Crysis: DVD Drive Needs Original Disc Not Back Up

Aug 24, 2008

Haven't tried VMware on my Vista 64, though I have tried microsoft's own offering using my Windows Vista 64 system as a host to a Windows XP 32 guest. I installed Crysis in to my virtualized Windows XP 32 system but when I insert the disc in to DVD drive Crysis tells me it needs an original disc not a back up, [ and that is the original disc ] so I can't figure out why it thinks it is a back-up.

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XP Back, Reinstall XP From His Original CD?

May 20, 2008

A friend of mine asked me if he can upgrade from XP to Vista. I advised him to run the Vista upgrade advisor which he did and got an OK. He proceeded to upgrade. After a few days, I got a call from him. In a disgruntled voice he explained to me how the system slowed down, he ran into various problems, locking up, etc. and at the end of the conversation he made this plea - "I WANT MY XP BACK!" Can I run restore doing the following:

1) Use system restore
2) Reinstall XP from his original CD

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SP1 : Boot Screen Back To The Original

Mar 23, 2008

I have been using a different boot screen for awhile, with no issues. I updated to SP1 and everything seems to have went just fine. But it did, for some reason, change my boot screen back to the original. No big deal, I thought, I will just change it again. I did that, and it seemed to go fine until just now (a day later).

Now the boot screen once again is back to the factory boot screen, and I cannot get it to change to my custom. I can change the .mui file in the windows/system32/en-US folder (winload.exe.mui) with no problems. But when I restart, it is the factory boot screen.

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Mouse Pointers Changing Back To The Original

Jan 9, 2010

I set my mouse pointer to a pointer I want loaded all the time but it keeps changing back to the original. Is there a way to keep the one I choose.

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Disc Recovery Took Back To Factory Settings

Oct 18, 2009

I had to do a disc recovery which took me back to factory settings. Most things are required to be set up from scratch. Do I have to set up my e-mail account all over again?

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Crysis / Crysis Warhead Resolutions

Feb 10, 2009

I have just upgraded to Vista 64x SP1 and am having difficulties with Crysis / Crysis Warhead. My specific problem is that it is not allowing me to select resolutions higher than 1280. When I was running it on XP Pro 32 bit it was running at 1920 by 1080, and allowed me to select up to this resolution and all lower options.

I am particularly confused because: Far Cry 2 runs in 1920 * 1080 without problems My desktop is set at 1920 * 1080 I have tried creating a autoexec.cfg file in the game directories forcing the width and height without success I have reinstalled the latest vista 64x CCC and drivers I have tried reinstalling both games completely without success thewre is no scroll bar on the right in the resolution options which I have forgot to use I upgraded to a 64x system specifically for Crysis / CW as I understood it would improve performance and I wanted to see the DX10 effect - needless to say I am very frustrated as a result!

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Recovery Disc Load Vista System Back?

Oct 8, 2008

if i were to erase everything to dual boot installing XP first then Vista, would my Vista recovery disc load the Vista system back onto the computer?

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Does 'Local Disc' D Mean It Is A Drive Inside My Machine Or Could It Be My External Hard Drive

Jul 2, 2008

Does 'Local Disc' D mean it is a drive inside my machine or could it be my external hard drive?

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Back Up Drive To External Drive Failed

May 18, 2008

I just used Windows Vista to back up my drive to an external drive. It said the backup was successful but when I went to safely remove hardware, I got this message: " Windows can't stop your Generic volume device because it is in use. Close any programs or windows that might be using the device, and then try again later. "I made sure everything was closed, checked with Task Manager and tried again. Same message. After 20 minutes, I finally just disconnected it.

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Low Disc Space Drive C:

Sep 11, 2007

I have had this Pavillion dv6305tx laptop just 2 months and after a short while the disc almost full message popped up, it is a 160gb HDD with vista ultimate 64 bit os. Strange because I had not installed any new programs. I phoned the HP line (India) and was told to re format the HDD. This I did but now I have the same message again. I have not istalled anything and the add/remove programs tells me I have less than 2gb of programs installed. The HDD seems to be filling up in its own and I cannot work it out. I think it is a setting in vista but don't know wher to start. The problem is not with the recovery partition D.

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DVD-drive Doesn't Read Disc's

Apr 18, 2009

my DVD-drive doesn't read disc's. The drive I'm using is TSSTcorp SH-S223Q ATA, so a Samsung DVD-drive. When I bought it, it read fine, but not anymore. It doesn't read even bootable disc's (I tried Vista Ultimate x64). I've tried upgrading firmware from B00 to B03, but it didn't help. I had a similar problem when I bought this computer in August 2008. My DVD-drive read the disc's fine for couple weeks or so and then it stopped working. Then I replaced it with this drive (It's not the same model). This one worked fine for a month or two and stopped working, so it's been couple of months not functioning. I just did a fresh install of Vista yesterday and the problem is still here.

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64 Bit Recovery Disc On A Wiped Hard Drive.

Jun 14, 2009

I'm working on a Gateway LX 6810-01 and he completley reformatted his hard drive. He ordered some factory discs to restore to factory settings but when it loads it up it just hangs.

I made a vista 64 recovery disc and it loads up.. When it does it asks for the Dvd/cd Rom driver.

The device is a HL - DT - ST DVDRAM GH15F SCSI Cdrom Device

It lets me serach for it and flash drive is an option and I have one handy, however I can't just find the driver I need and put it on this flash drive for the computer I'm working on.

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Recovery Disc, Screwed Up Hard Drive

Mar 31, 2010

i m trying to find a recovery disc for the acer aspire m1610 system. i totally screwed up my hard drive and have lost the entire recovery partition. if any1 has a m1610 i would appreciate if you could get an ISO image from the eRecovery application. i tried installing eRecovery back onto the system but everytime i do, an error pops up and says "Not D2D System, eRecovery cannot be installed."

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Hard Disc: How Much Space Re-gain By Using Compress Drive Tool ?

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium running on a PC with a 40GB C drive primary hard disc. My programs are on this C drive, all my docs etc are stored on either of separate D drive and H drives. My primary drive is running at about 30GB used/10GB free space. I continually clean out my C drive of temp files etc, clear my cache but how much space would I re-gain by using the Compress Drive tool (visible when I look at C drive properties)?

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D Drive: Get The Space Back

May 17, 2008

I have a Compaq Presario laptop. my C hard drive is 60gb with it half full. that is not problem but my other drive. my D drive is 5gb and it only has 72.1mb left on it does anybody know a way to get space back? anybody know what I can do to stop it going down? i defragment the computer every month. i delete shadow copies i did consider compressing the folder but i read somewhere that is a bad idea what should I do to get the space back?

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How To Back Up To An Internal Hard Drive With ?

Jun 29, 2008

On Windows XP I used WinRAR for my backups because the OS lacked a decent backup system. To my surprise with Vista I still use WinRAR for my backups as that OS doesn't seem to have a decent backup system either.

I want to backup files from internal drive C to a physically separate internal drive D. Drive D won't show up. What comes closest seems to be ''The location is either the system disk (the disk that Windows is installed on?also called the C drive) or the boot disk (the disk that Windows uses to start your computer?also called the startup disk)as Windows XP is installed on drive D.

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Can Use External Drive To Back Stuff Up?

Mar 25, 2008

I have Vista home permium and my son has XP. I put a external hard drive on my pc using usb port. We share the network and he can read the pictures on this drive but can not put any on it. Is there away he can use this external drive to back stuff up through my pc via the network?

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Back Up To External Hard Drive Failure

Apr 20, 2008

I am trying to back up to a WD Passport 250gb usb drive. Every time it fails stating file 0x80070002 cant be found. I returned the drive to the store and replaced it, but I still get the same failure. Could I have gotten 2 bad drives or is there something I can do/chnge in Vista to correct this?

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Hard Drive Back Up : Not Enough Disk Space

May 8, 2010

getting Vista to work with my Garmin etrex and Memorymap. I have bought a new cable because it came with a disk to ensure I had the correct driver, still doesn't work. The reason I have come to this site is my computer presented me with a choice, it said that I should back up my hard drive, to ensure that I wouldn't lose any info in the event of a breakdown. I clicked yes and was told after a time that there was not enough disk space. When I looked at my hard drive page, the recovery drive (E) is full and now in red!

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FAT 32 0r NTSF: Back Up Music Files To A Flash Drive

Mar 23, 2009

I want to back up my music files to a flash drive. Is it better to convert the thumb drive to NTFS?

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Can't Gain Permission To Access A Hard Drive That Has Back Data On It

Jan 4, 2009

I can't gain permission to access a hard drive that has back data on it. Tried to upgrade BIOS success! Killed my OS? Reinstalled my OS success! Now I can't access my 2nd HDD? I am willing to format and start with a clean HDD but I need to get some files off of it first. I have tried several things but none see to work.

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External Hard Drive: Hard Disc Is Unavailable

Sep 27, 2008

I have an external hard drive, I reformated it so I could use Vista's backup.Now it seems that when my brother inlaw tries to put some music files(Itunes) that the hard disc is unavailable to his computer. At this stage it seems that Vista has conned me into destroying a perfectly good WD harddrive!I have created a second partion on the hard drive and I am reformatting that, as I write this, but the only formatting option seems to be this NTFS, and that is what I had already formatted the ExtHD to so I think this formatting will be to no avail!From what I can figure I need to format into FAT but I tried a quick format an ex-fat option was there, but the problem was the same. I am becoming more frustrated with Vista, seems I just keep running into things that should be simple and aren't!

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Lost Disc: No Vista Disc

Nov 3, 2009

Basically my gf's pc started to mess up alot, she was using it at uni with no internet connection but as soon as she finished uni and brought it back and started using the internet it started playng up, so she got it formated, but alas, no vista disc, she still has the product code on a sticker on the PC itself. She has already paid for vista so is there a way of getting the vista disc (for her pc) for free?? if so/if not where can i get one and will this work ok??

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How Many FPS Do YOU Get On Crysis?

Aug 9, 2009

With my system specs (you can see below on system specs button)

i get on average 30-40 fps on a high w/ 1680x1050 resolution. on a 23 inch acer monitor. Does anyone think thats good? how much do you guys get and make sure to put if your cards are in crossfire/SLI

i have a single MSI HD 4870 1 GB with 4 GB RM XMS2 w/ Heat Spreader Corsair @ 800 mhz and an Intel Q9650 @ 3.0 ghz. running it all with a p45 chipset (p5q Pro Turbo)

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Crysis Crash

Mar 23, 2008

Every time i play Crysis i crashes after i short while. I've tried to install all new drivers for motherboard, Vista, Graphic Card and sound card.

It almost always comes with the message "nvlddmkm driver" failed.

What does this mean?

How can I run Crysis without crashes?

I run
Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 Ghz
4 GB RAM (3327 MB)
Windows Vista Ultimate 32 bit
Gainward 8800GTX 768 MB graphic card
ASUS P5K motherboard

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Is Crysis Compatible With 64?

Sep 9, 2009

I downloaded the Cyrsis demo, which worked on my XP machine in the past, yet Im getting some strange results with vista.

After i install it, i cant find it anywhere, its like its not installing even though it appears to install and i dont get any error messages.

There is nothing in my "all programs" or program files folder to indicate it even exists.

Ive reinstalled it mulitple times with the same results.

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Crysis Warhead?

Sep 26, 2008

Is anyone else having problem starting crysis warhead singleplayer? When i start game it says i need an internet connection. BS, there is nothing wrong with my Pc or connecting online, everything works fine except warhead. Not sure why singleplayer needs internet? Is it a bug in the game or what.

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Crysis Freezes

May 4, 2008

I just installed Crysis and have it running on 64 bit. I can only play for a short while until it either freezes or does the thing where windows closes it out saying it stop responding.

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Download Crysis Demo Is Out!!

Oct 27, 2007

Just downloading now Crysis by Electronic Arts. Be warned its 1.77GB, so my take upto 15mins to download

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Crysis And Convertxtodvd Freezing

May 12, 2008

Recently ive been trying to encode video using Convertxtodvd but it always crashed after about 5 mins. I switched to TMPG dvd author and all was fine i could encode my video. Today i installed Crysis on my pc. My pc froze completely after about 10 mins of playing it. The sound was repeating itself and the computer didnt respond to anything.

I had to restart the comp, i then loaded it up again for it to crash after about 20 mins of playing. Im not really sure what to do. Not sure if its my hardware or software. Im using vista 32bit but i tried installing windows xp pro and the same freezes occured.

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Crysis Causes My System To Restart

Apr 28, 2009

I have just re installed crysis today on my system and all was fine, I played it for a few hours on high settings and max res. I went to work and got home tried to load it and it begins to load then 20 seconds in causes my system to restart....

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