Windows Vista Has NTFS?

Mar 23, 2008

I want to buy Windows Vista NTFS and I cant find it. I have a small business and I need this program for my Apple Computer. But I cant find on any website what versions of Windows vista has NTFS.

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Can Vista 32 Pro Install On Ntfs Partition?

May 8, 2008

Can vista 32 pro install on an ntfs partition formated with 16k clusters. If so how can I format the drive to 16k clusters using the vista boot cd, are there any steps or commands I need to do during the boot sequence? And are there any "stable" third party programs or suggestions so I don't have to dump the current os that is on the drive? As I believe that the image file restores the cluster size.

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Installing Windows 7 On NTFS 1.2:Does It Alter The File System

May 23, 2009

What happens when you attempt to install Windows 7 on a drive with NTFS version 1.2 (or some earlier version... like 1.3, etc)? Does it alter the file system? Any way to force Win7 to use the older file system? I'm hoping for performance improvements due to less features in older NTFS, but I know little on the topic.

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Missing NTFS

Sep 1, 2009

I am trying to restore my computer and it says my ntfs is missing.

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Aug 7, 2009

I just bought a external hard drive

But, after transfering all my data I found out it is FAT32?

Is there a way I can change this to NTFS?

Without losing the data?

it is drive G

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How To Format NTFS

Apr 28, 2008

i'm going to format an external HDD: in the mask that appears in Vista i need to choose the amount i want for the size of the allocation file. what does this mean? How this will influence later my HDD storage capability?

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Formatting External HDD With NTFS, Comes Up As RAW

Apr 12, 2008

I have an internal IDE HDD that I have put in an USB external enclosure and connected to my Dell Vista laptop. When I attempt to format the drive in Computer Management, I assign it a letter and format with NTFS. However, the result is a Healthy Partition in RAW format. When I try to attempt to reformat using quick format, sometimes it will format it again as RAW, or it will give me an error message stating that Windows cannot format the drive. Again, the HDD shows up as a Simple, Basic, Healthy(Primary Partition) with a RAW File System. I cannot access the drive and put files on it.

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NTFS Index Corrupt?

Jan 7, 2009

when I powered up my Vista I noticed that it was unusually slow and all of a sudden, it froze for no apparent reason. I rebooted [by pressing reset on case as keyboard wouldn't respond] and booted into XP and ran chkdsk on the Vista partition. Sure enough, it found two errors but in the index area. Here's the output of DOS window:

Code: C:>chkdsk /r d:
The type of the file system is NTFS.
Volume label is NEW_C.
CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 5)...
File verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 5)...
Deleting index entry SBEServer.exe in index $I30 of file 1153.
Deleting index entry SonicMCEBurnEngineIcon.png in index $I30 of file 1153.
Index verification completed..................

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Bug In Security Filesystem Of NTFS

Mar 23, 2008

on my Vista Ultimate I have just create another user account, (for a friend of my) how is only members of USERS on my HDD E: the security rights are those:

Authenticated users = ~Full control
SYSTEM = ful control
Administrators = full control
Users = Read & execute, List folder contents, Read,

but with this new account I can still remove thing on E: (the security settings of the delete test file are the same as the root Disk)

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NTFS Don't Convert Command

Feb 6, 2009

I just ran the vista advisor from Microsoft and it said my 160 GB FAT 32 Hard drive was acceptable. I was under the impression that Vista required NTFS. I don't like the convert command because it loses some performance and has other issues. I can format and partition another 160 GB Hard Drive to NTFS and then use Acronis to copy partions (it will copy the files from an image without copying the FAT 32 format). The only problem is that it will take more than four hours. Does anyone know of a quicker method?

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Ntfs Partition Formated With 16k Clusters

May 8, 2008

Can vista 32 pro install on an ntfs partition formated with 16k clusters. If so how can I format the drive to 16k clusters using the vista boot cd, are there any steps or commands I need to do during the boot sequence? And are there any "stable" third party programs or suggestions so I don't have to dump the current os that is on the drive? As I believe that the image file restores the cluster size.

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Make Partition NTFS And Format?

Apr 17, 2009

i have linux ubuntu 8.10 and im changing to vista when i boot from dvd and get to choose partition part i click format drive and it sais error 0x8004005. partition needs to be NTFS. how do i make this partition NTFS and format it so i can have vista?

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Fat32 XP Can Read Ntfs Partition

Mar 24, 2008

I am used to dual booting xp O/S and typically I keep one partition NTFS (everyday usage) and the other FAT32 (software testing). This is so when I boot into my FAT32, my NTFS is hidden and the primary drive is C:

I bought a new desktop with Vista intalled on it, I have successfully partitioned and dual booted with XP. Vista is NTFS and XP is FAT32, when I boot into the FAT32 XP, the primary comes up as H: and the C: is still the Vista partition which
easily browsable? Why can XP read Vista NTFS partition?

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NTFS: MFT Folders $Logfile Placement

Apr 26, 2009

Is is often recommended (if defragmenting tool allows it - as JKDefrag and incoming MyDefrag ) to keep MFT and folders close together for short access time. $Logfile ( NTFS transaction circular log ) seems not to be movable by Vista defragmentation API. Does make sense to keep together all of them by placing MFT / folders toward $Logfile?

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ESATA Drive Formatted NTFS From XP Installation

Sep 16, 2009

I have an eSATA drive formatted NTFS from my XP installation. Drive works fine from either XP or Linux (multi-boot machine) I had previously tried Vista on the machine but it saw the eSATA drive as unformatted. Gave the message "Do you want to format this drive?"

Very dangerous as an unknowing person may have actually formatted the drive and lost all their data. Interestingly enough, any time I've tried to access the drive, Vista ran a chkdsk on it at the next boot up. CHKDSK from Vista saw it fine and reported no errors. but could not read the drive once booted to the desktop. I eventually gave up on Vista and just did a Win7 install yesterday.

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Convert WD 640GB Elements FAT32 To NTFS

Mar 27, 2009

It's a new drive with nothing on it. I started converting it from an Amin command prompt about 5 hours ago. The LED on the drive is flashing and the Task Manager shows it's running but other than that I have no indication that it is in fact actually running. Below is what the command prompt window displays. It has not changed at all in the 5 hours. Has anyone else experienced this? How long does this process usually take?

Windows is verifying files and folders...
File and folder verification is complete.
Windows has checked the file system and found no problems.
624,976,672 KB total disk space.
160 KB in 5 hidden files.
32 KB in 1 folders.
32 KB in 1 files.
624,976,416 KB are available.

32,768 bytes in each allocation unit.
19,530,521 total allocation units on disk.
19,530,513 allocation units available on disk.

Determining disk space required for file system conversion...
Total disk space: 625129272 KB
Free space on volume: 624976416 KB
Space required for conversion: 843485 KB
Converting file system

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Don't Boost Usb Storage Devices Replace Ntfs.sys

Aug 11, 2008

Recently, after varying times of general computer usage (internet, e-mail) ranging from 5 minutes to an hour, I'll get a BSOD, with the above title. I'll attach the dump files, and include the code from it below. I've tried some troubleshooting of my own. I've run memtest86+ on each of my 4 1-gig RAM modules, all clean. I've run Prime95, clean. I've installed new video drivers. I've run a diskcheck, and used Western Digital's diagnostic utility, clean. The culprit always is ntfs.sys. Should I try to repair my windows, or replace the ntfs.sys with a new one?. Also, I don't have any readboost of USB storage devices plugged in.

Code: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA (50) Invalid system memory was referenced. This cannot be protected by try-except, it must be protected by a Probe. Typically the address is just plain bad or it is pointing at freed memory. Arguments:

Arg1: fffffa610b3a9ff8, memory referenced.
Arg2: 0000000000000000, value 0 = read operation, 1 = write operation.
Arg3: fffffa6001219130, If non-zero, the instruction address which referenced the bad memory address.
Arg4: 0000000000000005, (reserved) ............

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FAT32 Vs NTFS, Overwritting Deleted File

Mar 25, 2010

I know about FAT32, but I know little about NTFS. Assuming both hard drives are not "fragmented". If a large (200MB) file is deleted, is it more likely to be overwritten (space it occupied on the hard disk is overwritten) on a FAT32 hard disk compared to a NTFS? Remove "ine" from my email address

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Extend C: Partition Drive, NTFS System Boot

May 2, 2010

I am runnig out of space in the C drive, but have plenty of space in D drive. How do I allocate more space from the D drive to the C drive? As you can see I have no memory in C:. What can I do to increase it? Do not want to purchase additional programs, not enough space to install them.

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Hard Disk Volume NTFS Structure Is Corrupt And Unusable

Feb 11, 2009

In my Event properties I getting a NTFS error that the file system structure is corrupt and unusable.

It tells me this is volume Device Hard disk Volume3

Question is, Which hard drive is that?

In disk manager I have the following

Disk 0 F: drive

Disk 1 D: drive

Disk 2 C: drive

Disk 3 H&P: drive

Disk 4 G: drive

Disk 5 M: drive

I guess that's kinda messed up..huh!

plus other removable cf card / sd card / mmc card drives

I need to Chkdsk the volume3.

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Extend/Shrink Volume Tools To Decrease The Maximum Capacity Of The NTFS Format

Feb 6, 2010

I have just spent all day, literally, formatting and partitioning my 500gb SeaGate Free Agent. As of now, it is 32gb FAT32, and the rest is NTFS. My question is, can I use the Extend/Shrink Volume tools to decrease the maximum capacity of the NTFS format and therefore increase the maximum capacity of the FAT32 format, as I need more than 32gb. If not, how can I achieve this on Vista?

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Running Windows Vista 32 Bit And 64 Bit Version Of Vista

Mar 29, 2009

My computer is coming close to need reinstalling. At the moment I am running windows vista 32 bit. I have a retail boxed version of vista, which includes the 64 bit version of vista. I have a HP computer, which has a quad core processor and has 4 gigs of ram. I wondered what the pros and cons are when having the 64 bit version of windows vista?

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Windows Vista Premium Home SP1 Windows Defender Doesn't Start Automatically

Jul 29, 2009

I am running Windows Vista Premium Home SP1. When I boot my computer, Windows Defender doesn't start automatically. It works fine if I start it manually. I have never run Windows OneCare, MSCONFIG shows it set to start, the Windows Defender service is set to automatic and Tools | Options has all the checkboxes checked.

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The Recommended Updates Was KB940157: Windows Search 4.0 For Windows Vista For X64-systems (11,8MB).

Aug 19, 2008

I'm running Windows Vista Home Premium 64-bit edition Dutch Version, updated with SP1 and all the patches/updates until today. However, I have encountered two problems lately, that might be related. During one of the last Windows update sessions, one of the recommended updates was KB940157: Windows Search 4.0 for Windows Vista for x64-systems (11,8MB).

The update downloaded succesfully, created a restore point, but then during installation of Search 4.0, windows update stops and announces an update fail error:

Failed: 1 update
Errorcode: 800F0900

I've been googling this particular error code in combination with KB940157, but it doesn't bring up any entries. Then later on, I discovered that when I go into the Windows Components window (via Control Panel, Add/remove software), the entire windows stays blank (first it says "Wait a few moments..."). This only lasts a few seconds then shows a complete empty window.

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Service Pack 2 For Windows Vista And Windows Server 2008, Hit An Important Milestone In Development

Feb 25, 2009

Just had this in my RSS Feed, thought it would be interesting. Announcing the Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 RC - Windows Vista Team Blog - The Windows Blog Quote: This week we are announcing that Service Pack 2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 has hit an important milestone in development: Release Candidate (RC).

Starting today, the RC of SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 will be available to TechNet and MSDN subscribers to test prior to final release. In the very near future, we will be making the RC broadly available for anyone to download and test. You can expect another blog post from me when that happens. SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 include updates that have been delivered since the release of SP1, as well as support for new types of hardware and emerging standards. As we’ve described since we first talked about SP2, we’ve taken your feedback into account when developing SP2. Specifically, we expect SP2 to continue the security benefits of both products and simplify deployment for our customers. For an outline of changes in SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008, check out the notable changes document. We are planning to release SP2 for Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 in the second quarter of 2009.

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Installing Windows XP Without Removing Windows Vista Home Premier?

Jun 12, 2008

Just bought a new HP Pavilion DV2860 notebook. For a couple of days I have been using Vista and I didn't really like it. Many of the applications that I used to use in on Windows XP are not capiable with Windows Vista! I have got a Windows XP Professional 64-bit edition CD and was planning to install Windows XP on the notebook. Can I use 2 operating systems on the notebook? I don't want to delete Windows Vista but I want Windows XP.

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Don’t Use Any ESET NOD32 V4.x Antivirus Product Together With Windows Vista SP2 Or Windows Server 2008 SP2 « Smokey’s Security Weblog

May 28, 2009

Warning: don’t use any ESET NOD32 V4.x Antivirus product together with Windows Vista SP2 or Windows Server 2008 SP2 « Smokey’s Security Weblog

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Does The Removal Of Windows Vista Also Removes Windows Mail And IT8?

Jul 29, 2009

How do I remove Windows Vista, so that I can make a clean install of Windows 7. Does the removal of Windows Vista also removes Windows Mail and IT8? Do I have anything (Antivirus or other software) at all left on the PC after removal of the Windows?

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Install Windows Vista Business Over Windows 2000

Jun 29, 2009

I have to install Windows Vista Business over Windows 2000 on several school computers, then roll it back to XP. Do I need to remove the 2000 first? Need advice on the easiest way to accomplish this

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New Hard Drive:is Necessary To Reinstall Windows Xp And Windows Vista Again

Mar 26, 2008

I have the Windows Vista upgrade disc and I just bought a new hard drive. Do I need to reinstall Windows Xp and Windows Vista again or is there an eaiser way to do it?

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Hard Drive: Reinstall Windows Xp And Windows Vista?

Mar 23, 2008

I have the Windows Vista upgrade disc and I just bought a new hard drive. Do I need to reinstall Windows Xp and Windows Vista again or is there an eaiser way to do it?

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