Installing Windows 7 On NTFS 1.2:Does It Alter The File System

May 23, 2009

What happens when you attempt to install Windows 7 on a drive with NTFS version 1.2 (or some earlier version... like 1.3, etc)? Does it alter the file system? Any way to force Win7 to use the older file system? I'm hoping for performance improvements due to less features in older NTFS, but I know little on the topic.

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Edit And Alter File Associations,

Sep 14, 2009

Is there a way in Windows Vista (Ultimate, SP2) that I can edit and alter file associations other than the method outlined in the Help file (which is to right-click on a file, then click on Open With ...)? I'm having network troubles, so I reboot my router and my Windows, just to make sure everything is clean.

During startup, a file opens on my desktop in in TextPad (a utility that I have installed since December, but have not used or made changes to in recent months). This file is in C:UsersMikeAppData LocalTemp and is named nos_uninstall_Adobe.bat......

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FAT32 Vs NTFS, Overwritting Deleted File

Mar 25, 2010

I know about FAT32, but I know little about NTFS. Assuming both hard drives are not "fragmented". If a large (200MB) file is deleted, is it more likely to be overwritten (space it occupied on the hard disk is overwritten) on a FAT32 hard disk compared to a NTFS? Remove "ine" from my email address

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Extend C: Partition Drive, NTFS System Boot

May 2, 2010

I am runnig out of space in the C drive, but have plenty of space in D drive. How do I allocate more space from the D drive to the C drive? As you can see I have no memory in C:. What can I do to increase it? Do not want to purchase additional programs, not enough space to install them.

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Windows Vista Has NTFS?

Mar 23, 2008

I want to buy Windows Vista NTFS and I cant find it. I have a small business and I need this program for my Apple Computer. But I cant find on any website what versions of Windows vista has NTFS.

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Missing Ping Alter The Volume

Sep 16, 2008

I know this is an almost trivial thing but the little details are what make something work smoothly i think so this problem is bugging the hell out of me. When i change the volume on my computer by using the slider, accessed by the little speaker symbol at the bottom right of the windows taskbar, it always made a sound whenever i changed the volume. Now, for some reason, there is no "ping" like sound when ichange it. Why is this and how do i fix it?

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How To Delete A System File In Windows

Mar 26, 2008

If you need to delete or overwrite a system file in Windows Vista, you'll quickly notice that you cannot delete system files, even as administrator. This is because Windows Vista's system files are owned by the TrustedInstaller service by default, and Windows File Protection will keep them from being overwritten. You need to take ownership of the files, and then assign yourself rights to delete or modify the file. For this, we'll use the command line.

Open an administrator command prompt by typing cmd into the start menu search box, and hit the Ctrl+Shift+Enter key combination. To take ownership of the file, you'll need to use the takeown command. Here's an example: takeown /f C:WindowsSystem32en-USwinload.exe.mui That will give you ownership of the file, but you still have no rights to delete it. Now you can run the cacls command to give yourself full control rights to the file: cacls C:WindowsSystem32en-USwinload.exe.mui /G geek:F Note that my username is geek, so you will substitute your username there. At this point, you should be able to delete the file. If you still can't do so, you may need to reboot into Safe Mode and try it again. For the filename in the example, I was able to overwrite it without safe mode, but your mileage may vary.

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Installing Windows Use "Operating System Reinstall Disk"

Mar 23, 2008

My sister just bought a new computer that came with Windows Vista Ultimate 32BIT. She bought her computer from Dell and about a year ago I had bought a computer from dell that came with Windows XP Pro. I would really like to have Vista on this computer and I was wondering if it was possible to use the "Operating System Reinstall Disk" to install Windows Vista Ultimate onto my computer. Neither of us bought cheap systems and with the amount of money we both paid it almost seems like it shouldn't matter that I would be able to do this.

But obviously thats probably not the case. But anyway, I was wondering if their was a limit to how many times I could use this disk and CD key. I was told it was two times, but I'm not sure and I don't want to try to install it and then not be able to use my computer because I'd have to buy another CD key or product license whatever. If anyone could answer my question: Will I be able to install this with no problems and not having to buy another Vista Ultimate and at the same time still have the CD work if one of us should need to reinstall Vista in case something goes wrong?

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File Transfers To Windows 7: Update Does Not Apply To System

Sep 29, 2009

When I downloaded the Windows Easy Transfer utility for a 32 bit version of Windows Vista (Windows6.0-KB928635-x86) for file transfers to Windows 7 it will not install. I receive an error message that says, "The update does not apply to your system." But my system is a 32 bit version of Vista. I am trying to get prepared for my Windows 7 version that will arrive in October. Does anyone have any idea why I would be getting this error message?

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How To Unpack A File Within A MSI Without Installing

Jul 29, 2009

Is there any tool to unpack a file within an MSI file without actually installing it? I tried to rename the MSI file to cab and zip, but I couldn't see the files

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Can't Installing Setup.exe File

Mar 23, 2008

so i used flashget to download a game patch and then tried running it it got to the bit were vista ask you weather to allow or cancel. so i cliked allow then nothing happens. any1 know wat to do?

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System Fat16 File System Recovery Won't Work

Jun 4, 2008

I have a system that has FAT16 file system on it. I have that file system on that for some reason so I don’t need to upgrade on that….but recently I had some files deleted and now I need to get them back. They are important for my official use and hold great importance. I know that there is software for recovery but since I have a FAT16 file system I guess that all won’t work on that.

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Installing X64, File Directory Corrupted And Unreadable.

Jun 10, 2009

I did exactly the following steps to get this error:

1) Windows XP Pro (installed on Hard drive C)
2) Two hard drives (C and D)

1) Bootup computer with Vistax64 DVD
2) Choose Install Now option
3) Select C Drive
4) Format C Drive
5) Complete installation on C Drive
6) Install drivers from Gigabyte CD for LAN, Sound, SATA drivers, etc
7) Attempt to access hard drive D

Can't access hard drive D, even though it was never touched by anyone. Everytime I double click I get the error message: "D: is not accessible. The file or directory is corrupted and unreadable." Note: The HDD is not dying, its brand new and was accessed literally an hour ago without any problems. All my important documents are in there, I need to recover them. I have an external HDD ready, but cannot access the drive!

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Trouble Installing Other OS On System Running

Sep 29, 2009

I am trying to install Windows Server 2003 OS on my desktop which is running Microsoft Vista Home Premium edition. But, it is failing with a blue screen and STOP message (looks like a core dump). I tried many times and it is failing with the same error message. It was able to load all the required files from the CD and lastly it was saying starting Windows and then core dump with a blue screen. I had reformatted my hard disk and tried. It was also failing. I had purchased a new internal hard drive and installed it and still it was failing.

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Installing Updates Slow System

Sep 15, 2009

After installing these two updates: .NET Framework 3.5 Family Update (KB959209) x64 Update to .NET Framework 3.5 Service Pack 1 for the .NET Framework Assistant x64 (KB963707), The performance of my PC drastically slowed down during start-up and running of other processes and programs. I decided to uninstall them; and the performance seemed to be back to normal. My question is: Are these updates really necessary for my PC; do I absolutely need them?

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System Lost Sound After Installing Updates

May 3, 2010

Sometimes, after installing MS updates or other apps, I lose my sound. The only way I get it back is to use System Restore to a point where the sound worked. However, then I don't have the updates or apps. This tells me that it's a software problem with Vista - not a hardware problem. Now, I am about 11 MS updates behind - and no sound. Also, the System Restore doesn't work anymore (I no longer have a Restore point where the sound worked). I've Googled and have found that many people have similar problems with their HP laptops. I am using Vista, SP-2. I am now going to ionstall the updates since I can't go back to get the sound. I've checked in Device Manager (no problem) and made sure I'm using the most recent signed driver. I can't find any text indication that I have a problem but when I go to Playback Options and try the sound Test, I get a message which says the sound didn't play. Hope I included all the relevant information. If not, please tell me. I've tried everything I know of. I have a full backup of my hard drive

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System Lockup Installing Home Premium

Mar 26, 2008

I am assembling a new computer with an ASUS M2A-VM Mother Board. I have installed SATA CD Drive & SATA Maxtor 330gb HD. The installation goes normal until the screen and mouse completly lockup during the "Completing Installation" phase when it is about 3/4's complete after the message"Please wait while Windows Prepares to Start for the First Time". The "Green"progress bar moves across the bottom goes about 3/4's across then stops. I have waited for hours & hours nothing happens but lockup. I have attempted about 12 times after checking thourghly the BIOS settings and installation. I have read some problems have occurred with ATI SB600 chip set which the Motherboard has.

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Installing The KB935509 Update On A Vista Enterprise System

Mar 23, 2008

(KB935509 - A software update is available for versions of Windows Vista that include the Windows BitLocker Drive Encryption feature). I am having a problems installing the KB935509 update on a Vista Enterprise system. Windows Updater is always unsuccessful - I have tried many times. I have even downloaded KB935509 & installed manually -it says successful but if I look under Control Panel/Installed Updates it is not listed there and Windows Updater keeps coming back with a request to install. This is very frustrating - I keep going around in circles. I understanding that I will need this update to load Vista SP1 when available. Short of doing a clean install of Vista is there anything I can do?

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Installing Office 2007 On A Dual-boot System

Apr 14, 2009

I am upgrading my computer system and am planning to dual-boot Vista and Vista 64 - I have a lot of older applications which may not work well (or at all) on the 64-bit OS, but I will also be doing a fair amount of video processing, which will run much better with the larger amount of memory accessible under Vista 64. I would like a copy of Office 2007 to be accessible and usable under both OSes. Obviously, it would need to be installed separately under each one, but would it be OK to install it to the same directory (not on either boot disk) under each one, or are some different files installed under the two OSes, necessitating two completely separate install directories.

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Change System File 'hosts', "Cannot Save File, Check Path.."

Apr 1, 2008

I really need to change a system file called 'hosts'. I've changed it many times before, but today I'm not allowed. I access the file, make a very small change, then try to save it just by leaving the path as is. Then I get a message that says "Cannot save file, check path.." But I haven't changed the path.

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Missing NTFS

Sep 1, 2009

I am trying to restore my computer and it says my ntfs is missing.

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Aug 7, 2009

I just bought a external hard drive

But, after transfering all my data I found out it is FAT32?

Is there a way I can change this to NTFS?

Without losing the data?

it is drive G

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How To Format NTFS

Apr 28, 2008

i'm going to format an external HDD: in the mask that appears in Vista i need to choose the amount i want for the size of the allocation file. what does this mean? How this will influence later my HDD storage capability?

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Formatting External HDD With NTFS, Comes Up As RAW

Apr 12, 2008

I have an internal IDE HDD that I have put in an USB external enclosure and connected to my Dell Vista laptop. When I attempt to format the drive in Computer Management, I assign it a letter and format with NTFS. However, the result is a Healthy Partition in RAW format. When I try to attempt to reformat using quick format, sometimes it will format it again as RAW, or it will give me an error message stating that Windows cannot format the drive. Again, the HDD shows up as a Simple, Basic, Healthy(Primary Partition) with a RAW File System. I cannot access the drive and put files on it.

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NTFS Index Corrupt?

Jan 7, 2009

when I powered up my Vista I noticed that it was unusually slow and all of a sudden, it froze for no apparent reason. I rebooted [by pressing reset on case as keyboard wouldn't respond] and booted into XP and ran chkdsk on the Vista partition. Sure enough, it found two errors but in the index area. Here's the output of DOS window:

Code: C:>chkdsk /r d:
The type of the file system is NTFS.
Volume label is NEW_C.
CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 5)...
File verification completed.
CHKDSK is verifying indexes (stage 2 of 5)...
Deleting index entry SBEServer.exe in index $I30 of file 1153.
Deleting index entry SonicMCEBurnEngineIcon.png in index $I30 of file 1153.
Index verification completed..................

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Bug In Security Filesystem Of NTFS

Mar 23, 2008

on my Vista Ultimate I have just create another user account, (for a friend of my) how is only members of USERS on my HDD E: the security rights are those:

Authenticated users = ~Full control
SYSTEM = ful control
Administrators = full control
Users = Read & execute, List folder contents, Read,

but with this new account I can still remove thing on E: (the security settings of the delete test file are the same as the root Disk)

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NTFS Don't Convert Command

Feb 6, 2009

I just ran the vista advisor from Microsoft and it said my 160 GB FAT 32 Hard drive was acceptable. I was under the impression that Vista required NTFS. I don't like the convert command because it loses some performance and has other issues. I can format and partition another 160 GB Hard Drive to NTFS and then use Acronis to copy partions (it will copy the files from an image without copying the FAT 32 format). The only problem is that it will take more than four hours. Does anyone know of a quicker method?

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Ntfs Partition Formated With 16k Clusters

May 8, 2008

Can vista 32 pro install on an ntfs partition formated with 16k clusters. If so how can I format the drive to 16k clusters using the vista boot cd, are there any steps or commands I need to do during the boot sequence? And are there any "stable" third party programs or suggestions so I don't have to dump the current os that is on the drive? As I believe that the image file restores the cluster size.

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Make Partition NTFS And Format?

Apr 17, 2009

i have linux ubuntu 8.10 and im changing to vista when i boot from dvd and get to choose partition part i click format drive and it sais error 0x8004005. partition needs to be NTFS. how do i make this partition NTFS and format it so i can have vista?

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Fat32 XP Can Read Ntfs Partition

Mar 24, 2008

I am used to dual booting xp O/S and typically I keep one partition NTFS (everyday usage) and the other FAT32 (software testing). This is so when I boot into my FAT32, my NTFS is hidden and the primary drive is C:

I bought a new desktop with Vista intalled on it, I have successfully partitioned and dual booted with XP. Vista is NTFS and XP is FAT32, when I boot into the FAT32 XP, the primary comes up as H: and the C: is still the Vista partition which
easily browsable? Why can XP read Vista NTFS partition?

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Can Vista 32 Pro Install On Ntfs Partition?

May 8, 2008

Can vista 32 pro install on an ntfs partition formated with 16k clusters. If so how can I format the drive to 16k clusters using the vista boot cd, are there any steps or commands I need to do during the boot sequence? And are there any "stable" third party programs or suggestions so I don't have to dump the current os that is on the drive? As I believe that the image file restores the cluster size.

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