Win 98 SE and XP machines. I currently use a system with Vista 32. Is it possible to hook up these drives to my Vista machine and transfer the data to the Vista drive?

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Freecom Network Drive Not Showing On Network

Dec 31, 2008

Bought a Freecom Network Drive (LINK) from PC World today and got it set up and it seemed to be working fine on my Vista computer until I tryed to get it set up on my XP computer. It seemed to get setup ok but then the whole thing just stopped working. The hard drive spines and it works fine when plugged in as USB device but when trying to connect it to the network it simply does not show up. I have a Belkin G+MIMO Router and the Network Hard Drive is a Freecom Network Storage Hard Drive 250GB

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Remove Popup "could Not Connect To All Network Drives"?

Jun 11, 2008

every morning when I turn on my laptop, I get the stupid balloon in the corner, and it wouldn't be a problem if it went away, but I have to click on the "x" to get rid of it. Computer's are supposed to make my life easier, not harder. This stupid useless balloon is not helping me, and I want to get rid of it. I know it has to be a registry entry somewhere. does anyone have an answer?

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Can Any HDD Be Turned Into An ESATA Drive By Housing It An Enclosure Which Has An ESATA Port Or Is There Something Special About SATA Drives

May 5, 2008

I need to get a new external HDD for my laptop and I'm thinking of = getting an eSATA drive. My question is this: Can any HDD be turned into = an eSATA drive by housing it an enclosure which has an eSATA port or is = there something special about SATA drives? I'm not sure whether I should = buy an already enclosed SATA or buy the HDD and the enclosure separately = (cheaper option).

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How To Setup VPN And Network Drive?

Jul 1, 2008

I would like to setup a VPN so that i can share my home videos and pictures with my family across the state. I would like to be able to setup a network drive so that vista media center can monitor it. This way we could turn on vista and browse to the vids or pics and see what is new. This would save a lot of hassle of emailing them all the time. We all have the same dynamic isp, routers and Vista proff or ultimate. So i'm thinking that if i can get 2 computers to work like i want over a VPN then i'll have no problem with the rest of the families computers. I have used Cisco to successfully setup a vpn across country using one computer with vista and the other with xp. Is vista's vpn setup similar to cisco's? Is Vista capable of creating what i described above?

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Unable To Map Network Drive

Sep 4, 2009

I'm running Vista Ultimate, 32bit, with a home network and internet. Recently I bought, and installed, the "Argosy Mobile Video HDD Pro," model #HV359T (it's essentially an external 1.5TB drive housed in a small case that lets you store and play media -- movies, music, pictures, etc. Nifty thing.) I set it up and it works just fine, and downloaded some movies on my home TV system via USB. BUT, I just can't map it to a drive on Vista on my home network.

The error I get is simple: "Windows cannot access" (The IP addr of the box). I can ping it, the supplied utilities can see it, but Vista just can't when I try to map it. I have no further diagnostic info, just that Windows can't access it; not too helpful. I suspect it's a security issue, but that's just a wild guess.

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Network Drive Not Accessible?

Apr 9, 2008

I have a desktop that is running 64 bit Ultimate and my laptop is running 32 bit Home Premium. I have the laptop set up as wireless and the desktop as direct connect to the router. I set up a home network so I can access my drives from either machine. I can access two desktop drives from my laptop, but it won't let me access some of the other drives. From the desktop, I cannot access any drives on the laptop. The drives that it won't let me access says "\BueningsMy Music is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if you have access permissions. Access is denied."

Why would it let me access some drives and not others? I have the Network Discovery amd File Sharing turned on. All other items are turned off, including Password Protected Sharing. I followed the steps of "Set up a connection or network" and it is set up as a Private Network. Let me know where things may be goofy or things to check. I'd like to get this going correctly if possible.

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Map Network Drive Keep Disconnecting

Mar 23, 2008

I got 3 vista home basic stations (a,b,c) with 1 of them (a) as a server. Everything works fine for station b. For station c, I did the same for mapping the drive as in station b. But whenever I restart the station, the map network drive is shown as disconnected.

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External Hard Drive On Network

Oct 23, 2009

I had to create a windows recovery disk

I used it to system restore her system to a date before she had set her password

and on the menu it said install vista

and on my old laptop that my dad has it's a 2gb compaq presario

they're not made anymore

it has low memory it's very slow and really

hardly useable without getting very stressed

so if I used the recovery disk I created

and click install vista

will it be like a new laptop?

there's nothing needed on the laptop

so nothing is being lost by resetting the laptop

it's got vista home premium x86

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Cannot View Shared Drive On Network

Mar 23, 2008

I have a user with a french vista laptop. Every other person are joined to the domain and can view other systems (boths XP and Vista) on the network. They can share files and access shared drive. This user however is not joined to the domain and can view any other system on the network. He can view but not access other vista systems. he cannot ping any system on the network and cannot access any shared drive. He can however access network printer. I will like him to be able to access te shared drive, how do i go about it?

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Online Disk, Map Network Drive

Mar 6, 2008

Is there some easy service to Map a Network Drive to my VISTA?need to bring files from home to work on regular basis .

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Network Share Drive Letters Disappearing

May 6, 2008

I haven't found a solution to this yet: I have 2 network driver established. They reconnect during reboots and are accessible fine. For some reason they stopped being visible in explorer until I explicitly go to them by enteing the letter in the address bar. Then one or both with show up (usually just the one I put in) I also have an internet webdav drive that also does not show up until i put it's letter in the address bar. If I use applications to access the letters, they show up ok in that application's file open/save box.

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Share DVD Drive On Wireless Network (Group Policy?)

Feb 18, 2010

I'm trying to troubleshoot a problem. I have a Win7 Home Premium 32bit netbook and a Vista Home Premium 64bit laptop on a wireless network. I'm able to share files, folders, and a printer with no problem, but I can't seem to share the DVD drive on the laptop. I want to be able to install software on the Win7 netbook using the Vista laptop's DVD drive over the network. The DVD drive is shared and given full control permission. It shows up on the Win7 netbook, but when I try to access it, it says Windows cannot access (drive name). You do not have permission to access (drive name). Contact your network administrator to request access.

After browsing the net for a solution, I think an entry in the Vista registry is restricting access to the drive through a group policy. I saw on another forum where changing the Default value to 0 may correct this issue. I also changed the ValueType value to 0. Neither worked for me. Then I noticed that DisplayName value, @wsecedit.dll,-59098. (See picture) I researched and found out that it had something to do with a Group Policy restriction. Since there is no Group Policy Editor for Vista Home Premium, could I simply delete that entry? How else could I change or edit that? (I saw on this forum where someone is working on Group Policy Editor for all versions of Vista).

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Backing Up To Network Drive: Username And Password Invalid?

Apr 20, 2008

I have a 1 TB external hard drive connected to my network. I would like to back up my laptop and setup automatic backup on a weekly basis to this drive like I have done with my desktop. However, the damned thing keeps asking me for a username and password that I did NOT set up on the computer that has the hard drive connected directly into it. When I use my Windows username and password for the computer the drive is connected to, it tells me it is invalid. So what, exactly, is the password if that isn't it? I have password protection turned OFF on my network, so it shouldn't even ask me for one.

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Responded As Possible: What Are The Benefits Of Mapped Drive And Sharing Folders In A Home Network

Oct 8, 2009

Responded as possible?!

1)what are the benefits of mapped drive and sharing folders in a home network?

2)which folder cannot be shared? can you think of reason why an operating system might not allow certain types of folders to be shared ?

3)Amapped drive provides apointer to a network resourse,but mapped drive letters are said to be locally signification only.what do you think is meant by locally significant ?

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Two Hard Drives Separate, Raid Hard Drives

Feb 24, 2009

I have a Dell computer, had it about three weeks. I have two hard drives in a serial ATA Raid 0 stripe 500GB each. They are controlled by Intel matrix storage manager software. I want to have the two hard drives separate, like drive C and Drive D In the Bios I have two choices ATA or Raid, I have tried both ways to have them separate, however still can't. I have to say that I found this forum by chance, by goodness I am glad I did with drivers for my scanner and printer.

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Xbox 360 Access Music Files:drive Address And Network Address

Mar 29, 2009

Been trying for hours to use Xbox 360 to access music and other files on my compuer, using both Drive address and network address. ALL files can be seen successfully on WMC on the Vista computer but nothing on the Xbox 360 -- except some photos on my son's XP machine (that worked easily).Could really use a simple solution to this please!

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Cloning A Drive: Tranfer Entire Drive Incuding All Files And The Operating System From Current IDE HDD To A New SATA Drive

May 2, 2008

I am Using Vista Ultimate 64. I would like to tranfer my entire drive incuding all files and the Operating system From my current IDE HDD to a new SATA Drive of the sames size (500 Gig) I need the IDE Drive for an older computer ( The 40 Gig IBM Deathstar still functions great, but all programs seem more bloated these Days)

Anyway I went to Administrative Tools and Formated the New Drive NFTS with no Drive Letter. But I cannot get it recognized as a transfer device when I go to system backup. Can I use 'C' on the second and soon to be only drive? If I have to use E or F for now can I change it back later. would that affect the file system? I intend to Low level Format the IDE and try cloning the old machine's XP Drive (32 bit) to it in the second place.

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My Docs On E Drive, Not C Drive: How I Go About Changing That So The Default Is My Documents On The E Drive

Jan 2, 2010

I'm running Vista on a PC that has a hd that has been formated into 3 discrete drives.Vista is loaded onto the C drive, programmes are loaded onto the d drive while i have my data stored on my E drive. By default any documents I save are directed towards My Documents on the C drive - how I go about changing that so the default is my Documents on the E drive?

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File Sharing/network Discovery On, Private Network, Password Protection Disabled

May 6, 2008

I have Vista x64 and I have read threads on this for weeks and can't fix it. I have file sharing/network discovery on, private network, password protection disabled, my shares set to everyone and everyone is on the same workgroup. My problem is that the x64 Vista computer will not see any of the XP (x86 or x64) computers and they can't see it from the Network Neighbourhood. However, if I type the IP address of the XP computers I
can access them. On the XP computers if I type the IP address I get an error that it isn't accessable and I might not have permission. However, if I type \ or any of the other share names I access it just fine. pinging works too by IP but not by name. If I boot into the x86 install of have of Vista I can access XP computers from Vista and the Vista from XP by name and everything without typing any user names. The only differince between the two aside from x64 and x86 is that x86 isn't patched past SP1 as I don't use it often. Lastly after installing that XP patch I can see the x86 XP computers by name from the network map feature on Vista, still can't access them by name though...

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Network Icon In System Tray Inaccurately Says It's Not Connected To Network

Mar 30, 2008

I'm using Vista Home Premium and Windows Update tells me I'm up to date.

Every so often the Network icon in the System Tray tells me that it is not connected to a Network (by displaying a red X) though I can clearly see that I am.

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