Nvidia 8800GTX Reports Bad Graphics Performance

May 1, 2008

I have just installed Vista 64bit. Ultimate on my computer wich consists of the following......Im running the latest Nvidai drivers for Vista 64bit When running the performance tool the tool reports a score of 1,9 Destop Performance for Windows Aero and 1,0 for 3D business and gaming praghics....???? I have doen all that I can find on this issue, updated my score, deleted the XML files, but no luck. The score is still the same!??

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Graphics Card Performance And Classification

Jun 25, 2008

For those who want to know the performance level of their current GPU, or are looking to upgrade here is a breakdown of the current Cards and capabilities. Note-Desktop Cards are listed beneath the Mobility cards. Benchmark List. Notebookcheck: Mobile Graphics Cards - Benchmark List MOBILITY CARDS

Class 1: High End Graphics Cards - They can be compared with current high end Desktop video cards . The cards contain a similar core, however usually they are minor clocked and therefore somewhat slower. The newest games like Company of Heroes, F.E.A.R., Age of Conan, Race Driver Grid, Call of Duty 4, Mass Effect, Gothic 3, Halo2, Gears Of War, etc., should run fluently with all details in high resolutions. Crysis with Medium/High Details, and Devil May Cry 4 at high ("A"/"S")

» GeForce GTX 280M SLI
» Mobility Radeon HD 4870 X2
» GeForce 9800M GTX SLI
» GeForce GTX 280M
» GeForce 9800M GT SLI
» GeForce 9800M GTS SLI
» Mobility Radeon HD 3870 X2..............

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Nvidia Graphics Drivers Can't Work

Nov 9, 2009

Seen in the capture below, the video card is showing as a 1.0, while I expected at least 5.0...the only place this shows to be a problem is while playing halo 2, the game plays choppy to the point where it is almost unplayable. This is odd however, because it seems to do fine in Dawn of war, DDO, and tribes vengeance. I ran a benching program and the card did fine, fps of 280 something, but vista can't seem to sort itself. We are about to get borderlands for this pc, so we wanted to get this problem fixed first. So far I have installed and reinstalled the newest nvidia graphics drivers, mobo bios, and chipset drivers, and this has me just about stumped. the computer to recognize and use the graphics card? Windows was able to successfully install device driver software, but the driver software encountered a problem when it tried to run. The problem code is 43.

Problem signature
Problem Event Name: PnPDeviceProblemCode
Architecture: x64
Hardware Id: PCIVEN_10DE&DEV_084D&SUBSYS_82E81043&REV_A2
Setup class GUID: {4d36e968-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318}
PnP problem code: 0000002B
Driver name: nvlddmkm.sys.....

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Nvidia Graphics Card On Wrong Partition

Jun 23, 2009

I got a quad core gateway that has a nvidia 9600 graphics card. I upgraded to vista business (or thought i did) and it created a partition (c-1) and put business on there. So now it boots to the partition and I can't use my graphics card there. it only shows up on E.

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Major NVIDIA GeForce: Graphics Become Distorted

Aug 17, 2008

I just now decided to join but I've been looking around the forums for a while now as a guest. Recently I was referred to the website laptopvideo2go.com by these forums. I went there and because I had the old factory installed version 98.15 driver for my NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150, I decided to download one of the newer ones. By the way, I have a HP Pavillion dv6000 laptop. The driver that I chose was 7.15.0011.7770. It installed correctly and everything worked fine except for the fact that whenever I logged on, the screen would flash black and the graphics would become distorted and blurry and my desktop icons would look really magnified. But then, a few seconds later, the black screen would flash again and the graphics would go back to normal and everything would Today, however, the graphics did not revert back to normal. Everything stayed really big and fuzzy. I thought that since the driver that I downloaded from laptopvideo2go.com was not digitally signed, or whatever, that it was the problem. So, I went to the HP website and proceeded to download the original NVIDA update (98.15), that I had previously, for my driver.

It installed like normal until it got halfway in the installation loading bar. Then, my computer suddenly restarted itself and said that Windows did not start correctly and gave me the option to run some repair thing. I did, and it couldn't fix anything. So, I restarted again and got the same thing and went into safe mode and uninstalled my driver. Then, I updated the driver with the same 98.15 update and it worked and told me that I needed to restart. So I did and I got the "Windows did not start correctly" message again and I went into safe mode. The driver had not installed and everything was still big and fuzzy. However, the driver was still deleted. So, I restarted again, got the same message, and went into "Last known good configuration" mode, which I am in now. And, of course, the display is still really big and fuzzy. if you select the start normally option instead of the repair option, it will proceed to load with the Windows loading bar but will do that automatic restart thing before it gets to the Windows Vista logo every time. So, it's like a never-ending loop of restarts. I did some research online and I found out nothing, so I guess that my problem is unique. I'd really like to have my computer's original crystal-clear graphics back, but right now the priority is actually getting it to log on.

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NVidia 8600GT Graphics Card Not Work

May 1, 2008

I have just finished a new build on a GAX48DQ6 mainboard, Q8450 (quad core) 8GB RAM and an Asus version of the 9600GT. Having installed the board drivers and latest NVidia graphics drivers my performance index is 1 - based on the graphics card (everything else is 5.9 except the boot drive which is 5.5). I have re-calculated it about 6 times because I couldn't believe it. Does the performance index not work in Vista 64, this card (with the same version drivers) scores 5.9 in Vista 32. I don't particularly care about the performance index, unless it is indicating a problem.

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Dual Monitor Graphics Card, Performance Poor

May 27, 2008

I have a new computer with Vista Home Premium x64. I used a dual monitor graphics card in my old computer with Windows XP. Took the card out and install it in my new computer and updated the driver. But, performance is poor. For example I can't use Vista Aero. I would like to buy a new, relatively inexpensive dual monitor graphics card which is compatible with Vista premium x64.

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System Freezing Problem AMD Chipset / Nvidia Graphics

Jan 1, 2009

when I installed an 8500GT Nvidia graphics card. The system would run for a little then completly lock up. All I would be left with was an EventID: 6008 in the Event Viewer once I reset. Once I remove the 8500GT and run on the onboard 3200HD drivers all is well. Nothing locks up the system responds fine. I dont think the system is infected with anything as this is a fresh install on a fresh hard drive. Previously the system ran with XP on a different hard drive (120gb, the 320 was storage) and had no trouble with lockups. I'm not sure what the problem could be. Originally, I thought it might be power supply--but after trying a 430watt nothign changed.

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Graphics Card Nvidia Can Not Working Play Games

Oct 17, 2009

I have encountered a new problem. My graphics card is a Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 1792 MB. I keep getting a problem with the screen when I play "trackmania" it's like some of the text and texture is blurry. Weird thing is I don't have any problems with other games like Fallout 3 or Call of duty 4-5 and so on. Those games I play with highest settings and no fuzz with the texture there. Here is a screen from trackmania, look at the blurry text and so on: ScreenShot92.jpg

I have been mixing around with the nvidia control panelt lately and tried a lot of stuff but nothing worked. My current setting is "let the program decide 3D settings"I run vista 64 bit and intel i7 950 with 6GB ram.

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Nvidia 6100 Graphics And Zuma Deluxe Is Enabled

Feb 6, 2009

Setting up a new PC here (eMachines H5270) and installed Zuma Deluxe. The game is playable but the motion becomes quite jerky whenever the on screen action becomes more intense. Also the mouse leaves droppings when Zuma's custom cursors option is enabled. The processor is a 2700Mhz Athlon and the graphics chipset is years newer than the ATI card in the PC this one replaces. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms with Zuma? Is there a way to fix this or am I seeing an incompatibility problem between this game and something in hardware?

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NVidia GTX280 Or GTX285: Next Gen Graphics Cards From ATI Hooked Up In Xfire

Aug 20, 2009

It started out small, the one graphics card, PSU, Plenty of slots to upgrade the motherboard, a decent sound card, an O.Clockable CPU, decent DDR3 Ram, and plenty of space to upgrade. See System Specs. So my Dilemma is this.... I have a Single GTX 280 (cost me $860 AUD {Australian Dollar} when this first came out [btw our exchange rate was pretty close to the US one at the time -right before wall street crashed, so equivalent of $750 US roughly - I know a wrought, aye, and the HD4870X2 comes out a week later, I was furious])

Anyway I have a 790i Ultra SLI motherboard (as we all know can house 3 Nvidia VGA's)
I was tempted to get 2 GTX280's and then a GTX275(to do physx calculations - if you know anything about Tri-SLI this actually is FASTER than 3 GTX280's in a TRI-SLI configuration), GTX 280's arent sold in Australia anymore and GTX 285's are... so do you guys reckon I should upgrade? or wait for DX11 cards to come out, build another system and let my girlfriend use this one (she loves gaming too, arent I a lucky *******)

Im looking into the future..., wait!... I see something... its a... a core i7 975 overclocked to 5.5Ghz stable... the next Gen graphics cards from ATI hooked up in Xfire (which WILL kill Nvidia this round -GPU die shrink, Nvidia are focussing their technology on copying Intel's Larrabee, which doesnt seem to be going too well for them, because its all about chips and Nvidia cant Die-shrink even if we gave them millions to do so)..... Im seeing a 1200 Watt PSU, 2x (2560x1200) monitors, a monitor on the Case, Liquid cooling, 24GB DDR3 2000Mhz, and 2 SSD's in Raid, with others complimenting it... Lastly no Price Tag....

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NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 Graphics Driver As Welcome Center In My Control Panel States, Or Don't I

Mar 23, 2008

My system is "Windows Vist Home Premium AMD turion 64 X2, 960 MB RAM, NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150"... My computer health check always says I need to download the current thing of NVIDIA, which it gives me the link for and says it is an essential download, but then it will not download it, and it will not go away and remains a "critical" pc update needed... which drives me crazy.

My HP Update also scans my computer and recognizes that I need NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 Grapics Driver, but then it will go through downloading the installation package, and then when the setup initiates it says that I do not have the operating system windows vista.

1 Do i have this NVIDIA GeForce Go 6150 Graphics Driver as my welcome center in my control panel states, or don't I?

2 if I don't have it, how do I get it

3 if I do have it, how do I make it stop coming up in my PC Health Check as a critical thing, and stop coming up on my HP Update???

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8800GTX Issue With Vista X64

May 28, 2008

I've been reading this forum and Nvidia's official forum for help on my issue. I am pretty much at wits end after searching for a solution online and finally calling tech support at EVGA and getting nowhere.
My specs are:

CPU: Q6600

RAM: 4 GB (2x2 Patriot Memory)
PSU: 750W Silverstone (SST ST75ZF)
Mobo: Asus P5E
GPU: EVGA 8800GTX 758 MB
Monitor: 3007WFP-HC Dell 30 inch
Heatsink: Zalman CNPS9500
3 Case fans
Vista Ultimate 64 bit SP1

Everything is stock speed, no changes to voltages, etc.

My issue is that I started getting TDR errors (NVIDIA Forums -> NVIDIA Statement on TDR Errors) when playing Bioshock and Assassin's Creed. To try and fix the problem, I installed the 175.16 driver set from Nvidia. I did not uninstall my previous drivers, I just installed 175.16 on top of my previous drivers. Everything seemed to run fine for a week--no TDR issues, games ran smoothly.

Then a few days ago I was playing COD 4 when the game froze and I had to do a hard reset (this had never happened before as COD 4 was a very agreeable game). Ever since then I get TDR errors whenever I play any game. This wouldn't be too big a deal, but now the problem has migrated so that sometimes when I am in Vista I get display issues where the system just freezes up and the current image becomes pixelated even when I am not playing a game!

To rule out other problems, I ran Prime95 to stress test my CPU, Memtest86 to check my memory, and CoreTemp to insure no overheating. I have the latest bios for my mobo, I updated my chipset and so far no issues with any of my HW components...

So I decided to uninstall my Nvidia drivers in safe mode, ran Driver Sweeper in safe mode, until I confirmed that no traces of Nvidia remained on the system. I tried reinstalling 175.16, 169.44, and 169.25 all with no success. The only thing that worked to allow me to get into Vista normal mode without freezing up is going to a restore point where I know I was stable and then uninstalling the drivers with the method above and installing 169.44. However, I don't think my system is fixed because I just got a TDR (nvlddmkm.sys stopped responding) while surfing the net. The only good news is that my system didn't freeze.

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What Card Does Nvidia Make And Maximum Settings Nvidia?

Aug 14, 2008

What Card does Nvidia make(or do they)that will play crysis at all max settings and Max Res at close to 60-100FPS? I have seen a system with an 8800 Ultra SLI and out past the 2000 range res it dropped to around 25fps. What about the new GTX280?

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Firefox: Reports Crash

Sep 16, 2008

Has anyone else been getting random firefox crash reports lately? And when i click restart firefox it wont, it keeps opening the crash report dialog box. I have to reboot the system for firefox to work again. This has happened to me twice in the last 2 days.

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Unable To Run Backup As Reports No Space

Sep 10, 2008

I have an external Seagate 400 Gb drive I use for Backups, using the Vista Ultimate Backup. Have made total backup and then daily backups of files that have altered. All of a sudden the backups are failing despite there being 200 Gb free. It fails at unable to create shadow copy insufficient space.

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SP1 Installation Fails, CheckSUR Reports

Mar 23, 2008

I have Vista Home Premium. I tried to install SP1, but it fails. (several times) Menory checked, files scanned,. I get error code 80073712. It tells me nothing. Update starts after SP1 installation has failed checkSUR and it gives error: (f)Corrupt ManifestCSI0x00000000winsxsManifestsx86_microsoft-windows-network-security_31bf3856ad364e35_6.0.6001.18000_none_cd246fe92a8ad809.manifest Hash: Stored hash does not match file hash. Does this prevent installing SP1? What should I do to correct the manifest or is there something else I can try to get SP1 installed?

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3GB RAM Installed But System Reports 2814MB

Mar 23, 2008

3GB RAM on Vista 32-bit Home Premium and system info is only reporting 2814MB. The motherboard bios is recognizing all 3GB and the memory has tested fine when only 1GB or 2GB is installed on it's own. The memory is all the same - Corsair - same product line and everything. Vista OS is up to date and I am using the latest bios for my motherboard. I will paste the system specs here....

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Reports: Intel To Skip Vista Upgrade

Jul 1, 2008

Following a report Monday on the Inquirer, the New York Times reported Wednesday that Intel's IT department "found no compelling case" for upgrading.

And that's despite the fact that it's been nearly seven years since XP debuted. It's not a good thing, if your customers are electing to stick with 7-year-old technology. (In fairness, XP did get a fairly big update with Windows XP Service Pack 2, but even that is four years old at this point.)

Microsoft, which once predicted businesses would adopt Vista at twice the rate they moved to XP, has scaled back its ambitions and these days talks a lot about how long the adoption curve is for businesses when it comes to new operating systems.

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Checkdisk Hangs Every Time. Disk Reports OK?

Jun 7, 2008

On Vista Home Premium, I've set Chkdsk to run but each time it hangs about three quarters of the way through step 5, at the same cluster each time. I've run the harddisk tests (SMART, surface scan etc) from the computer recovery console and it passes every test OK. If this a physical problem with the drive or a file system one? If it's the latter why can't Chkdsk fix it? It's a new computer should I go through the hassle of returning it to the manufacturer?

P.S. History: it's a brand new Lenovo laptop. When I first switched it on, it gave me that "Vista didn't shut down properly last time" screen, but apart from that everything seemed OK until I got most of the way through all the security updates, cleaning up all the bundled software etc and Windows Update blankly refused to install SP1. I tried a system restore and that told me there was a disk error and to run Chkdsk. Chkdsk refused to run (something about the drive being locked) and in the end I did a factory reset. This is OK in that now all the updates have installed and there are no more errors, but I wanted to double check the disk, so invoked Chkdsk and... see above.

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Windows Security Center Reports AVG Turned Off

Feb 12, 2009

Whenever i log into my pc i get a warning from Windows Security Center sayin that AVG anti virus is turned off, when avg is actually running and the tray icon is showing in the system tray. Ive clicked on turn on now but Windows Security Center keeps comming up when i log in and i cant see whats wrong. Im running windows vista home premium 32-bit and AVG 8 free ...

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Program Registered In Vista Which Can Create Reports And Convert Them Into Different Formats

Jul 2, 2008

A program in vista is needed . Need program registered in vista which can create reports and convert them into different formats.

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Standard VGA Graphics Adapters:Bad Graphics

Jan 1, 2009

When i upgraded my windows xp to vista about 5 days ago it somehow screwed up my computer. My graphics are so bad that i can't play simple games and i know that my graphics card used to work perfectly. I just need to know if it is vista that has changed my graphics card and if it did how can i fix it. Also for Hardware Acceleration, i can not turn it on because i do not have the troubleshoot option in my display settings. My nero will not burn any dvd disc's due to that.

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Windows Explorer Closing: Specific Fault Information For This Crash According Reports And Solutions Center Control Panel

Mar 29, 2008

What is the specific fault information for this crash according to the Problem Reports and Solutions Center control panel?

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Performance Drop

Jan 20, 2010

I've suddenly got a steep proformance drop that makes playing all my games pretty much impossible.

It usually states when I'm playing MW2. I turn on the game and have no performance issues. I enter a game and no performance issues. The game starts and no performance issues. It's only until around 5-10 minutes in that I experience the performance drop. When that happens, I can't do anything except to hope that the performance goes back up again. Reducing the resolution does not help. Changing my graphics card from quality based to proformance based does not help. Increasing my performance vs power saving does not help. I'm not running any other programs that are using up all the space (How would I? you can't even tab out of MW2 while you're playing it). Restarting the computer also does not help.

Worse still, this performance drop also affects everything else randomly as well.
I really don't know what I can do.

This has happened before, but not for this long.

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Performance Indicators And % ?

May 15, 2010

I have just set up my two Vista systems and would like to know what the rest of you get as far as your CPU and RAM% are concerned.

On my small Benq joybook it hovers at 55%cpu and 50%ram.

On my Dragon it hovers at 2%cpu and 55% ram at idle.

Any help and info would be great. Ide like to try and reduce the cpu on the Benq obviously as well as the ram on both machines.

Both machine are quite fresh, not really loaded with software. Running N360 on both machines.

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SP1 Performance Still AWFUL!

Apr 10, 2008

Full backup across my network:

Started 4/10/2008 1:37:55 AM
Scanning 'C:'
Completed 4/10/2008 1:08:27 PM
Folders Compared: 17445; Files Compared: 0; Folders Created: 17445; Files
Copied: 145057 (26576807906 bytes)

Just short of 12 hours. Dreadful...just dreadful!

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Very Slow Performance With 32

Mar 23, 2008

I have a Sony Vaio VGN-FZ11S, with Vista Home 32. The laptop has a Core 2 Duo T7100 @1.8GHz and 2Gb RAM. I run Office 2007, Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, Corel, etc... Sometimes the machine becomes so slow I almost fall asleep (literally!) while waiting for it do perform a simple task such as opening IE or showing a menu or opening an email message. I should add that my PST has 5.6 Gb. I'd like to reduce its size, although I don't think it is the cause of the slow running, but I need to keep many emails... I have talked with Sony and they simply refuse to let their customers downgrade to Xp. So, besides tweaking (which I don't know how to), what can I do to my laptop to avoid these episodes of EXTREMELY slow running?

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Sluggish Performance In 64

Mar 4, 2009

I have been battling a problem with my new build for almost 3 months. My rig:

Gigabyte EP45-UD3R
Core2Quad Q6600
G.Skill DDR2-800 2x2GB
Geforce 6800 GT
PC&P Silencer 500W
WD Black 1 TB
Vista Home Premium 64-bit

My performance is terrible! This is my first experience with vista. My pc runs sluggishly, sims 2 game crashes at startup, my other 2 games (half life 2, left 4 dead) are very choppy and unplayable. Browsing playlist in iTunes with cover art displayed is choppy and slow (unusable, i have to turn the cover art off).

If I take out 1 of my sticks of RAM it seems fine. If i load XP, it seems fine, even with both sticks.

I have ran memtest on my ram, tried my ram in all the slots, ran prime 95 for hours with no errors, ran diagnostics on my hdds, rma'd my motherboard (they returned it saying nothing was wrong with it), purchased a new motherboard (asus p5q), tried 2 other kinds of RAM, updated all of my drivers, reinstalled vista a billion times, and NOTHING has worked.

The only thing left to replace is my cpu and before I go through that hassle, I just want to exhaust the last avenue, since the problem is only evident in vista with all my memory sticks installed.

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Performance Tuning

Aug 1, 2008

I have a 2 FX-74 2 core 64 bit 3Ghz CPUs and 8 GB of ram.
I run Excel 2007 but can only get about 55% CPU utilization.
The main task at hand is to run a spreadsheet over and over again with different data. Each pass is taking 6 min.

I have never seen the system CPU 100% busy. Is there a way to extend the time slices so the threads run longer and do not have to start and stop as much? (cut down the context switching?)

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SP1 Gaming Performance

Mar 23, 2008

Just wondering if anyone has had any issues and/or problems since SP1 was released today.I know it may be too early to tell what with the manufacturers rushing to create drivers that will actually take advantage of the over 550 hotfixes incorperated into SP1, but so far for me at least I have seen at least a 20% increase in overall gaming performance and system response. One main thing I've seen that has not improved is any source games. It seems the source engine is either not a fan of vista, or the 8800 series cards. But as for games such as World of Warcraft and Unreal Tournament III, all seem to have an increase in FPS and load times.If anyone has a positive or negative comments for SP1, please let me know; very curious to see what Microsoft has accomplished/screwed up.

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