Transfering Windows To Another System

Aug 2, 2009

My one year old Hp laptop has gone dead and am thinking the best solution is to buy a new one, problem is this Laptop came with an OEM vista premium. My priority of course is to get the files from the old Laptop to the new one but if I can get the whole sytem up on the new one that would be marvelous.

I read that OEM is tied to the machine and cannot be moved to another question is if i transfer the hard disk to the new Laptop and install a new vista will it recognise the old one and repair it while preserving the system. If not will conenting the old hard disk to the new one through a USB enclosure gain me acsess to the whole hard disk including my documents.

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Transfering A Upgrade Lic

Jun 17, 2008

How many times can you transfer your vista upgrade lic. to a new computer? its not being use on the old computer. Had it on one pc then that pc died a few months later transfer to a new pc. which got stolen. got new laptop and was wondering if I can still use that upgrade lic on new computer.

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Transfering Photos From XP To

Jul 4, 2008

I have an older computer, running XP, and I used Microsoft Digital Library, to keep track of about 2K images. I now have a new computer, running Vista, and have used the "transfer files " (using a USB) option, on Vista, to import all the photos, to the new HD. I also installed the old Microsoft Digital Image Suite (including the "libr ary"), on the new Vista=A0HD. Some of the photo files transferred just fine - dates taken, labels, etc.; however, a bunch of them transferred with totally incorrect dates taken, an d missing, or no labels. Needless to say, to fix this mess, on an individual photo file basis, is go ing to take forever. (I did change a few of the dates taken, and added labe ls, using the Photo Gallery, on Vista, and it did work, but there are tons of them, still wrong.)

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Transfering Files From Vista To XP

Mar 24, 2009

I want to transfer files from Vista to an older machine using XP. How do I do that? Now the Vista machine will not read a CD used to taransfer the file. Also, how do you go from XP to Vista?

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Transfering Email And Contacts

Oct 25, 2009

I am trying to import my email in the inbox from one hard drive to another the older hard drive has an older version of outlook express than the new hard drive.

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Transfering Data From Old Hard Drive To New One.

Sep 25, 2009

I recently got windows 7 and installed it onto an empty hard drive in my pc. I now have my old hard drive with vista on and my new hard drive with windows 7 on. The only problem is i have hundreds of programs and updates etc on my old hard drive that i really want to use with windows 7 on my new hard drive. Does anyone know how i can transfer over all the programs and data from my old hard drive to my new hard drive? I tryed just copying the files over but i dont have the registry settings on my new hard drive with windows 7, so none of the programs work

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Transfering PROGRAMS And Files From 32bit To 64bit?

Aug 17, 2009

I have an issue that does not seem easy to solve. I have looked at many ghost software programs to try to achieve this but have not found one yet. I need to move my PROGRAMS and files from my Vista 32bit machine to a new Vista 64bit machine I purchased. How can I do this? If I cannot do this what will the performance issue be by doing a complete copy of my current 32bit os and using that on my new i7 machine? Finally if I do transfer my 32 bit system, can I upgrade to a 64bit OS? What about when Windows 7 is available?

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Windows System Image Manager For Windows XP Professional?

Apr 16, 2008

Can we use windows system image manager for Windows XP professional?

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Windows Mail Hangs The System

Mar 23, 2008

When I start Windows Mail, it often hangs the whole system for a minute or so. Even Ctrl-Shft-Esc won't work to help me see what's going on. Finally, everything jumps back into action! I tracked down a log entry that says "A request to write to the file "C:Users...AppDataLocalMicrosoftWindows MailBackup empWindowsMail.MSMessageStore" at offset 0 (0x0000000000000000) for 2097152 (0x00200000) bytes succeeded, but took an abnormally long time (61 seconds) to be serviced by the OS. This problem is likely due to faulty hardware. Please contact your hardware vendor for further assistance diagnosing the problem." A hardware problem seems unlikely, as everything else works fine....and I'd need a bit more information to go back to my 'hardware vendor' anyway!

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Windows Mac: No Operating System Installed?

Aug 12, 2009

I was recently given an old iBook, the problem is that it has no operating system installed. Is it possible to put some version of Windows on it?

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Windows Updates After System Restore

Jun 12, 2009

I did a Windows Update for 12 Important and Recommended Updates on 6/1/2009. Ten days later I had to do a System Restore to a date before those updates. What is the status of those 12 updates? Are they still there? Do I have to install them again? If so, how do I do that?

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Windows & XP Multi Boot System

Mar 23, 2008

I bought a new laptop with Vista already installed on it. I want to install XP in a multi boot configuration but get stuck in Disk Management and am unable to proceed from there. I'd like to keep Vista on my laptop, but if it comes down to it I'll need to take it off and put on XP because our work computers run with XP and we do a lot of work on reports and presentations from home and network from home. I can't find the New Partition Wizard to make a space for XP.

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System Restore And Windows Updates

Jul 29, 2009

I ran Windows Update on my Windows Vista Home Premium. Now I want to use System Restore to a time before I ran the update. What happens to the updates that were installed? Am I supposed to reinstall the updates? How?

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Disabling Windows System Restore?

Feb 8, 2009

How to disabling windows system restore, I followed the procedure that windows help provides but i can not uncheck the c drive on: computer/(right click) properties/ system protection because there is a message that says "configuration is disabled by group policy". You should know that this is my home computer, is stand alone not connected to any network or domain and I am running as administrator.

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Windows Update, Restore System

Apr 28, 2010

there are so many updates that need to be download and install. the first time i have run the update my laptop kept on rebooting when installing an update. it kept telling me its installing 3of3. i had to restore my system. now i have to update again.

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How To Delete A System File In Windows

Mar 26, 2008

If you need to delete or overwrite a system file in Windows Vista, you'll quickly notice that you cannot delete system files, even as administrator. This is because Windows Vista's system files are owned by the TrustedInstaller service by default, and Windows File Protection will keep them from being overwritten. You need to take ownership of the files, and then assign yourself rights to delete or modify the file. For this, we'll use the command line.

Open an administrator command prompt by typing cmd into the start menu search box, and hit the Ctrl+Shift+Enter key combination. To take ownership of the file, you'll need to use the takeown command. Here's an example: takeown /f C:WindowsSystem32en-USwinload.exe.mui That will give you ownership of the file, but you still have no rights to delete it. Now you can run the cacls command to give yourself full control rights to the file: cacls C:WindowsSystem32en-USwinload.exe.mui /G geek:F Note that my username is geek, so you will substitute your username there. At this point, you should be able to delete the file. If you still can't do so, you may need to reboot into Safe Mode and try it again. For the filename in the example, I was able to overwrite it without safe mode, but your mileage may vary.

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Reinstalled Windows Missing System

May 2, 2008

First of all i`ve got to say that i`m not too good at it(computering) I`ve re-installed windows few days ago and it seems that i have drivers missing, is there a way to find out what`s missing in my system so i can download it(solve it) I also tried to install SonicStageMasteringStudio and it asked me for PxEngine, i found in internet was pxengine3_00_58a, and now when i`m trying to open SSMS application it stops imediatelly, it looks like it won`t happen I also can`t listen some radiostations online Then some problems with my MASS STORAGE DEVICE

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System Temp Run Windows Vista

May 3, 2007

im looking for a program that can monitor my systems temp that runs with windows vista ultimte 64 bit.

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Choose Operating System To Start Windows.old

Feb 27, 2009

After having my computer crashing - for whatever reason - i took it in to have all important documents (work stuff) that i needed transfered to an external hard drive.

I was informed to re install Vista, and that all my information will be lost.

When i did this, i did not reformat the drive, so it saved all the other stuff in a folder titlled windows.old.

I respoke to the person who assisted me, and told him of the issue that i am having which is:

Choose operating system to start or press tab to select a tool ...

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Windows Failed To Start, System Restore

Dec 29, 2008

My laptop (Advent 8117 running Vista if that helps) has been working fine, then this morning things went pear-shaped. To begin with things worked as usual - Everything seemed to load up as normal, I left the room for maybe 5-10 minutes and when I returned there was a black screen. I waited a while and nothing happened so I restarted. It comes up with 'Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.' From there I can either start normally or run a repair. It doesn't seem to matter what I click here because I get a 'Techguys' support thing come up either way but now nothing on it works. To begin with I ran the Repair Environment, but it couldn't fix it. I also got to try a System Restore but I seem to have no points to restore to. Now I can't get the Techguys page to do anything. So I tried running in Safe Mode but once again I'm faced with the unmoving Techguys page, and the same goes for when I try and load from the Last Know Good Configuration. I desperatly don't want to have to lose everything.

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WORM That Hide In Windows System Folders

Mar 23, 2008

He was infected by ISASS malware, a WORM that hide in windows system folders and share my conection with anothers users without my autorization. In firewall i can see a lot of ports opened without my UAC identify. Anti v??rus like norton or kaspersky don't solve my problem. I tried windows defender, and tried RegistryBooster 2, both without sucess.

I studied a internet forum about the problems and i believed that i will solve the problem with a tool of microsoft: but after dowloaded and scanner computer, the tool dont find any problem..........

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System Frozen, Windows Logo Not Appeared

Jan 11, 2010

I was watching a programme online and noticed my other open windows seemed to have frozen (the cursor was doing the busy rotating "o" symbol and when I attempted to bring up the other windows nothing happened). Ultimately even the window I had open froze so I tried CTRL-ALT-DELETE to open Task Manager. Nothing happened. I turned off my laptop and turned it back on. I selected "Start Windows Normally" and got as far as the Microsoft Corporation page with the loading bar...but the Windows logo never appeared. After about 10 mins I freaked out and turned off my laptop again. Tried turning it on again, was given the option of Startup Repair. Chose this option, but still ended up at the Microsoft Corporation page with a futile loading bar as if nothing had happened. Any ideas what's wrong? Have tried selecting Vista as operating system from Setup Menu, but still nada.

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Windows Vista And Make Sure That System Boots

Apr 21, 2008

A long time ago I installed an evaluation version of Windows Vista on the second partition of my pc, next to my installation of Windows XP (dual boot partition C and L). The evaluation period has long since expired and I am no longer using Vista. However, all the files are still present on my second partition, and every time I start my pc, the boot menu will come up. What do I need to do to completely remove all the files that belong to Windows Vista and make sure that my system boots straight into Windows XP,without stopping for the boot menu?

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Windows Unable To Find System Volume

Oct 1, 2009

I'm trying to install the new win vista x64 os on to my new hard disk but during the installing ,it keep prompt me with this message " Windows is unable to find a system volume that meets its criteria for installation. " The hard disk i uses is Hitachi Deskstar HDS721616PLAT80 ATA/IDE drive

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Windows Defender And Extra Programmes On The System Tray

Sep 18, 2009

There must have been a Windows update or something because now I have a big white balloon that comes up in my system tray, every time I load up the computer. This has only been coming up in the last few weeks or so, which makes me think it is a Windows update. The balloon shows a yellow triangle with a black exclamation mark inside. It states, "Windows has blocked some startup programmes. Windows blocks programs that require permission to run when Windows starts. Click to view blocked programs."

I did this and it showed me the programmes I always have a on the start menu anyway, with a sign saying 'permitted' for each one, whereas I know this already. Then there are other, new programs, I have never seen before, under the banner 'Windows Defender' with signs saying 'Not Yet Classified.' Eventually, in the same boot up session, I can eventually get rid of the balloon. After that it shows in the system tray, with all my other items already there, as a square turquoise icon with a red circle and a red line across it diagonally, on a white background and this sits on the bottom left of the turquoise icon.

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Crashed, Lost System Disc, Windows Product Key

Apr 6, 2009

my stepdaughter's laptop's hd crashed (unusable), she of course lost the system disc. I have my laptop and system disc, both laptops are gateway but different models 6752 and 6836. I have a new hd on order, and I will install vista with my disc and her windows product key (her laptop) I shouldn't have any problem with that right?

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Installing Windows 7 On NTFS 1.2:Does It Alter The File System

May 23, 2009

What happens when you attempt to install Windows 7 on a drive with NTFS version 1.2 (or some earlier version... like 1.3, etc)? Does it alter the file system? Any way to force Win7 to use the older file system? I'm hoping for performance improvements due to less features in older NTFS, but I know little on the topic.

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Windows 7 System Restore Automaticly Deleted On Restart

Jul 30, 2009

everytime i restart the computer my system restore point that i made by my self is deleted and when i open system restore center i get a messege that no restore points were made and i made one my self further more i can see the file in systyem restore folder aproximatly 300mb but after restart he's not there what the problem could be?

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Windows Updates Blue Screen And Reboot System

Jun 10, 2009

After today's windows update I've been experiencing many blue screen, especially after the reboot. I don;t get any in safe mode so I guess it's a driver problem. This is the minidump created on my system. I have 7 of them and they all seem to be the same.

Use '!findthebuild' command to search for the target build information.
If the build information is available, run '!findthebuild -s ; .reload' to set symbol path and load symbols.
FAULTING_MODULE: fffff80001c1b000 nt......

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Printing: No Longer A Feature With Windows Operating System?

Jan 8, 2010

after weeks of fighting, troubleshooting, debugging, deleting, reloading, uninstalling, installing etc etc etc. I have finally come to the conclusion, that being able to print, is simply no longer a feature with windows operating system. Unless someone can tell me a fix that no one has discovered yet. I refuse to believe that the fix to our printing problems, is throw out the PC and get a new one. If thats the case i'm sure that there will be many people like myself who make the leap to MAC!

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File Transfers To Windows 7: Update Does Not Apply To System

Sep 29, 2009

When I downloaded the Windows Easy Transfer utility for a 32 bit version of Windows Vista (Windows6.0-KB928635-x86) for file transfers to Windows 7 it will not install. I receive an error message that says, "The update does not apply to your system." But my system is a 32 bit version of Vista. I am trying to get prepared for my Windows 7 version that will arrive in October. Does anyone have any idea why I would be getting this error message?

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