Checkdisk Hangs Every Time. Disk Reports OK?

Jun 7, 2008

On Vista Home Premium, I've set Chkdsk to run but each time it hangs about three quarters of the way through step 5, at the same cluster each time. I've run the harddisk tests (SMART, surface scan etc) from the computer recovery console and it passes every test OK. If this a physical problem with the drive or a file system one? If it's the latter why can't Chkdsk fix it? It's a new computer should I go through the hassle of returning it to the manufacturer?

P.S. History: it's a brand new Lenovo laptop. When I first switched it on, it gave me that "Vista didn't shut down properly last time" screen, but apart from that everything seemed OK until I got most of the way through all the security updates, cleaning up all the bundled software etc and Windows Update blankly refused to install SP1. I tried a system restore and that told me there was a disk error and to run Chkdsk. Chkdsk refused to run (something about the drive being locked) and in the end I did a factory reset. This is OK in that now all the updates have installed and there are no more errors, but I wanted to double check the disk, so invoked Chkdsk and... see above.

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IE7 Just Hangs After Some Time

Feb 5, 2008

I just purchased a Toshiba A205-7464 laptop before Christmas and have been having a problem lately with the wireless internet hanging on me.

I will be online for a certain period of time, sometimes hours, sometimes 10 minutes. I will try to go to a website, not always the same one, and IE will just hang, no graphics will come up, the green bar just stops halfway through and it just hangs. I get no error page or anything but in order to get it working again, I have to reboot. It is really starting to tick me off because it is starting to happen more frequently. I have uninstalled McAfee and installed my own Security Software (CA Suite).

Here are some stats on my PC:...

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Checkdisk Utility And Disk Cleanup Utility

Mar 23, 2008

just a bit of advice needed really. Im in the process of doing a course. It is talking baout how to run chkdsk and cisk cleanup but is only giving instructions on how to do these processes in Windows XP. What is the procedure in Vista?

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Time Schronization: Change Date & Time Internet Time Tab And Chose A Time Standard To Connect

Aug 31, 2008

I recently went into Change Date & Time Internet time tab and chose a time standard to connect with. After doing that I went onto the internet and connected with and checked the time. After that I was no longer able to go into the internet time tab. It tells me that is the time connection and I can't change it. It tells me I need to have permission to do this as administrator. I am the administrator! What goes here?

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Check Disk And Hangs At Start

Sep 28, 2009

last night i nearly cracked it with my computer because i did a CHKDSK and when that finishes and my computer restarts... when it just about to load the logon screen it is dark for at least up to a minute. the last time i did that i wouldn't boot into windows at all. and had to pay 60.00 for it to get looked at.

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My Disk Is Getting Corrupt All The Time

Mar 23, 2008

Something has been bothering me a lot in Vista 64 Ultimate SP1. Every now and then, when Windows starts, it says my disk structure is corrupt and I should run chkdsk in order to fix it. When I try to run CHKDSK under Vista, I get a "insufficient disk space to fix master table (MFT)", and CHKDSK aborts. I can't create folders, files, Windows Update fails ...

The good thing is a have a dual boot system and when I choose XP, Windows XP detects that the Vista partition needs chkdsk and this time, chkdsk runs completely and fixes the Vista partition. So I can restart the computer, choose Vista partition again and this time everything will work fine.

Problem is, this is happening too often. Like every day. And it is such a hassle to start Vista, get the error message, restart, choose XP, fix Vista, restart, choose Vista and then have everything normal. Any of you guys have an idea on WHY my disk structure is getting corrupt all the time? My Vista installation is very recent, and I did a full format in the partition before installing it.

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Long Boot Time To Install Disk

Mar 23, 2008

With a formated hard drive on a Dell Dimension 2350, the Vista Home Premium Install Disk took eight minutes to get to the first screen. I subsequently cleaned out all cards from PCI slots and disabled everything I could in the BIOS and got the same results.

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Logged On As An Administrator, But It Still Won't Let Me Run ChECkdIsk

Apr 24, 2008

I'm logged on as an administrator, but it still won't let me run chkdsk? This getting so foreign, I might as well learn macs!!

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Checkdisk Deleted All Files.

Mar 22, 2009

I have a 1 month old 0.5TB USB external drive that I use to backup all my data, work, personal stuff, etc - 10 years of my life. I am running vista ultimate. WHen vista starts and the usb is plugged in it usually asks if you would like to check for consistency and gives you about 10 seconds to cancel the check (by pressing any key). I was walking towards the computer but was too late and windows went ahead and checked for consistency.......

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Disk Defragment "No Need To Defrag At This Time"

Aug 31, 2009

I check defragmenter regularly and each time it says my file performance is need to defrag at this time. Should I defrag anyway? BTW, I'm running McAfee which has a disk defrag app. and it always gives me the same message...No need to defrag at this time.

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How To Automate Checkdisk And Defrag On Boot.

Mar 29, 2008

Oh yes prog was called Defrag from PC Mech. It worked like this ran prog it then rebooted system and on startup ran chkdsk then defraged volume. Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes, I have a car.... But is there not a way to create a script file that would reboot system run chkdsk and defrag then boot into OS. I will also be shuting of defrag I do not want it running all the time.

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X64 Constantly Freezing Checkdisk Not Working

Jun 24, 2009

Until just recently my x64 has been freezing completely on me randomly..I'm not sure if anyone else uses Cox Communications for the internet, but after I set it up on this computer it's gone bad on me... first if I were to listen WMP it stops midway song and everything stops working, then just browsing the net will freeze it, CTRLaltdlte won't work and I have to shut it down manually...

I have run chkdsk soooo many times, I have also downloaded a registry repair program, defrag, dsk cleanup, and everything imaginable. I want to avoid defrag because I don't want to loose my files and programs.

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Checkdisk Weirdness And SFC /scannow Oddities

Feb 12, 2009

I powered up my Vista 64 machine tonight and chkdsk starting going berserk. I saw a whole bunch of "deleting index entry" and something about Windows and AMD64. I had no idea what I was even seeing until I did some research, but I'm confused about what's happening. Anyway, from a command prompt I ran sfc /scannow and this is what I saw: C:UsersAdministrator>sfc /scannow

Beginning system scan. This process will take some time. Beginning verification phase of system scan. Verification 100% complete. Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but was unable to fix some of them. Details are included in the CBS.Log windirLogsCBSCBS.log. For example C:WindowsLogsCBSCBS.log

C:UsersAdministrator>findstr /c:"[SR]" %windir%logscbscbs.log> %userprofile%

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Firefox: Reports Crash

Sep 16, 2008

Has anyone else been getting random firefox crash reports lately? And when i click restart firefox it wont, it keeps opening the crash report dialog box. I have to reboot the system for firefox to work again. This has happened to me twice in the last 2 days.

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CheckDisk: Unable To Exit The Error Check

Apr 15, 2008

Error check on my HP Laptop that has vista home edition. for some reason it froze at 4% in the first stage (1 of 5), at this point i was able to exit the error check by pressing Escape, i went on and defragmented my computer next and did various virus and spyware cleanups, then i decided to do the error check again, this time the same thing happened but now i am unable to exit the error check. so my question is: is there anything i can do on my own or should i send it in to a professional?

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Unable To Run Backup As Reports No Space

Sep 10, 2008

I have an external Seagate 400 Gb drive I use for Backups, using the Vista Ultimate Backup. Have made total backup and then daily backups of files that have altered. All of a sudden the backups are failing despite there being 200 Gb free. It fails at unable to create shadow copy insufficient space.

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SP1 Installation Fails, CheckSUR Reports

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium. I tried to install SP1, but it fails. (several times) Menory checked, files scanned,. I get error code 80073712. It tells me nothing. Update starts after SP1 installation has failed checkSUR and it gives error: (f)Corrupt ManifestCSI0x00000000winsxsManifestsx86_microsoft-windows-network-security_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_cd246fe92a8ad809.manifest Hash: Stored hash does not match file hash. Does this prevent installing SP1? What should I do to correct the manifest or is there something else I can try to get SP1 installed?

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3GB RAM Installed But System Reports 2814MB

Mar 23, 2008

3GB RAM on Vista 32-bit Home Premium and system info is only reporting 2814MB. The motherboard bios is recognizing all 3GB and the memory has tested fine when only 1GB or 2GB is installed on it's own. The memory is all the same - Corsair - same product line and everything. Vista OS is up to date and I am using the latest bios for my motherboard. I will paste the system specs here....

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Checkdisk Is Veryfing Files, Welcome To Vista Screen Comesup

Jun 29, 2009

when my pc starts up there is a message ---checking the system in C.Type of file system NTFS, Volume Label is Vista. then CHDSK is verfying files (stage 1 0f 3) 5% complete (70785 of 125952 file records processed) After about 3mins the welcome to vista screen comes up and the windows programmes are open. How do I stop this ocurring repeatedley?

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Reports: Intel To Skip Vista Upgrade

Jul 1, 2008

Following a report Monday on the Inquirer, the New York Times reported Wednesday that Intel's IT department "found no compelling case" for upgrading.

And that's despite the fact that it's been nearly seven years since XP debuted. It's not a good thing, if your customers are electing to stick with 7-year-old technology. (In fairness, XP did get a fairly big update with Windows XP Service Pack 2, but even that is four years old at this point.)

Microsoft, which once predicted businesses would adopt Vista at twice the rate they moved to XP, has scaled back its ambitions and these days talks a lot about how long the adoption curve is for businesses when it comes to new operating systems.

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Windows Security Center Reports AVG Turned Off

Feb 12, 2009

Whenever i log into my pc i get a warning from Windows Security Center sayin that AVG anti virus is turned off, when avg is actually running and the tray icon is showing in the system tray. Ive clicked on turn on now but Windows Security Center keeps comming up when i log in and i cant see whats wrong. Im running windows vista home premium 32-bit and AVG 8 free ...

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Nvidia 8800GTX Reports Bad Graphics Performance

May 1, 2008

I have just installed Vista 64bit. Ultimate on my computer wich consists of the following......Im running the latest Nvidai drivers for Vista 64bit When running the performance tool the tool reports a score of 1,9 Destop Performance for Windows Aero and 1,0 for 3D business and gaming praghics....???? I have doen all that I can find on this issue, updated my score, deleted the XML files, but no luck. The score is still the same!??

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Program Registered In Vista Which Can Create Reports And Convert Them Into Different Formats

Jul 2, 2008

A program in vista is needed . Need program registered in vista which can create reports and convert them into different formats.

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Measure The ReBoot-Time (restart Time) For Our Systems

May 13, 2008

measure the ReBoot-Time (restart time) for our systems. You can see how to here: How to See What Your Boot Up Time is in Vista

Here's my ReBoot-Time:

Running Processes: 41
Started Services: 36
Automatic logon

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AntiSpyware Real-Time Protection At One Time

Oct 13, 2009

Is it wise to have more than 1 antispyware program performing real-time protection at one time?

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Travelling Laptop - Set Time & Time Zone

Mar 29, 2008

We are using Dell laptops while travelling or at field offices.

We have to reset the clock and time zone, every time when we get to new
locations. That is quite a hassle. Is there better ways to do this?

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Windows Explorer Closing: Specific Fault Information For This Crash According Reports And Solutions Center Control Panel

Mar 29, 2008

What is the specific fault information for this crash according to the Problem Reports and Solutions Center control panel?

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Laptop Display: Boot Into Aero About 50% Of The Time. The Rest Of The Time I Forced Onto The Standard Theme With No Aero Option

Mar 23, 2008

I've got an Sony VGN-BX197XP laptop that I've upgraded to Windows Vista Ultimate. Since then I've encountered some strange display-related issues:

1) I could only boot into Aero about 50% of the time. The rest of the time I forced onto the Standard theme with no Aero option. Since installing Vista SP1 I can't get Aero at all.

2) When not running in Aero mode I can't get the Windows Media Player to play video files, nor get a Perfomance Index.

3) If I plug in an external monitor I can't get a picture on the laptop monitor but I *do* get a picture on the external monitor and it runs Aero 100% of the time. It will also play video files and give me a performance index.

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X64 Freeze From Time To Time For 2-3 Seconds.

Aug 6, 2008

Recently I have bought Vista Home Premium x64 and to be honest I am having quite annoying issue with this OS . I had installed Vista on RAID0 partition. Additionally I have three other sata drives for my data . I noticed that from time to time when I am working on vista , system freeze for 2-3 sec then everything is fine and I can continue work. Particulary when for example I am opening some application or even windows explorer , my computer etc. (when it hangs I can't move my mouse). Moreover when it freeze I "hear" something inside my computer case as if my computer weak up from hibernation.

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Wont Time Sync Even Tho Keeps Time

Aug 20, 2009

Im in vista 64 bit. I was trying to install a licence for Cubase and was getting a time, calendar error. I look and everything is on time to the second hand on my wall. But for the hell of it, I tryed syncing it to all the availible servers but got: "An error occured while Windows was synchronizing with whatever.server" However I can ping the servers in comand prompt. And also, like the topic says, It still keeps perfect time. It set it's own time. So Im clueless. A bios thing perhaps?

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Disk Defragmenter: Stopped Defragmenting And The Information Changed To 'Analyzing Disk

Nov 23, 2009

Is it normal for Disk Defragmenter to Analyze the disk AFTER it defragments? I know it does it before and then I click 'Defrag Now' and it proceeds to defrag my hard drive. But today I was watching it and noticed that all of a sudden it stopped defragmenting and the info changed to 'Analyzing disk...'.

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