SP1 Installation Fails, CheckSUR Reports

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium. I tried to install SP1, but it fails. (several times) Menory checked, files scanned,. I get error code 80073712. It tells me nothing. Update starts after SP1 installation has failed checkSUR and it gives error: (f)Corrupt ManifestCSI0x00000000winsxsManifestsx86_microsoft-windows-network-security_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_cd246fe92a8ad809.manifest Hash: Stored hash does not match file hash. Does this prevent installing SP1? What should I do to correct the manifest or is there something else I can try to get SP1 installed?

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SP 1 Fails During Installation

Mar 21, 2008

trustedinstaller.exe crashs. All pre-SP1 updates are installed. Using Vista Ultimate x64.

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Window 7 Installation Fails

Dec 15, 2009

I am trying to upgrade to Windows 7, but am having problems with uninstalling things that need to be. The installer/uninstaller fails either when it tries to open the wizard or just after the wizard opens. I trying to install the windows installer cleanup, but that wouldn't install either. I have tried FRevo Uninstaller and CCcleaner, but they can't get it down either.

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Installation Process Fails

Dec 16, 2009

I'm trying to install Far Cry 1 but It won't get through the installation process. I et a message that says run 32. or 64. I'm really lousy with computers but I want to play this game.

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Installation Fails On 64 With SB600 RAID 0

Apr 29, 2008

I just built a new system using a GigaByte MA-790FX-DS5 motherboard / 8GB RAM (4x2GB - DDR2 - PC8500-1066)/ Athlon X2 - 4850e with 2 150GB WD-Raptor drives / 20x Pioneer DVD Burner. (Plan to replace the Athlon with a 45nm Phenom later in the year). Using a SATA RAID 0/AHCL configuration on the SB600 connectors. XP32 loaded without any major problems and is running fine.

I've run the Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool loaded by Vista using the Extended tests and it appears to be fine.

Tried to install Vista 64 on a Primary Partition. The SATA drivers were loaded. 2.5.1540.47 from GigaByte and later tried the MSI 2.5.1540.48 build for the same SB600 chip. Attempted installation about 6 times with failures occurring at varying points in the installation. I understand from Googling the issue that many, many people have had similar issues attempting to install Vista 64 with a RAID 0 using AHCL on the SB600 chipset.

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SP1 Instal Fails Everytime Error "Installation Was Not Successful"

May 3, 2008

I have tried installing Windows Vista SP1 roughly 8-10 times now, with no luck any time. It always gets to 98% complete on the first stage, then sits there for awhile before reverting, rebooting, and trying again. First time I got error code 0x800F0826, and Microsoft directs me here: Error message when you try to install Windows Vista Service Pack 1: "Installation was not successful" or "An internal error occurred while installing the service pack". None of the resolutions work. Then I got this message a few times 0x800705B4. Which I have read is a "Timed out" error. Its always at 98% on stage 1 of 3 that it hangs up before it fails and reverts................

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Firefox: Reports Crash

Sep 16, 2008

Has anyone else been getting random firefox crash reports lately? And when i click restart firefox it wont, it keeps opening the crash report dialog box. I have to reboot the system for firefox to work again. This has happened to me twice in the last 2 days.

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Unable To Run Backup As Reports No Space

Sep 10, 2008

I have an external Seagate 400 Gb drive I use for Backups, using the Vista Ultimate Backup. Have made total backup and then daily backups of files that have altered. All of a sudden the backups are failing despite there being 200 Gb free. It fails at unable to create shadow copy insufficient space.

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3GB RAM Installed But System Reports 2814MB

Mar 23, 2008

3GB RAM on Vista 32-bit Home Premium and system info is only reporting 2814MB. The motherboard bios is recognizing all 3GB and the memory has tested fine when only 1GB or 2GB is installed on it's own. The memory is all the same - Corsair - same product line and everything. Vista OS is up to date and I am using the latest bios for my motherboard. I will paste the system specs here....

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Reports: Intel To Skip Vista Upgrade

Jul 1, 2008

Following a report Monday on the Inquirer, the New York Times reported Wednesday that Intel's IT department "found no compelling case" for upgrading.

And that's despite the fact that it's been nearly seven years since XP debuted. It's not a good thing, if your customers are electing to stick with 7-year-old technology. (In fairness, XP did get a fairly big update with Windows XP Service Pack 2, but even that is four years old at this point.)

Microsoft, which once predicted businesses would adopt Vista at twice the rate they moved to XP, has scaled back its ambitions and these days talks a lot about how long the adoption curve is for businesses when it comes to new operating systems.

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Checkdisk Hangs Every Time. Disk Reports OK?

Jun 7, 2008

On Vista Home Premium, I've set Chkdsk to run but each time it hangs about three quarters of the way through step 5, at the same cluster each time. I've run the harddisk tests (SMART, surface scan etc) from the computer recovery console and it passes every test OK. If this a physical problem with the drive or a file system one? If it's the latter why can't Chkdsk fix it? It's a new computer should I go through the hassle of returning it to the manufacturer?

P.S. History: it's a brand new Lenovo laptop. When I first switched it on, it gave me that "Vista didn't shut down properly last time" screen, but apart from that everything seemed OK until I got most of the way through all the security updates, cleaning up all the bundled software etc and Windows Update blankly refused to install SP1. I tried a system restore and that told me there was a disk error and to run Chkdsk. Chkdsk refused to run (something about the drive being locked) and in the end I did a factory reset. This is OK in that now all the updates have installed and there are no more errors, but I wanted to double check the disk, so invoked Chkdsk and... see above.

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Windows Security Center Reports AVG Turned Off

Feb 12, 2009

Whenever i log into my pc i get a warning from Windows Security Center sayin that AVG anti virus is turned off, when avg is actually running and the tray icon is showing in the system tray. Ive clicked on turn on now but Windows Security Center keeps comming up when i log in and i cant see whats wrong. Im running windows vista home premium 32-bit and AVG 8 free ...

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Nvidia 8800GTX Reports Bad Graphics Performance

May 1, 2008

I have just installed Vista 64bit. Ultimate on my computer wich consists of the following......Im running the latest Nvidai drivers for Vista 64bit When running the performance tool the tool reports a score of 1,9 Destop Performance for Windows Aero and 1,0 for 3D business and gaming praghics....???? I have doen all that I can find on this issue, updated my score, deleted the XML files, but no luck. The score is still the same!??

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Program Registered In Vista Which Can Create Reports And Convert Them Into Different Formats

Jul 2, 2008

A program in vista is needed . Need program registered in vista which can create reports and convert them into different formats.

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Windows Explorer Closing: Specific Fault Information For This Crash According Reports And Solutions Center Control Panel

Mar 29, 2008

What is the specific fault information for this crash according to the Problem Reports and Solutions Center control panel?

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Installation Hangs At "Completing Installation"

Jun 16, 2009

I am trying to clean install Windows Vista Home Premium 32 bit. If you read my other post, I got around the blue screen about page in non paged area. I got the bad ram stick out and got a new one for my computer. (Toshiba Satillite). And I install it and it goes good until completing installation then it hangs.

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Fails To Boot

Apr 8, 2010

When I try to boot windows I get the black Windows Error Recovery screen with the options to Launch Startup Repair or Start Windows Normally. If I select start windows normally the systems quickly restarts and takes me right back to that screen. If I select Startup Repair, I get the blue screen of death, "A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer". Even trying to use the boot options, launching startup repair still gets the blue screen, safe mode still just restarts and takes me back to the beginning. All of this started sometime last night when the computer must have installed updates and then tried to restart itself because I walked out this morning to the blue screen. Any suggestions? I do not have any sort of disk for the computer, its an HP. I am writing this from another computer, as I obviously cannot make the problem computer start at all.

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Fails To Get IP From Router

Jun 18, 2008

I just installed Vista x64 and found it failed to connect to my home network. Diagnostic indicates the Vista is failing to get IP from the router. This did not happen when I installed Vista x86 or XP x86, x64. Other machine running these OSes have no connection problem. What could be wrong with the Vista x64?

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WFS.exe Fails To Start

Apr 1, 2008

Until several months ago, I was able to scan in Vista Ultimate (SP1). Recently, however, when I start WFS.exe, nothing happens at all. I don't see the application in my task list or on the screen.

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Powered USB Hub Fails

May 12, 2009

I have an issue with my current vista installation of Ultimate SP1 x64 and my Hiyatek 7 port powered usb 2.0-hub. I've been looking for similar problem and solutions but so far neither of them have worked.

The problem is that randomly all usb-devices connected to it will fail and to get windows to recognize them again I need to unplug and reconnect the power and/or USB-cable to the hub. (It's quiet the anoyance to do this and watch while vista takes its time to find your newly connected devices as your party in the game is dying from lack of healing)...............

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SP1 Over SP1RC1 Fails

Mar 25, 2008

My attempts at putting the "approved" SP1 over the SP1RC1 (evaluation copy 6001) fails. Tells me already installed although I still have the "Windows Vista T Evaluation Copy. Build 6001" above the clock. System Info tells me I have "Service Pack 1, v.668". If 668 is the proper version, then how do I remove the "evaluation copy message from the desktop -- or how do I flag the system to accept the full SP.

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WMP 11 For XP Install Fails When Run

Apr 3, 2008

I am trying to install Windows Media Player on a Windows Vista Business N machine. The Microsoft site tells me to download WMP 11 for XP but the install fails when run.

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CTRL+C Routinely Fails

May 1, 2008

Ever since I've had vista, CTRL+C routinely fails, and I'm not just imagining this. I don't get it happen once in XP, but in Vista it happens several times a day and is extremely frustrating. The only solution, do it again..."Do it twice incase it didn't work the first time"

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File Search Fails

Apr 5, 2009

Vista Home Premium x64 SP1, HP Pavilion desktop, file search by partial name fails when filename contains numbers, search options to include subfolders and find partial matches both checked

example - 5 text files

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64 Fails To Access Net Share In WXP Pro SP2

Nov 3, 2009

I have a small network with 4 pcs. 1 is Vista 64, two XP Pro and 1 W2K. Peer
to Peer. All machines could see the other machines shares without problem.
The net browser is the W2K machine.

I had to change the chassis of 1 XP Pro box because of heating. everything
was phisically moved to another chassis, no OS change watsoever, nor
component changes. Now, both XPs and the W2K can see shares in each other
normally, as before, and they even can see shares on the Vista box.

But the Vista started behaving in a wierd manner:

Vista to W2K: sees shares normally
Vista to WXP Pro not modified Sees shares normally
Vista to WXP Pro with new chassis: The XP does not recognize the vista User
and Password. I tried as Administrator, as user, changed passwords in both
XP and Vista, created a New user in both machines with and without password,
and still the XP refuses to recognize the Vista credentials.

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Window Update Fails

May 1, 2008

I am using Windows Vista Home Premium 32-Bit. I keep getting Error Code 8007000B downloading windows updates. I tried going to the command prompt, running as an admin and typing in "fsutil resource setautoreset true C:" and reboot but I still cannot download updates.

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Upgre Ult32bit Fails

Jul 27, 2008

MS had a program that asked users of Vista and Xp to allow them to track user's web travels to help improve the OS. I agreed in return for a free copy to upgrade to Ultimate. They sent me both 64bit and 32bit versions. In trying to upgre to Ult32bit, my lappy grts half way through the upgrade and fails with no explanition given. I cintacted MS and found I had to unistall Vista SP1, upgrade and then re=install SP1. I tried this and the upgrade still fails.

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If Windows 7 Fails Who Will Be Responsible For It?

Sep 26, 2009

Quote: There’s no doubting that financially, and that’s the only thing that matters really, Windows Vista was a disaster. Microsoft shareholders must not have been happy. But let’s examine exactly who, at least what groups, were responsible for this failure and ask the question if history can or will repeat.
Windows is a shell, a large one admittedly, but a shell into which third-party companies plug their code. I’d like to take each of these parties and reflect on what they did right and wrong.

Okay so clearly Microsoft had to shoulder a lot of the blame for Vista. They were simply too ambitious with it and when they had to, effectively, dump all the code and start again from scratch half way through the development process everyone knew there was trouble ahead.
Vista was late, nearly two years late and that equates to a big financial penalty. Companies and major corporations pay millions every year to Microsoft in volume licencing and subscription fees. For this they expect a regular development cycle, about every three years. Simply put they didn’t get it. Thus the pressure was on Microsoft to deliver and clearly they panicked and rushed Vista out the door without proper testing.
Hang on a minute! I hear you cry, the beta programme for Windows Vista lasted a year and a half and took in about half a million testers!! You compare that to the beta for Windows 7 that only took six months and had only 5,000 testers.
Windows Vista was an experiment, a version 1.0 product. It was essentially a brand new operating system as Microsoft were trying out new systems. But there was an awful lot of legacy code built into that and the resulting mish-mash made Vista the dog that it was. Source -
If Windows 7 fails who will be responsible for it? | Windows 7 News

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Restore Fails With 0X8007001F

Mar 23, 2008

Restore (system protection) is on to "C" drive. When I try to restore to any previous point, I get message saying that a device attached to the system is not functioning (0X8007001F). What device or system function is not working? The system does make automatic BACKUP POINTS.

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Mail Sending Fails

Mar 23, 2008

I have had a problem for some time sending and replying to emails. I've tried to download the patches but I get a message stating that the software does not apply to my computer. This is the message I get when the send fails:

Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Subject 'Re: A clip from our church service yesterday', Account: 'incoming.verizon.net', Server: 'outgoing.verizon.net',
Protocol: SMTP, Port: 25, Secure(SSL): No, Error Number: 0x800CCC0F

I can sometimes send one message, then I get this when I try to send another. I've contacted my provider and they can't see any problems on their end.

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Laptop Fan Fails To Start

Jan 29, 2010

how to restart my Toshiba laptop fan. It is not blocked up and will spin if I blow on it. It used to run every day but I have not heard it for days now

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