Upgrade Failure - System Components

Mar 23, 2008

I purchased the Windows Anytime Upgrade to go from Windows Vista Home Premium to Windows Vista Ultimate. The upgrade fails stating it cannot upgrade some system components and that I should check the web to see if my machine is compatible. Restart the pc and re-run setup. I ran the compatibility before I bought the upgrade, but I did it again and all of the indicators show the pc is compatible. I am logged in with Administrator rights. I had disabled Aero, so I tried re-enabling before one install attempt - same result. I disabled all Symantec services and rebooted and retried the installation.

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Premium To Ultimate Upgrade "could Not Configure One Or More Windows Components"

Mar 23, 2008

I have bought the upgrade and the anytime upgrade disc. I am having problems with the upgrade. I have tried twice to do it, the second time was after speaking to microsoft direct services helpdesk. I was walked through the first part of the installation, inserting the disc and to the gathering information stage. I told support I would contact them if it failed again The installation seemed to go ok right through to the last stage where I got a message - "could not configure one or more windows components" My computer then rolled back to vista premium.

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Upgrade Failure: How Upgrade To Vista?

Mar 26, 2008

I have been trying to upgrade from Windows XP Tablet Edition to Vista Ultimate on my Travelmate C300 laptop. I have found the following error file after the install fails in the location: C:$WINDOWS.~BTSourcesPanther. The file is called: setuperr.log. The content is quite long but i will post it here - advise how i can upgrade to Vista?.................

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What Caused The Upgrade Failure.

Apr 15, 2008

A couple of months ago I assembled a new PC and put Windows Vsta Business on it. I started adding other applications and moving my files then was given a copy of Vista Ultimate. I tried to do an upgrade from Business to Ultimate but after about 10 minutes received a very generic message basically saying that the upgrade couldn't continue for no particular reason and when I hit OK it undid the changes and I was back where I started.

I ran Windows Update, and checked that my sytem had the required specs (everything was above 5.0 except the video card was only rated 3.8 which is OK, I don't do gaming). I tried the upgrade a couple of times to no avail. I would have tried in safe mode but the only option was to do a clean install. I would rather not do a clean install as I have personalized everything. How can I find out what caused the upgrade failure.

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Ultimate Upgrade Failure

Feb 27, 2010

Recently I purchased the Windows Vista Ultimate for one of my older computers. I did this after running the Vista Compatibility Program and given the green light to upgrade to Ultimate. My system is currently running Vista Home Basic (32 bit). I ran the Window Vista Ultimate with service pack 1, it ran its own compatibility program and I was able to continue. The installation goes smooth until the very end when windows is rebooting after the completion of the upgrade. This is where I have problems. It stops and tells me that my upgrade was unsuccessful and it’s reverting back to the previous OS, Windows Vista Home Basic.

This is very frustrating. I tried twice to install this upgrade, to include tweaking my system and making sure I had plenty of room on my hard drive. Also, I uninstalled Service Pack 2. Seeing that I did everything I could, I need to know if I have the wrong version of Windows Vista Ultimate and if so, do I need to do a clean installation, using this version.

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Upgrade Failure: Error File After Install

Mar 23, 2008

I have been trying to upgrade from Windows XP Tablet Edition to Vista Ultimate on my Travelmate C300 laptop. I have found the following error file after the install fails in the location: C:$WINDOWS.~BTSourcesPanther The file is called: setuperr.log The content is quite long but i will post it here -decipher it and advise how i can upgrade to Vista?

setuperr.log *** Content 2008-01-10 20:29:48, Error [0x0808f5] MIG AddDriverFiles: SetupDiBuildDriverInfoList failed[gle=0x00000002] 2008-01-10 20:38:21, Error [0x08081e] MIG Failed to load manifest at :$WINDOWS.~BTSourcesdlmanifestserrorreportingfaults-dl.man: class UnBCL::XmlException: hResult = 0x0, Line = 2, Position = 134; . . void __thiscall UnBCL::XmlDocument::Load(class UnBCL::String *)....................

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Home Premium Network Failure After Recent Upgrade!

Dec 17, 2008

I had a nice network set up allowing my Laptop and Main PC to communicate both ways and transfer Video recordings from my Main to Laptop to play on the main TV running as a PC Monitor. Come the most recent set of Upgrades and Fixes last week I found that my network had died. Luckily I subscribe to Windows Secrets and last week they listed this Tech Net Article on DHCP.

Article ID: 928233 - Last Review: June 17, 2008 - Revision: 3.1Windows Vista cannot obtain an IP address from certain routers or from certain non-Microsoft DHCP servers..........

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System Restore Failure

Sep 25, 2008

I did a system restore and when the computer rebooted it freezes with a blue screen right before the windows logo is to appear and nothing else happens. I cannot get it to reboot in windows safe mode either.

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Upgraded RAM - System Failure

Mar 26, 2008

I'm running Vista Ultimate x64. I had 4GB of memory installed and just upgraded to 8GB. When I started the computer with the new memory sticks, I got this message: "The file is possibly corrupt. The file header checksum does not match the computed checksum." I booted from the Vista DVD and tried the Startup Repair but it says it did not detect any problems so it won't repair anything.

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Failure System Restoration

Mar 25, 2010

When I try to open any file with the *.exe file, the 'Open With' window is displayed, I suspect I have a virus but can't use my antivirus and cannot use System Restore.

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Blue Screen, System Failure

Jul 19, 2009

I keep getting a quick blue screen. (not blue screen of death). It restarts so it has something to do with system failure. I've tried switching hard driver but the same problem happens. It just randomly turns blue when im browsing or playing games. it doesnt happen if i let the laptop just sit there.

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Bluescreen Of Death, Can't See Details About System Failure

May 22, 2008

just god a new top-end audio interface and using cubase 4. I'm not sure which is causing the blue sceen. I've tried looking in the event viewer and can't see any details about the system failure. write debugging info is set to minidump. is there some other way to check the crash info in a log? or what are the best settings for "startup and recovery"

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Boot Disk / System Recovery Failure

Mar 19, 2009

I run vista 32 bit. I'm pretty sure it's Vista personal (PC didn't actually come with a Vista disk). I only use it for music and games,basic stuff. It's a Compaq....It shat itself recently, it wouldn't boot, so i borrowed the Vista Business disk from my dad to repair it/disk boot, and it worked fine, that was a couple days ago. Today it happened again, except it won't repair the same way. I start it up, it goes to the Compaq startup screen with 4 options; [Esc] Boot menu, [F9] Diagnostics, [F10] Setup, [F11] System recovery. Except I can never go to the diagnostics or system recovery menus, i press the keys and nothing happens. Then when i don't press anything it goes to a black screen with "Disk boot failure, insert system disk and press enter", so i do. Then it says "Windows is loading files" with a white bar below, once that's done it goes to the Microsoft Coporation green load bar that scrolls across over and over. Then it suddenly stops for a few minutes and a blue screen appears saying

"A problem has been detected and Windows has shut down to prevent damage to your computer DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL If this is the first time you've seen this stop error screen, restart your computer. If this screen appears again follow these steps: Check to see if any new hardware or software is properly installed. If this is a new installation ask your hardware or software manufacturer for any windows updates you might need. If problems continue disable or remove any newly installed hardware or software. Disable BIOS memory options such as caching or shadowing. If you need to use safe mode to disable or remove coponents, restart your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options, then select safe mode. (pressing F8 does nothing for me) TECHNICAL INFORMATION *** STOP: 0x000000D1 (0x00000000, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x87995395) *** nvstor.sys - Adress 87995395 base at 87991000, Datestamp 46671a61".....

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Media Test Failure, Operating System Not Found

Sep 22, 2009

One day my laptop was open and someone came in and SLAMMED the cover closed, and that messed something up. It will not start up correctly, if my computer is off, and then turned on, this is what happens: It starts successfully to the screen where you have to enter the boot password, after you enter the boot password, the following message just keeps being displayed: Quote: For Realtek RTL8111B/8111C gigabit Ethernet Controller v2.06 (070425) PXE-E61: Media test failure, check cable PXE-M0F: Exiting PXE ROM. Operating System not found.

Intel UNDI, PXE-2.1 (build 082) Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Intel Corporation It just keeps showing that over and over. I have a "Microsoft Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit Operating System Disk" which says "Use this disk to re-install your operating system". If I use this disk will it completely wipe all my old files?

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System Restore Failure In Vist Home Premium

Mar 23, 2008

I've tried restoring my HP laptop a few times with System Restore using different checkpoints and the same error message comes up afterward. Sytem Restore did not complete successfully. Your computer's system files and settings were not changed.

An unspecified error occurred during System Restore. I've tried using a few different restore points but this just comes up again afterward. I can't find anything addressing this problem;

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Computer Components, System_service_exception

Jun 29, 2008

For a friend i orderd and assembled a PC, i've done this before for myself and 2 other friends so i'd like to consider myself "not a complete idiot (some parts are missing)" Computer components came in and i assembled as it sould, turned the computer on and i had a blank screen telling me he had no input. All the divices looked like they were working but none were. Sent the Motherboard back and had it replaced with the same motherboard i have, after assembly it turned out the motherboard was not the problem but the processor. So had that one replaced assembled it AGAIN and the computer finally ( after 3 weeks ) booted...........

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Missing Tablet Components

Jan 25, 2009

I found that there were programs that you could use with your tablet. (Ex: Windows Journal, and that program that recognizes your Handwriting) I don't have these (or possibly, any) tablet components. Yes, I searched for it in the Start menu, but nothing came up. I even went to Control Panel>Programs> Turn Windows Features On or Off, and the Tablet PC folder didn't even show up. I also saw that there is a tablet feature on Microsoft Word, and I don't see that, either. Why? How do I get these components?

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Components Interfering With Video Card

May 8, 2009

I am just about to purchase a 9800 gtx+ (alt. gts 250). I opened up my case and just noticed this. The sata cables would block the card (10.5 inches long)
If I used 90 degree ones would that clear it all up? Also There is a heatsink right there the gray one. I believe that is the integrated graphics one, I don't use those I am using a video card. So can that heatsink be removed so problems? The circles are representing the heatsink and sata cables. The two lines are how long the gtx+ is. It takes up two pci slots.

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What Are Basic Components Which Computer Works?

Mar 16, 2010

What are the basic components on how a computer works? Like what makes it run, what makes it search and be able to retrieve and save data? I want to know how a computer works.

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Remove Windows Components Option Like In XP

Apr 16, 2008

Would like the option to remove Windows Components like WMP or whatever. Mostly to get them off the shell/interface, but also to clear space and to organize the program files directory a bit better. This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then click "I Agree" in the message pane.

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Can Upgrade To On RAID0 System

Mar 23, 2008

Is there a way to use the upgrade ability of Vista to upgrade xp pro to Vista Business without having to do a fresh install?

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Upgrade System After Not Work

May 19, 2009

I have Vista Home Basic. A few weeks ago I updated to IE 8, as my updates recommended it as an important update. Since that day I have not been able to use IE 8. The page doesn't even load all the way, and I get the message that DEP has shut down IE 8, and then I can't access it to try to fix anything. One time I was able to follow the link to the DEP info, and there is no option to shut it off. It is very frustrating to have your system tell you to upgrade and then have it not work. This is not the first problem I've had with Vista and IE. The last time I loaded another browser, and I'm glad I left it loaded or I wouldn't be able to use my computer at all. My computer wasn't even able to go back to a previous restore point. Microsoft, Vista, and IE 8 need to be more user friendly, not all people who rely on computers are computer heads. It would take me ages to figure out to fix the problem even with directions and helpful links. Recommended upgrades should work without having to jump through all kinds of hoops to get them to work.

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Can You Upgrade RAID System

Mar 26, 2008

Is there a way to use the upgrade ability of Vista to upgrade xp pro to Vista Business without having to do a fresh install?

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64 Bit Upgrade From 32 Bit: Operating System Failed

Jun 11, 2009

My neighbor bought a Compaq Presario with an AMD Athlon 64 bit processor which came installed with Windows Vista Home Basic 32 bit operating system. If he buys the upgrade to Windows Home Premium will the disk recognize he has a 64 bit processor and install the 64 bit operating system and not just upgrade to 32 bit Vista Home Premium system.

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Update/upgrade The Cloned System?

Mar 28, 2008

I cloned my Vista Home Premium System. I have one copy of Home Premium and one copy of Ultimate. MSFT does not like my cloned system and wants me to buy another copy of Home Premium. Can I update/upgrade the cloned system to Ultimate without having to do a clean install?

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+ CPU Upgrade: Will This Be Transparent To The Operating System Or Will A Repair Be Necessary

Mar 24, 2009

I'm running Vista Business x86 and thinking of upgrading my single core CPU to a dual core CPU. Will this be transparent to the operating system or will a repair be necessary?

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Bios Upgrade, Missing Operating System

Sep 29, 2009

I upgraded my Vista Ultimate x64 pc bios using Gigabyte's @ Bios, but apparently I forgot to uncheck the box that removes my raid profiles. I have a mirrored pair of raptors (Raid1) and a striped set of 3 HDs (Raid0) for storage. Also I have 1 veloci-rapter OS drive (no Raid) that is not showing up at all? [a dual boot with 2 Vista volumes]. Below is the configuration utility:

What I've tried:...............

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Upgrade Don't Watn Wipe Out System Start Over

Mar 26, 2008

My question is should I load a full version of Vista over XP Pro like an upgrade? I really don't want to wipe out my system and start over. I have ran the Microsoft Windows Vista Upgrade Advisorand there are no issues other than it says the version of IE that I'm using wont work Hum I thought that it was the most current version out there.

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Logon Process Failure, Failure - Security Options

Sep 20, 2009

i was on Internet earlier today when i noticed that the videos were already completed buferring, but the videos were lagging; and firefox was performing kind of slow. i decided to re-start my computer. after re-starting the computer the logon process took extremely long, then an error message appeared: logon process has failed to create the security options dialog. failure - security options. i waited for the desktop to appear, then re-started again. but the perofrmance of the logon is still extremely slow. any suggestions?

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Motherboard Upgrade: Avoid Reinstalling All System And Applications?

Mar 26, 2008

I am considering upgrading my motherboard to one that has a higher specification than PCI 2.2 to get over a problem with the new 802.11n Wireless NICs. Can I avoid reinstalling all the system and applications by keeping the existing system partition? Re-activating Windows should be legally possible (even by telephone) because my Vista version is a full retail one. I don't expect it to be that simple, but maybe someone has some advice about using the Vista Recovery Environment to re-build the HAL, or erasing certain registry keys in Safe Mode to force Vista to reinstall the correct system devices. At present, I can not get past booting under Safe Mode, so there has to be more to the process - if one is achievable

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Need To Create System Startup Disk To Upgrade Bios Software

Apr 28, 2008

I need to create a system startup disk to upgrade my system bios. How do I do this?

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