SP1 : Boot Screen Back To The Original

Mar 23, 2008

I have been using a different boot screen for awhile, with no issues. I updated to SP1 and everything seems to have went just fine. But it did, for some reason, change my boot screen back to the original. No big deal, I thought, I will just change it again. I did that, and it seemed to go fine until just now (a day later).

Now the boot screen once again is back to the factory boot screen, and I cannot get it to change to my custom. I can change the .mui file in the windows/system32/en-US folder (winload.exe.mui) with no problems. But when I restart, it is the factory boot screen.

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XP Back, Reinstall XP From His Original CD?

May 20, 2008

A friend of mine asked me if he can upgrade from XP to Vista. I advised him to run the Vista upgrade advisor which he did and got an OK. He proceeded to upgrade. After a few days, I got a call from him. In a disgruntled voice he explained to me how the system slowed down, he ran into various problems, locking up, etc. and at the end of the conversation he made this plea - "I WANT MY XP BACK!" Can I run restore doing the following:

1) Use system restore
2) Reinstall XP from his original CD

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Mouse Pointers Changing Back To The Original

Jan 9, 2010

I set my mouse pointer to a pointer I want loaded all the time but it keeps changing back to the original. Is there a way to keep the one I choose.

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Crysis: DVD Drive Needs Original Disc Not Back Up

Aug 24, 2008

Haven't tried VMware on my Vista 64, though I have tried microsoft's own offering using my Windows Vista 64 system as a host to a Windows XP 32 guest. I installed Crysis in to my virtualized Windows XP 32 system but when I insert the disc in to DVD drive Crysis tells me it needs an original disc not a back up, [ and that is the original disc ] so I can't figure out why it thinks it is a back-up.

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Go Back, Isn't Able To Boot Anymore

May 13, 2008

I installed "Go Back" to my new laptop (Windows Vista Home Premium 64) and now the laptop isn't able to boot anymore. (it starts booting and then it stops when GoBack starts running, GoBack errors: Internal error - press any key to reboot) So I can't boot Windows to unistall this program. (Now I figured out it's not compatible to Vista...)

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Boot 32bit: Black Screen With 'Windows Boot Manager'

Oct 8, 2009

I have a Dell Inspiron 530 Desktop and every now and then it won't boot up. I get a black screen with 'Windows Boot Manager' ," Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause."

File: BootBCD
Status: 0xc000000f
Info: An error occurred while attemping to read the boot config data.

When I boot the PC with the Installation disc, it repairs it and it works until the next time. When I click on the details to see what is to be repaired, this come up:.......

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Way To Get Vista Back Into Boot Menu?

Feb 6, 2009

I've had a triple-boot set up on my laptop with XP, Vista and Windows 7 beta on three logical volumes. I wanted to uninstall the Win7 beta, and ran this command using the Win7 beta installation disk:

"e:ootsect.exe /nt52 ALL /force" (E: is my DVD drive)

Stupid. Of course, with this parameter I managed to get rid of the Vista boot option as well as Win7. Now the machine only launches XP. Does anybody know a way to get Vista back into the boot menu, short of doing a Vista repair install? I've kept all files on the volumes, it should all be there.

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Fix Boot Logo, BOOT Screen No Works

Apr 16, 2008

This is the best install I have ever done (or was)…I did a fresh install and followed a tweak which was to very enlightening, to say the least. From there I have been to a few other sites and moved on to fully customizing my desktop/login and……well…this is where I stuffed up…My BOOT screen no longer works properly, even with the original “winload.exe.mui” file replaced.

I downloaded and used “Vista Boot Logo Generator” I loved the results on my last install…It worked well. Upon deciding to do a fresh install with Tweaking in mind, I simply coppied over a Boot logo I made previously after allowing permissions and all that as well as changing the NO GUI in msconfig…ect….BUT......

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Center Box Pop Back Up Screen Interupting

Nov 9, 2008

My antivirus that came installed on my vista computer expired I guess because I kept getting allthese notices aobut it, so I clicked on i and it took me to a website to buy anitvirus 2009 for 50 bucks. I did that and got a registration key and entered it and everything seemed ok. But then aobut every 15 minutes or so, the security center box will pop back up on my screen interupting whatever I am doing. If I am typing, it minimizes my paper and brings up the box. If I am playing a game, it minimizes the game to show me the box, which often results in me becoming dead. What is goig on and how can I stop this.

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Screen Turned 90 Degrees Can't Fin Back

Jun 19, 2008

My screen is turned 90 degrees. I can't find a way to turn it back.

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Boot: Screen Hangs On A Black Screen

Nov 13, 2007

i went into my HDD and scheduled an error checking..well windows loaded as normal, but no error checking occurred i guess...now after the green bar is done, the screen hangs on a black screen.

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IE8: Web Pages Don't Work, Screen Flashes Back

Mar 21, 2009

Is it just me, or does IE8 have more bugs than a low rent apartment?! This is nuts! Links on web pages don't work, screen flashes back and forth to solid black when I move my mouse. What a nightmare! I found it listed in the 'Updates' area, and was able to remove it. I didn't know Microsoft was capable of releasing junk like this...

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Blue Screen Of DEATH, Boots Back Up

Jul 6, 2008

I guess you can't call it the Blue Screen of Death anymore as at least it collects data and reports the problem and boots back up (or does it?). I've had a total of 3 of these screens and am wondering how I can view what took place and possibly find out if there are any steps I can take to prevent the same thing from happening? Is anyone else experiencing this? I couldn't find anything in search function on several bases.

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Halo Screen Wont Come Back Up After Being Minimized

Aug 12, 2009

would you mind helping me with this minor issue I've been having while playing halo, its been doing it since I've installed it, if you can't help, that's understandable to. Whenever I minimize my game of halo, I can't bring it back up for some reason. It'll show in the upper left hand corner Halo, but it wont come up, I wait forever, and it never comes up, so I end up, closing it out, and ending the game. At first I tried to get used to it, but sometimes my screen will minimize because of updates, and other stuff, and its really annoying because I can't bring back up my game of halo. I tried reinstalling it, but it would still do the same thing, if you can figure out something to fix this,

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Screen Black Can't Back By Plugging And Unpluggin

Jun 30, 2009

Note my name, I really hardly know one button from another on these infernal machines but I have to try something to fix a very annoying very recent problem. Since some sort of MS download (no idea which one) my screen goes black & can't always be brought back by plugging and unplugging. Now, even when I log on it is black. Sometimes I can get it back, but if I leave the pc for too long off it goes again not to be retrieved at all. The monitor is happy & healthy when i do get it back so what is happening and how do I fix it?

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Cannot Find A Windows 7 Group, Window Off The Screen It Snaps Back To The

Mar 29, 2010

I cannot find a windows 7 group. Im hoping that this group will work. I have a netbook with windows 7. However windows 7 has this silly feature where if you drag a window off the screen it snaps back to the
frame fo the window so it cant be half on and half off. Because this is a netbook the screen is not big so I want to drag my windows off the screen so only half shows up. How can I turn this feature off so i can have my windows dragged half off the screen.

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Boot Screen Change

Aug 22, 2008

Is it possible to change the bootscreen with vista service pack 1? Coz I tried tuneup utilities and the one on Boot screen but they dont work...

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Modding Boot Screen With SP1 (32 & 64 Bit)

Oct 16, 2008

0) Run msconfig command and sign the "No GUI boot" option under boot options.

1) Use Vista Visual Master to generate winload.exe.mui with the image you like....

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Cant Get Past Boot Up Screen

Nov 4, 2009

I just put some more memory in my computer and now cant get past boot bios screen as I cant use keyboard to go past but I am guessing as usb is not active at this point keyboard or mouse does not work

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Freeze On Boot Screen

Mar 29, 2008

* When I start the system, it gets to the Vista's bootscreen (where you see the progress bar). At that point, the laptop freezes. In fact, it freezes before I can see the colored boxes in the progress-bar.

* If I force a cold shutdown (by holding down the power-button), and then restart the laptop, it might load fine and everything would be running fine (like there was never any problems).

* Assuming, it didn't freeze and loaded Vista successfully, then I would shutdown Vista through the Start button.

* If I try to start the laptop again, it will freeze at the bootscreen again.
* I cannot tell when it will freeze at the bootscreen..............

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Automatically Goes To Boot Screen

Mar 23, 2008

When I powerup my PC It automatically goes to the boot screen. I have to press F1 to get to get past it and to the password screen. I had to reformat my hard drive last month and its been doing that since then.

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32 Bit Black Screen On Boot.

Nov 18, 2008

I've had an issue with my computer booting properly. I went from a 1:05 boot time to over a 2:00 boot because Vista go's to a black screen instead of loading my desktop. I'm not sure where to start fixing this, I've always been good with computers and have tried all the text book fixes and I have no where left to go. I made a video which is uploading now and will be up incase this doesn't make as much sense as I'd hope. All my drivers are up to date.

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Boot Os Screen Fallback

Jun 5, 2008

After installing Vista Ultimate w/sp1 on my MacPro, the normal start up was to be presented with the choose the OS screen which included Vista Ultimate and also Vista Business (recovered). I have no idea where Vista Business came from, it was a clean install. My problem is that all of a sudden I don't get the choose the OS screen and it goes into fall back. It does finally boot and the desktop seems the same. My RC flight simulator wants me to enter all the serial numbers again, but everything else seems to work. It still claims to be Vista Ultimate. When I go to Control panel/System/advanced/Startup and recovery there is only one choice for the default startup OS. Vista Business (recovered). I haven't set any restore points (I will next time)

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Customized Boot Screen?

Oct 29, 2007

i have always wanted to get a customized boot screen and have tried amny screens but none of them look good on my screen resolution, i got a 1680 by 1050 screen and all the custom boot screens are stretched out. any1 know any good 1680 by 1050 vista boot screens?

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Dual Boot Screen Comes Up Both OS

Sep 14, 2009

For various reasons, I have a dual boot with Vista 64 bit and Vista 32 bit on separate internal hard drives. When the dual boot screen comes up, it lists both OS's as Microsoft Windows Vista, without any indication which is which and from which hard drive the OS is coming from. Is there any way to change the dual drive start up screen to be more specific as to which OS to select from?

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Change Boot Screen (32-bit Only)

Jan 17, 2007

There is finally an easy way (easier than before) to change your Windows Vista boot screen and use any high resolution photo as your boot screen.  Using a great tool written by Dan Smith it is now possible to automatically generate the replacement language MUI file that contains your boot image files. All you need is two photos at 800x600 and 1024x768 saved as 24-bit windows bitmaps. Then follow these steps:

Download Dan Smith's Vista Boot Logo Generator.

Install and then run from the link in the Start Menu.

Hit Browse for image and select both the 800x600 and 1024x768 resolution bitmap files for your boot screen.

Click on File and select Save Boot Screen File as and save your file.

Next, you will need to replace the winload.exe.mui file in c:WindowsSystem32en-us with the one you just created.  Before you copy in your new file, make a backup of the original. You will need to take ownership of all files in en-us as well as give your account file permissions to replace the file as well in order to copy the new winload.exe.mui file in.
The last step is to enable the alternative boot screen setting as shown in this tweak....

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Black Screen When About To Boot Into Desktop?

Aug 2, 2008

i have a problem when vista is booting up past the loading bar screen sometimes not always the system kinda hangs when about to boot into desktop?, a mouse pointer appears and the screen is black for about 30-45 seconds then the vista circle icon appears then desktop loads? is this a known problem or just my system?

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Goes Off The Screen After Disk Check At Boot

May 6, 2008

Disk check at boot : Is there a way to stop that darn thing from going off the screen after it is done ? Maybe there is nothing to report, but I'd like to see what
is on that black/white screen at the end. You know, just one time?

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Arrow And Black Screen During Boot

Jun 8, 2008

When I try to boot my Vista laptop, it boots fine until after the green scrolling bar completes. Then, it goes to a black screen, then a darker shade, then a lighter shade of black. Then, an arrow appears. Nothing happens afterward. The screensaver will come on after a while. System restore doesn't fix it. What could I do or what could be the cause?

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How Get Rid Of The Boot Screen With OS Choice Option?

Jul 29, 2009

I installed Vista Home Premium upgrade as a dual boot with my original xp installation. Both are on separate hard drives. I now want to get rid of xp and use the hard drive for a Windows 7 machine I am building. Will this infringe the upgrade license? If this is okay, how do I get rid of the boot screen with OS choice option?

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Disc Boot X64, Black Screen

Nov 17, 2009

I have a boot issue since I got a Samsung SyncMaster 2233RZ, I have a black screen the first 30 second on startup, that is until I get to the login screen. I tried hitting the F11-F12 keys but I still just get a regular startup instead of boot from disc. How do I get to boot from the vista disc and what is wrong with my monitor, it can't be right it has to stand around and blink for 30 seconds..?

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