Reports: Intel To Skip Vista Upgrade

Jul 1, 2008

Following a report Monday on the Inquirer, the New York Times reported Wednesday that Intel's IT department "found no compelling case" for upgrading.

And that's despite the fact that it's been nearly seven years since XP debuted. It's not a good thing, if your customers are electing to stick with 7-year-old technology. (In fairness, XP did get a fairly big update with Windows XP Service Pack 2, but even that is four years old at this point.)

Microsoft, which once predicted businesses would adopt Vista at twice the rate they moved to XP, has scaled back its ambitions and these days talks a lot about how long the adoption curve is for businesses when it comes to new operating systems.

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Upgrade Cpu To Intel Core 2 Quad Or Possible An I7

Mar 27, 2009

Im looking to upgrade my cpu to a intel core 2 quad or possible an i7. Are there any good AMD equivalents that i should consider? And where are some good places to buy the processors when ive decided which one to get, as i dont want a whole machine, just the cpu.

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Intel G33/G31 Express Chipset Family Upgrade

Mar 23, 2008

My computer performed an automatic update Saturday night. This was deemed "important" by the Windows Update program. It completely blew up the graphics on my computer, a 4 month old Dell Insperion 530S running Vista Home Premium. It turned my 19 inch monitor into a 12 inch monitor. Some web pages were squeezed into the middle of the screen, with blank spaces on each side. Some were spread way out. Some were all the way to the left, some all the way to the right. Neither Word nor Excel displayed properly. Only Quicken seemed okay, but not QuickBooks. I restored the system to the previous settings, and fixed the problem, but automatic update did the same thing last night and I had to restore it again.

I have disabled the automatic update feature, at least for now. I don't want to be subjected to this every morning when I wake up! I don't know if this is an Intel problem or a Microsoft problem, but the lack of testing on a update like this is just inexcusable......

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Program Registered In Vista Which Can Create Reports And Convert Them Into Different Formats

Jul 2, 2008

A program in vista is needed . Need program registered in vista which can create reports and convert them into different formats.

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Intel 82845g, Vista Is Not Supporting Drivers

Feb 23, 2007

vista is not supporting my drivers...i searched a lot at intels website and google but could not find any solution.. Need the required Graphic drivers or steps to solve this problem..i really cant go for a new PC right now...i heard we can overcome with this problem.

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Vista Cannot Installed Intel Grapfic Update

May 26, 2008

HP Compaq Desktop - Vista Home Premium. Installed Intel Grapfic update (recomended by Microsoft for SP1 installation. Sure enough, SP1 appeared for download....and downloaded successsfully. Everything working good., after the computer has been asleep overnight, when I wake it up, the screen resolution has dropped from 1280-1024 to 800-600.

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Enable Vista Glass On Intel GMA 950 Graphics Cards

Jun 28, 2006

Currently Windows Vista does not have WDDM support for the Intel GMA950 integrated graphics card.  Even though this card is integrated, it supports all of the requirements for Vista Glass. It is just a matter of getting a driver that is compatible with it and vista.
After doing a ton of research, I found that there is another driver that you can actually use for now. There are some problems with it, such if you have a laptop, the external monitor port does not always work but other than that it works great for me on my Lenovo X60.
This is how I got Vista Glass to run on a GMA950:

First, I had to open up device manager. Click on the start menu and type in devmgmt.msc and Enter to load it up.

Once there, expand the Display Adapters section and right click on each device and select Uninstall.

Reboot the computer.

When it restarts, it should install a generic video driver so your screen will still work.

Go back into Device Manager, expand the Display Adapters section again and then right click on the device and select Update Driver.

This time select Browse My Computer for Driver and then Let me pick it from a list.

Go the the Intel section and select the Intel(R) Lakeport Graphics Controller.

Hit OK and install the new driver. Restart your computer.

Once you have rebooted, right click on your desktop and select Personalize again.

Click on Windows Colors and Appearance.

Click on Open classic appearance properties for more color options.

In the Color Scheme box, select Windows Vista Aero.

Hit OK and glass will now load.

If glass does not work for you, go back to Device Manager and ...

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Check Disk Wont Skip And Freezes

Jul 29, 2009

I'm running Windows Vista Ultimate x64. My computer boots up fine gets to the windows splash screen then does chkdsk and freezes after checking drive C:. Restarting causes it to get to the Windows splash screen again and run chkdsk and freeze after checking C:. I cannot get out of this loop as my keyboard stops working at the Windows splash screen. Even using a PS2 keyboard has the same result. I have tried the following: Going into the vista repair setup thing running command prompt and typing chkntfs /x c: d: e: and then restarting. it still runs chkdsk it still freezes and I still cannot skip chkdsk. I sheduled these myself but did not expect them to freeze. I cannot stop them from checking and every time I let it run through it freezes.

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Ripping Process Track Skip Files

Mar 23, 2008

I have recently bought a MP3 player & have set about filling it with music using Windows Media Player, I have noticed that some albums seem to get unstable & skip a bit like a needle going across a record. The CD's are well looked after & not scratched. The problem seems to be somewhere in the ripping process as the tracks skip when played back on the PC, I have tried ripping the same albums on another PC with similar results so it's not anything to do with my CD Drive, I tend to think the CD's are read too fast but that's just my opinion. I'm not 100% sure but I think it may be long compilation albums IE. Greatest Hits that seem to be the main culprits,

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Date Of Windows 7 Upgrade Free Upgrade For Vista

May 11, 2009

does anybody know the date of Windows 7 free upgrade for Vista?

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Upgrade Failure: How Upgrade To Vista?

Mar 26, 2008

I have been trying to upgrade from Windows XP Tablet Edition to Vista Ultimate on my Travelmate C300 laptop. I have found the following error file after the install fails in the location: C:$WINDOWS.~BTSourcesPanther. The file is called: setuperr.log. The content is quite long but i will post it here - advise how i can upgrade to Vista?.................

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Firefox: Reports Crash

Sep 16, 2008

Has anyone else been getting random firefox crash reports lately? And when i click restart firefox it wont, it keeps opening the crash report dialog box. I have to reboot the system for firefox to work again. This has happened to me twice in the last 2 days.

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Unable To Run Backup As Reports No Space

Sep 10, 2008

I have an external Seagate 400 Gb drive I use for Backups, using the Vista Ultimate Backup. Have made total backup and then daily backups of files that have altered. All of a sudden the backups are failing despite there being 200 Gb free. It fails at unable to create shadow copy insufficient space.

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SP1 Installation Fails, CheckSUR Reports

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium. I tried to install SP1, but it fails. (several times) Menory checked, files scanned,. I get error code 80073712. It tells me nothing. Update starts after SP1 installation has failed checkSUR and it gives error: (f)Corrupt ManifestCSI0x00000000winsxsManifestsx86_microsoft-windows-network-security_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_cd246fe92a8ad809.manifest Hash: Stored hash does not match file hash. Does this prevent installing SP1? What should I do to correct the manifest or is there something else I can try to get SP1 installed?

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3GB RAM Installed But System Reports 2814MB

Mar 23, 2008

3GB RAM on Vista 32-bit Home Premium and system info is only reporting 2814MB. The motherboard bios is recognizing all 3GB and the memory has tested fine when only 1GB or 2GB is installed on it's own. The memory is all the same - Corsair - same product line and everything. Vista OS is up to date and I am using the latest bios for my motherboard. I will paste the system specs here....

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Checkdisk Hangs Every Time. Disk Reports OK?

Jun 7, 2008

On Vista Home Premium, I've set Chkdsk to run but each time it hangs about three quarters of the way through step 5, at the same cluster each time. I've run the harddisk tests (SMART, surface scan etc) from the computer recovery console and it passes every test OK. If this a physical problem with the drive or a file system one? If it's the latter why can't Chkdsk fix it? It's a new computer should I go through the hassle of returning it to the manufacturer?

P.S. History: it's a brand new Lenovo laptop. When I first switched it on, it gave me that "Vista didn't shut down properly last time" screen, but apart from that everything seemed OK until I got most of the way through all the security updates, cleaning up all the bundled software etc and Windows Update blankly refused to install SP1. I tried a system restore and that told me there was a disk error and to run Chkdsk. Chkdsk refused to run (something about the drive being locked) and in the end I did a factory reset. This is OK in that now all the updates have installed and there are no more errors, but I wanted to double check the disk, so invoked Chkdsk and... see above.

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Windows Security Center Reports AVG Turned Off

Feb 12, 2009

Whenever i log into my pc i get a warning from Windows Security Center sayin that AVG anti virus is turned off, when avg is actually running and the tray icon is showing in the system tray. Ive clicked on turn on now but Windows Security Center keeps comming up when i log in and i cant see whats wrong. Im running windows vista home premium 32-bit and AVG 8 free ...

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Nvidia 8800GTX Reports Bad Graphics Performance

May 1, 2008

I have just installed Vista 64bit. Ultimate on my computer wich consists of the following......Im running the latest Nvidai drivers for Vista 64bit When running the performance tool the tool reports a score of 1,9 Destop Performance for Windows Aero and 1,0 for 3D business and gaming praghics....???? I have doen all that I can find on this issue, updated my score, deleted the XML files, but no luck. The score is still the same!??

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Upgrade From Vista Basic To Vista Premium But The Activation Key Didn't Work

Mar 26, 2008

I recently tried to upgrade from Vista Basic to Vista Premium but the activation key didn't work. So I recovered Vista Basic from the windows.old file but there is still a corrupt version of Vista Premium on my hard disk. how to remove it?

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Upgrade Vista Home Basic To Vista Ultimate

Jun 30, 2008

CANNOT SIMPLY UPGRADE WITHIN VISTA??? FIRST TIME ISSUE EVER POSTED! I have a question that I cannot make sense of. I have Windows Vista Home Basic with SP1 installed on my computer. I have a copy of a legit retail version of Windows Vista Ultimate Upgrade SP1 DVD-ROM. I want to upgrade my current Vista Home Basic to Vista Ultimate. Sounds simple enough. I have read everywhere on the web and it can upgrade easily as long as you upgrade within Windows Vista and not a reboot installation. Okay, but when I get to a point in the Vista grade process, I CANNOT! During the installation process, when I get to the screen that states, "Which type of installation do you want?" AFTER INPUTTING THE VISTA ULTIMATE KEY CODE ON A PREVIOUS SCREEN, the option should be "Upgrade" ONLY and NOT "Custom (Advanced)" since the key code is set for upgrade option only. I GET THE TOTAL OPPOSITE!!! I only get the option "Custom (Advanced)" and the "Upgrade" option is grayed out. WHAT??? NO "Upgrade" option??? I SHOULD BE GETTING THE "Upgrade" OPTION!!! This does not make any sense!!! It states at the reason at the bottom of this screen, "Upgrade has been disabled. - The upgrade option cannot be started, to upgrade, cancel the installation and then choose to upgrade to a version of Windows that is more recent than the version you are currently running." This does not make any sense, does it??? I should be able to only upgrade since I only have an upgrade disc. I am upgrading from a lower edition of Vista to a higher edition of Vista, therefore I should ALSO have this feature to upgrade enabled too when it knows my CD key is a higher ("upgrade") edition. I have spent several hours searching and read around the web and cannot find my same or similar case scenario. A first time! People who have upgraded between different editions of Vista with either the Windows Anytime Upgrade retail package or (mine) the Windows Vista Ultimate Retail Upgrade box (includes the Windows Anytime Upgrade anyways on it) say it is a breeze! What is going on with me??? I should not be having any problems what-so-ever!

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I Can Upgrade Notebook To Vista And The Video Drive Automatic Installed By Vista Is RADEON XPRESS 200M (WDDM), Version

Jun 13, 2008

I upgrade my notebook to Vista and the video drive automatic installed by Vista is RADEON XPRESS 200M (WDDM), version When I try to install the version 8.5 (from the ATI site) nothing happens. If I force to install the new drive, Vista Update still inform the best drive is the older, and the CCC (Catalyst control center) still not installed.

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64 And AMD 64 X2: Is Vista 64 Worth The Upgrade Over Vista 32

Jan 4, 2008

I'm running an AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ and my questions are:

Is Vista 64 worth the upgrade over Vista 32?
Should I wait on upgrading?
Are there any major programs incompatible with Vista 64?

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Windows Explorer Closing: Specific Fault Information For This Crash According Reports And Solutions Center Control Panel

Mar 29, 2008

What is the specific fault information for this crash according to the Problem Reports and Solutions Center control panel?

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Can I Upgrade From XP 32 Bit To Vista 64 Bit?

Jul 9, 2009

Can I do a upgrade from a XP 32bit Machine to Windows Vista 64bit by just adding the disk, hitting intall and all that, or do I need to do a clean install when changing to 64bit.

Also, if it's just your average HP machine with a AMD Athlon 64 x2 3800+ with 2GB ram and a 200GB HD.. is 64bit even really needed, or should I just do 32bit. As I'm installing vista and then selling the machine to someone locally.

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Upgrade Vista To W7 32 Bit Have Keys

Apr 10, 2010

I purchased the keys on Ebay. Where do I go to download W7 32 bit with my keys?

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Upgrade Vista Ultimate 32-bit To 64-bit

Jan 12, 2009

Is it possible to upgrade my Vista 32-bit to Vista 64-bit without a reformat? I really don't want to have to go and deal with the PITA backups and reinstallation of programs... I looked around the net and got distracted by my 64-bit version of Windows 7 (which got me thinking "Damn it, now I need more RAM) before I could find any answers...

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Upgrade From XP To Vista 64 Bit - Not Happy

Apr 18, 2009

I have been scanning this site to sole an upgrade problem and I would just like to confirm that I have wasted my time buying 64bit Vista unless I want to Start with a fresh install?

I just built a new PC and for some reasin it would not do the initial install from the Vista disk. This appears to have been a problem experienced by others with the same motherboard (Asus P5KPL-CM). SO I found a copy of XP S2 and installed that thinking that I could upgrade - apparently not which makes sense since I have read this forum.

Is there a solution to being able to get the PC to do a fresh install from the VIsta 64 disk?

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Upgrade From Vista To Windows 7

Apr 18, 2010

I just completed an upgrade from Vista to Windows 7 on my HP Pavilion a1730n and all w2orks fine except for recovering from sleep mode. It looks as though I will have to replace the motherboard in the Pavilion. I am looking for comments as to what I may expect when Windows 7 is booted into a new motherboard.

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Upgrade HP X86 To Vista Ultimate X64

Jun 19, 2009

is there any way i can upgrade my wifes laptop from Vista HP X86 to Vista Ultimate X64 with out doing a clean install?

or do i have to do a clean install cause of the KERNAL?

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No Sound Since Vista Upgrade

Feb 2, 2009

I have recentley upgraded from XP to vista home premium 32 bit but seem to have lost all sound. I thought I had found the correct drivers but I was wrong. I'm pretty sure it's nothing obvious like a 'mute' being on. My problem sound similar to this post I found while browsing --- No sound with vista!

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Right To Upgrade To Vista Premium 64 Bit?

Jan 10, 2008

I am about to upgrade to Vista premium 64 bit. I am currently running XP pro. My processor is a Pentium 4 660 (64 bit. Am i right in believing that at the moment, everything will be running at 32 bit, due to xp only being 32 bits?? (I have not got the 64 bit version). Does this include say Flight Sim X which has been designed for 64 bit?The reason i think this, is because xp is running at 32 bit, that will mean that everthing that is running on the system will also run at 32 bit whether it can run at 64 bit or not.

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