Spontaneous Reboots In Ultimate

Mar 1, 2009

I built a new box and installed Vista Ultimate a couple of years ago, which has begun to occasionally reboot in a spontaneous and random manner. I don't recall exactly when this began, but the first time it happened was at least 6 months ago. And it's not often; maybe averaging once every 3-4 weeks. It has nothing to do with how long the PC has been on: sometimes I've been on it for hours; but the last time it occurred, I had only turned the PC on 20 minutes earlier. It has nothing to do with what application I'm using at the time: browser, email client, other. And when it crashes, first the monitor screen goes dark with lots of multi-colored squiggly lines, and then my PC cleanly reboots. Aside from the unwanted interruption and any newly input data lost, everything always seems fine thereafter. Does anyone else have similar problems with Vista crashing on them? Or does this sound more like a problem with my video card?

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Ultimate 64b No Reboots

Mar 26, 2008

I am going to be putting in a 9800GX2 GPU in aprox 2 weeks(waiting for availability at my fav shop). For now I have an ATI X800 GTO GPU in it. Now all of these items are compatible with Vista(as far as I have found). After 4 installs that would not complete, I finally get to Vista desktop, the automatic update does its thing, reboots, and reboots...etc. I found a hard start from off it boots?!? So I turn off and put in 1 more stick of RAM(now at 4 gigs). Same prob, reboot snags over and over, but a hard start is good. I have a TON of components to install and hard start is not going to cut it.

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Reboots On Shutdown

Oct 20, 2008

I have a problem in that anytime i shutdown the computer it goes ahead shuts down. fans shut off etc but then restarts about 5 seconds later. No errors show up on the screen at all.

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System Reboots Without Any Notice

Nov 2, 2009

I had my accounting software running which I minimized. I went out for a couple of hours and found out that my computer had reboot automatically as the minimized program was no longer in the task bar. I am running Norton Internet Security 2009, and Iolo's system mechanics 9.0. Only Norton is active. The other one I run it as I like. I also scan my
system with Malwarebytes frequently. Malwarebytes always finds two infections which are "Broken Open Command - notebook bad (%1) good (%1). Even after it is cleared, it comes back.I have tried to convey as much information as possible. My operating
system is Vista Home Premium 32bt.

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Close The Lid The System Reboots

Jan 29, 2009

About a week ago a strange new problem started. I have a Toshiba laptop with Vista Home and dual core processor. Lately on SOME occasions the computer reboots itself when I close the lid. It does not do it every time and will shut down fine every time normally. But on some shut downs, when I close the lid the system reboots. It might do this a couple of times in a row and it might not do it for 3 or 4 shut downs. I use the shut down from the start menu. I have changed all of the setting for power settings and what to do when the lid is shut to either never or do nothing and it does not affect it. This computer is only about 4 months old. I have done a restore point before this started but no help.

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Windows Constantly Reboots Itself

Sep 15, 2009

recently windows has started to reboot itself after sitting idle for a while. I just got this computer in January of this year so it came with Vista preloaded and I am relly getting frustrated with this. I thought it might be virus associated but Norton does not report anything.

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Activation: Warning And Pc Reboots

Jul 5, 2008

I have a Vista Business from technet that had reached the end of activation, before I had the new key to reactivate it. Inserted the new key and reactivate, all ok, but I have still a warning that it remains 0 days to activate and the pc rebots.

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Computer Reboots Itself But Unable To Log In

Aug 24, 2009

I think I have a virus on my computer. I turn on computer and this message comes on...Configuring update stage 3 of 3 - 0% complete. Do not turn off computer. 1 minute later my computer shuts down and reboots itself. When it turns on the same message comes on. So what can I do. Is there anyway for me to save some of the data in my computer before I use the operating system DVD. There are some pictures on my kids on the computer that I have not saved onto a disc.

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Explorer.exe Crashes And Reboots

Mar 23, 2008

I accidentally downloade Virtumonde last night and have ran McAfee virus scan enterprise and Spybot and both have gotten rid of the trojan and spyware. At least that's what they tell me. Now spybot tells me that there are registry changes happening from time to time and anytime I try to start the control panel or My Computer, explorer.exe crashes and reboots. I'm about ready to just re-install Vista and go back to factory settings and start all over again.

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Reboots Without Warning While Surfing

May 30, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium 32 bit. I have issues with the system cold rebooting while surfing any websites. I have a Dell Inspiron 1720 system. I've had several avenues of support from Dell's "experts" from India. None has solved the issue so far. If I run a Video card stress test, then go on a website and surf, the system will cold reboot in less than 10-20 seconds. The CPU does not seem to go over 60c, and the memory does not seem to run out of resources. Currently, if I surf for about 30 minutes or so, I will get a reboot. I have reinstalled Vista with SP1 and all updates.

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Windows Update, Get Reboots

Aug 2, 2009

I keep getting told an update is available: Visual Studio 2008 SP1 - 365MB So I click ok to d/l and install it. The normal dialogue comes up (after I click ok to UAC) and it says installing (far too quick) Then it says all done. No request to restart Windows. Then I get the new updates available msg and it's the same one. Try again and again and again with numerous reboots,

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System Shutsdown And Reboots Automatically

Nov 22, 2009

I have Vista Home Premium x32 with SP2 installed running on an Intel motherboard Core2 Quad with 3GB memory and a nvida 8800GT video board and a 400 Watt p/s, 500GB drive with plenty of free space. My system fan speeds up to full speed and then re-boots. The only warning I get is the fan noise. This happens 5 or 6 times then it won't happen again for a couple days. It seems to happen exactly 1 hour from the last time it rebooted.... no kidding, within a couple seconds of 60 minutes.

Anyway, I thought I would check the event logs for a clue. I noticed that the Shutdown Event Tracker was not available so I looked for a way to turn it on. Vista, at least my version, does not have the gpedit.msc (Group policy console editor?) and other articles indicated that is what I needed to activate the Tracker.

The only thing I can find in the other logs is a recurring entry: "The DgiVecp service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the device specified." how to enable the Shutdown Event Tracker?

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Blue Screen & Reboots After Updates

Feb 12, 2010

Windows Vista Home Premium on an Acer 4420 laptop was working fine up until Wednesday morning. I installed about a dozen updates and ever since then I've had the computer crash randomly but regularly when I have IE8 open. I get a fairly quick blue screen message and then the system reboots without anyone telling it to. If I simply have the computer running but do not have IE8 running it seems to stay stable. I've uninstalled all the updates but it hasn't made any difference--still crashing!

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Frequent Reboots Maintain Internet Connection

Mar 23, 2008

I have an HP desktop with Vista connected to the internet via a cable modem. When turning the computer on, there is an internet connection. After a few minutes the internet connection is lost and the only way to regain the connection is to reboot and then it will work for a few more minutes - then reboot is needed and this cycle continues.... The ISP insists that I am receiving a good signale and it must be a problem with the computer. Vista's network repair / troubleshooting does not detect a problem.

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Login Screen Is Unusable And Reboots Endlessly

Jan 7, 2010

I am having a strange problem with my Windows Vista Home Premium installation. The login screen loads and I can write the user and password boxes, but when I insert the password for my user and I hit the enter button or click the arrow button it does nothing. Clicking on shutdown options button does nothing. Pressing ctrl+alt+del does nothing. And after about 30 seconds it reboots and all the same happen endlessly. I tried all the recovery options ( boot in safe mode, last working configuration, disable restart at error, etc... ) and all have the same behavior.

I booted with the Windows Vista Recovery Tools from the DVD and I used chkdsk. It says that found errors and corrected them but when I run again the chkdsk the same errors are reported and corrected. Used sfc /scannow with the offline options and it says that found some corrupted files and is unable to correct them, but when I check the logs no relevant errors are found. Tested the memory and the hard drive using ubuntu live cd and the results were that both are ok. With ubuntu live cd I am able to boot and access all the windows files.

This is not the error "installing updates 3 of 3" or the black screen of death after welcome screen. This happened when I was using the pc and suddenly it freezed and I pressed the power button to do a hard shutdown. After that these symptoms started. Until there everything was fine. I didn't download any virus, as I am a computer programmer and I know what I am doing I just can't understand this error. What do you guys think it is? Is it a virus or some of the system files are corrupted or a hardware problem? I would not like the reinstall vista option because I have a lot of data and a lot of programs installed. What other options do I have? By the way the Vista I have is Service Pack 2.

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Vista Stalls And Reboots At Expanding Files Prompt

Feb 14, 2009

I have a customer's machine on the slab that had a corrupted copy of Vista installed on it and tried every rescue technique I could find (Vista recovery DVD, XP CD, WinPE and a few others) finally using Linux to backup the customer's files.

Installing from an OEM copy of Vista seems to be problematic at best, it stalled at 23% then rebooted, so I repaired the drive in XP and got to 56% before the reboot. So I nuked the drive with a slow format in XP and then it got to 70% before rebooting. It sounds like hard drive related but the customer's video card fan had dropped off so I suspect it may also be a heat related issue. Does anyone else have any ideas for the reboots?

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Shutdown/startup: Then Monitor Goes Blank And System Reboots

Aug 14, 2008

When I boot up my PC it goes all the way to the loading screen (the progress bar) and then monitor goes blank and system reboots. I choose to start in safe mode (from the selection), it starts all good. Then I restart the PC and it boots well without any problems. However, next time I shut down, I have to go through the whole process again. Sometimes I see "dumping physical memory" with a blue screen, sometimes I don't. I THINK it has something to do with my video drivers, but I updated to the latest catalyst drivers and still same thing.

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Installed Vista : Reboots The System Blank Screen

Apr 17, 2009

Vista installed fine and everything works fine until, a piece of software asked to restart. Now I have to hope that is boots. Because when it the boot process reaches the microsoft corporation and finishes, the system gives a blank screen and hangs. If I wait long enough, 15+ minutes, it finally boots with the vista logo on the second screen and logon password on the first screen. This is a new pc, just built, I should not have this problem. The pc has an integrated nvidia 9400 with 9800gt. Can it be a grahics card problem? I used the cd to install the drivers that came with the 9800gt.

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System Reboots Safe Mode Option Screen

Jun 21, 2008

I have done a clean install of Vista Ultimate (64), and since then, everytime I start my computer, it fails to boot correctly. It passes the BIOS page, starts the animated bar at the bottom of the page, and a few seconds later, the screen goes blank, and my VDU gives the messgae, "NO SIGNAL" After about a minute, the system reboots to the BIOS page again and continues up to the animated screen, and stops again. After it self boots for a second time, I get the SAFE MODE option screen. If I leave it on START WINDOWS NORMALLY, and leave it to complete the 30s count down, It boots again, and then completes the boot into Vista. If at the count down screen, I press enter, it goes into a boot loop that doesn't stop until I press the reset button on my box.? I have done a re-install twice and problem continues.

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System Reboots Part 3, Choice Boot Normally Safe Mode

May 6, 2008

I've been trying for 2 days now to upgrade from Vista Business edition to SP1. The same thing keeps happening. I get through parts 1 and 2 ok, but when the system reboots for part 3, it reboots several times giving me the choice to boot normally or in safe mode, then eventually it stops rebooting and just goes blank. I can reboot successfully in safe mode but the installation of part 3 will ultimately fail (the error code points to not being able to install particular components as a result of being in safe mode) and the system has to regress to the original condition. I tried all the suggestions on the MS Vista upgrade trouble shooting site (as well as several other sites)- including checking for specific updates - none of which apply to my machine - at least that what windows update tells me when I try to install them, checked the disk for errors, and checked the memory for problems. I also turned absolutely everything no- original MS off for start up including antivirus and some other stuff that I have and the same thing keeps happening. Each pass, from upgrade install to fail, and regress back to original condition takes about 5 hours.

I'm running Vista on a quad core machine with 4G of onboard memory (even though Vista 32 can only use about 3 gigs) and a smoking video card so I doubt this is a hardware problem. This problem appears to be similar to the original 'endless reboot' problem that prompted the original halting of SP1 distribution back in the early spring - I thought that problem was fixed! I tried to get real time help from the MS site but got a message that there was a problem with the site. - Good Greif! This is probably the most frustrating MS experience of all time. With all due respect to the folks at MS, if it was your intention to have people to switch from Windows PC's to Apples or even Linux based PC's, I doubt you could have come up with a better plan. I've already switched two of my home computers to Ubutu!

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New Ultimate Extras: Windows Vista Ultimate Language Packs Are Back After The SP1 Upgrade

Apr 23, 2008

I see Windows Sound Schemes, and DreamScene Content Pack 3 now available. Also the Windows Vista Ultimate Language Packs are back after the SP1 upgrade.

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Home Premium To Ultimate Failure: Need Ultimate To Login To A Domain

Jun 17, 2008

Purchased an HP notebook with premium and set it up but did not activate yet. Then purchased an Ultimate Upgrade with anytime upgrade. Installed the upgrade using the key from the bottom of the PC when it asked for the current product key. No errors. Finishes the upgrade and restarts and still is running Home Premium. Why did ultimate not take? We need ultimate to login to a domain.

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Anytime Upgrade To Ultimate Can I Choose Between The 32 And 64 Bit Vista Ultimate

Mar 25, 2008

I Have Windows Vista OEM 32 bit that came on my computer. I noticed that the full retail version of ultimate includes the 32 and 64 bit install. With the anytime upgrade to ultimate can I choose between the 32 and 64 bit vista ultimate? I do realize that I would have to do a clean install of the 64 bit OS. I would like to try the 64 bit version but would also like to be able revert back to the 32 bit if the 64 bit doesn't work out. If I can't then the 32 bit version it is as I need to join a domain.........

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32 Bit Ultimate To 64 Bit Ultimate, Migrate Hotmail To Windows Mail

Nov 19, 2009

I just migrated to 64 bit Vista and I have Windows Mail. When I was using 32 bit Vista I had all my Hotmail folders, newsgroups, calendar, etc. when I selected the Mail icon. Is there a way to migrate Hotmail to Windows Mail, or a way to replace Windows Mail with what I had when I was using 32 bit Vista? I had IE 8 with 32 bit and I have IE 8 with 64 bit.

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Reinstall Ultimate 64 Over Ultimate 64 : A Boot Defrag

Apr 2, 2008

Vista Ultimate 64 Crashed, Tried Recovery Dvd, Start-up Repair, Ng, Can't Get Into Safe Mode Or Command Prompt, Tried To Reinstall, Won't Allow Upgrade "upgrade Disablied, Must Be From Windows", But I Can't Get Into Windows. I Don't Want To Do A Clean Install To Much On There. It Also Seems My Restore Poits Are Gone. This Is After Diskkeeper Did A Boot Defrag.

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Installing Ultimate 64bit With Ultimate Upgrade Key

Jul 7, 2008

I want to reformat my computer and install Vista Ultimate 64-bit as my operating system. I'd rather not spend a couple hundred dollars to do this when I already own Vista Ultimate 32-bit. My computer came with Home Premium and I purchased a Vista Ultimate Upgrade CD (32 bit). Now what I want to know is if I buy the $30 non liscensed Vista Ultimate (64 bit) CD, can I use my Ultimate (32 bit) Activation key to activate it? This would save me around $150. I talked to the Microsoft guys via chat but we just kept going around and around and they never really answered whether or not the Ultimate 64 bit would accept my Ultimate 32 bit upgrade key.

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Upgrade An OEM Vista Ultimate 32 Bit To Ultimate 64

Sep 25, 2009

What is the best way to upgrade an OEM (Lenovo) Vista Ultimate 32 bit to Ultimate 64? Can it be done? Is the only way through the OEM? Should there be a cost?

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32bit Ultimate To 64bit Ultimate???

Apr 21, 2009

is ther any way to upgrade 32bit to 64 bit??? or o i have to wait for a new

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Boot Manager Issue: Dual Boot 64 Ultimate / Windows 7 Ultimate

Feb 6, 2009

I have a HP pavilion laptop which came with 64 bit vista ultimate pre-installed. I shrinked the OS partition (160 GB), created new partition (40 GB) for 64 bit windows 7 ultimate. After installation of Windows 7, I cannot see the vista ultimate boot option when I boot my PC. When I boot into Windows 7, I still can see the vista partition. But instead of C: it is now displayed as E: I used the HP Recovery Disc to repair windows vista but I can only see a blank blue screen with the mouse pointer. How can I recover the vista?

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Get The 64-bit Upgrade To Ultimate Or Is A 32-bit Upgrade To Ultimate The Only Upgrade Path

Apr 27, 2009

I have a laptop with 64-bit Home Premium. The warranty expires in June. I want to upgrade to Ultimate. I haven't checked out the Anytime Upgrade yet. Will I be able to get the 64-bit upgrade to Ultimate or is a 32-bit upgrade to Ultimate the only upgrade path?

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Should I Go With Ultimate 64-bit

Mar 26, 2008

I'm going to upgrade or do a new install of VISTA Ultimate on my Dell XPS 600.

It will do either 32 or 64 bit (32 bit NVIDIA chipset and Intel CPU), and,
I'm wondering if I want to do 64-bit, mainly for the RAM (being able to use
more than 2-4 GB (I can use up to 8 GB on that MB)).

What's the pros and cons--should I just stick with 32?

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